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利用Adobe After Effects CS6 软件,用户可以使用新的全局高性能缓存,比以往任何时候更快地实现影院视觉效果和动态图形。使用内置的文本和形状挤出功能、新的蒙版羽化选项和快速易用的 3D Camera Tracker,扩展您的创造力。Adobe After Effects CS6&主要功能使用行业标准 Adobe& After Effects& CS6 软件进行动态设计和合成,创建几乎可在任何屏幕上呈现的完美动态图形和影院视觉效果。3D Camera Tracker在 2D 素材上放置和跟踪 3D 元素,获得精确的视觉效果和动态图形。3D Camera Tracker 会自动分析背景中的 2D 素材并在该素材上放置元素,可以完全控制景深、阴影和反射。创新的合成和动画合并 2D 或 3D 空间中的动态和静态图像、图形和文本。几乎可以动态显示每个元素的任何方面,并为您能够想像到的几乎所有结果添加声音。快速响应的 64 位性能高效处理高分辨率项目 - 甚至 HD、2K 和 4K 合成中的每通道 32 位颜色。使用所有系统 RAM 进行更长时间的预览。使用智能磁盘缓存,缩短等待时间并延长创作时间。全局高性能缓存用更少的时间创作更多的内容,即使是针对高分辨率项目。此革命性&封装套件&通过充分利用您计算机硬件的 64 位功能,使 After Effects 运行速度和响应速度更快。无与伦比的 Adobe 集成通过支持导入 Adobe Photoshop& 图像和图层效果,享受简化的工作流程。通过 Adobe Dynamic Link 在 After Effects 与 Adobe Premiere& Pro 软件之间轻松移动。导入 Adobe Illustrator& 文件,然后动态显示每个图层。无限创意选项使用效果(如风格化、扭曲和碎片)操作动态和静态图像。创建网格、无线电波、微粒等。结合第三方插件效果,获得好莱坞水准的效果。动态文本和矢量图形在 After Effects 中使用熟悉的 Adobe 工具创建文本和矢量图形,然后动态显示这些元素,以创造视觉创新性动态图形综合的蒙版和键控工具使用 Roto Brush 工具将正在移动的前景元素与背景快速隔离。利用 The Foundry 公司获得过学院奖的 Keylight 产品消除蓝屏和绿屏背景*。强大的动态控制使用 Warp Stabilizer 删除不需要的移动,或者将源素材的运动与 Mocha for After Effects CS6&精确匹配。应用逼真的动态模糊。使用 Timewarp 减慢或加快素材速度。32 位浮点管道利用扩展的高光和阴影表现真实光线的动态效果。将监视器上方的值自由推送为白色,无需剪切即可恢复细节。表达式和脚本使用表达式能够以各种方式链接个别参数、效果和图层 - 甚至跨合成进行链接。还可以向 After Effects 添加自定义功能,并使用可靠的脚本支持自动执行重复任务。丰富的第三方插件开发商池使用第三方开发商的插件向 After Effects 添加额外功能。探索独特的创意效果、微粒、3D&对象和专业化工作流程工具。提供任何媒体类型的专业效果几乎可以随处交付您的工作。与输出格式扩展列表兼容,可以为各种媒体(从电影和广播到网络和移动设备)生成动态内容。
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> Adobe Creative Suite 6 Master Collection 繁体中文版
Adobe Creative Suite 6 Master Collection 繁体中文版
软件大小:6.44 MB
Adobe&CS 6是Adobe系统公司最新的图形设计、影像编辑与网络开发的软件产品套装。该套装包括电子文档制作软件Adobe Acrobat、矢量动画处理软件Adobe Flash、网页制作软件Adobe Dreamweaver、矢量图形绘图软件Adobe Illustrator、图像处理软件Adobe Photoshop和排版软件Adobe InDesign等产品。
通过Adobe CS6 master collection软件,你能够实现终极设计环境的愿望。高速的64位本机支持和GPU加速意味着您具有空前的力量,能够利用丰富的诱人经验鼓舞观众。开创性的新工具为您随处(从最新的移动显示器到银幕)交付设计提供了创新方式。
Adobe CS6 master collection硬件环境:
Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon 64 processor with 64- Intel Core®2 Duo or AMD Phenom II processor required for Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects, and E Intel Core i7 processor required for Adobe SpeedGrade
Microsoft Windows XP* with Service Pack 3 or Windows 7 with Service Pack 1; Windows 7 with Service Pack 1 (64 bit) required for Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects and E Windows 7 with Service Pack 1 required for SpeedGrade
2GB of RAM (4GB recommended) for 32 4GB of RAM (8GB recommended) for 64 bit
14.5GB of available hard-disk sp additional free space required during installation (cannot install on removable flash storage devices)
Additional disk space required for disk cache, preview files, and other working files (10GB recommended)
display with 16-bit color and 512MB of VRAM;
display required, and second professionally calibrated viewing display recommended for SpeedGrade
OpenGL 2.0–capable system
Sound card compatible with ASIO protocol or Microsoft WDM/MME
DVD-ROM drive compatible with dual-layer DVDs (DVD+-R burner for burning DVDs; Blu-ray burner for creating Blu-ray Disc media)
Java™ Runtime Environment 1.6 (included)
Eclipse&# (for plug-in installation of Adobe Flash® Builder®); the following distributions are supported: Eclipse IDE for Java EE and Java Developers, Eclipse Classic, Eclipse for PHP Developers
QuickTime 7.6.6 software required for QuickTime features, multimedia, and HTML5 media playback
Dedicated GPU card required for SpeedGrade
Optional: Tangent CP200 family or Tangent Wave control surface for SpeedGrade
Optional: For SDI output, NVIDIA Quadro SDI Output card required for SpeedGrade
Optional: 7200 RPM hard drive (multiple fast disk drives, preferably RAID 0 configured, recommended) for video products
This software will not operate without activation. Broadband Internet connection and registration are required for software activation, validation of subscriptions, and access to online services.† Phone activation is not available.
Multicore Intel processor with 64-bit support
Mac OS X v10.6.8 or v10.7
4GB of RAM (8GB recommended)
15.5GB of available hard-disk sp additional free space required during installation (cannot install on a volume that uses a case-sensitive file system or on removable flash storage devices)
Additional disk space required for disk cache, preview files, and other working files (10GB recommended)
display with 16-bit color and 512MB of VRAM;
display required and second professionally calibrated viewing display recommended for Adobe SpeedGrade
OpenGL 2.0–capable system
DVD-ROM drive compatible with dual-layer DVDs (SuperDrive for burning DVDs; Blu-ray burner for creating Blu-ray Disc media)
Java Runtime Environment 1.6
Eclipse 3.7 Cocoa version (for plug-in installation of Adobe Flash B the following distributions are supported: Eclipse IDE for Java EE and Java Developers, Eclipse Classic, Eclipse for PHP Developers
QuickTime 7.6.6 software required for QuickTime features, multimedia, and HTML5 media playback
Dedicated GPU card recommended
Optional: Tangent CP200 family or Tangent Wave control surface for SpeedGrade
Optional: 7200 RPM hard drive (multiple fast disk drives, preferably RAID 0 configured, recommended) for video products
This software will not operate without activation. Broadband Internet connection and registration are required for software activation, validation of subscriptions, and access to online services.† Phone activation is not available.
Adobe Creative Suite 6 Master Collection繁体中文版图片(1/3)
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