Automated Jpcsp builds
Automated Jpcsp builds
These builds are provided by Orphis and are totally free of charge.
New versions on the SVN are checked every 10 minutes and the builds take a few minutes to complete, please be patient if the newest build doesn't appear here.
If multiple commits are done at the same time, you'll only get the latest one.
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for more information.
Showing only 20 latest changes.
Windows 32bit
Windows 64bit
Linux 32bit
Linux 64bit
Commit log
Improved the size of the allocated memory for the sceAtrac3plus and sceFont modules, based on debug information posted on the forum
Improved compatibility of sceGeListEnQueue for firmware & 2.0: this should avoid the warning &hleGeListEnQueue can't enqueue duplicate list address& for an application using a firmware 1.x
Improved sceAtracDecodeData when looping: position on the correct loop start sample.
Should avoid small &cracks& when looping BGM.
Fixed issue introduced by r3728: use the user partition for an id equals to 0 in the load module options structure.
sceUsbCamSetupVideo: return error code when no camera is available.
Cleanup now unused &Load MemStick...& text
sceAudiocodecInit: avoid java exception in case of error
Changes in the UMD browser:
- merged the memory stick browser with the UMD browser. Now both entries are mixed into a single list from &Load UMD...&. The menu entry &Load MemoryStick...& has been removed
- added a text filter in the UMD browser: only the entries containing the given text are displayed.
Module loading: take partition and memory location from options structure if any given in syscall.
Set firmware version to 999 for homebrews instead of 150.
JpcspTrace: added the ability to trace the total and max free memory before/after a syscall. See README.txt
Small improvement in the compilation of the &mul.s& instruction supporting the FPU rounding mode.
Implement the support for the FPU rounding mode and flush-to-zero: currently only for the &mul.s& instruction.
Setting the rounding mode and flush-to-zero are not supported in Java.
sceAtracDecodeData: when returning less samples at the first call, avoid writing past the returned samples.
sceMpeg: use a safer image height for videos without valid PSMF header.
- Fixed sceUtilitySavedata mode=DELETE(7)
- Savedata: make sure that all the files are properly closed (PARAM.SFO was not closed properly while writing)
Improved ProOnline network chat: correctly list players even when they have the same nickname.
Better fix for NullPointerException in sceAtracSetLoopNum
Avoid NullPointerException in sceAtracSetLoopNum
Improved sceAudioOutput2GetRestSample().