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发表时间: 09:25:39|
《:携带版DX》DLC使用方法1、首先,下载DLC(地址都在上面)2、然后下载本压缩包:3、解压DLC压缩包,可得一名为NPJH50426的文件夹,里面包含了多个文件夹及文件。不要作任何改动。4、将棒连至电脑,NPJH50426文件夹整个请复制到PSP/GAME文件夹里。ISO的名字改成 NPJH50426.ISO。5、压缩在我这里下载的压缩文件,得到nploader.prx文件,复制到到小p的seplugins文件夹内。在seplugins文件夹中已经有该文件的亲覆盖即可。6、在seplugins文件夹里的game.txt文件里,加上这么一行& ms0:/seplugins/nploader.prx 1没有seplugins文件夹或者没有game.txt的亲请自己创建7、断开与电脑的链接。重启psp,如需刷机那么请刷机。8、打开游戏目录会看到出现了新的东西,但是这货不能运行,也不可以删掉它。进入你的太鼓达人dx,会有载入的提示。载入成功的话,就可以玩新歌了。【经测试,5.03普米3和5.03普米4不能运行】
专业的单机游戏下载网站 91 () 打造不一样的 单机游戏下载基地The Iso Zone
NPloader (DLC loader) - codestation
This plugin allows direct reading and loading of DLC (EDATA/PGD/SPRX) files in
their decrypted form, so you don't need to reactivate your account and/or switch
between them while using your purchased DLC from different regions. You can mix
decrypted/encrypted files without problem too, the plugin takes care of that.
Copy the plugin in the seplugins folder and enable it in game.txt using the following
line: ms0:/seplugins/nploader.prx 1
Tested on CFW from 5.00 to 6.60 (Pro CFW is recommended).
New in 0.8:
Now you can place your DLC folders in a custom location (useful if you don't want to fill
up your xmb menu with content that you aren't gonna launch). To do this create a file named
nploader.ini (or use the file provided) and add/edit the path where you are gonna move
your DLC folders. Example: ms0:/PSP/GAME/DLC
Note: remember to add a newline to the end of the file.
Important: the redirection is only for DLC files, if you have another content that is using
the DLC folder (e.g.: game updates), then these files must remain in that directory
(e.g.: the *ARC patch files from the LBP update).
Known issues:
Do not mix with the noDRM implementation of Pro CFW. If you are using one of them
then disable the other.
v0.9: Fixed bug with redirection on np_rename.
Added support for newer games that load at 0x.
v0.8: Added support for custom DLC location.
Added support for games that lauch additional user modules that uses
the npdrm api (this fixes the Buzz! games).
v0.7: Proper fix to detect the correct user module of the game.
Skip opnssmp module when is loaded.
Released source code.
v0.6: Added all the incarnations of the Prometheus loaded to the module blacklist
so the plugin doesn't make the mistake of hooking to those. This fix will
ensure that the plugin will work with different patched versions of the games.
A proper fix (removing the blacklist and identify the game module properly)
is gonna to be included in a future release.
v0.5-r1: removed pspSdk* obsolete functions
v0.5: Implemented the rest of the npdrm API so now works with games like GEB.
Added support for loading decrypted sprx files.
v0.4: Fixed black screen with GoW: GoS. Probably this fixes other games with
black screen when using this plugin.
v0.3: Support for m33 and inferno UMD ISO mode.
v0.2: Unified plugins in one (nploader.prx) and fixed issue with aLoader.
v0.1: Initial release.
Contact: identi.ca/Twitter @codestation
***For an alternative method to install your DLC with UMDs, see this thread
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8 hours ago
(8 Replies)
Worked great for my AR cart...thanx! :)
2 hours ago
Definitely a great innovation for ps2 users, im using one myself and loving ...
3 hours ago
There is someting new ?
6 hours ago
The game originally came out on 27th November 1997, and had three years of
6 hours ago
It seems to be a very interesting game.
7 hours ago
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