用cut down cut off cut downda...

n. 剪切方式
食品科技专业英语词汇翻译 ... 肉块,馏分
cut 破裂标志
cut code 分割肉
cut meat ...
The first cut of code is never something that we want to share right away.
我们总是不愿意立即共享代码的第一个 cut。
Nonetheless, more often than not unreachable statements and methods are vestigial code that no longer has any purpose and can be cut from the code base with no effect.
Although I still tried to cut code in order no to lose the touch with how things are progressing, we did not count on my involvement in terms of planning at all -- my time was simply written off.
Yes, provided you're the type who is willing to cut out a UPC code and mail it, along with a receipt to claim a product rebate, answers Scharin.
You could allow users to comment, or cut and paste some code that will publish it on your own blog or website, facebook page or anywhere you can think of.
About 15 percent of the portfolio is cut completely, leaving less code that has to be maintained.
- 来自原声例句
cut down 砍人,砍死;削减,缩减
cut off& 切断
cut out =leave out& 省略
cut in&= break in& 插嘴
cut up 切碎,齐根切掉
1. The town is ___ from the rest of the country because of the
heavy snow.
down&& B. cut
out&& C. cut
off& D. cut up
2. Our teacher advised you to ___ the article that is too long
so as to make it fit the space.
away&& B. cut
through&& C. cut
up&& D. cut down
3.The Greens were ___ heavy debt at first but through their hard
work and by cutting ___ their living expenses, they lived through
the hard times finally.
&A. down&&
B. in&& C.
a cutdown in sales.
Surgery. the incision of a superficial vein in order to effect direct insertion of a catheter.
reduced in size.
abridged or condensed:
They televised a cutdown version of the movie.
First recorded in 1885-90; noun use of verb phrase cut down
UnabridgedBased on the Random House Dictionary, (C) Random House, Inc. 2017.
Examples from the Web for
Historical Examples
And what, specifically, did you do pursuant to the cutdown on his leg?
The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy
I believe he was in there and did the--he helped Dr. Curtis with the cutdown, the initial cutdown.
The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy
After I had completed the cutdown, I went around to the right side of the patient and saw the head wound.
The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy
Will you describe in lay language what you mean by a cutdown in relationship to what they did in this case?
The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy
in Medicine
cutdown cut?down (k?t'doun')n.
The incision of a vein to facilitate the insertion of a cannula or needle, as for the administration of intravenous medication.
Also called
The American Heritage(R) Stedman's Medical DictionaryCopyright (C) , 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.
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