
Buddhist scriptures - &Diamond Sutra& [Edit this paragraph] (a) of the classic Introduction &Diamond Sutra& is an important Buddhist scriptures, the full name of &King Kong can break Prajna (bōrě) paramita as& Sanskrit Vajracchedika-praj?āpāramitā-sūtra. Diamond refers to the most hard metals, metaphor refers to a variety of bold breakthroughs in points, so that they can permit the successful cultivation of the R Prajna wisdom wonderful Sanskrit word for Paramita means more to reach the other side. Drive by those who have, Buddhist path of Buddha. Full name is the practice in accordance with this, as to the achievements of the essence of King Kong is not bad,悟透repair the essence of Buddhist wisdom, and from the欲界color community, and the completion of the wisdom of Sanjie无色界(Oliver arrived on the other side), that is, all the way to 10 community living creatures, if you want to practice the Buddha Buddha achievements, accomplishments, such as Ching supreme being, to go through the &Diamond Sutra& repair true evidence, enlightenment and then success. &Diamond Sutra,& came to China, since the Eastern Jin Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty, there are six translation to the translation Kumarajiva &Prajna Paramita by King Kong,& the most popular. &Wisdom& is the Sanskrit transliteration, which means &around the world and the world of law, affect the harmony, right, absolutely complete wisdom.& &King Kong,& Yu Prajna means, such as extremely sharp, like King Kong, the world can get rid of all the troubles and prejudices. &Paramita&, meaning beyond life and death and the degree of relief on the other side. Significance by the title, refers to the all-conquering King Kong, like the great wisdom, to break through all the trouble tenacity, to achieve eternal life and death beyond the end-result of the well-being. &Diamond Sutra& discussed throughout the text is empty wisdom. Is generally believed that the first half of that space creatures, the latter part of that space. Scriptures to start from the top ten disciples of Buddha called the &solution space first& Subhuti asked: When the people standing ambition to achieve a satisfactory supreme Buddha Moses sleep, the heart should be made where the target? If the center can not in practice, the process of living, how should yield? That is, how to calm the soul to live in an ultimate concern, how to move toward the ultimate goal of the process, understanding and thinking all kinds of mental mistakes to overcome? &Diamond Sutra& the Buddha is to focus on this issue will start to answer. [Edit this paragraph] (b) the main content 1, all by the Program: Degree made all living creatures of every big heart. In Sanskrit, the Buddha is the meaning of consciousness. Theravada is the ultimate goal to take the initiative, while the Mahayana the Buddha not only consciously, but also to &feel he&, so the ultimate goal is to let the achievements of all sentient beings Buddhahood. According to the philosophical foundation of Buddhism --- Origin of the theory of the relationship between the conditions where the formation of things, there is absolutely not the same entity (self). Therefore, it is necessary to empty the concept of wisdom, and get rid of the &I&, &him&, that &all creatures&, &Buddha&, respectively, between the man-made. The result will be to the people to try our best to breadth, but do not persist in the &I& to help the people of merit. Large amount of idealism, the only large structure can be big business success. 2, observation of reality: Where all the phase, is false. Reality is the real world, the true colors of things. Who always believed in the consciousness of the object, but the idea that the subjective mind that the same objective reality, but in fact deviated from the real things. Prajna is a reflection phase, that is, with this name could not be taken, not enforced, do not take the attitude of the truth. Therefore, &Diamond Sutra& said: &Where all the phase, if seen with non-relative, that is, see Tathagata.& All the law, even the Buddha's image,佛土are using text and image of the reality of similar to the expression of reality itself None. &Diamond Sutra&四句偈famous卷末text: &Everything for the law, such as梦幻泡影, such as exposed as well as electricity, should be the case&, can be of the essence once. 3, were to practice: Should be born无所住heart. As mentioned above, not only relative, not paranoid, to grasp the reality. Therefore, in practice should be based on ease of mind to deal with dense of all law. &Diamond Sutra& as an example in order to donate to discuss how to do in their daily lives, &the yield of their heart.& Busch has three elements (3): I can donate, by the people who donate, the donation of the property. The minds of ordinary people there were the three man-made, Shi money, that is, merit money to make a wish, so mercy plan reported that the calculated accumulated冥冥中merit. But, in fact, should be replaced by &3& body donation to the spirit of space. Hui Neng's enlightenment of Zen Buddhist hymn: &Bodhi-tree, have none, where can the dust alight.& This &was not a thing&, that is, &Diamond Sutra& from the phase-free living, from the truth of emptiness. 4, middle way approach: Some magic of space with the dialectical unity. &Empty& is get rid of all who presented with true dedication, not the emptiness that people misunderstood. Prajna thinking of nothing more than that &there is of dreamy&, that is, correctly handle the birth of the Truth and the Truth in the world. &Space of& all law is that there is no real self, it is therefore not similar, non-living, in order to grasp the true meaning. &Magic there,& by virtue of the conditions of the relationship between the existence of the phenomenon of the moment, so they are the basis of air from all随缘Health Act, which is俗谛.真俗二谛how the relationship between the &Diamond Sutra& is said: &Wisdom Buddha, that is, non-Prajna, Prajna is the name.& That is, the Prajna佛所说such as Buddhism, sentient beings for the purpose of the breadth the time being in the text-level facilities, not reality itself, Prajna, Prajna the people to take this text entry to a thorough awareness of Buddhism, it can give up all of phase. &Diamond Sutra& is the total liberation of the soul of the great wisdom of trouble for China's history and culture have had a far-reaching effects. However, due to the text by the simple, profound thinking, it is generally difficult to fully and thoroughly understand the meaning and value of its original point. Therefore, the historical founder of Buddhism more factions for this purpose by the note on, spread the most popular benefits is the Zen to the &六祖坛经.& [Edit this paragraph] (c) different versions of &Diamond Sutra& 994 years BC (about穆王-week period when the Chinese), a book on ancient India. Thie-Tzuen Tathagata Buddha is living with his elder Subhuti dialogue, such as public records, recorded by the disciple Ananda. The preservation of China's &King Kong& on six original translation (both in the &Tripitaka& in) is as follows: 1, Master Sanzo Kumarajiva姚秦translation 2,元魏translation菩提流支 3, Chen translation of the true meaning of Sanzo 4, Sui gupta translation 5, translation of Tang Xuan Zang 6, the net translation of Tang [Edit this paragraph] (d) the important words 1, King Kong: means the diamond, Lee喻坚means, that is, the Kennedy King Kong, Yu P to the advantages of King Kong, Yu Prajna use. Health百劫calendar 1000, circulation of six, and sleep is not bad. 2, Prajna: The Sanskrit, translated into Chinese as Miao wisdom. (Much higher than the wisdom of the world). 3, Paramita: For Sanskrit, translated into Chinese to the other side. Sentient beings due to have my bailiff, so in a sea of troubles. If Oliver from troubles of life and death, transition to non-Health immortal, clean and happy place, that is, to the other side, that is detached from the sea. 6, by: the word by word when Path Solutions, a spiritual path analogy. 4, epiphany: smell is a law, will know five skandhas the air, it is六尘immediate enlightenment, and Ming Avenue. (Represented by Hui Neng) 5, gradually realized: by the letter and the solution, by the solution of the line by line and cards one after another渐修before悟入. While Dayton is growing, and to the other side of the one also. (神秀for the representative) 7, Sanzo: It refers to by the possession of (the Sharia佛所说books), legal possession of (the precepts of books), On the possession of (the law said questions and answers, and the Buddha or Buddhist disciples out, the various Buddha explained by the justice , and the debate on the law books). [Edit this paragraph] 2, the first printing - &Diamond Sutra& In 1900, at the Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes fine print found in a roll of the &Diamond Sutra&, the final volume title of &the nine-year咸通April 15& the words. Tang咸通nine years, is 868 years. This sheet by the adhesive 7 from approximately 6 feet 1 Zhangting &Diamond Sutra& examination paper, fax dignified style, color printing clear, skilled graver law is so far known to the world's oldest printed date has a clear printed matters. This is the &Diamond Sutra& examination paper by the British Library is also known as the world's oldest books. This by the original section 17 of Dunhuang Cave藏经洞in by the British in 1907 Stein fraud, had hidden in the British Museum in London, is possession of the British Library. Block Printing in China is the earliest printed form, may be about 2,000 years ago has emerged. Block Printing the first step is to produce draft clearance. Clearance and then share in the upside down version of the big board formation, fixed good. A variety of skill levels and then the artisans carved in wood or painted on to write the fair copy, master in charge of fine雕工of ordinary craftsmen responsible for carving wood cheaper or less important part. Good wood carving and then brush on the ink, printing press in the pressure in the form of copies of draft-ching. In general, the printing is better than moveable type printing. Chinese box characters such as writing-intensive symbols, block printing will be cheaper initial investment. This process is conducive to the production of drawings and charts. However, the print is not durable, damage in use in the printing fast, require constant replacement, which limits the possibility of a large number of printing. &Diamond Sutra& ( &Vajra Prajna Paramita can more than off by&) the full text Commodities Act will cause the first sub - 如是我闻, but at other times, the Buddha in the homes to the lonely tree only to defend the country park, with many monks who are千二百五十. Seoul, Thie-Tzuen food, the bowl holding the clothes, begging to the city of homes Wei. Their city has been begging for one after another, but also to the Department. Food payment, to close the mantle, have been washing feet, and sit敷座. Kai is the second good products please , The Presbyterian Subhuti, in the general public from the Block, the partial right shoulder, right knee forward and respectful and white Gassho佛言: &Greek there! Thie-Tzuen! Tathagata Buddha all read good care, good付嘱from Buddha. Thie-Tzuen! Good men,善女人, the Arab-Israeli talks Miao San Teodoro Bodhi three heart-yun He should live in their heart-yun He yield? &佛言:&善哉,善哉. Subhuti!如汝said, Tathagata Buddha all read good care, Buddha付嘱all good.汝今listening! when为汝说:善男子,善女人, the Arab-Israeli talks Miao San Teodoro Bodhi three heart should be so to live, in the case of the yield of their heart. &&唯然, Thie-Tzuen! willing For Fun heard. & The third sub-authentic goods Mahayana 佛告Subhuti: &Maha Bodhisattva from Savimbi should yield the same heart. Like all living creatures: If oviparous, viviparous, if, if wet, if color, if it would like, in the absence of would like to, if there would like non-no, I have made and to灭度of Nirvana无余.灭度so measureless limitless countless sentient beings, there is no sentient beings who have灭度. Why is it? Subhuti! If the Buddha with my people phase, with all living creatures, Shou De phase, that is, non-Buddha. & Miao-line fourth-free goods to live at &Thirdly, Subhuti! Buddha in the law, should be无所住, line in Busch, the so-called color can not donate, the law could not sound Busch fragrance. Subhuti! Buddha Busch should be the case, not in phase. Why is it? If Buddha can not with Busch, the Ford is not thinking. Subhuti! in Italy yun HE? Oriental void may be thinking not? && do not have, Thie-Tzuen! && Subhuti! whole four-dimensional void the North West can not think? && No also, Thie-Tzuen! && Subhuti! Buddha-free living with Busch, Ford So it can not be thought. Subhuti! Buddha taught as it should be lived. & Commodities, such as the rationale for it is the fifth sub-see &Subhuti! In Italy yun HE? Can meet Nyorai who do not?& &Do not have, Thie-Tzuen! Can not see who Nyorai相得. Why is it?如来所that are similar, that is, non-single-phase.& Subhuti佛告: &Where all the phase, is false. if seen with non-relative, that is, see Tathagata.& The sixth letter of the Greek goods is one of those who White佛言Subhuti: &Thie-Tzuen! Quite sentient beings, to hear the case, said Chapters, the Health Letter is not?&佛告Subhuti: &Do not make that. Tathagata out later, after the 500-year-old observance修福, and this confidence in Chapters to Health, as it is, they should be aware that it is not in one central Buddha and two kinds of Buddha and the Buddha Shangen 345, was essentially different from tens of millions of measureless Shangen, smell is the Chapters, as well as a letter Niansheng net, the Subhuti! noted Tathagata knows the view, all sentient beings is immeasurable Ford was the case. Why is it? all sentient beings is no-I phase, the phase of all living creatures, Shou D not phase, there is no illegal phase. Why is it? is all check if the heart of all living creatures, for me, human, sentient beings, Shou De. if the check method, that is, me, human, sentient beings, Shou De. Why is it? check if illegal phase, that is, me, human, sentient beings, Shou who reflect the diversity取法should not be and should not take illegal. yes it is justice, Tathagata always said: '汝等Picchu, I know that, such as those who raft Yu; law yet to be homes, not to mention illegal.' & VII of the goods that do not get any free points &Subhuti! In Italy yun HE? Such as the Arab-Israeli talks come more than three Luo Ye Miao San Bodhi? Tathagata that ye be?& Subhuti statement: &If I just佛所说solution, there is no fixed, the Arab-Israeli talks were Dorodjatun Miao San Buddha III, nor are fixed, it can be said Tathagata. Why is it?如来所that are undesirable, can not be said that the illegal, Africa, Africa and France. So Ho? all the saints, always letting things take their own law and there is a difference. & Goods in accordance with the law was born at the eighth &Subhuti! In Italy yun HE? 3000 if the full universe of people to use Busch Qibao, is derived from Ford, would rather be a do not?& Subhuti statement: &many, Thie-Tzuen! Why so? Is that the Ford Non-Ford, the former as more than Ford is. && It was若复, this manned by Chinese, and even四句偈and so on, for others that he wins Qifu. Why is it? Subhuti! all buddhas , and the Arab-Israeli talks buddhas Miao San Teodoro Bodhi Act III, then by all the. Subhuti! the so-called Buddha, that is non-Buddhist. & None of the ninth of goods is a sub - &Subhuti! In-yun He intended?须陀洹can作是念: 'I have to须陀洹fruit' does not?& Subhuti statement: &I do not have, Thie-Tzuen! Why so?须陀洹called inflow, and no the entry, entering the color voice of the law aroma is of须陀洹. && Subhuti! in-yun He intended?斯陀含can作是念: 'I have to斯陀含fruit' does not? &Subhuti statement:& not also, Thie-Tzuen! why so?斯陀含of a current, and there is no current, to be a斯陀含. && Subhuti! in-yun He intended?阿那含can作是念: 'I have to阿那含fruit 'does not? &Subhuti statement:& I do not have, Thie-Tzuen! why so?阿那含not known, but it is all to be a阿那含. && Subhuti! in Italy yun HE? arhat can be was a student, 'I得阿罗汉Road' does not? &Subhuti statement:& I do not have, Thie-Tzuen! why so? There is no Lohans Farmington. Thie-Tzuen! if Lohans作是念: 'I得阿罗汉Road', that is me , human, sentient beings, Shou De. Thie-Tzuen! Buddha Samadhi I have no Zheng, most people first, is the first离欲Lohans. I do not作是念: 'I离欲Lohans'. Thie-Tzuen! for me is read: 'I得阿罗汉Road', Thie-Tzuen Subhuti not said is that unless Alain Le! to Subhuti is no line, and were Subhuti, is Alan Lok line. Land at the solemn tenth goods 佛告Subhuti: &in the Italian-yun HE? If Celecoxib in essentially ran lights, have not the law?& &Do not have, Thie-Tzuen! Tathagata in essentially ran lights, there is no income in the law.& &Subhuti! Yi-yun He was? solemn Buddha佛土not? && do not have, Thie-Tzuen! why so?佛土solemn, that is non-solemn, to be a solemn. && Therefore Subhuti! various Buddhist Maha Sa should be the case of Health clean heart, the heart of Health should not live in color, smell the sound should not live in the heart of Health with the law, should be born无所住its heart. Subhuti! For example, some people, who like Xumishan King, in the Italian-yun HE? is not as big ? &Subhuti statement:& a lot, Thie-Tzuen! why so? Buddha non-body, to be a big body. & XI Fu-sheng Wu Wei goods sub - &Subhuti! If all the sand in the Ganges a few, in the case of sand, such as the Ganges, at yun He intended? Is恒河沙all, rather more than not?& Subhuti statement: &many, Thie-Tzuen! But still more from the Ganges numerous, not to mention the sand. && Subhuti!告汝I made this is: if善男子,善女人to Seoul by the countless number of full Qibao 3000 world, in order to use Busch, Defu do not? &Subhuti made : &a lot of Thie-Tzuen!&佛告Subhuti: &If善男子,善女人, as in this, and even manned四句偈and so on, as others said, and the former Ford Ford wins.& Respect for Orthodox goods twelfth sub - &Thirdly, Subhuti! With that is, even四句偈and so on,当知此Department, all the world, Heaven, Asura, all should support, such as the pagoda temple, not to mention some people can do读诵manned. Subhuti! they should be aware that most human achievements are the first of the Greek law, where if a classic, there is the Buddha, if respect for his disciples. & 13th manned sub-commodities, such as law Seoul, white佛言Subhuti: &Thie-Tzuen! Of this, as when Mr, I-yun He and other奉持?&佛告Subhuti: &is called& Vajra Prajna Paramita &, acts as the name of汝当奉持. So Ho? Subhuti! Buddha Prajna Paramita, that is, non-Prajna Paramita. Subhuti! in Italy yun HE? Tathagata does not have that? &佛言White Subhuti:& Thie-Tzuen! Tathagata said no. && shall be Bodhi! in Italy yun HE? 3000 universe for all the dust is not? &Subhuti statement:& many, Thie-Tzuen! && Subhuti! from dust, such as for the non-dust, to be a fallout. such as for: the world, non-world, is the world. Subhuti! in Italy yun HE? Tathagata can not meet 32? && do not have, Thie-Tzuen! why so? such as for: 32 phase, that is, non-phase is the name of 32. && Subhuti! if善男子,善女人to donate恒河沙等身若复was, as in this, and even manned四句偈and so on, for others that Qifu much. & 寂灭of goods from the 14th sub - Seoul, Subhuti, as I have heard that this is a deep interest justice solutions,涕泪weep with grief, and the white佛言: &Greek has, Thie-Tzuen! Buddha so deep even the classic, I Celecoxib to the proceeds from the eye, has not been by to hear the case of. Thie-Tzuen !若复to hear someone is, the confidence of clear, life and reality, they should be aware that a human being, the first Greek achievements have merit. Thie-Tzuen! is real, that is a non-relative, such as reflect the diversity of reality is. Thie-Tzuen! me this to hear the case of the classic, under-manned solution embarrassing letter, if when the next life, after 500 years old, its creatures, is to hear the letter manned solution, is compared with the first Greek there. Why so? I think this person, who with, of all creatures, those with life. Therefore, Ho? I think that is a non-relative, those of the person who, with all living creatures, namely, those of non-life phase. Why so? From all the various phases of the buddhas. &佛告Subhuti:& If! So!若复to hear someone is not panic and do not be afraid, afraid of, they should be aware that there is very Greek. Why so? Subhuti! As for the first Paramita, that is, non-first Paramita is the first of Paramita. Subhuti! Paramita shame, shame, such as for non-Paramita. Why so? Subhuti! Celecoxib for the song, as I cut-cut-off body-li Wang, I am in Seoul, no I think that no one phase of non-sentient beings, those with no life. Why so? I have been mutilated in the past when, if I think that people with, of all creatures, of life who should be嗔恨Health. Subhuti! Also studied for the past忍辱仙人in五百世in Seoul by the world, no I think that no one phase of non-sentient beings, those with no life. Therefore Subhuti! Should be away from all of the Buddha, the third Arab-Israeli talks Dorodjatun Miao San Bodhi heart, color should not live in the heart of Health, the sound should not live in the heart of Health fragrance law should be无所住Heart Health. If the heart has to live, compared to non-domestic. Therefore Buddha said: 'Buddha Heart Busch should not live in color. 'Subhuti! Buddha for the benefit of all sentient beings, should be the case of Busch. Such as the example: all the various phase, that is, non-relative. Added: All sentient beings, that is, non-sentient beings. Subhuti! Tathagata is the true language, the real language, such as language, the words do not deceive those who are not different words. Subhuti!如来所are successfully implemented, this law there is no non-virtual. Subhuti, if living in the heart of Buddha law firms donate, such as people into the dark, that is not seen. If the Buddha heart Busch can not law firms, such as have eyes, on the bright photos, see all sorts of colors. Subhuti! When to the world, if善男子,善女人, manned by读诵to this, compared to Tathagata Buddha wisdom, and substances that people see is a note, Jiede boundless merit immeasurable success. & Merit goods by holding the 15th sub - &Subhuti! If善男子,善女人, points to the early days恒河沙等身Busch, Sino-Japanese division multiplexing to等身Busch恒河沙day after sub-Busch also恒河沙等身, in the case of robbery百千万亿measurel若复people, hear this classic, confidence does not reverse, the Fu-sheng He, not to mention writing, manned,读诵, well explained. Subhuti! to要言之, there is incredible, can not be weighed, boundless merit. Tathagata said to Mahayana made for the most high-fat said.读诵manned if one can, widely said that the Tathagata substances, and noted that people see, not the volume of Jiede achievements, can not be said that there is no edge, incredible merit. so people, compared with the Arab-Israeli talks荷担Tathagata Dorodjatun three Miao San Bodhi. Why so? Subhuti! If the music of small law who see me, people see, the people see those who see life, then this by not listening to by,读诵, well explained. Subhuti! In all, if this, as all the world, days, people, Asura, which shoul当知此Office for the tower, all should be respectful for the ceremony surrounded by incense and scattered all its China Office. & Sixteenth goods karma points to the net &Thirdly, Subhuti! If善男子,善女人, manned by读诵this, if people look down upon, is the crime of先世industry should be堕恶道to present people belittle it,先世industry for the eradication of the crime, when Arab-Israeli talks were more than three Luo Miao San Bodhi. && Subhuti! I read only the last Wuliangshan Arab monk robbed, ran lights on before the Buddha, a value that he八百四千万亿buddhas,悉皆dependent contractors, and no air had who was若复in after the end of the world, can be manned by读诵this, from merit, in my buddhas merit support, less than one percent, 0000 points, can not even count and by analogy. Subhuti! if good men,善女人, after the end of the world, there are manned by读诵this, from merit, I have said if, or it was learned that the heart is frantic, not suspicion. Subhuti! they should be aware that is just incredible, incredible results are also reported. & Is not my 17th sub-products Seoul, white佛言Subhuti: &Thie-Tzuen!善男子,善女人, the Arab-Israeli talks Miao San Teodoro Bodhi three heart-yun He should live? Yun He yield their hearts?&佛告Subhuti: &善男子, good women, the Third Arab-Israeli talks Dorodjatun Miao San Bodhi mind, the case when the Health and heart, I should灭度all sentient beings.灭度of all sentient beings have been without a real灭度were all living creatures. Why so? Subhuti! I think if there is Buddha, the phase of all living creatures, Shou De phase, while non-Buddha. Therefore, Ho? Subhuti! There is no law made the Arab-Israeli talks Dorodjatun three heart who despise three Bodhi. && Subhuti! Yi-yun He was? However, the Tathagata essentially light, there are laws to have the Arab-Israeli talks Dorodjatun three three Bodhi does not despise? && Do not have, Thie-Tzuen!佛所说solution as I just ran light in essentially the Buddha, the law was no more than the Arab-Israeli talks Luo Miao San Bodhi III. &佛言:& If! So! Subhuti! There is no law, such as the Arab-Israeli talks come more than three Luo Miao San Bodhi. Subhuti! Act as if the Arab-Israeli talks come more than three Luo Miao San Bodhi who ran lights and I do not grant the Buddha in mind: Ru in the afterlife, as was for the Buddha, Sakyamuni No.. There is no law in the Arab-Israeli talks were more than three Luo Miao San Bodhi, Buddhist reflect light and I ran granted in mind that for the statement: 'Ru in the afterlife, as was for the Buddha, Sakyamuni No.. ' Why so? Tathagata, that is, if诸法justice. If人言: 'If the Arab-Israeli talks came more than three Luo Miao San Bodhi'. Subhuti! There is no law, the Arab-Israeli talks Verde Dorodjatun three Miao San Bodhi. Subhuti! Arab-Israeli talks have如来所Dorodjatun three Miao San Bodhi, so there is no virtual no. Thus if the example: all皆是佛Law Act. Subhuti! Said all the law, that is, non-all law, all law is named. Subhuti! For example, the person grew up. &Subhuti statement:& Thie-Tzuen! Such as the example: the person grew up, compared with non-big body, to be a big body. && Subhuti! Buddha so. If the statement made is: 'I灭度immeasurable sentient beings', not of Buddha. Why so? Subhuti! Law known as No Mercy. Therefore Buddha said: All law without me, no, no sentient beings, non-life persons. Subhuti! If the Buddha is to make a statement, 'I solemnly佛土', is not of the Buddha. Why so? Such as the example:佛土solemn, that is non-solemn, is the solemn name. Subhuti! If not I access the Law of Buddha, such as for the name is Buddha. Goods together with the concept of the 18th sub - &Subhuti! In Italy yun HE? Tathagata does not have the naked eye?& &If so, Thie-Tzuen! Tathagata have the naked eye.& &Subhuti! In Italy yun HE? Tathagata does not have eye in the sky?& &If so, Thie-Tzuen! Tathagata have the eye in the sky.& &Subhuti! In Italy yun HE? Tathagata have the wisdom not to?& &If so, Thie-Tzuen! Tathagata have the eye.& &Subhuti! In Italy yun HE? Tathagata has not escaped?& &If so, Thie-Tzuen! Tathagata have escaped.& &Subhuti! In-yun He intended?佛眼not have the Tathagata?& &If so, Thie-Tzuen!佛眼Tathagata there.& &Subhuti! In Italy yun HE? Ganges all sand is the sand is not Buddha?& &If so, Thie-Tzuen! As is sand.& &Subhuti! In Italy yun HE? If all the sand in the Ganges, such as the Ganges, is all the sand from the Ganges a few Buddhist world and if so, would rather be a do not?& &Many, Thie-Tzuen!& Subhuti佛告: &Fall of the land, all sentient beings, a number of heart Nyorai substances. Why is it? such as this: all were non-cardiac heart is called the heart. So Ho? Subhuti! not get past the heart, the heart is can not be a future can not be a heart. & Goods at the 19th通分law &Subhuti! In Italy yun HE? If Qibao universe to over 3000 by Busch, is a cause acts, Defu do not?& &If so, Thie-Tzuen! This person acts as karma, a lot of wonderful.& &Subhuti! If there is Ford, such as the right for not more than F to Ford for no reason, if for more than a Ford.& Color from the 20th of goods from the sub - &Subhuti! In-yun He intended?具足Color Buddha who can not see?& &Do not have, Thie-Tzuen! Tathagata who should not see color具足. Why so? As example: body-color具足, that is, body-color non-具足is具足of body color. && Subhuti! in-yun He intended?具足Tathagata can not all meet? && do not have, Thie-Tzuen! Tathagata should not be to meet all具足. Why is it? such as for:具足all of that non-具足is the name phase具足all. & That the said goods in the twenty-first non-sub - &Subhuti!汝勿that the Tathagata作是念: 'I have that.' Mo作是念, why so? If人言: Tathagata has said, is谤佛, I said it can not be solutions. Shall be Bodhi! that those who can not be said to be a statement. &Seoul,佛言white慧命Subhuti:& Thie-Tzuen! quite sentient beings, in the next world, I have heard that this is the law, Health and the confidence of not? &佛言:& Subhuti!彼非sentient beings, non-sentient beings do not. Why is it? Subhuti! creatures living creatures, such as for non-sentient beings, is of all creatures. & Goods can not be the twenty-second score White佛言Subhuti: &Thie-Tzuen! Verde Dorodjatun Nou Ah Miao San Bodhi three for free from Jerusalem?&佛言: &If, in the case. Subhuti! I Dorodjatun Nou Ah Miao San Bodhi and the three have no less method available is the Arab-Israeli talks were three Miao San Teodoro Bodhi. & Commodities净心twenty minutes to do good &Thirdly, Subhuti! Is the law of equality, there is no high, is the Arab-Israeli talks were three Miao San Teodoro B to no me, no, no sentient beings, no life, and repair all of remedy, namely, the Arab-Israeli talks have Miao San Teodoro Bodhi III. Subhuti! said remedy, such as non-effective ways to run that is the name of remedy. & No scores 24th福智Goods &Subhuti! If all the universe from 3000 Xumishan Wang, in the case of such Qibao Poly, it was using B as if the people& by Prajna Paramita, &and so on and even四句偈, manned,读诵, for others said that in less than one percent of the former Ford,百千万亿points, can not even count and by analogy. & Twenty-fifth of goods of any sub - &Subhuti! In-yun He intended?汝等Do not say that Tathagata作是念: 'I was living creatures degrees.' Subhuti! Mo作是念. Why is it? There is no sentient beings who Tathagata degrees. Tathagata degrees if the people who , Tathagata have I, human, sentient beings, Shou De. Subhuti! like to have me, then it is me, and Fan-fu man, I thought there was. Subhuti! Fan-fu, such as that for non-Fan-fu is the name Fan-fu . & Twenty-products of non-phase sub-bodies &Subhuti! In Italy yun HE? 32-phase concept can not Tathagata?& Subhuti statement: &If! So! To 32-phase concept of Tathagata.&佛言: &Subhuti! Terms of 32 concept of Tathagata, the runner is Nyorai king. &佛言white Subhuti:& Thie-Tzuen!佛所说justice solution, as I should not be used with 32 Nyorai concept. &Seoul, Thie-Tzuen偈言and said: &If I see color in order to voice for me, is the People's Bank of depraved life, can not see Tathagata& 27th without absolutely no chemicals to eliminate sub - &Subhuti!汝若作是念: '具足Tathagata does not phase it, the Arab-Israeli talks have three Miao San Teodoro Bodhi.' Subhuti!作是念Mo, '具足Tathagata does not phase it may be the Arab-Israeli talks Dorodjatun Miao San Bodhi III. 'Subhuti!汝若作是念, the Arab-Israeli talks Miao San Teodoro three Bodhi Heart, the诸法断灭said.作是念Mo! why so? made the Arab-Israeli talks Dorodjatun three Bodhi Heart From Miao San , said the law does not断灭phase. & Not greedy goods from the 28th sub - &Subhuti!恒河沙If the Buddha in the world, such as age Qibao B若复someone I know all the law, was put into in this victory before the Buddha from the Buddha Foundation. Subhuti! To all the Buddha it is not Ford. &White佛言Subhuti:& Thie-Tzuen! yun HE Buddha from Ford? && Subhuti! Buddha made by Ford,贪着should not, reflect the diversity that is not Ford. & Net 29th minutes silence parents Goods &Subhuti!人言if: If the Tathagata to go if, if若坐bed, is just not understand what I said. Why is it? Tathagata who has nothing, nor the last, named Tathagata.& 30th of goods at a reasonable &Subhuti! If善男子,善女人to 3000 pieces for the dust universe, in the Italian-yun HE? Is rather more than dust masses do not?& &Many, Thie-Tzuen! Why so? Fallout if the public is There, the Buddha does not say that the public fallout, so Ho? Buddha: dust masses, that is, public non-dust is the dust of the public. Thie-Tzuen! 3000如来所that world, the non-world, is the world. Why is it? if the world there is a phase. such as the example: 'A phase, a phase of non-, is the name of a phase.' Subhuti! a phase, they can not be said However, Fan-fu贪着those people. & Commodities do not know see the thirty-first生分 &Subhuti! If人言: Buddha, I see that people see, the people see those who see life. Subhuti! In-yun He intended? Solution is not just me that?& &Do not have, Thie-Tzuen! Is puzzled justice如来所said. why so? Thie-Tzuen said: I see that people see, the people see, Shouson who see, that is not my view, people see, the people see those who see life is who I see, people see, the people see, who see life. && Subhuti! made three Dorodjatun Nou Ah Miao San Bodhi mind, and to all law, should be known if, in the case, see, in the case of letter of solutions, not Health Law. Subhuti! said law, such as that for illegal phase, to be a law. & Goods should be thirty minutes of non-real &Subhuti! If measureless to Afghanistan over the world Qibao monks using only donate if善男子, Bodhi善女人heart fat, and by holding this, and even四句偈and so on, manned读诵, his speech Qifu He wins. yun He man speech, do not check in with, as if not moving. Why is it? && Everything for the law, such as梦幻泡影, such as exposed as well as electricity, should be the case &is the Buddha has, Presbyterian Subhuti及诸Picchu, nuns, Upasaka,优婆夷, all the world, days, people, Asura,佛所说smell, happy, followed by letter. [Edit this paragraph] thousand years of Buddhist treasures Prints In recent years, the ancient art of the news copy on naming success. A few days ago, by the Central Academy of Fine Arts Printmaking Department of the auspices of a research project - the British Museum, &Diamond Sutra? Argument map& the success of reproduction, would have to say that letting a hundred flowers blossom in a wonderful work, especially bright, with significant collections of academic literature and价值. &Diamond Sutra? Argument map& is different from the general works of art, copy the difficulty and relatively high academic value. The original as Wang Jie in the year 868 Indian-made &King Kong by Prajna Paramita& in the title page drawing, painting is Buddha Park, loneliness to that plan, but also the world's oldest existing print works. As the old, more than a thousand years ago, together with printed materials handed down from ancient times is very scarce in kind, as well as this piece of history in the religious scriptures and the history of Buddhist art, have a special place irreplaceable. In general, the loss of precious cultural relics from abroad, it is difficult to study in depth analysis. The &argument map& of the copy, no doubt to the scholars and connoisseurs of the rare opportunity to learn about the truth. Vajra Prajna Paramita by (the whole of the Diamond Sutra) - The full text of devout men and women chanting ----------- Please Jingang from eight In addition to disaster requests from the Green Diamond (in addition to all sentient beings宿世灾殃, the main sea.) Please provide drugs from King Kong (in addition to all sentient beings poisoning disease patients, the main drug disaster.) With the order from King Kong Wong (Order order to do so by all sentient beings, the main merit.) Please white water from King Kong (in addition to all sentient beings suffering热恼, master of all Po.) Please Chek fire from the sound King Kong (other than the ignorance of all sentient beings see, the main wind.) Please disaster will be held from King Kong (in addition to all the people suffering the disaster, the main glass.) Please Tsz-yin, from King Kong (the enlightenment of all sentient beings solution, the main fastness.) Please god from Diamond (chi bud so that the achievements of all sentient beings, the main dragon.) Buddha requests from four (four four-chi亦名immeasurable heart, a大圆镜智, the妙观察智,平等性智three, four sing-chi.) Please Jingang families from Buddha (also ci). Please claim from King Kong Buddha (also sad).   Please love Buddha from King Kong (hi also). Please Jingang words from Buddha (homes also). Shannon Chan Shannon's furnace heat, smoked Mongolian law, noted the distance buddhas will hear the sea, Xiangyun end everywhere, in good faith方殷, buddhas are systemic. No cover South Xiangyun Maha Bodhisattva Bodhisattva No cover South Xiangyun Maha Bodhisattva Bodhisattva No cover South Xiangyun Maha Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Net mouth industry mantra An, Xiu-Li, Xiu-Li, Xiu-li Mahabharata, trim benefits, Sa Po blame. Purification industry mantra An, Xiu-Victoria, Victoria Xiu, Xiu Morrison, Suo Po He. Net three industry mantra ?kaoliang?Suo Po pack,?Suo摩娑of?, both degrees?kaoliang regret. (Suo, pronunciation S?, kaoliang, pro degrees Tuo pronunciation.) On land mantra An, south without three full quiver, the mother carried furans, OM, degrees噜噜degrees, to the end of SA PO blame. (To, pronunciation W tail, the pronunciation of Niger) Pu mantra support An,??in former times, the three Great?, Luo hoh socks on. (?, pronunciation Ye; former times,上声; day, Luo, pronunciation La; hoh, to coax the pronunciation) Fat is willing to text Sanjie稽首respect, comply with the Buddha to life 10. I made this ambition of holding the Diamond Sutra. Reported four-yan, under the hard way Jisan. If knowledge, the know-fat Buddha heart. Who make this newspaper, with the State Health Paradise. Fan-yun HE Yun He too long, King Kong is not a bad body. Fu Ho in karma, a big strong power. This by-yun He, on the other side how to. MMI is willing to open the Buddha, is widely said that all living creatures. Mount the Buddha in this division Mount the Buddha in this division Mount the Buddha in this division Opened by the engine Even the delicate deep supreme law, Encountered disasters百千万. I have manned this knowledge, Tathagata real solution is ready to justice. Diamond Sutra Foundation持诵efficacious in mind Xi-Liang, the trick to monks Shi-yan, as monks early. From time to time with the division, Yan said the phrase: 'sub-division is great wisdom, no king of the short-lived, how? 'Yan heard this phrase, then please Dade, a total of detail Qifu, Xiu Ho merit, but also a Yannian. Dade says: 'Buddhism Word, Diamond Prajna manned in accordance with the law, the greatest merit, would be moved Yannian. 'Yan when ordered, Prajna遂即manned by Iriyama. Six out of the division even more op. Cloud: 'Master Ho merit than to repair? Longevity of Dayton is able to do so! 'Yan would have said:' The former was short-lived with life,遂以into the mountains, Diamond Prajna manned and无余industry. 'Division said:' inconceivable. 'It is because of merit, Dade遂为. Master over life, by the end of tenor. Mr Leung, the Tibetan monks good teacher, stresses that the well-known. Taneaki division from time to time, and the Yin of the good can be accounted for. Too see that said: 'possession of the division, to be smart to say. Readily selected depending on a roll by the possession of, to be longevity. 'Vajra Prajna乃得holders, hidden in a room诵持, not three years. After see-yin, the hi in terms of say: 'What the Law Reform division looks? Without verification of his disciples by. 'Possession goes:'檀越with great experience, it is difficult when the degree of Ecuador for a manned force such as Diamond Prajna. 'Yin言曰of:' Large incredible fruit Foundation reported that this was more than a hundred years of age. 'Mind, as said. Sui, a Tibetan Buddhist monk Borneo can hold禁咒Diamond Sutra,诸恶all断除. Kozo咒法school as there are a few years of Ye Fu Kan. River to go, see there is a temple of God Hu's court, that is, sitting here in the heart禁咒reading places, the funeral was committed. Possession of his disciples who hear death, resentment came from the temple诵咒sitting in the temple, as that is, death. In a temple with monks, each manned Diamond Prajna by Heng Wen Tibetan master teacher killed for God, then to God, to sit in the temple by chanting Prajna. Nights are known to have the w moment see a thing, and its shape varies HUAI, magnificent strange, formidable regular times, to describe a variety of vision may Xinhua. Teachers read aloud to sit is always Diamond Sutra, there is no fear. God has come from the former, taken from威势, the right knee, the Gassho respectful, listening to chanting payment. Surveyors asked God: 'God only檀越what? Xun Meng early years, the latter is fixed寂然. 'The answer that is God:' disciples Hu is the God's court, of firm to do violence. Teachers see the classic study of Mahayana, incredible, V is listening. This letter can檀越''King, the former Second诵咒Monk,何缘killing? 'God made:' He II monk who can not hold classic M see disciples to reverse the first curse curse,咒术pleasant口诵. Disciples not to V, the second monk, see his appearance, and since fear death, nor is it against the killing of his disciples. 'Side of the last person known to the division into its temple止宿, with the former two may be killing the monks. Dan诸人to a total of相率welcome to look at God, is safe see. Cause the division asked for all things Italian with诸人A,诸人have made Diamond Prajna Heart manned by many persons. Kaihuang eleven years, Wen-Chang Zhao寺丞House too dead body, only on willing family members did not dare that convergence. Yama遂至Ran Chang, asked Chang said: 'they have come from the Health for the HE sector? 'Chang said:' more无余merit, but often by诵持Diamond Prajna. 'Wang Wen Gassho, respectful praise statement:'善哉! Vajra Prajna manned, the most incredible merit. 'That is, they were the words said:' Ru more survey case, do not mistake the future does not? 'The future of its people is wrong, do not smell. Chang said that the phrase: 'to get by the possession of King Kong in the past by Prajna. 'So that one primer-chang, down to the southwest by the Tibetan. Seen a few dozen large homes, the very fine-li, which by the full, and gold-axis displays Bao Guang Yan, Miao Hua well decorated, not at all complex. Yun-chang is one turn a blind eye: 'Dade, once the most disciples. 'WU afraid of fear that this non-Prajna, and for its people, please, refused. That is, open-chang, the Vajra Prajna is. With the approach of King, the executive in the West, the East-chang-li, Diamond Prajna by reading again, and may be Tom Lee. Wang Fang that is also, constrained by this manned-chang, MO waste is forgotten. One person cited still-chang, to send out, we see the door-week ban Emperor East room, call statement: 'Ru is also in our country temporarily to this point, the phrase must be total. 'Even see Wu-chang,再拜. Emperor said: 'Ru, I do not know? 'Changyan:' Chen Wei Xi was a matter of His Majesty V. 'Emperor hi says:' Secretary of State is also my old acquaintances to mind.汝可also home, for me to speak on this Dili, Road, and I all crimes, the only outstanding灭佛ceremonies. WEI Yuan-song then calumny shall not be long in this cut, I do not know its! WEI Yuan-song is Sanjie outsiders, non-Yama taken possession, for which recovery was not. Ru is also home for me from now on Timor merit a little begging, suffering救拔only dare to hope that the. 'Chang also is more Soho House has been on the 5th, and its suffering from the gradual loss of奏闻in the matter. Wen know, that is, all the domestic?Temple Monk division for the 3rd week of Emperor持斋-way street, to the core by Diamond Prajna also Records of the Historian entry. One遂州, Zhenguan a year die after three days of living. That statement: the beginning of the time of death was to live by, the number of people to companion by Yama. One monk, Wang see the first call: 'division, the life has come, He Xiu merit? 'Division答言:' Vajra Prajna Paramita only by reading. 'King heard that, the statement Gassho praise:'善哉! Vajra Prajna Paramita is both manned by, when a go to heaven, where the future because of this wrong! 'Wang made no payment, that is, see天衣down, the division cited the sky and go. Wang review sit遂州times people asked: '汝等from Fu Xi has to be reported? 'Cloud:' life has been to, the classical core, and Yu Xin Xi articles recorded Zhuzi set, reading the recent study by Diamond Prajna, without犹自. 'WANG Yue:' great sinner thou not see? 'Report says:' While reading the article Yu, face and did not know it. 'Wang苦人show即遣. Is a big turtle, a few head人言this is the letter G. Turtles to fewer, Wang Yan: 'this person Prajnaparamita Diamond school reading, and make out. 'To见一人goes:' I am the letter G, to survive the day, all cited as good for the article, or Health libel,?scripture destroyed, by this crime is reported to see turtles sentence. 'Soho is that this cause. Sad people, real substances.遂州people of their land, are shifting, and hunting and eating of Health murder charge. Were known at that time know see, by killing断除may be made Diamond Heart note Prajna manned by a total of, for people affected by respectful letter. Xiaqi渭州Yan Tong, life has come, often chanting Diamond Prajna. Honey Lee before Renwu jail under county magistrate for the city of thieves breaking, and欲杀find. Yan Tong anxious fear, ie, over the next Chengdong check for dead streams. Jian Jun Baizhang its more than deep, and from the air, where people help then in the end feel. Enron is sitting on rock, for a long time to rise, all without injury. Fear of self-hi-yan pass very, very sigh. Dade from Diamond Prajna know from the power of appointment known as merit incredible great power. Nobutaka increase heart,精勤manned,轻慢dare not often reported by the fruit, Defu immeasurable. State Po Room?Tibetan monks law, fine ring-sun line, in order to direct nature.隋开皇thirteen years in Los Trichosanthis Kawasaki City to pay the county a僧房made, more than 20 years, Temple 3, and two brick and tile, YAN Li Cai Jing Mao ornaments. Su-丈六like, there are 11 Department of the Ministry of each other, and a stone statue of Avalokitesvara等身body, such as the 1000 screen. A temple to the great cause of thousands of years. Homes as and when the shift on the state?, Garan resettlement, damage to fill a vacancy, and a success. After making all the more, written more than 800 volumes. Zhang made another in the capital on Love Temple, it is copied and sandalwood axis, Miao solemn good. Wude possession to two years in April suffering from quenching by the two-year, which is then put on in见一人Tsing Yi, were made by hand roll: 'Master of possession for a lifetime has come, the inventor merit, Miao悉皆good. Only three small treasures interoperability, in addition to offend at the end. From my hands, Diamond Prajna, the first most Mahayana scriptures, made汝自volume, all the various crimes, destroy a note. 'Possession heard this teaching,答言answered:' If the disease worse, that is the heart made the decision, made Prajna 100. Self-disciple, and came to life, though repair merit, it is not written Jingang Prajna. Buddha buddhas, Xue Wu see this will not slacken our efforts. Only three bottles of his clothing bowl, favoring his right shoulder when his disciples to do the pro-Dade付嘱know, the Prajna-made King Kong. '三五日can play, depending on which is willing to PO Qie Suo homes built to defend the country, the first written payment and put the people scattered, spread读诵. Vajra Prajna know the power of the greatest classic Mahayana, incredible. Qi yuan conditions, the rate of delivery persuade those who hold by Vajra Prajna, see by the results reported boundless beneficence. Sui Ling silence of a monk, two disciples. The main Buddhist disciples suddenly this day, such as call forward: 'I heard there are great Manjusri Wutaishan, each was谒者ceremony, it is common people接引its appearance. I'll wait for the three Al往彼ceremony, not good! 'Italy will be two donkeys, a silk Health 200 piece pack, sent his disciples, such as flooding, a monk from乘骑, towards the spot. The monks of Health for one year only by the holders of Diamond Prajna, but no other industry. When the time of trunk wood only to this by the volume. Through a few months, due to put to rest in the swamp donkey to animal, that is, a monk under the tree, to rest on the carpet shop fall asleep. Ping the two disciples, I intend to kill the monks, etc., are pleasing silk piece 100, take a donkey, into the vertical travel to Beijing, not having a life-long music. Hing is a heart, a disciple of a knife, that is, when the waist chop. Mitoya have been,
it is the fourth sword of the air, take a knife may not be flat, not from the knife. Fresh just like the two, the monks sleep.见此disciples, the two hands knee knees knife, silent no right. Monk is asked: 'He Shengsong汝等malicious? 'His disciples double knees forward, with intent Chen. Monk also had fruit we mean cable drum learn how to read his. There are three marks his waist, and chop off until the warp beam. Monk when his waist is looking for three 3 Red-sheng, a number of heavy clothes, or through the damaged, not by the divine power to Diamond Prajna also. Xi-Wen Chang Ling monks died suddenly quiet, with seven days, see Wang equality. Wang asked the monk said: 'What in the Health and by the industry? 'Hope You answer:' hold Diamond Sutra. 'Wang Gassho Please read, read even a moment. Wang asked the monk said: 'Although this was by reading less一偈Ho? 'You A WANG Yue-Ling:' only a small division of this study, I wonder if the lack of HO engine? 'WANG Yue:' monk life has done, but also put a decade of living. This, as in the West濠州stone on their own as true copies by the world mass. 'Robbed of its monks live with that the matter say. Code Head Han Chen hole state, died after two days, and then the Soviet Union, with that goes like this: early Ming, the Magistrate asked: '汝为Liu Shang matter杀牛47, Xinzhao a reason to pick up his cattle? 'Did not check Xinzhao taboo. One person out of a moment that sent a Tau. Xinzhao die so that may not be known, was The Magistrate, how to get free of this crime? Asked Magistrate said: 'What in the Health Foundation? 'Xinzhao answer:' often hold Diamond Sutra. 'The phrase unfinished, and its from the air over the region. To be set free, having一十八年live. Else, lay Gou, the Diamond Sutra诵持. The heart is made in the new village in the northwest county complex in order to pen the book space for the day by writing King Kong. The Department of rain is not wet, I do not know the beginning, he herded cows in the village, rehabilitation in the rain yond.胡僧after one, then had to see the villagers will say is: 'This is the altar, there is by air. 'Fasting day of Po, Seoul often covered. This scene from the northwest county三十里, so far, see the. Xi Wang Tuo killed countless lives, the heart is made by professionals who Jingang 10,000 times. Reading a 5000 times. Suddenly at noon on the 1st, came to see dozens of ghosts said: 'Wang Ru dispatch up, holding by Ru且莫. 'Godot will come to read, so that more cursory鬼使from ghosts encyclical been said:' Wang?held by the people and place. 'Wang Tuo遂即-free death, the end of life to carry on 98. Xi Wang Chuo-gun justice to Tianshui.薛举for killing the soldiers, meeting crowds to Wang, Nai-inch folding knife. Luo made the Book of Song of the knife cut, also-inch folding knife. Strange薛举said: 'Ru-what law? 'Wang Chuo answer:' King Kong by holding an early age, by the force should be. '薛举Wang was released fixes. Fear of crowds fear of possession into a toilet, read this as, in the light see the toilet, toilet贼众to look for light, see people asked said: 'Who are we? 'The answer toilet people:' sentence was not the deceased king knife crowds. 'Robber said:' Ru do not need to hide, to make known armed services. 'Urged to stay away from home. Were free from this difficulty. Zhu昔有value for the Supervisor of evil, disrespectful Sambo. Leung Kwok-左仆射for, his wife Else, often, the Diamond Sutra holders. Not her husband, King Kong is held by the times, her husband and from the outside to the see, is won in the hands of his wife by volume, until the fire out, with no loss. Couple was sealed closed by volume in repentance before the Buddha. Choi Sun-Chong Xi Magistrate to carry the state, when the rebel meeting, the provincial governor was killed. Good red from more than 20 people, all bow昆明城cast away the sword. To night, I do not know the way, the good red soldiers were said: '至心Buddhist. 'Red from the Diamond Sutra study. Letter before horse, a torch忽见while op. Line to a few years, to eliminate non-fire that was too达昆明City, are also by the force. Celecoxib唐晏, the sorrowful state县吏Peizi people. Diamond Sutra often held, a matter not only for the edge, back to being official, the trip to遂州Road, the county is catching. Yan said the air the sound was heard: '唐晏! Ru hurry to. 'Yan was the first example, see a胡僧. Shu-Ying Yan至心everything that is, catching dozens of people were not the opposite, that is difficult to avoid this. Qin Xu Wei were also. Diamond Sutra holding regular, three times to make up their offerings may not be, so to report?Wang and Fang Yu. Li were also in Nanyang County.县尉for Texas, and his hold Diamond Sutra. After every take, there is Shenguang. Celecoxib窦氏night suffering from headache, the slave girl in the kitchen make fire, made no.忽见a pre-order炬火was on the order to, such as day, the wife would be more headache. Probably have been carefully, is often此皆Diamond Sutra is also held. King Kong was held more by those who criticize inspection, and the text contains more than non-fan also. To the previous post-mortem cases, the 3000 universe假令Qibao some people who donate are used, it is better to spread the most wins by merit. Writing if Diamond Sutra, manned读诵also spread more than writing, such as a lamp burning百千万lamp, according to the dead are and tomorrow never end. If copying tablet in the temple wall of the article, the boundless beneficence boundless, inconceivable. Emperor Kaiyuan Diamond Sutra merit praise King Kong re-roll so I King side Xumishan manned 80000 Famen benefits are the eyes of his heart more than to know Day to talk about than to listen to songs旧曲word Prajna Jingang Emperor Kaiyuan Mo顶礼personally doubt至心Note In addition to this, as can be made all the hard pre-view of the heart known eye in the sky Mo was not out six thieves they cited China and Japan fell愚痴 Thie-Tzuen Wuliangshan Nirvana monk robbed only the past tens of billions of the Arab-Israeli Minister King Chuan Wong King圣教I the Greek letter world Zhai 10 off per month rehabilitated industry wide degree of slaughtered monks and nuns Oviparous viviparous ground improving big brave Buddhist compassion Kamah tired of see the palace of music has to know who is the true risk Emperor of a country not to mention the main secular consciousness is not still thinking Suo is the country the past mentioned the main ideas for the sake of Princess Bin homes Mahayana精勤asceticism He taught as a servant斯仕 Dili this example Shengming cardiac ultra-Wan Nian concept known in advance Wenwu Granville St. peace all over the world will be named 10000四夷 Note深妙since King Kong Ling-yi wrigglings are manned with God of good law enforcement professionals do not often praise to the heavens with the wish to White elephant to King Shou Chi Bao Temple to build a few tight encirclement cars Hatabu Monk hand out flowers immortal Citation drive space to fly over Cape Eight difficult五浊Retrogradation States into Qibao Paradise Pool Mount恒沙Yongding Kaiyuan Wang外道robbery in accordance with the overall drop Chuan-Long live the future generations do not brush圣教like robbing天衣 Blessed is the people have more weight when every buddhas King Kong Quan妙理be difficult to total all by hanging, I Cloth of gold over the Buddha to be bought over Tuo only Prince Edward Park 8 Wild Goose Pagoda Buddhist followers Yonggungsa spirits of days over Cited only the tree branches for birds sand under foot Stephen King Hold food bowl homes for the people to defend the country Fukuda quotes Thie-Tzuen Seoul with no Subhuti I pay tribute to a statement by Sri Lanka Four for the top grade fruit Liutong Yonggungsa days by the music alive Department cents king runner-bit smart as likelihood Emperor Celecoxib for the song that Lee King who cut the meat was cut-off Health Days Hatoyama sacrifice pigeon carcasses adjoin Lohans and 3000 who had I love all living creatures阎浮Emperor火宅days leads to removal of Health But all love, such as pure pity for the people悉皆 Vested fruit Ah Nou Dorodjatun also cause a total end buddhas 1000 Health百劫boundless beneficence also returned to the boundless Instead of 10 temples, such as video from the world as well as Ran Li Diamond justice深妙always deceive his岂敢virtual mass


