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感谢楼主分享 智友因你而精彩
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感谢楼主分享 智友因你而精彩[转载][重要]【Anrita&Melchizdek】&12月:33道星际门户完整
![[重要]【Anrita&&wbr&Melchizdek】&&wbr&11月星际门户连结、激活、提升要点:光之理事会 [重要]【Anrita&&wbr&Melchizdek】&&wbr&11月星际门户连结、激活、提升要点:光之理事会](/blog7style/images/common/sg_trans.gif)
传导、发布者:Anrita Melchizdek
听写者:Eadie Miller
原文标题:&The Elders Transmission ~
December&2014 &
原信息视频: http://youtu.be/elwMnn4kfIQ
优酷??(感谢Christiane Tsai姊爱心上传):/v_show/id_XODQxMTY3MTI0.html
中英对照版面编辑:Christiane Tsai
Law of Vibration)
You find yourselves traveling in Soul consciousness in this
external merkaba vehicle of Light into the seventh Stargate Portal
which follows the&Law of
Everything in the Universe is in motion, in vibrating frequency,
and right now you are vibrating at this beautiful frequency of
Divine Love and alignment to Mother/Father God.
And you see all around you too within this Stargate those vibrating
in this same frequency, or perhaps even a higher frequency with the
same or similar thought-forms and consciousness.
This is a like vibration, this is where you gather your
strength in coming together energetically and physically, in your
groups and in your service work.
And it is to understand when there are non-resonating vibrational
frequencies around you, that there is a way to work with this too,
to bring in your Shields of Light, to allow the Spiritual Warrior
to walk in front of you in compassion, your Divine Masculine
Spirit, to allow these aspects of yourselves to remain in
You have a deeper understanding that a new balance is coming and
that you are finding your voices in union as the I AM Avatar race,
sweet ones, and you have a sense of this collective consciousness
You have a sense of all the magnificent activities of Light that
are taking place energetically on this beautiful sacred planet on
which you exist, and walking the Pathway of Divine Love, in
bringing in this like vibration and the support.
Knowing that whatever your vibrational frequency is, whatever you
are vibrating in thought-form, in consciousness, in energy, this is
what you are attracting back to you, and right now your energy
field is being amplified a thousand fold through the incoming
stellar energies, Solar Flares, Photonic Rays, and Gateways of
Light, sweet ones.
And now you activate the Cosmic Christ Holographic disc within the
spine related to this Stargate Portal of Light. This recalibration
takes places through the cerebral spinal fluid, through the
chakras, the nadis, the meridians, and from here now, through the
pituitary, pineal, and hypothalamus glands.
And it is the pituitary gland that activates most at this time,
sweet ones, as it brings a greater level of insight and
understanding and wisdom as to the knowing of this Pathway that you
are walking intuitively and collectively now. Wonderful sweet
Law of Action)
You find yourselves entering now into this next Stargate P
this&eighth Stargate Portal of
Light&follows the&Law of
Action. It is to know, sweet ones, that no matter how gifted
you are, within the Stillness action can still take
It is more the energy of the Divine Masculine aspect of yourselves,
but it is important in having a focus as to what you truly wish to
do in your life, what brings you joy, what activates your Heart’s
Dreaming, and to take the appropriate action doing so with
integrity, without projection or expectation, and without
Taking this Golden Key and opening the door, flowing intuitively
into the next level of your service
for this is what is happening to you, you are being directed and
guided to where you can best serve on this earth-plane,
and it is an open door, as you are the open hearts, and this
resonating frequency requests this dynamic right action.
And these gifts are not just in forward motion, they are also
connected to the aspects of yourselves that allow you to feel this
courage, this commitment to allow you to move forward beyond the
perceived separation or disillusionment, this too is action, sweet
ones, it is spiritual action.
It is embracing and loving yourselves, it is working on yourselves,
and so this movement is both inward and outwards, and in a flow and
harmony and dance that brings the intuitive and creative aspects of
yourselves through the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Spirits
into a greater level of wholeness and balance.
And you see here in this beautiful Stargate those that can support
you ~ those that are your teachers, and friends and soul and star
family, and others that you can connect with to deepen your service
that you can be assisted by, and you find, too, ways that you
can assist others, as this Service in Love.
Sweet ones, and you take this time to experience a deeper sense of
this inter-connectivity, this support, through your beautiful
friends and family of the Light.
And now, sweet ones, you activate the eighth Cosmic Christ
Holographic disc. As this disc activates within the spinal column
and the vertebrae of the body, you bring a greater sense into the
body of this&Law of Action, experiencing
this recalibration physically and energetically, with a deeper
sense of knowing of your service work.
Good. And now, sweet ones, you find yourselves in the ninth
Stargate Portal of Light following
the&Spiritual Law of Divine
Living in the moment, living in the Now, in acceptance, you are
able to accept this flow that creates Love and willingness, and
allowing yourselves to open your heart deeply to yourselves and
others, so you can follow the intuitive guidance given to you, not
only by your Beloved I AM Presence, but in the streams of
consciousness that activate through these Portals of Light, taking
you ever deeper into your Heart’s Dreaming in the co-creation of
Heaven on Earth.
You see where there is resistance within your lives, sweet ones,
you see where there is a lack of flow and you use the energy of
this Stargate to deepen this flow within your life, through this
trust, this surrender.
Within this ninth Stargate Portal of Light, you now activate the
ninth Cosmic Christ Holographic disc within the spinal column and
along the vertebrae.
You have a deep sense of simply trusting and surrendering to the
Divine, of accepting what is going on in your life, of completely
letting go, and letting God ~ of aligning your will to the Will of
G knowing, sweet ones, that whatever you are experiencing has
been chosen by you and your Beloved I AM Presence for the highest
good of all.
These lessons, both the shadow and the Light, take you deep along
this Pathway of Divine Love into a greater level of blossoming of
your magnificence and Light.
You move beyond the veils of illusion and you remain steadfast in
the Light, sweet ones.
For longer periods of time now, you feel your strength, you feel
your wisdom, you feel your Light, as you are surrounded once more
by this beautiful&silver Flame of
now the beautiful&violet Flame of
Transcendence&activates around the Unity
This&violet Flame of
Transmutation&assists you in letting go of all
that you no longer need to work with now, through the karmic
and to do this too for other souls if they so choose this at a
Higher Light level.
To feel nurtured and loved ~ and you bring your hearts and minds,
sweet ones, into the collective Consciousness of
Join now with the hearts and minds of the Beloved I AM Presence of
all humanity.
And you allow them to experience these Stargate Portals of Light
that have been activated.
allow them to know this feeling of Love, this ability to create and
co-create with the Company of Heaven, with the knowing of power, of
empowerment, of wisdom, of Love, sweet ones.
Wonderful sweet
ones. You now enter into the tenth Stargate Portal of Light
connected to the Law of
Spiritual Portal of Light amplifies, you experience
the&Law of
Ascension&in its full magnificence,
knowing this ascension process is being experienced by all awakened
Souls on this planet.
Wonderful sweet
ones. You now activate the tenth Cosmic Christ Holographic disc
associated with this Spiritual Portal of Light through the related
vertebrae within my spinal column, recalibrating my lower bodies,
chakras and nadis, and activating the pituitary gland. Good sweet
of Cohesion)
You now enter
into the eleventh Spiritual Portal of Light related to
the&Law of
you again merge and blend your consciousness with your Beloved I Am
Presence, connecting now to your soul and star family and friends
of the Light, and all the Light workers and awakened Souls
assisting in the co-creation of Heaven on Earth.
You now bring in
the support that you may need at this time, knowing that you walk
the Pathway of Divine Love with all awakened Souls, affecting and
creating change on the lower worlds and on this earth
Wonderful sweet
ones. You now activate the Cosmic Christ Holographic disc
associated with this eleventh Stargate Portal of Light, through the
related vertebrae within the spinal column, recalibrating your
lower bodies, chakras and nadis, and activating the pineal gland.
of Compensation)
You now enter
into the twelfth Stargate Portal of Light related to
the&Law of Compensation,
understanding that your gifts are rewarded tenfold, when you give
freely from your own heart, knowing that you are an open heart in
this Golden Age of Light.
You now activate
the Cosmic Christ Holographic disc associated with this Stargate
Portal of Light through the related vertebrae within your spinal
column, recalibrating your lower bodies, chakras and nadis, and
activating the hypothalamus gland.
Law of Divine Flow)
Good sweet ones.
You now enter into the thirteenth Stargate Portal of Light
supporting the Law of Divine
The Law of
Divine Flow&reminds
you to live in this Now, centering yourselves in Love, being of
service in Love.
In this Now,
sweet ones, there is no concern for what is to unfold, or what has
been. There is no stress of the past and no anxiety of the
There is simply
a knowing of harmony, and grace in your co-creations of L of
your ability to dance in Divine Love ~ reflecting Love, allowing
Love, being Love.
It is these
actions, sweet ones that call for not only the dynamic outward
flow, but also this inward flow into yourselves, taking the time to
support your own biorhythmic ebb and flows.
To feel and
sense what you are needing to support yourselves fully in this
moment, and allowing this beautiful silver ray of Illumination to
guide you with the Flame of Purity, and the Flame of Divine Love,
to the Heart’s Temple, into the natural flow of peace and harmony
and co-creation, sweet ones.
And you have a
sense of how this&Law of Divine
Flow&operates w of
the synchronicities that abound, that bring you together in Unity
Consciousness, that bring you together in your co-creations of
Light and that connect you at this soul level with one
The Law of
Divine Flow&allows
you to feel the creative inspirations that activate as you further
experience a greater level of the rebalancing of the Divine
Masculine and Divine Feminine aspects of
You hold to this
knowing of this divine flow and a deep level of trust and
surrender, sweet ones, aligning your will to the Will of God and
knowing that even as you walk this pathway and its perceived
challenges, you have chosen these lessons to create these Pathways
of Light for others.
of Light)」。
And as these
flames of Divine Love,
anchor these energies of these Stargate Portals and Spiritual Laws
so that others too may experience this flow of Divine Love within
their lives in a deeper level of self-love and self-nurturing and
You now activate
the Cosmic Christ holographic disc related to the thirteenth
Stargate portal of Light.
beautiful silver Cosmic Christ holographic disc activates within
the vertebrae of the spine and from here in to the appropriate
chakras and nadis, you have a sense of being able to find this flow
and balance within your lives sweet ones.
And if there is
anything that you are needing guidance with, allow this beautiful
silver ray of Light to illuminate your pathway, to show you this
flow, and harmony that you are needing in this Now.
&Wonderful sweet ones.
And now, sweet
ones, you find yourselves in the fourteenth Stargate Portal of
Light related to the&Law of Divine Love
and Oneness.
Although you are
familiar with this law, sweet ones, it is to know that such a law
exists only for you to know the truth of the One Reality of All
There is only
Divine Love and you are all One, and this Divine Love embraces
this, all aspects of yourselves, moving into the shadows and the
Light, and within the flame of Divine Love the shadow aspects are
embraced in Love, for there is only Love, sweet ones.
There is no
separation, and you have this sense of unity, too, amplifying now
not only with your soul family and friends and the Illumined Beings
of Light from On High, but at this earthly dimensional level, sweet
ones, you have a sense of being able to see others.
To know that it
is just the levels of Cosmic Consciousness awareness that differs
from individual to individual, and to be able to see the Light of
all Souls as these open hearts in this Golden Age of
You have a sense
within this Spiritual Portal of Light of these sub-atomic particles
vibrating in increased Light frequencies, further activating this
beautiful diamond Flame of Purity, this diamond octahedron within
the heart chakra, holding to this expanded sense of your
multi-dimensional selves.
Wonderful sweet
ones. And now, you bring into this Now, the understanding, the
remembrance, the wisdom, and the knowing of your deep connection to
the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God through this beautiful
Diamond Flame of Purity.
And now you
activate the silver Cosmic Christ holographic disc of Light related
to this fourteenth Stargate Portal of Light, through the body and
through the energy field, through the vertebrae and the
corresponding energy centers of the body, creating this etheric
templating with a greater level of flow within the embrace of the
Cosmic Heart of All Creation and the Patterns of Perfection, sweet
and the knowing too that you are able to experience all
dimensions of Light, all realities of Oneness, if you so
Wonderful sweet
ones. You now find yourselves entering into the fifteenth Spiritual
Portal of Light related to the&Law of
Continuity of Consciousness.
The Universe
itself, sweet ones, is a continuous and endless process of
within the One Reality, everything in creation, is connected to
and this interconnectivity, this relationship is
one of consciousness connecting individual consciousness to the
universal consciousness, to the vibrating frequencies of Light ~
and you experience now a greater sense of these geometries, and New
Earth templates, these key codes, fractal geometries, numerologies,
and crystalline frequencies of Light.
universal consciousness)」,连结到「光之振动频率」的其中一种意识。而你们当前正在体验的,就是一这种对「多种几何」、「全新的地球模版」、这些「关键编码」、「分形几何(fractal
experiencing a greater level of Cosmic Consciousness awareness,
sweet ones, merging into a greater sense of your magnificence and
Light through the Overlighting of your Beloved I AM Presence and
the many Illumined Beings of
And now, as you
hold the focus of this&Law of the
Continuity of Consciousness&you
activate the fifteenth silver Cosmic Christ holographic disc
through the vertebrae and spinal column allowing the cerebral
spinal fluid to activate in this new Consciousness of Light
recalibrating the pituitary, the pineal, and the hypothalamus
glands, the left and the right hemispheres of the brain, and
integrating the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine aspects of
yourselves, sweet ones. Wonderful.
recalibrations quicken and will lead for many of you to a great
reunion of hearts, to the merging of twin flames individually and
through your soul groups into a greater level of collectively
ascending to these multi-dimensional realities and all dimensions
And now, you
enter into the&sixteenth Stargate Portal
of Light, as you experience the&Law
of Discipline. The&Law of
Discipline&is indeed the greatest way
to achieve wisdom, independence, freedom, and Knowing, as it
involves commitment to your goals and to your spiritual
requires a daily focus to be in each Now moment and you know, sweet
ones, that you are ready to experience greater levels of
discipleship, as you trust and surrender to the Divine.
And now you
activate the sixteenth Cosmic Christ Holographic disc, this silver
disc of Light, along the spinal column into the appropriate
vertebra that links you into the Pathways of
You are humbled
in the knowing that you are indeed this Christ Conscious Being of
Light walking this Pathway of Divine Love, and the knowing too that
all Life has this opportunity, for all Life is presented with the
choice to align their will to the will of the Divine.
of Disintegration)
You now find
yourselves entering into
this&seventeenth Stargate Portal of
Light&as you experience
the&Law of Disintegration, the final
casting off of the lower sheaths to experience the I AM Avatar Body
transmutation process of the letting go of the old to make way for
new amplifies in this Now moment.
And you know that
you are finally in this place of experiencing your full
transformation as a world teacher, healer, leader, and Flame of
Divine Love in this Golden Age of Light. Wonderful sweet ones.
As you now
anchor and activate the seventeenth Cosmic Christ Conscious
Holographic disc, this beautiful silver Disc of Light, through the
vertebrae and spinal column, you find yourselves moving the body
gently, backwards and forwards, and from side to side to integrate
these Light frequencies, knowing that all is Divinely Perfect and
that Love will always prevail.
Simply trust and
surrender to this, sweet ones. Trust and surrender to the
And now you find
yourselves entering into the&eighteenth
Spiritual Stargate of Light, as you experience
the&Law of Cycles.
Everything in
Life has a natural rhythm sweet ones, an ebb and flow.
We mention this
so that you can know that every Now moment has its own perfect
rhythm, much as there is day and night, light and
There is a
rebalancing that occurs too, in this Spiritual Portal of
experience the&Law of Cycles, you
find a greater level of equilibrium and balance within the dance of
the shadow and the Light, embracing your full range of emotions,
embracing yourselves in the Light and magnificence of who you are
as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.
You now activate
the eighteenth Cosmic Christ Holographic disc into the appropriate
vertebra along the spinal column.
Good sweet ones.
You now find yourselves in the nineteenth Spiritual Portal of
Light, which corresponds to the&Law of
Faith. The&Law of
Faith&is the knowing, sweet ones that
you are experiencing a greater level of remembrance and wisdom and
trust beyond what you have read or seen or studied or
It takes you
deeper into the intuitive aspects of yourselves, into the Knowing
that you are the co-creators to the Company of Heaven, into the
Knowing of trusting in yourselves and in your decisions in your
It is also
important in times of perceived challenges to have this faith,
sweet ones, so you can truly experience your full magnificence and
Light as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine
now you activate the nineteenth Cosmic Christ Holographic Disc
through the spinal column, as this recalibration starts to occur
now between the vertebrae, between the cerebral spinal fluid in the
brain, between the thalamus, hypothalamus, the pituitary and pineal
glands, between the chakras, nadis and axiatonal lines, you draw
upon this faith, sweet ones, letting go and releasing the vestiges
of disillusionment, perceived separation, hopelessness or lack of
trust, trusting and surrendering into the Divine, in the Knowing of
the wisdom that you hold.
And now, sweet
ones, you find yourselves in the twentieth fifth dimensional
Stargate Portal of Light as it vibrates
to&the Law of
Flexibility,&surrounded in this
beautiful Silver Flame of Light.
You come into a
deeper level of acceptance of where you are in this Now, letting go
of the fear of change or any perceived stress or resistance within
the body, moving the body from side to side and backwards and
forwards and feeling into those areas within the body of perceived
stress and tension.
And taking this
beautiful Silver Flame into these areas within the body that need
to experience your Love, your acceptance and your
As you now
activate the twentieth Cosmic Christ Holographic disc within the
spinal column along the related vertebrae, you experience a deeper
sense of flow in the body, a deeper sense of knowing, of trusting,
of surrender, and of acceptance, sweet ones, of where you
You accept the
things you cannot change with the courage to change the things that
you can through the wisdom and knowing of yourselves as these
sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.
And now, sweet
ones, you find yourselves traveling into the twenty-first sacred
portal of Light which follows the&Law of
knowing that each one of you has this ability to channel energy,
Chi or Prana, connecting into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father
And you just
place your hands on the body now as you breathe deep into the body,
as you experience this beautiful Silver Flame of Light coming down
through the crown chakra down the spine to the perineum center and
up the front of the body and out the hands.&
perineum center)中心」。这能量随后向上走到「身体正面」,然进入「双手」。
taking the
energy from the Unity Grid as it amplifies now too through the feet
chakra, up the legs to the perineum center, up the front of the
body, down the arms and out the hands.
feet chakra)」上升到「双腿」,然后到「会阴中央」,再走到「身体正面」;下降至「双臂」,并由「双手」而出。
As this healing
energy activates in the palms and in the feet chakra, you place
your hands upon your body to those areas that need your healing,
that need your Love, knowing that you have this gift of healing for
yourselves and for others, sweet ones.
You are loving
yourselves, you no longer choose to abuse
release the addictions and the lower mind thought forms that
amplify these addictions in this beautiful portal of
And now you
activate the twenty-first Cosmic Christ Holographic disc through
the spinal column, finding this movement of gentleness and Love, of
healing, and the embracing of every single aspect of yourselves,
sweet ones, through both the shadow and the Light.
And as you
experience this shift in consciousness, you connect into the I Am
Avatar Consciousness of Life, to the Higher Light of all awakened
lightworkers and star-seeded ones through the Unity Grid of Divine
You are joined
by the many Legions of Light from On High as you bring these
energies of faith, of healing, flexibility, acceptance, trust and
surrender to all Life on this earth plane. Wonderful sweet