
& “[1]Do you remember t...”习题详情
[1]Do you remember the title of the last book you read? Are names sometimes just beyond your brain’s reach? While forgetfulness isn’t necessarily a sign that something’s wrong, it can be frustrating(令人沮丧的).But simple methods can help to sharpen your memory.[2]Challenge your habits. Sometimes a little bit of habit changing goes a long way. For example,use the ‘wrong’ hand to do an everyday task several times a day.If you usually brush your teeth with your right hand, use your left.The brain ‘knows’ whew you're using the wrong hand.It’s that confusion that stimulates new brain circuits,as the brain struggles to master a new task.[3]Get involved in niusic.Listening to music can improve your ability to concentrate and help you to remember what you’ve learnt.Some types of music actually cause brain neurons(神经细胞)to fire more quickly.If you’re really looking forward to sharpening your memory, take up a musical instrument.Whatever the instrument,learning to p1ay will tune your brain’s ability to analyse and focus.[41Go out of your way to stay mentally active.What really counts is not the amount of book learning you did at school or university, it’s how much you actively use your mind.For example,doing crossword puzzles,learning a second language or playing games can exercise your brain.[5]&.Make sure that you get enough of the B vitamins in your diet.They help to repair brain tissue,and turn food into mental energy.Eat fish 2 or 3 times a week.If you drink coffee,you’ll not only get a short-term boost in your ability to concentrate but also long-term benefits as well.Besides, the brain is 85%water, so if you don’t drink at least 8 large glasses of water a day,you could suffer from memory loss.1.What is this text mainly about?(no more than 5 words)2.What are the two questions at the beginning used for?(no more than 4 words)3.How can you get involved in music according to Paragraph 3?(no more than 10 wods)4.List three ways to use our mind actively.(no more than 10 words)1)2)3)5.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 5 with proper words.(no more than 5 words)&
习题“[1]Do you remember the title of the last book you read? Are names sometimes just beyond your brain’s reac...”的分析与解答如下所示:
本文通过你还记得你读的最后一本书的标题吗?名字你是不是经常不记得?这两个问题引导出如何加强你的记忆的方法。1. 本文通过Do you remember the title of the last book you read你还记得你读的最后一本书的名字吗?这个问题来引出用一些方法来加强你的记忆,故文章主要是用来介绍加强记忆的方法。2.To introduce the topic./For introducing the topic本文开始通过两个问题来说明While forgetfulness isn’t necessarily a sign that something’s wrong, it can be frustrating(令人沮丧的).虽然健忘不一定是件坏事, 但他会令人沮丧的,引出文章的主题来,如何加强你的记忆,故引出主题。3./or taking up a musical instrument 根据第三段提到.Listening to music can improve your ability to concentrate and help you to remember what you’ve learnt.听音乐能帮助你提高注意力,帮你记住你所学的。4.1) Doing crossword puzzles. 2) Learning a second language. 3) Playing games.根据第四段提到.For example,doing crossword puzzles,learning a second language or playing games can exercise your brain可得出***。5./Pay attention to your diet.或Get your diet improved.或Have a healthy diet.根据最后一段提到Make sure that you get enough of the B vitamins in your diet确保你有足够的维他命B,故注意饮食做为标题。
[1]Do you remember the title of the last book you read? Are names sometimes just beyond your brain’s...
“[1]Do you remember t...”的最新评论
欢迎来到乐乐题库,查看习题“[1]Do you remember the title of the last book you read? Are names sometimes just beyond your brain’s reach? While forgetfulness isn’t necessarily a sign that something’s wrong, it can be frustrating(令人沮丧的).But simple methods can help to sharpen your memory.[2]Challenge your habits. Sometimes a little bit of habit changing goes a long way. For example,use the ‘wrong’ hand to do an everyday task several times a day.If you usually brush your teeth with your right hand, use your left.The brain ‘knows’ whew you're using the wrong hand.It’s that confusion that stimulates new brain circuits,as the brain struggles to master a new task.[3]Get involved in niusic.Listening to music can improve your ability to concentrate and help you to remember what you’ve learnt.Some types of music actually cause brain neurons(神经细胞)to fire more quickly.If you’re really looking forward to sharpening your memory, take up a musical instrument.Whatever the instrument,learning to p1ay will tune your brain’s ability to analyse and focus.[41Go out of your way to stay mentally active.What really counts is not the amount of book learning you did at school or university, it’s how much you actively use your mind.For example,doing crossword puzzles,learning a second language or playing games can exercise your brain.[5]____.Make sure that you get enough of the B vitamins in your diet.They help to repair brain tissue,and turn food into mental energy.Eat fish 2 or 3 times a week.If you drink coffee,you’ll not only get a short-term boost in your ability to concentrate but also long-term benefits as well.Besides, the brain is 85%water, so if you don’t drink at least 8 large glasses of water a day,you could suffer from memory loss.1.What is this text mainly about?(no more than 5 words)2.What are the two questions at the beginning used for?(no more than 4 words)3.How can you get involved in music according to Paragraph 3?(no more than 10 wods)4.List three ways to use our mind actively.(no more than 10 words)1)2)3)5.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 5 with proper words.(no more than 5 words)”的***、考点梳理,并查找与习题“[1]Do you remember the title of the last book you read? Are names sometimes just beyond your brain’s reach? While forgetfulness isn’t necessarily a sign that something’s wrong, it can be frustrating(令人沮丧的).But simple methods can help to sharpen your memory.[2]Challenge your habits. Sometimes a little bit of habit changing goes a long way. For example,use the ‘wrong’ hand to do an everyday task several times a day.If you usually brush your teeth with your right hand, use your left.The brain ‘knows’ whew you're using the wrong hand.It’s that confusion that stimulates new brain circuits,as the brain struggles to master a new task.[3]Get involved in niusic.Listening to music can improve your ability to concentrate and help you to remember what you’ve learnt.Some types of music actually cause brain neurons(神经细胞)to fire more quickly.If you’re really looking forward to sharpening your memory, take up a musical instrument.Whatever the instrument,learning to p1ay will tune your brain’s ability to analyse and focus.[41Go out of your way to stay mentally active.What really counts is not the amount of book learning you did at school or university, it’s how much you actively use your mind.For example,doing crossword puzzles,learning a second language or playing games can exercise your brain.[5]____.Make sure that you get enough of the B vitamins in your diet.They help to repair brain tissue,and turn food into mental energy.Eat fish 2 or 3 times a week.If you drink coffee,you’ll not only get a short-term boost in your ability to concentrate but also long-term benefits as well.Besides, the brain is 85%water, so if you don’t drink at least 8 large glasses of water a day,you could suffer from memory loss.1.What is this text mainly about?(no more than 5 words)2.What are the two questions at the beginning used for?(no more than 4 words)3.How can you get involved in music according to Paragraph 3?(no more than 10 wods)4.List three ways to use our mind actively.(no more than 10 words)1)2)3)5.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 5 with proper words.(no more than 5 words)”相似的习题。Firefox 火狐浏览器 - 全新、安全、快速 | 官方最新下载


