
你是我见过最漂亮的女人。 的翻译是:You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. 中文翻译英文意思,翻译英语
You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.
You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.
You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.
I see that you are the most beautiful woman.
You are I have seen the most attractive woman.
相关内容&aThe Chad who loved me The Chad who loved me & a这个假期对我来说是个繁忙的节日。 This vacation to me is a busy holiday. & a我的名字是张祥,今年26岁,我以前在杭州西湖做保安 My name is opens auspicious, this year 26 years old, I before makes the security in the Hangzhou Xihu & a那你要努力赚钱啊, Then you must make money diligently, & a最基本的礼仪 Most basic etiquette & aWhen you told me you loved 当您告诉了我您爱 & aShe wants to finish school and get a job as soon as possible 她想要完成学校和尽快得到工作 & ayou and have sex with you for real. I could have send my video too but 您和有性与您为真正。 我可能有太送我的录影,但 & aseat services 供以座位服务 & a10款坐墩随时随地享受软舒适 10 section seat pillars enjoy anytime and anywhere softly comfortable & a听到这个消息我高兴的跳了起来 Heard this news I happily to jump & a高中学习 High school study & aI couldn't agree more! 我不可能更同意! & aunnoticable unnoticable & ado you wanna dance tonight do you wanna dance tonight & a学生建议校运会在十月份举行用suggest The student suggested the school transports can hold in October uses suggest & a有一段话我怎么都没看明白 Some section of speeches hadn't I how all looked understood & a58 to give her warm bed. 给她温暖的床的58。 & aEmpty over the head 倒空在头 & awhere is lucy?she in to englind,where is she first time goes to?yes,she has been there once,when she does go there?she went there last week,she planned stays in where how long?she is going to stay there for a monty,do you know if she come back?she'll be back at the end of october, 在哪里lucy ?她对englind,在哪里是她首次去?是,她一次在那里,当她去那里时?她多久在,在哪里上星期去那里,她计划逗留?她停留那里是否为monty,您知道她是否回来?她将回来在10月底, & aIn my heart stopped before 在以前被停止的我的心脏 & a真的吗?好好照顾自己哦! Really? Looks after well oneself oh! & a关于你学校的信息 About your school information & a这个周末我的打算 This weekend my plan & a环境变得越来越好 The environment becomes more and more good & a憨蛋憨蛋憨蛋憨蛋样 Gruff egg gruff egg gruff egg gruff egg type & a有??地方? ??的海? Has this kind of place tranquil beach & ahaha,Are there some Chinese immigrants celebrate festivals haha,是那里一些中国移民庆祝节日 & abecause he has too many activities about study every day. 因为他每天有许多活动关于研究。 & a你?有年?朋友? You do not have the young friend & a不要挑战我的底限 Do not challenge my lower limit & afree,no tip
up 释放,没有技巧 & a我希望这些方法可以帮助到你 I hoped these methods may help you & aofficial forms should be presented 应该提出正式形式 & a很是享受 Very is enjoys & aI TOLD YOU! WAS REALLY,SLCK! 我告诉了您! 是真正地, SLCK! & a我可以拿我的中国邮票跟你的美国交换 I may take my Chinese postage stamp to exchange with yours US & a你越细心,你犯的错误越少 You are more careful, you violate the mistake are less & ayou finished to make love with me? 您完成办事以我? & awhat two fo 什么 & ai do not have any more patience ! 我没有耐心! & a海? Seashore & a直到前天才接到她的*** Only then received her telephone until the day before yesterday & aSAM HAS SAM HAS & asnap
to 短冷期 & aOnly fully 只充分地 & a我?可以是好朋友呀 We may be the good friend & a你应该对你的朋友好 You should be good to your friend & a但是你千万不可以吃或喝冷的东西,因为这样将会加重你的病情 But you may not eat or drink the cold thing, because will like this be able to aggravate your condition & a报纸能丰富我们的生活,上面有许多在我们身边发生的人和事,这能让我们更加深入地了解这个社会 The newspaper can enrich our life, above has many the human and the matter who occurs side us, this can let us understand this society thoroughly & aguar dian 瓜儿豆dian & a对改变的追求是人类进步的原 The pursue is the humanity progresses originally to the change & aIf the world have rebelled against you。 I will stand behind you. rebelled against the world。 如果世界叛乱了反对您。 我在您之后将站立。 叛乱反对世界。 & a您要今天下午做什么? 您要今天下午做什么? & a这无私的奉献,令人难忘 This selfless offer, unforgettable & a你是我见过最漂亮的女人。 You are I have seen the most attractive woman. &相关词典网站:


