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Pokemon Pearl Q&A&[
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Pokemon Pearl Question and Answers :
How To USe POkemon pearl and how To Play Run NO$gba
When I Always Open no$gba And Open POkemon pearl The Result Is: The Save Data Could Not Be Accessed
Please Turn the Power off and reinsert the ds game card.
Plz Help Me Even I Tried Diamond platinuim. It Always result Like Dis Plz Help
Posted: mar 30,
um mabye your ds card insert place is really dusty or your ds is just broken where did you
buy your game and ds at?
Posted: jun 02,
&& I've got the same problem, i dont know how to start it, so i just keep searching another
no$gba or ask someone for a save file, maybe it works after you have the save file.
Posted: jul 04,


