可以把the guardiann Angels 任...

&&&&& 《侠盗飞车4》罪恶都市任务攻略之二:支流任务&&(与正常通关没有关系,但涉及到100%任务完成度)&
&&&& (1)***任务(Phone Missions)&
&&&& *Road Kill*在pizza小子送完货前杀死他报酬:500
&&&& * Waste The Wife*开车到指定地点,当你主妇出来并启动车后,于其后追击并将车撞毁至爆炸然后弃车脱身,让一切发生的象一场汽车肇事。(只能如此,并且你要离现场足够远)报酬:2000
&&&& * Autocide*9分钟内,杀死指定的几个人。第一个人在头顶的广告牌上工作,所以你要仰视狙击第二个人在街角的保安车中坐着,保持一定的距离(太近会被发现)狙击。第三和第四人在街角的车中,保持一定的距离狙击,嫌麻烦的话,用火箭筒一击毙命(最好先击毙司机,另一人有武器)第五个人在桥边的游艇上,狙击第六个人在街上骑着摩托车,冲过去撞击。由于有限时,所以前四组一定要狙击毙命,让他们发现逃跑的话,你就有得追了。报酬:4000
&&&& * Check out at the check in*先行跟踪,保持不被发现,当雷达上的标志消失后,射杀和女人讲话的男人(手持文件箱)上去夺过箱子后开车将文件送至郊区的武器店(中途会有敌人截杀,作好换车的准备)。报酬:8000
&&&& * Loose Ends*乘直升机到交易进行处,尽可能用狙击步?***射杀所有在场黑帮,后夺取文件箱,飞往飞机场停机坪。报酬:16000&
&&&& (2).特技跳跃任务(Unique Jumps)&
&&&&& 游戏中有36处供你驾驶摩托车展示特技跳跃,并且有精彩的多角度慢动作。摩托车一定要高速的,首选PCJ-600第一个集中地点:起始宾馆附近(7处)
&&&& 01)路边靠墙的一处木板,从草地方向跳跃
&&&& 02)《Guardian Angels》任务处的楼梯
&&&& 03)同上任务处的斜后方的楼梯
&&&& 04)沿胡同向前,离此不远的一处楼梯
&&&& 05)再向前的木箱,冲向它并落到胡同的中间(不是屋顶)
&&&& 06)再向前,冲向另一个箱子,以求落到街对面的屋顶
&&&& 07)T型停车场南向斜坡
&&&& 第二处集中地点:夜总会附近(4处)
&&&& 08)西向,跳跃水泥台,飞跃河
&&&& 09)南向,跳跃另一处水泥台,飞跃桥
&&&& 10)从上面的桥来到通往Starfish Island的桥,找到土丘,飞跃河
&&&& 11)飞跃后,找到附近一处水泥台,飞跃河
&&&& 第三处集中地:OCEAN BEACH(3处)
&&&& 12)一处没有窗户的工地,到三层北向跳跃
&&&& 13)一处白色底柱的建筑,南向跳跃楼梯,到对面屋顶
&&&& 14)继续跳跃南向小楼梯,飞跃街道
&&&& 第四处集中地:Washington Mall停车场(2处)
&&&& 15)到顶层东向飞跃到对面建筑
&&&& 16)在该建筑上有一排通风口,从最左边的飞跃到下一建筑
&&&& 第五处集中地:北边的码头(2处)
&&&& 17)在第一处泊位间作飞跃
&&&& 18)在另一处泊位间作飞跃
&&&& 第六处集中地:Starfish Island(1处)
&&&& 19)一处橘***房屋侧面的小楼梯
&&&& 第七处集中地:Prawn Island(1处)
&&&& 20)一处白色阶梯,再连跃紧接着的陡坡后,到一屋顶,通过屋顶陡坡,飞跃电影 厂的门
&&&& 第八处集中地:飞机场(8处)
&&&& 21)&VC Surf 3D& 广告牌的南向陡坡,可跃至机场屋顶
&&&& 22)主建筑内东向机动车坡路,跃至VC Transport大厦顶
&&&& 23)再向南有一长陡坡,可跃至大街上
&&&& 24)机场东向引桥的附近的机动车坡路,作西向跳跃
&&&& 25)机场西向引桥,作西向跳跃
&&&& 26)接上一个动作后,发现另一条东向机动车坡路
&&&& 27)引桥附近找到一红色雷达,东向是机动车坡路,借雷达飞跃屋顶
&&&& 28)西向冲向一黄黑标志物,飞跃雷达屋顶(不是雷达)
&&&& 第九处集中地:Little Haiti and Havana(4处)
&&&& 29)计程车公司东向斜坡
&&&& 30)计程车公司南向报废公车附近的斜坡,飞跃公车
&&&& 31)公车附近有下水道管,找到飞跃管道的斜坡
&&&& 32)Cuban's caf&向南,找到在雷达上显示为+的胡同,选择最南的一个作连续跳跃
&&&& 第十处集中地:〈Hog Tied〉任务(1处)
&&&& 33)任务中的陡坡
&&&& 第十一处集中地:〈G-Spotlight〉任务(3处)
&&&& 34)任务中第一个飞跃(打破玻璃那个)
&&&& 35)任务中从医院楼顶的陡坡飞跃至Secondhand Circuitry shop
&&&& 36)任务中最后一个飞跃(至探照灯)报酬:每次正确的跳跃+100,全部动作完成,报酬:1000000&
&&&& (3).体育馆赛车任务(Hyman Memoяial Stadium Races)体育馆每晚20:00点开门,举行车赛,胜利有奖金获得。
&&&& 以下为相关比赛介绍:
&&&& *Bloodяing*驾驶Bloodяing Banger穿越足够多的目标点(每过一点有加秒奖励),
&&&& 以凑足到一分钟为限。中途会有其它车围追堵截,车毁或时间为零则失败,不要恋战。报酬:1000 每撞毁一辆车+100
&&&& 你的车开在上面。报酬:50000 (5分钟内完成) 10000 (5-10分钟内完成) 5000 (超过10分钟完成)
&&&& *Hotяing*驾驶Hotяing Racer穿越目标点跑12圈报酬:5000 (第一名) 1500 (第二名) 500 (第三名)&
&&&& (4).隐藏包裹(Hidden Packages)和GTA3一样,本游戏也有100个隐藏的包裹等待你去寻找,对应不同的数目,奖励如下:
&&&& 10个----防弹衣20个----电锯30个----PYTHON40个----***50个----镭射狙?击***60个----机?***70个----火箭筒(以上出现在豪宅和起始宾馆门口)80个----水上直升机(在你的豪宅的顶层停机坪)90个----坦克(空军基地中)100个---100000+阿帕奇(空军基地中)
&& (5)街头暴力任务(Rampages)&
&&&& 当你看到有一个中间有骨头(更象是眼镜或录音磁带的标志)标志的粉红色转动的光盘时,走过去,你就会接到街头暴力任务。这种任务都是让你限时2分钟内用各种武器杀一定数量的人或毁坏一定数量的车,
&&&& 第一次完成,报酬是 50 再完成的话,在前一次的基础上 +50以下,列出所有的标志地点,计35个:
&&&& 东岛任务:
&&&& 01)***Kill 30 Gang Members in 2 Minutes with Molotov Cocktails***
&&&& 地点:Ocean View Hotel处向南走,找到指向灯塔的车道,沿着该路走,到草丛附近会发现标志
&&&& 02)***Run Over and Kill 30 Gang Members in 2 Minutes***
&&&& 地点:来到Ocean Beach海滩,在主海滩和灯塔之间有标志
&&&& 03)***Destroy 10 Vehicles in 2 Minutes with the Rocket Launcher***
&&&& 地点:到在游戏开始时曾经去参加聚会的游艇码头,在另一个门处找到一艘船离港后往南找一排茅屋,在一个没顶的茅屋里有标志
&&&& 04)***Kill 25 Gang Members in 2 Minutes with the Shotgun***
&&&& 地点:Washington Mall的屋顶
&&&& 05)***Kill 10 Gang Members in 2 Minutes with a Katana***
&&&& 地点:从hospital in Washington南向沿路至第一个左转后,有一排建筑,在第个建筑物,两座房屋之间的树后有标志
&&&& 06***Kill 20 Gang Members in 2 Minutes with a Chainsaw***
&&&& 地点:同上区域,找到&TO LET&字样的门,附近有标志
&&&& 07)***Kill 25 Gang Members in 2 Minutes with a PSG-1***
&&&& 地点:自Ocean View Hotel向南走第一个路口右转直走到路的尽头,找到一个长着植物的汽车修理厂,开车到屋顶后经过坡路到下一层屋顶,在一个角落里有标志
&&&& 08)***Kill 25 Gang Members in 2 Minutes with the M4***
&&&& 地点:从医院朝南方向经过第一个路口右转后沿路直行,找到右边两栋带楼梯的楼,上到第二座楼,右边的墙上有标志,想办法爬上去
&&&& 09)***Kill 25 Gang Members in 2 Minutes with an MP5***
&&&& 地点:从Starfish Island出发,上large east island的桥,下桥后,上右边的坡路,进到一个有水池和酒店的区域,找到有水池围绕的矩形建筑,正门东向有标志
&&&& 10)***Kill 30 Gang Members in 2 Minutes with the SPAS-12***
&&&& 地点:自Ocean View Hotel向南行,当路不再朝南,而改向西时下车,找到一酒店,面向海滩方向,在酒店的墙和草丛间,有一个标志
&&&& 11)***Kill 10 Gang Members in 2 Minutes with the PSG-1***
&&&& 地点:上述酒店的后面,越过低围墙,找到有干涸泳池的区域,在跳水板找到标志
&&&& 12)***Dяive-by and Waste 35 Gang Members in 2 Minutes with an Uzi***
&&&& 地点:Starfish Island东向下桥后,第一个路口左转,朝北走到路的尽头,靠近水的附近找到标志
&&&& 13)***Kill 20 Gang Members in 2 Minutes with a Chainsaw***
&&&& 地点:east island连接Leaf Links的桥附近,右边墙的豁口处可抵达海边泊位,泊位边, 靠近桥的方向,找到标志
&&&& 14)***Kill 30 Gang Members in 2 Minutes with a Rocket Launcher***
&&&& 地点:North Point Mall,进入商场2楼有植物的区域,找到标志
&&&& 15)****Kill 35 Gang Members in 2 Minutes with an M4***
&&&& 地点:North Point Mall,商场东门外,一堵矮墙后找到目标
&&&& 16)***Kill 25 Gang Members in 2 Minutes with a Python***
&&&& 地点:North Point Mall和海滩间的建筑中,找一个黄白门前有楼梯的矮建筑,建筑物的后身,海滩方向,找到标志
&&&& 17)***Dяive-by and Waste 30 Gang Members in 2 Minutes with an Uzi***
&&&& 地点:North Point Mall再往北的建筑物后身,走上坡路,找到标志
&&&& 18)***Destroy 15 Vehicles in 2 Minutes with an RPG***
地点:Starfish Island背向西的方向的桥,下桥后,上南向的路,至有建筑物挡住路之前的路边,有兰色的装有纸箱的船,通过坡路,上到船上,在纸箱间找到标志
&&&& 19)***Kill 35 Gang Members in 2 Minutes with Grenades***
&&&& 地点:连接两个大岛的南桥,自西登桥至下桥,转南向至第一个右转弯,左边是一个桔红色的酒店,走过去,在泳池和草地间,找到标志
&&&& Starfish Island任务
&&&& 20)***Run Over and Kill 35 Gang Members in 2 Minutes***
&&&& 地点:Starfish Island干路西向行驶至桥前最后一个右转弯边上的房屋的院子里,找到标志(需要跳过围栏)
&&&& 机场任务:
&&&& 21)*** Destroy 12 Vehicles in 2 Minutes with the RPG***
&&&& 地点:驾机到机场楼顶,四处看,会在朝向屋顶边缘附近发现标志
&&&& 22)***Kill 25 Gang Members in 2 Minutes with the SPAS-12***
&&&& 地点:机场内一楼靠近后部的一面墙和窗户间发现标志
&&&& 23)*** Destroy 15 Vehicles in 2 Minutes with the Minigun***
&&&& 地点:Baxter Air Force Base空军基地(机场后面),基地围墙外的草地上发现标志西岛任务:
&&&& 24)***Kill 20 Gang Members in 2 Minutes with a Ruger***
&&&& 地点:自Starfish Island上朝西的桥,下桥转南沿路在第一个路口右转沿路向西到尽头找到有红色遮阳篷的建筑,有楼梯通到屋顶,上去发现标志
&&&& 25)***Gun Down 20 Gang Members in 2 Minutes with a Sniper яifle***
&&&& 地点:乘飞机飞往连接Starfish Island和large West Island的桥,桥边的建筑屋顶有标志&
&&&& 26)***Kill 10 Gang Members in 2 Minutes with a Katana***
&&&& 地点:离上述建筑不远,&El Corrupto BANKo Grande&银行的后身的开阔区域,用飞机可找到标志
&&&& 27)***Kill 25 Gang Members in 2 Minutes with the Shotgun***
&&&& 地点:Little Havana中心地带一片粉红色的房屋,其中有3个篮球场,可以发现标志
&&&& 28)***Kill 30 Gang Members in 2 Minutes with the Tec-9***
&&&& 地点:印钞厂附近的木制围栏后面有一处场地,在场地北面房屋的后面,找到标志
&&&& 29)***Kill 35 Gang Members in 2 Minutes with a SPAS-12***
&&&& 地点:沿印钞厂西面的路朝北走找到&Welcome to hell&字样的告示牌,告示牌前的胡同通往海边,胡同尽头的房屋后面,找到标志
&&&& 30)***Kill 30 Gang Members in 2 Minutes with the M60***
&&&& 地点:从Starfish Island西向下桥,沿路往北,一路是棕榈树,找到Moist Palms Hotel,门前有大水池,到停车场附近,酒店的路边,可发现标志
&&&& 31)***Dяive-by and Waste 35 Gang Members in 2 Minutes with an Uzi***
&&&& 地点:Well Stacked Pizza shop(匹萨店),进左边胡同,尽头左转,可发现标志
&&&& 32)***Kill 25 Gang Members in 2 Minutes with a Python***
&&&& 地点:武器商店附近的一处侧面有阶梯通到屋顶的建筑,阶梯顶部有标志
&&&& 33)***Kill 40 Gang Members in 2 Minutes with Molotov Cocktails***
&&&& 地点:自Prawn Island西面桥,下桥右侧一建筑,有楼梯通往门,上楼梯可找到标志
&&&& 34)***Kill 30 Gang Members in 2 Minutes with a Minigun***
&&&& 地点:离上述位置不远有一处门前有个古怪的雕塑,过去找到标志
&&&& 35)***Kill 30 Gang Members in 2 Minutes with a Flamethrower***
&&&& 地点:Hyman Memoяial Stadium北面有两个直升机停机坪,楼梯附近可以找到标志&
&&&& *** 警车/坦克/阿帕奇(Brown Thunder )***
&&&& 达到Vigilante Level 12 ,防弹衣上限到150。
&&&& ***救护车(Paramedic Mission )***
&&&& 达到Paramedic Level 12 ,可无限快速奔跑
&&&& ***卖匹萨(Pizza Delivery )***
&&&& 达到Pizza Boy Level 10 ,主角生命值上限到150
&&&& ***救火车(Firefighter Mission)***
&&&& 达到Firefighter Level 12 ,主角可防火
&&&& ***计程车(Taxi Mission)***
&&&& 达到100个顾客,计程车马力提升(可能变成涡轮增压的了)
&&&& ***直升机(Chopper Checkpoint) ***
&&&& 和海上赛艇一样,用直升机限时穿越标志,地图上共有4处,每次报酬:100
&&&& 直升飞机地点如下:第一处:Ocean Beach区域在你完成下述PCJ Playground任务的终点位置,一处粉红顶建筑的楼顶。第二处:Little Haiti区域一处建筑的楼顶第三处:在Vice Point区域在Collars And Cuffs和喷漆处附近的停车场,到顶层做跳跃至停放的屋顶第四处:Downtown完成G Spotlight任务时起始建筑的附近,一个院子中,上两层台阶就是
&&&& ***摩托车(PCJ Playground)***
用PCJ600摩托车限时穿越标志,每次最好成绩 报酬:1000
&&&& PCJ600的位置:东岛警?察局附近,可以找到一辆停放的PCJ600,上去可以开始
&&&& ***Stallion(Cone Crazy)***
&&&& 驾驶Stallion限时穿越标志,但不能撞到锥体,报酬:100
&&&& 地点:Ocean Beach 一处汽车修理厂,有螺旋车道通到顶层,可找到Stallion
&&&& ***遥控玩具(RC Checkpoints)***
&&&& *纵遥控玩具限时穿越标志,报酬:100
&&&& 这个任务首先要找到TOP FUN 车,3台
&&&& 地点1:OCEAN BEACH 海边dirt bike track处,*纵遥控车
&&&& 地点2:North Point Mall附近大型停车厂的顶层,*纵遥控飞机
&&&& 地点3:机场附近某处,*纵遥控直升机
&&&& ***摩托车(Tяial By Dirt)***
&&&& 到dirt bike track ,限时穿越标志,还伴随***战,报酬:100&
40人推荐51人推荐61人推荐71人推荐83人推荐91人推荐101人推荐Posted on February 25, 2016
To begin with, my CT scan was good - my tumors are shrinking from the FOLFIRI + Avastin chemotherapy I am currently taking!
I have had a 4 week break - the side effects go away after 3 weeks, so I even recently snuck in a 10k run! I will be continuing to take chemo biweekly for now.
But that is a battle win (which I am very happy for!!) - for today’s post I wanted to focus on an update on my attempts to try to win the war.
I’m excited to finally be able to share an update on my personal cancer research project!
I wrote a post almost exactly one year ago back on March 11, 2015 entitled “A SCIENTIFIC GUARDIAN ANGEL APPEARS”.
To refresh your memory, I recommend you re-read it.
Note that the new post title is now pluralized - it has been a very busy 12 months!
A New Low Point
In a nutshell, February, 2015 was my low point in terms of Scientific Hope for my own treatment.
I know… that sounds very out of character for me but especially for the newer readers of the blog, what happened?
Melanoma happened.
Right in the middle of treatment for my Stage IV colorectal cancer (CRC), I was blindsided with a surprise Stage I melanoma diagnosis for which I underwent wide-excision surgery last February.
Even though I was told I had a 98% chance of melanoma cure from this surgery, as discussed in my post “SCH?PFERISCHE ZERST?RUNG” this really complicated my CRC treatment plan.
Why? My treatment plan had included the planned use of clinical trials as much as possible. But….. Many (most?) clinical trials exclude patients who have been diagnosed with more than one type of cancer within the previous 3-5 years.
I would be forced to attempt “Compassionate Use” exemption situations which are far from guaranteed…
Last February I was minutes away from signing the paperwork for my first immunotherapy clinical trial when the paper was literally taken out of my hand.
The possibility of the entire cutting-edge science clinical trial path that I had been carefully strategizing evaporated in front of me in the blink of an eye.
As a scientist I think this hit me harder than my original diagnosis.
Because I felt it take away my science.
I felt it take away my scientific Hope. I honestly think I am cured of my melanoma (and all monitoring data since then supports that belief) but 3-5 years is a long time period in a Stage IV CRC patient’s life…
I found the irony of being a scientist who had been a co-inventor member of the team that discovered a FDA-approved cancer drug - now being excluded from cancer clinical trials for himself - was an incredibly cruel twist of fate.
A Scientific Guardian Angel Appears
Then… in a perfectly timed “coincidence” just a few short weeks later, “A SCIENTIFIC GUARDIAN ANGEL APPEARS” happened.
Even 12 months later I am still blown away by it.
It brought back (major) scientific Hope into my personal treatment plan life!
It was potentially a way to access cutting edge science without relying on clinical trials blocked to me by my melanoma.
Since then, I have provided vague mentions of a research project going on “in the background”.
For various reasons I was not able to publicly talk about it - but I can now start to give some information on the exciting things that have been going on!
What has been going on for the past 12 months?
A lot of data generation - very extensive profiling of my entire genome, my original primary tumor, as well as extensive profiling of a metastatic lung tumor and blood biopsies to monitor tumor evolution.
OK - You have been doing a lot of profiling… Great… But what can you use all that data for???
Even though I haven’t specifically talked about the project until now, I have made generalized comments about some of its components over the past year. Why? Because the research project data being generated could in theory be used for apotentially curative immunotherapy and I wanted to share what I honestly believe may become key components of cancer therapy in future years.
As a scientist-advocate, I am especially excited that the research being done on me could hopefully be used to push the ball towards that goal line for other CRC patients as well!
Is there a clinical trial at this point? NO.
What we have been doing is collecting a lot of data that we hope can facilitate a clinical trial in the future.
My collaborators/research team at Human Longevity Inc. (I love the sound of that name by the way!) in collaboration with my clinical team at UCSD-Moores Cancer Center have been busy collecting and doing extensive profiling of my tumors and comparing them to normal tissues.
After determining my personal tumor mutanome (I have 127 mutations if you want to keep count at home!) - they have been busy determining which mutations are “immunogenic” i.e. which ones are seen by/activate my immune system.
The goal is for this huge data set to facilitate a future fully personalized immunotherapy.
This basic concept is at the absolute cutting edge of oncology science and I wrote about it recently in my post “THE CURRENTLY INCURABLE SCIENTIST: YOUR OWN PERSONAL IMMUNOTHERAPY”.
I am a firm believer that personalized immunotherapy, as a treatment component, is currently the absolute best shot I have at a potentially curative treatment.
We are doing everything possible to line me up to take that homerun swing for apotential cure. Yes, you heard me right… a potential cure. I also believe that the research being done has the potential to help the rest of the CRC community.
Although I highly recommend you read the above link, knowing that some will not, here are the concepts of a potential clinical trial in a nutshell.
Use a personalized immunotherapy to “teach” my immune system to recognize my tumors as something dangerous that needs to be attacked/removed.
Add in immune stimulant immunotherapy(ies) to help the immune system do this job.
Fig 3b from Kreiter S. et al. Nature. 520(7549), 692-6 (2015). Used with permission.
So far my scientific Hope is based on linking together a few pieces of evidence - as you see, all are very recent publications - we are working at the absolute cutting edge of science:
A paper in the top journal Nature last year showed the power of personalized vaccines in mouse models of colon cancer, even in the absence of immune stimulants. Pasted above is a Figure from this paper ( “Pentatope” = “the vaccine”) showing the immune system attacking the cancer in the mouse model of CRC vs. uncontrolled growth.
Also shown is the dramaticimpact on CRC lung metastases in this mouse model, in the absence/presence of the vaccine (hint: the lung covered in nasty metastases knobs is the one that didn’t get the vaccine!).
Once again with no added stimulants or drugs - just the therapeutic vaccine.
Of course, mouse models do not necessarily translate into similar human activity but this is very exciting preclinical data none-the-less that Ihope eventually translates into clinical efficacy!
A paper in the top journal Science also last year showed clear positive impacts on the immune system in melanoma patients receiving personalized vaccines - showing at least on that level, translation into clinical efficacy.
Another paper in Science from last Fall showed that in the vast majority of GI-cancer & CRC biopsies, there are tumor specific immune cells, showing that tumor mutations in GI-Cancers are “immunogenic” and able to be seen by the immune system - the immune system just needs some help to see them better & some help to do its job!
There have been preliminary indications of clinical efficacy in a MSS-CRC patient receiving personalized immune cell therapy presented at the CRI-CIMT-EATI-AACR Immunotherapy conference last Fall, once again showing the potential translation of personalized immunotherapies into CRC clinical efficacy.
The Greatest Research Project of My Entire Life: Going for the Cure
There are no guarantees in life and especially in cutting edge science no one can tell the future, but once again you heard me right, we are setting up this data to facilitate hopefully going for a cure.
I couldn’t ask for a better team of scientists working on my case.
The lead immunologist is world-renowned in his field and the rest of the scientists are also all amazing.
Human Longevity’s co-founder is Craig Venter who was instrumental in the successful decoding of the human genome (!)
It gives me goosebumps to think that this is the group working on my case.
Why am I talking about this now?
A couple of reasons - Human Longevity recently publicly announced they are working on therapeutic cancer vaccine research and a public scientific talk on their methodology (with me giving public comments immediately afterwards as a “patient-scientist” they are working with) occurred earlier today at the “Moores Cancer Center 12th Industry/Academia Translational Oncology Symposium”.
The details of the personalized therapy being contemplated will have to wait for another future post - something to look forward to (I am! ).
As of right now, suffice it to say - I am beyond excited at the possibilities and being a part of such cutting edge research! As I said, not only for myself but also for the potential to help the rest of the CRC community through the research being done on my case!
One Door Closes and Another One Appears
Although generating data to facilitate an eventual attempt at a cure is the main focus of this update post - another focus is a more general concept.
That of - “One door closes and another one appears”.
Unfortunately in cancer life, you are hit with bad news.
It can be medical, it can be in your personal life… but at the root, various bad things hit you that one way or another were caused by the cancer.
It just happens and when it does… you learn to just roll with the punches… regroup and reload.
I think truly valuing every minute you are on this Earth and rolling with the punches are the two HUGE life lessons that I and many Stage IV cancer patients learn. These are good life lessons.
The reason behind being taught them is bad but learning them is a good benefit - because I think both do enrich and help you in Life.
When melanoma closed doors on standard clinical trials for me I hit a low, days later another door appeared with the arrival of a Scientific Guardian Angel setting off a chain of events leading to the current personalized immunotherapy project.
Something more cutting edge & better than the trial I had been blocked from joining!
When I attempted to get into the cutting edge NIH TIL personalized immunotherapy clinical trial last Fall and that door was closed to me I hit another low, days later another door appeared when I met a very important new clinical collaborator who has been key to the current personalized immunotherapy research project.
New doors of some kind (physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual) can sometimes appear in life when one closes on you. In both cases above, I saw a new door appear and I grabbed that door and tried to push it open as hard as I could.
Sometimes you need to do that, doors may appear but not necessarily already open. I am incrediblygrateful for the scientific opportunities I have been given.
But science aside, to me that is the essence of Hope.
Believing in your heart that no matter how bad things look at a given moment - there may be a new door, of some type, appearing before you, ready to be opened.
Maybe not a door you specifically asked for or ever envisioned (I never envisioned my current project!) but a door leading to something positive none the less.
We can’t chose the exact path that Life leads us, and Life will include both good and bad events - but the bad events pass and some sort of good will find a way to return.
I have Faith in that.
I have Hope. I am firmly Terminally Optimistic.
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