ArcGIS 10 真正完美破解 全模块(1)
ArcGIS 10 真正完美破解 全模块…… 发表于304 天前 / GIS, Software / 评论数 54 / 被围观 8,367 次+ 如果觉得这个麻烦,可以参考:ArcGIS KeyGen注册机,五步操作实现ArcGIS9.X与ArcGIS10全模块无时限破解 种子与SP1补丁请移步到文件这里ArcGIS 10 SP1 发布了原破解任然有效(有图有真像) 转自:lightgis 32位系统的破解肯定是有用的 xqiushi已经测试了 ;64位的没测试过,这里也不提供下载,可以到原处找: 附上详细的XX步骤(中英文): 0.有2个版本的破解,如果你是X86的系统,下面所有的步骤都是针对X86文件夹的;X64同理; 1.***ArcGIS 10.0 ***包里自带的ArcGIS 10.0 License Manager,***完之后立刻停掉服务(很重要); 2.拷贝X86/X64文件夹的除AfCore.dll之外的全部文件 到”%PROGRAMFILES%ArcGISLicense10.0bin”文件夹内,覆盖之; 3.双击float.reg,合并注册表信息; 4.拷贝AfCore.dll到”%PROGRAMFILES%ArcGISDesktop10.0bin”; 5.双击”%PROGRAMFILES%ArcGISLicense10.0bin”文件夹内的 LMTools.exe; 6.在 “Service/License file”标签页下选择”Configuration using Services”; 7.切换到”Config Services”; 8.随便起个名字,比如“ArcGIS v10”在”Service Name”栏中; 9.点“Browse”,切换到lmgrd.exe文件所在位置,一般应该是 在”%PROGRAMFILES%ArcGISLicense10.0bin”;
厨师培训学校课程有哪些对 不少想要学厨师的人来说 能不能找到一所好的学校是影响他们一生的大事 所以不少人为不知道怎样判断一所学校的好坏而发愁 虽然他们...贡献者:现在的你我81
暂无评价|0人阅读|0次下载|举报文档厨师培训手册_企业管理_经管营销_专业资料。文档贡献者 我 贡献于2013-12...贡献者:我
厨师培训协议_合同协议_表格模板_实用文档。厨师培训协议甲方: 地址: ***: 乙方: 地址: ***: 因甲方公司业务需要为提高乙方的专业技术水平甲乙双方 就甲方...贡献者:free小敏68
餐厅厨师培训计划为进一步提高员工素质 提高服务技能是当前夯实内力的迫 切需求.根据省局加大员工培训工作力度的指示精神结合本单 位实际努力做好 2010 年的厨师...贡献者:buwenfan8198
10款最经典湘菜_语文_高中教育_教育专区。10 款最经典湘菜《中国湘菜标准》确定了“酸辣香浓、熏腊味厚、质嫩色亮”的现代湘菜风格并收录了 十道大众湘菜大厨......贡献者:fymao2000
湘菜餐饮经营计划书_商业计划_计划解决方案_实用文档。革命根据地 经营策划书 (草案) 前言 餐饮行业以舒适的环境、 优良的服务和菜品的特色赢得经济效益 根据现......贡献者:廖松平yin
湘菜的历史_广告传媒_人文社科_专业资料。湘菜的历史渊源从它自成体系以来就以其丰富的内涵和浓郁的地方特 色声播海内外并同其它地方菜系一起共同构成中国......贡献者:筱筱珠珠
湘菜调研报告总稿_调查报告_表格模板_应用文书。挑战杯黄伟、 一.项目背景---黄伟、张美娜 项目背景 黄伟 1.1 湘菜品牌理论研究 俗语有云----“民以食为天”......贡献者:我生气时会发飙
湘菜英文介绍_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区。一提到湘菜大家一定会想到这些~~ 对湘菜就是一个字辣!可是你们知道 湘菜辣的起源是什么吗? When it comes to ......贡献者:子非一鱼
湘菜大全(一) 暂无评价 49页 免费湘菜的特点 暂无评价|0人阅读|0次下载|举报文档 以长沙、衡阳、湘潭为......贡献者:lihanlin888
湖南省地方标准 DB43T421.1-2009 湘菜基本术语、分类与命名第 1 部分:湘菜基本术语 Fundamental terms and classification and naming of Hunan Cuisine Part 1:......贡献者:qjsnwffg
湘菜的发展史 --09 级旅游管理 张越 历史由来 由来: 一 历史由来湖南菜简称湘菜从它自成体系以来 湖南菜简称湘菜从它自成体系以来就以其丰富的内涵和浓郁......贡献者:Bernice0000
赣菜_饮食_生活休闲。赣菜赣菜赣菜最早文字记载见于两千年前 “物华天宝人杰地灵”的鱼 米之乡江西养育了千千万万的江西人同时也孕育了独具一格的赣 菜文化......贡献者:新KD
赣菜历史悠久_其它_工作范文_应用文书。赣菜历史悠久是在继承历代“文人菜”基础上发展而成的乡土味极浓的“家乡菜”。传统意义 上的赣菜主要由南昌、上饶、九江......贡献者:一如既往354
赣菜的发展历程及味型结构_销售营销_经管营销_专业资料。赣菜的发展历程及味型结构邓 云 江西简称赣江西菜又称赣菜。它的形成有其社会、经济、文化、物产 资源......贡献者:Dy邓妍
学做赣菜----清炖狮子头_饮食_生活休闲。学做赣菜----清炖狮子头赣菜是江西地区汉族饮食文化的总称具有浓郁地域特色。江 西菜历史悠久是在继承历代“文人菜”......贡献者:新疆新东方258
中国赣菜名菜名点名师大师名店名单 一、中国赣菜名菜 100 个 南昌市( 南昌市(27 个) : 西施金丝缠大虾、海参眉毛丸、稻香鸭、新雅四宝、瓦罐煨 猪手、酱香......贡献者:wwusn
主做赣菜、粤菜及湘菜的会所式婚宴场地价格: 元桌餐......贡献者:爱乐活网
2010年度游客最喜爱十大赣菜推荐表_调查报告_表格模板_实用文档。游客最喜爱十大赣菜推荐2010 年度游客最喜爱十大赣菜推荐表推荐单位 菜品名称 文化背景传 说典故......贡献者:sjh
但同时徽徽菜的重色 也非一成不变 现代社会人们追求标新立异 同样的菜肴重以不同的色将能增加人们的消费 欲望同时由于重油的变化重色的需求之然也就降低......贡献者:张欣欣1990
及 至民国胡适(绩溪上庄)更将其发扬光大在任驻 美国大使期间频以此菜招待外宾并亲自命名为 绩溪一品锅使徽菜走向世界。所以后人也把此菜 称之为胡适一品锅......贡献者:月中魔
浅谈安徽徽菜文化_历史学_高等教育_教育专区。浅谈安徽徽菜文化 浅谈安徽徽菜文化【摘要】徽菜为全国八大菜系之一起源于歙县绩溪的徽帮厨师将它发扬光大。据 《......贡献者:文化产业吧
徽菜故事_企业管理_经管营销_专业资料。徽菜故事 徽菜次要由皖南、沿江战沿淮三种中央风味组成。皖北徽菜是安徽菜的首要 代表它发源于黄山麓下的歙县(古徽州)。据......贡献者:星期天干吗
徽菜的特点与代表菜。徽菜是我国八大菜系之一。徽菜就是徽州菜。根据史料记载徽菜开始于南宋时的歙县明清以后绩溪逐渐变成了徽菜的中心。 许多绩溪人在长江流域的......贡献者:君子之交休宁
徽州美食欣赏 专业:信息与计算科学 组员:张春彬 目录 徽菜简介---第 3 页 毛豆腐---第 4 页 菜品来历---第 4 页 工艺......贡献者:蓝天宇下
1 徽菜的历史 1.1徽菜的定义 徽菜作为中国八大菜系之一但在语义理解往往有所偏差。关于徽菜的定义 但它却与安徽菜有着不同的含义。徽菜来自古徽州古徽州......贡献者:黄收藏夹
一、投资环境 1、 日本料理的历史与现状 日本料理距今已有三千多年的历史它的操作经验和技术是世界上较先进的.因日本全国各地均 有自己的特产所以有很多的地方...贡献者:MangoMingle什么是日本料理_环境科学食品科学_工程科技_专业资料。现在大多美食爱好者应该都知道日本料理吧。特别是在大上海日本料理店处处可见。那么什么是日本料理呢?现在...贡献者:肴易食淘宝商城日本料理_物理_自然科学_专业资料。日本料理即和食起源于日本列岛主要以米饭面条为主副食多为新鲜鱼虾等海产常配以日本酒.和食以清淡着称.最有代表性有...贡献者:发乌沙可以在家做的日本料理。精心典藏日式手卷原料:海苔、米饭、生菜。 做法: 1、铺一张海苔放适量米饭插几片生菜漏斗形卷起来 2、卷好后随意放上喜欢的食材挤...贡献者:ls北京最早日本料理店青叶日本料理_专业资料。北京最早日本料理店青叶日本料理 北京最早日本料理店青叶日本料理推荐理由:非常喜欢的自助餐餐厅所有的材料都...贡献者:爱乐活网
川菜文化的发展历程作为中国八大菜系之一同时也是味型最多、最有特色、民间的最大菜系四川菜系以 调味与菜式复杂多样且富有特色 “五味俱全”而突出麻辣口味...贡献者:jiong川菜都有哪些_文学研究_人文社科_专业资料。川菜:酸辣土豆丝四川泡菜麻辣萝卜干麻辣白菜虎皮青椒鱼香茄子 麻婆豆腐聚三鲜开水白菜肉末茄子水煮肉片宫保...贡献者:bettyellt君,已阅读到文档的结尾了呢~~
ArcGIS教程:3D Analyst基础知识(四)
ArcGIS教程:3D Analyst基础知识(四)
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广西人自己的航空公司主席号起飞AS A320 视角问题P3D V3 3.4破解补丁无法使用。大家求教,***问题请高人指教 PMDG 737仪表和P3D 关闭报错Jeppview PC 1619《全球机场与航路数据软件Navigraph - AIRAC Cycle 1610 [最新导航数FSDG - 马萨阿拉姆国际机场 V1.1 [最新FSX+TROPICALSIM -SAEZ 布宜诺斯艾利斯埃塞萨 2
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从古到今,飞行一直都是人类所追求的事情,随着时代的变迁我们发明了飞机这一便利的交通工具,但并不是所有人都可以经常乘坐飞机。因此,很多游戏制作商便制作了各式各样玩法的飞行游戏来满足玩家们的好奇心,如射击对战、模拟飞行等等。而这款 Geometry Race 《几何飞行》便是一款用3D场景制作的飞行竞速游戏,玩家将控制一台飞机躲避各种障碍,从而获得更高的分数奖励。
在本作中,玩家将通过点击左右屏幕来控制一台飞机在充满各种障碍的 3D 场景中不断飞行,在不断躲避各种会障碍之余,还需在飞机能力耗光前收集补充能量的道具和散落在不同地方的水晶。
随着玩家不断累积水晶,玩家可在商店系统处购买不同属性的 8 种飞机进行更换游玩,选择属性更强的飞机有利于飞行更长的时间。除了水晶可解锁飞机外,游戏还提供了地图解锁的功能,而每张地图都有不同的解锁条件,当玩家达到某张地图的条件后,则可以选择进入游玩。
热门手游榜ArcGIS Help 10.1 -
ArcGIS tutorials
This topic provides a set of links to a collection of various ArcGIS
tutorials used to perform a number of common tasks in ArcGIS.
Find the tutorial that you would like to work through by clicking the links in the tables below.
To work through the ArcGIS for Desktop tutorials, you need to install the tutorial data from the
ArcGIS for Desktop Tutorial Data setup, which is part of the ArcGIS for Desktop installation download or media. If
the tutorial data has been installed on your system, look for it in
C:\arcgis\ArcTutor (the default installation location).
In many cases, you will need write access to that location to perform the tutorial. The ArcGIS for Server installation does not include tutorial data. Most of the ArcGIS for Server tutorials are written in a generic way so that you can follow the steps using your own datasets.Keep in mind that these tutorials are only a starting point for you to learn about ArcGIS. You can find additional information, help, and training at the
ArcGIS for Desktop application tutorials
Database servers
This tutorial
shows you how to use ArcGIS for Desktop to use
database servers (instances of SQL Server Express) and the geodatabases you create on the database servers to store, access, and edit GIS data.
An ArcGIS for Desktop Standard or Advanced license is required to complete the tutorial.
EditingIn this tutorial, you'll learn the basics of the editing environment
in ArcMap, including creating new updating
utilizing snapping while editing, creating, an using topology to mainta and performing spatial
adjustments on your data.
Editing parcel fabricsIn this tutorial, you will learn how to create, manage, and edit a
parcel fabric.
An ArcGIS for Desktop Standard or Advanced license is required to complete the tutorial.
Finding a routeIn this tutorial, you'll be introduced to the Find Route dialog box. The tutorial provides step-by-step instructions on how to use the
route-finding functionality that it offers.
GeocodingIn this tutorial, you'll learn how to create and manage address
locators and how to use them to find the location of an individual
address or table of addresses.
In this tutorial, you'll learn to build geodatabases that include relationship classes, subtypes, attribute domains, topology, geometric networks, and feature-linked annotation. An ArcGIS for Desktop Standard or Advanced license is required to complete the tutorial.
Geoprocessing service examples
In this tutorial, you'll learn how to create geoprocessing services for ArcGIS for Server.
Linear referencing
In this tutorial, you'll learn how to create, manage, display,
query, and analyze data whose relative position has been modeled
along a linear feature.
Maplex Label EngineIn this tutorial, you'll learn how to design and create
publication-quality cartographic labels for maps using the Maplex
Label Engine.
ModelBuilder--Executing toolsIn this tutorial, you'll learn how to use ModelBuilder to execute a sequence of tools.ModelBuilder--Creating toolsIn this tutorial, you'll learn how to create a useful tool from a model.
The model can then be run using its dialog box.NetCDFIn this tutorial, you'll learn how to create a raster layer from a netCDF file, change the display, and analyze temporal temperature data.Rasters and imagesIn this tutorial, there are exercises to help you learn how to build mosaic datasets, the decisions you need to consider for your data, and the
uses of the mosaic dataset.
RepresentationsIn this tutorial, you will be introduced to representations that
allow you to symbolize geographic features with a set of rules that
are stored with your data in the geodatabase. Representation rules
can create and draw dynamic geometry that differs from the feature
shape, allowing a complex depiction of features without impacting
the spatial integrity of your data. Representations provide greater
control over the precision and definition of the symbolization of
your data.
An ArcGIS for Desktop Standard or Advanced license is required to complete the tutorial.
ArcGIS for Desktop extension tutorials
ArcScan for ArcGIS
In this tutorial, you'll learn how to generate vector data from
rasters, including how to use the cell selection and raster
snapping tools, perform simple raster editing and automatic
vectorization, and interactively trace raster cells.
Data Interoperability
In this tutorial, you will learn how to directly read and analyze
the additional data formats supported by Data I
translate data between various formats using Quick Import and Quick
E transform data schemas using Custom Import, Custom
Export, and Custom F and incorporate all these functions into
your geoprocessing models.
Geostatistical Analyst
In this tutorial, you'll learn how to represent and explore data and detect trends and directional influences, perform diagnostic tests, evaluate and model spatial autocorrelation, build interpolation models using ordinary and indicator kriging, compare the results of these models, and create maps using the output surfaces.
ArcGIS Network Analyst extension
In this tutorial, you'll learn how to create network datasets and
use them to find routes, find closest features on a network,
calculate service areas and origin-destination cost matrices, solve location-allocation and vehicle routing problems, and build a model for route
The Schematics in ArcMap tutorials are a good starting point for learning about the ArcGIS Schematics
extension, which provides simplified representations of networks intended to
explain their structure and make the way they operate
The Schematics configuration tutorials focus on Schematics
configuration using Schematic Dataset Editor.
ArcGIS Spatial Analyst extension
In this tutorial, you'll learn how to prepare, query, and analyze both feature and raster data. You will perform a suitability analysis and a cost distance analysis and make a site selection.
ArcGIS Tracking Analyst
In this tutorial, you'll learn how ArcGIS Tracking Analyst can be
used to analyze the movement of hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean. The tutorial will introduce you to several features Tracking Analyst provides for symbolizing,
visualizing, and analyzing temporal data.
ArcGIS for Server tutorials
Feature service web editingIn this tutorial, you'll learn how to create a feature service that allows you to edit data residing in an enterprise geodatabase over the web using the
map viewer.
Feature service web editing using replicated dataIn this tutorial, you'll learn how to create a feature service that allows you to edit replicated data from an enterprise geodatabase over the web using the
map viewer. You'll also learn how to synchronize edits between the local and web versions of your data.Image service cachingIn this tutorial, you'll learn how to design a map for image caching, create the image cache, and view it in a client web application.KML servicesIn this tutorial, you'll learn how to make a 3D KML service that extrudes vector features based on an attribute such as population.Map servicesThis tutorial gives you the essential steps you need to publish a map document to ArcGIS for Server as a map service and consume it over the web using the
map viewer.
Map service caching
In this tutorial, you'll learn how to design a map for caching, create the map cache, and view it in a client web application.
Network analysis servicesIn this tutorial, you'll learn how to add a network dataset to a map and publish it to ArcGIS for Server. You'll then connect to your new network analysis service using the Find Route dialog box in ArcMap.Printing in web applicationsIn this tutorial, you'll learn how to create a geoprocessing service that you can use to print custom map layouts in a web application.WFSIn this tutorial, you'll use ArcGIS for Server to expose your vector GIS data through Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC), Web Feature Service (WFS) specifications.
WFS-TIn this tutorial, you'll use ArcGIS for Server to publish a WFS service with transactions enabled (WFS-T), which can be used in web editing workflows.
WMSThis tutorial gives you the essential steps you need to publish a map document through Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC), Web Map Service (WMS) specifications using ArcGIS for Server.
WPSThis tutorial gives you the essential steps you need to publish a geoprocessing model through Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC), Web Processing Service (WPS) specifications using ArcGIS for Server.