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第十一条 【域外证据的证明】当事人向人院提供的证据系在中华人民共和国领域外形成的,该证据应当经所在国公证机关予以证明,并经中华人民共和国驻该国使领馆予以认证,或者履行中华人民共和国与该所在国订立的有关条约中规定的证明手续。
(1) 在国外(域外)形成的一些证据,只需经过驻外使领馆的公证即可具有上的证明力:一是为我国公民发生在驻在国的法律行为进行证明,如证明委托书、遗嘱、继承权、财产赠予、分割、转让等;二是证明发生在驻在国法律意义的事实,如亲属关系、身份财产状况、婚姻状况及出生、死亡等;三是证明当事人在有法律意义上的的签名、印鉴属实、文书的正副本相符、译文与原文相符等。这些证据在国外(域外)形成后,经过我国驻该国的使领馆公证后即可作为证据使用,而不必经过所在国的公证和我国驻该国使领馆的认证程序。
(2) 在与我国没有建立外交关系的国家,中国公民的一些民事事项,如婚姻状况、遗嘱、继承权、亲属关系、财产状况、签名、印鉴、正副本相符、译文与原文相符等,也可参照《民事诉讼法》第五十九条的规定,由当地的爱国华侨团体予以证明。
(3) 一些国家,对公文书不是采用公证的形式,而是由外交部或外交部授权机构认证,我国使领馆再予以认证。
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作者:系统管理员 来源: 发布时间: [] 点击数: 50
Fuel to be used is first transferred from storage tanks to a settling tank in which it is heated to allow some water and sludge to settle out by gravity and be drained off. The fuel is then passed through the purification system and discharged to a daily tank. There are usually two daily tanks, used alternately,one
in use while the other is being recharged. Settling and service tanks are lagged to conserve heat.
A recommended standard of treatment for residual fuel to be used in a large engine requires two centrifuges of adequate capacity, operating in series. The first acts as a purifier to remove water, solubles, sludge etc while the second acts as a clarifier to remove solids. The purifier must be fitted with the correct disc or dam to match the oil density. The oil is heated before purification (max.temp.98℃) and the rate of throughput is limited to assist efficient separation. Both centrifuges must be cleaned frequently. Such systems can operate effectively on oils of densities up to 0.99. From the service tanks the treated oil is pumped through a pressurized fuel system to the engine. With the oil temperatures necessary for high viscosity fuel, and the possibility that a trace of water may still be present, it is necessary to maintain the engine pump suctions and circulating connections under pressure to inhibit boiling, gasification and capitation. 1. Which is the correct order for the residual oil transfer_____. A.
double bottom tank-settling tank-purifier-clarifier-daily tank-engine B.
storage tank-settling tank-centrifuges-daily tank-engine C.
storage tank-centrifuges-settling tank-daily tank-engine
tank-purifier-clarifier-daily tank-engine double bottom 注:这道题目是逻辑顺序题,那些专业内容可以出这类题目呢?比如说燃油系统,滑油系统,冷却水系统,启动空气系统等,解答这类题目的关键是抓住一些关键词,比如first, second, then ,before, after等。根据文章第一段可看出,渣油输送的正确顺序是:储存柜—沉淀柜—分离系统—日用柜—柴油机,这里的purification system 具体指的是centrifuge,故选B。可能会有学生选第一个选项,根据下面的系统图,第一个***确实对,但是是对HFO 处理,所以做题还必须遵循一个原则:忠实原文。 2.
A dam should be choosed according to the ______of the oil being treated. A.
density C.
pressure D.
viscosity 注:这道题目是道细节题,细节题解答的方式就是定位法,根据文章第二段第3-4行红色部分可看出,这里的disc or dam指的就是比重环,根据要处理的油的密度来选择比重环,故选B。其实有一定专业知识的同学可以知道分油机最重要就是比重环的选择,它将直接影响了油水分界面的位置。分油机的工作原理就是根据油水密度不同,油轻水重。 3.
The second centrifuge is used to remove______. A.
water B.solubles C.
solid particles 注:这是道细节题,根据文章第二段第1-3行蓝色部分可看出,串联工作的第二台分油机是用来分离固体杂质的,故选D。如果有一定专业知识,也知道分油机主要是针对油水的分离,分杂机主要是分离固体杂质。 4.
The engine oil pump suction is maintained at a pressure in order to _____. A.
prevent oil from boiling B.main a good suction
inhibit cavitation D.
all of the above 注:根据文章第三段第3 -4行紫色部分可看出,柴油机油泵吸口保持一定的压力是为了保持良好的吸人性能,防止燃油沸腾和气蚀,故选D。
In a closed fresh water system, the engine jackets, the heat exchanger and the circulating
pumps form a continuous circuit which is not open to the atmosphere. The cylinder jacket cooling water after leaving the engine passes to a sea water circulating cooler-heat exchanger-and then into the jacket water circulating pumps. It is then pumped around the cylinder jackets, cylinder heads, exhaust valves and turbo-blowers. However, provision has to be made for the expansion of the water due to the increase in temperature and due to small amounts of air which may enter the system and become entrained and for water make-up due to leakages. These are met by a small head tank which is open to the atmosphere and placed at a higher level than any other point in the system so that the small changes in volume can be accommodated by changing the level of the free surface of the water in the tank.
The head tank is generally connected into the system at the pump suction, as this minimizes the chance of air being draw into the system at the pump. The minimum height of the head tank may be based on maintaining pressure of fresh water in the heat exchanger above that of the seawater to ensure that in the event of a small internal leak developing seawater cannot enter the fresh water system. Alternatively, it may be based on the need for a minimum pressure to be maintained within the jackets to avoid cavitation effects.
The closed systems usually need vents if steam pockets or air locks are not to cause trouble. Vent pipes of small-bore tube are lead from any local high point in the system to the top of the head tank for the release of air from the cooling water. A heater in the circuit facilitates warming of the engine prior to starting by circulating hot water.
The temperature of the water entering the engine jackets is regulated by means of a by-pass across the jacket water cooler. The proportions of water passing through the cooler, or bypassing it are controlled by a three-way valve. The temperature is usually adjusted to maintain a constant outlet water temperature from the engine regardless of the load or speed or the temperature of the seawater.
The piston cooling system may be an open system which employs similar components with the closed system, except that a drain tank is used in stead of a head tank and the vents are then led to a hopper or tundish at the high point in the machinery space. The hopper serves as a visual flow indicator. A separate piston cooling system is used to limit any contamination from piston cooling glands to the piston cooling system only.
1. The loop of the jacket cooling water is ________.
A. engine →heat exchanger →circulating pumps
B. heat exchanger →engine →circulating pumps →heat exchanger
C. circulating pumps →heat exchanger →engine →circulating pumps
D. circulating pumps →engine
→heat exchanger →circulating pumps 注:这道题目是逻辑顺序题,解答这类题目的关键是抓住一些关键词,比如在第一段连续出现了 after, then, then ,此题可以判断先后顺序,并且根据下面的系统图,也可以一目了然的看出来。
2. A small head tank is provided in the closed jacket cooling water system for _____.
A. water expansion
B. water make-up
C. warming of the engine
D. A + B 根据文章中第一段第四、五句得知,这就是head tank的作用,其实head tank的作用很明显,补水,膨胀,放气。
3. The head tank is connected to the closed circuit at _______.
A. engine inlet
B. pumps inlet
C. heat exchanger inlet
D. engine outlet
这是道细节题,根据文章中第二段第一句得知,在pump suction处连接,B选项就是pump suction的同义词。有一定专业知识的同学可以从下面看出,打红色的粗线很清晰地阐明了head tank 与泵的吸入口相连。
4. The jacket water temperature is regulated to maintain a constant temperature of ________.
A. engine inlet
B. pumps inlet
C. heat exchanger inlet
D. engine outlet 这是道细节题,根据文章中最后一段最后一句话得知,调节时为了保持出水口的温度在80℃左右,题干的前半部分和此句是重叠的,adjust和regulate就是同义词。


