
【每日一歌】打开潘多拉的盒子…… - 爱酷英语的日志,人人网,爱酷英语的公共主页
【英语发音纠正***教程】这个太强大了,学好英文必须收藏!!华纳兄弟的Andy Krieger先生毕业于斯坦福,曾为许多外国演员纠正带口音的英文,并通过自己的经验总结出了这一套发音纠正教程~
Jem首张专辑《Finally Woken》(如梦初醒)中除了歌迷影迷争相询问的"Come On Closer"外,开场曲"They"取样享誉国际的人声合唱团体史温格歌手The Swingle Singers诠释的&巴哈F小调前奏曲&,搭上孩童合音,结合古典及电子,创造出简洁的优雅美学。就像打开了潘朵拉的魔法盒,流泄出来的歌声,交织着神秘、优雅、飘缈、性感,融合了电音、民谣、古典、摇滚、Trip-Hop、雷鬼的音符,Jem把它们化成魔咒,唤醒了我们沉睡的听觉。蔡依林还唱过这首歌曲的中文版本&&。
Artist: Jem
Title: They
Who made up all the rules
make up: 制定 rule: 规则
We follow them like fools
follow: 遵循 fool: 傻瓜
Believe them to be true
Don't care to think them through
care: 介意 think through: 全面考虑
And I'm sorry so sorry
I'm sorry it's like this
I'm sorry so sorry
I'm sorry we do this
And it's ironic too
ironic: 讽刺的
Coz what we tend to do
coz: [shorter way of saying "because." From Urban Dictionary] tend to: 倾向
Is act on what they say
act on: 按...行动
And then it is that way
And I'm sorry so sorry
I'm sorry it's like this
I'm sorry so sorry
I'm sorry we do this
Who are they
And where are they
And how can they possibly
possibly: 可能地
Know all this
Who are they
And where are they
And how can they possibly
Know all this
Do you see what I see
Why do we live like this
Is it because it's true
That ignorance is bliss
ignorance: 无知 bliss: 福佑
Who are they
Where are they
How do they


