3.2 用 clearfont 7.0

ClearFont - A World of Warcraft AddOn
ClearFont 2
Latest News
for the latest code changes.
My current main base of operations is .
16th October 2009
What's going on with ClearFont?
ClearFont is dead! Long live ClearFont!
You may have noticed the lack of updates and the removal of ClearFont from the various download websites.
Unfortunately I just didn't have enough time to deal with the upkeep on the addon! :(
So what now?
However, I know replacements exist! Personally, I use , which stays true to the original, simple vision.
I recommend it especially for those who previously used ClearFont and/or are partially sighted.
Other font addons available include , , and .
Meanwhile general discussion about ClearFont has continued on .
Check it out for recent news :) If people wish to do more work on CF, do let me know, I'd be interested to find out.
And where have you run off to?
You can still find me on , and I now work for , WoWWiki's owner.
I hope everyone is continuing to enjoy WoW! I know I am, even after 4½ years!
29th April 2007
ClearFont2 & Ace2 help
I know that some people have been having problems with other Ace addons 'breaking' after installing CF2!
The latest Ace libraries had a change which can cause this problem.
Getting the absolute latest versions of all Ace addons (i.e. within the past few days) will sort your problems.
I recommend updating them from
or via the WinAceUpdater (or similar).
The download may show the same revision number as yours on the list, but it will come with newer libraries.
Note that you must also remember to delete old versions of ClearFont before updating.
ClearFont2 currently has enUS and esES translations.
If you wish to help translate ClearFont, please post on the , or a UI site!
26th April 2007
ClearFont2 r33800 !
I have released ClearFont2 r33800 to WoWI, WorldofWar and CG! Check out the extensive .
To download it, see the
Comments and info here : .
17th March 2007
Website news
I have made some general website tweaks and added a little more to the readme's
Comments and info here : .
4th March 2007
General ClearFont2 news
The plan is still to release CF2 to the main UI sites soon, most likely to coincide with a patch.
ClearFont2 is actively maintained on the , and I strongly suggest everyone switches to it!
As before comments and info here :
(new link).
Website updates
I have updated much of the website to relate to the current project, ClearFont2.
As a result, the
has been split, and the
is linked from the top of the new one.
In addition, I have added new
for CF2, and I plan to add more specifically
showing the options menu.
What will happen to the original ClearFont?
The original ClearFont is no longer actively maintained.
However, the original version can still be found on theuntil I update them.
It is also more permanently found at
23rd January 2007
Website recode
I've recoded the website from scratch!
No longer does it use awful tables, it's all divs and spans and headers!
If you find any mistakes, please contact me on IRC.
This was going to go live a while ago, but I got sidetracked!
Patch 2.0.3
ClearFont and ClearFont2 should work as normal with the latest patch.
Just tick 'load out of date' addons.
I have not been able to work much on CF2 recently, but hopefully this will soon change.
My plan is to update this site for CF2, check the addon works properly, then release to the UI sites.
29th December 2006
ClearFont2 news
The rewrite of CF continues on the Ace SVN, and is now stable enough for general use.
CF2 has now been moved to the main area of the SVN and can be downloaded from .
As before comments and info here : .
I will release to the UI sites when it's all finished :)
WoWInsider Spotlight
ClearFont was featured on WoWInsider on 28th December 2006!
See the article - .
Thanks for the pleasant surprise :)
I have finally set myself up a PayPal account - to pay for the bandwidth costs of the website!
The popularity of CF continually amazes me, I never expected so many users! :)
If you're feeling really generous, click the button on the left and donate any amount you wish.
Happy Holidays
And finally, I hope everyone is having a wonderful end of year, however you are celebrating it.
Here's to 2007!
18th December 2006
Announcing ClearFont2
I have a rewrite of CF in progress on the Ace SVN!
So far it has:
An in-game font scaler!
An in-game font switcher!
Split design and code addons, so you can update the base code without messing with your design changes.
The ability to add fonts without editing the base code. You can quickly create
Font Pack plug-ins with little coding.
You can find CF2 on the SVN on /branches if you wish to beta test.
Comments and further info here:
I will release to the UI sites when it's all finished :)
16th December 2006
New version
- v20000-2
Fixes many of the problems encountered with v20000-1!
Font Pack can be downloaded from .
Note: please remember to delete old versions before updating.
Other exciting news!
ClearFont is now available on the Ace SVN - see !
CF v20000-2 is r20853 from the SVN.
The website is updated for the new patch changes.
9th December 2006
New version
- v20000-1
Lots of changes!
6th December 2006
General ClearFont news
Open &!ClearFont.toc& in notepad then change &## Interface: 11200& to &## Interface: 20000&
I shall upload v20000-1 to the UI sites once they speed up a little!
Couple of changes coming, shall post the changelog later.
For any desperate help, I'm on
the WoWInterface IRC channel (irc.freenode.net, #wowi-lounge)
24th October 2006
- v11200-2
This version works for both the Burning Crusade
and normal WoW clients!
Burning Crusade only updates! Added PVPInfoTextFont section, toc updated.
Bug fixes! Minor code and .toc corrections.
New fonts packs! Perspective Sans replaces Francophil Sans as the default font.
The readme page has been
updated to reflect the latest updates!
ClearFont reaches the grand old age of ONE
24th October 2006, Bristol, UK.
In a sensational twist, the coder has just realised he's been doing this for over 12 months.
Since the original release on 3rd October 2005, ClearFont has been downloaded nearly 200,000 times!
He would like to thank everyone who has ever downloaded ClearFont - there's a lot of you ...
Special thanks go out to those who helped me perfect the code - you're the best =)
Here's to another year - cheers!
24th August 2006
Website updates
I've been working on updates to the
pages to help with the new version.
All pages have a timestamp at the bottom so you can seehow recently I updated them :)
23rd August 2006
ClearFont v11200-1
Files updated for patch 1.12!
ClearFont has a new default font, Francophil Sans, which is similar to the original CF font.
You can also now choose from new additional font packs - see &How to use the font packs.txt& in the download.
In addition you can download extra packs online - see below...
Extra font pack downloads & recent website updates
You can now
extra font packs for ClearFont on the website - you may be surprised-)
I've been doing a couple of website updates as part of setting up my website network () - much fun!
29th July 2006
ClearFont v11100-3 (fontless)
Released recently, the new version has a couple of code changes for 1.12.
However, most importantly, it comes without the 'original' font - due to 'issues'.
Therefore, I need suggestions for replacement fonts - please comment on !
Previous News
News from January to June 2006.
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