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英文翻译restauranteur&&&& restaurant&&&& shopkeeper&&&& shopkeeper
后台老板 老板娘 s ...&&&&1.(饭厅, 食堂) dining room [ mess]2.(餐馆) restaurant◇餐厅经理 food and beverage ma ...&&&&zhao laoban&&&&cheng laoban&&&&1.(企业负责人) big boss2.(举足轻重的人物) big shot&&&&underboss&&&&employer&&&&jin laoban&&&&tang nan&&&&shokeeper&&&&boss key&&&&shopkeeper's wifeproprietress&&&&boss screen&&&&le laoban&&&&liu laoban&&&&ma laoban&&&&mi laoban&&&&hostess&&&&shen laoban&&&& wang laobang&&&&tuan&&&&xiao laoban&&&& young master
例句与用法The restaurant owner was standing outside of his restaurant这餐厅老板正站在他的餐厅外面。 The owner became quite concerned and marched over and told them餐厅老板引起注意走过去告诉他们。 Nadia was cleaning up the restaurant when the show was overNadia做完show后青理会场,面对住餐厅老板竟然旧瘾复发Restaurant owners around the world are up in arms over laws that prohibit smoking in public places世界各地的餐厅老板都对禁止在公众场所吸烟的法令感到愤怒。 Consistency in 1998 gordon sinclair , the owner of a well known chicago restaurant , was struggling with a problem that afflicts all restaurateurs一致性1998年,芝加哥一家著名餐厅的老板戈登?辛克莱正致力解决一个困扰所有餐厅老板的问题。 The restaurant owners had also organized their own yoga meditation group , and kindly invited us to present a video conference to all its members餐厅老板同时也是他们自己瑜珈静坐团体的主办人,他们很亲切地邀请我们为他们的成员举行一场录影带讲座。 Michael windisch , chef of a restaurant , has stuck his head and hands through holes in the wall of his restaurant as he smokes a small cigar , 19 december 2007 in goslar , northwestern ger - many12月19日,德国戈斯拉尔市一餐厅老板米夏埃尔?温迪士将头和双手伸出餐厅的墙外吸烟。 Other articles in this edition by new writers include a " what s in vogue " look at men s fashion by eric huang , and an all - new " cocktail cool " feature introducing whiskies by veteran bartender restaurant owner mike armstrong其他在本期文章的新作者同时包括了流行时尚介绍男装穿著的黄贯南先生以及鸡尾酒单元由mike armstrong这位fm餐厅老板也是经验丰富的老调酒师所写关于介绍威士忌的文章。 On a sunny afternoon , lung walked out from a cafe in wan chai where he just had attended an interview . the scene that the cafe owner eyed him with a frown was flashing through his mind when , unexpectedly , someone tapped him on the shoulder and greeted him , how are you doing , lung一个晴朗的下午,隆哥在湾仔刚刚见完一份工,脑海中还浮现著刚才那个餐厅老板皱著眉打量他的情景,冷不防肩膊上著了一记:隆哥,去那里? On a sunny afternoon , lung walked out from a cafe in wan chai where he just had attended an interview . the scene that the cafe owner eyed him with a frown was flashing through his mind when , unexpectedly , someone tapped him on the shoulder and greeted him , how are you doing , lung一个晴朗的下午,隆哥在湾仔刚刚见完一份工,脑海中还浮现著刚才那个餐厅老板皱著眉打量他的情景,冷不防肩膊上著了一记:隆哥,去那里? &&
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爱神餐馆2究极料理怎么练 BOSS打法
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