むすめいと游戏,わんくり 游戏 谁有催眠母游戏资源的...

【游戏简介】《暮宝少年御妖录》是盛讯游戏旗下独立工作室,推出一款角色扮演类冒险单机游戏。游戏中跟随少年主人公寻找考古失踪的父母,开启一段跌宕的二次元盗墓之旅,在遇到失忆的神秘少女之后,在携手寻宝修灵的过程中,揭开了各自的身世和一段危及天下的千年之迷??【游戏特色】--- 盗墓题材 ---以经典盗墓小说《鬼吹灯》和《盗墓笔记》为基础,即将展开一个全新的修灵和暮宝世界,游戏中可以体验分金定穴、摸金升棺、点灯打粽、机关挖掘??这才叫真正的摸金范!--- Roguelike ---地下城、魔窟、魔塔类型的无尽探险玩法,迷宫、怪物、装备、藏宝图、机关全部随机生成,盗墓过程危机四伏步步惊心,极度考验玩家闯关生存能力。--- 百变装备 ---竖屏操控轻松探险,战斗过程中可以策略性施放技能,武器装备、怪物属性相生相克,辅助黑驴蹄、***战等探险道具更具威力。--- 原创RPG ---英雄少年为救亲人勇闯盗墓世界,携女妖揭开千年迷团。再现经典RPG角色扮演游戏,丰富过场剧情贯穿游戏全程,沉浸级体验,超强代入感,让你随时开启盗墓之旅。--- 萌妹互动 ---二次元动漫风格,主人公可以与少女互动养成,寻找少女失去的记忆,通过御妖系统提升自身的战斗能力。【关注我们】官方QQ交流群:
永不孤单:Ki版 Never Alone: Ki Edition
精神病院5 Mental Hospital V
***** Sales, for a limited time -50%, do not miss. *****Mental Hospital V - first person survivor horror with beautifull graphics and terribly frightening atmosphere. The story of Mental Hospital V begins with small investigation in the mental hospital made by journalist Mark. In strange circumstances , he was dissapeared and all his group was found dead. His brother starts to search the truth.While trying to understand what's actually happened and who are Elise, you encounter difficult decision: try to save your brother, or to stay alive. Difficult task is waiting for your solution. Exit is always possible to find! Try to find your own in such delicate situation.
异想空间 Oquonie
平行梦境 Parallyzed: Surreal Platform Runner
□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■Ver2.0.0 Updates Half-price Discount!!□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■◆魔方穿越 Plus 高级版◆·允许无限制使用 Plus 模式物品·无广告◆一款全世界下载量超过 3 百万次的超流行游戏的增强版!◆角色简单、画面酷炫、玩家遍布世界各地,魔方穿越现已广泛更新,加入许多新特点!■关于新特点■[PLUS] - Plus 模式 (无尽的征程) -·排起来的方块数决定了分数!·在连续通过一定的级数后就会进入令人兴奋的狂热!·通过使用补给物品力争得到高分![MULTI] - 多模式 (计时赛) -·最多五名玩家可以同时相互配合和互相对打。·利用在 Plus 模式中练就的技能多次对抗来自世界各地的玩家![CLASSIC] - 经典模式 -·还加入了经典模式,因此你可以享受传统的魔方穿越!■【游戏介绍】■·跨越2D,3D界限的崭新益智类休闲游戏。·空间认知能力的极限挑战·简单易懂的操作::旋转屏幕下方的六面体,使其与墙上的图案相吻合·简洁美观的设计,收集夜空中漂浮的星座!·免费,无广告■【游戏规则】■·顺着轨道一边前进一边旋转画面下方的立体方块,使其与墙上的图案相吻合。·点击屏幕任意位置,可使方块加速前进。·在攻克关卡的同时还可收集神秘卡片。------------------------------------------------------------------------------多模态在结束时可能不会提前发出通知。先行感谢您的理解。------------------------------------------------------------------------------
恐怖传奇3:黑暗之城 (Full)
欢庆情人节,恐怖传奇340%优惠!“令人惊奇的好”- vk.com“雷倒我了”- 《乌鸦森林之谜:恐怖传奇》将为您呈现一场惊险刺激的解谜冒险之旅!从神秘集团接替恶魔猎人的职位并从来自另一个世界梦魔的魔爪中拯救Lichtenheim之城。抓住盗窃力量强大神器的盗贼并解开你过去身世的秘密!开始恐怖传奇迷人的第三作!恐怖传奇3:黑暗之城是一款高质量的隐藏物品冒险智力游戏,专注于哥特式城市中恐怖场景的小游戏和解谜游戏。在手绘哥特式城市中猎杀怪物!西尔维娅,神秘的怪物猎杀集团的成员,失去了她的记忆。一年以后,禁闭之石-约束梦魔,来自另一世界力量强大的神器-被盗了!36个吸引人的手绘地图!西尔维娅和她的导师,所罗门,开始了将他们带往Lichtenheim之城的一段冒险旅程,在那里他们将会面对身份不比丢失神器令人震惊的盗贼。在36个小游戏和隐藏物品场景中测试你自己!***和她的朋友将需要开动他们的侦探头脑,面对的不仅仅是黑暗之城哥特式围墙内的邪恶力量,还有来自过去的黑幕。西尔维娅能否成功地找到禁闭之石并阻止梦魔的逃出?她会鼓起勇气拯救Lichtenheim之城和其居民吗?从典藏版中的奖励冒险中帮助分开的情侣!额外内容包含了能将你更深带入游戏的浸入式奖励冒险!随身携带隐藏物品冒险智力游戏!优化手机和平板应用程序,添加了隐藏物品,完美适合旅行。此离线游戏不要求连接WiFi!注册我们的简讯每月获得新的探险游戏!吸引人的探险、故事、传说和怪异神秘的事件在我们引人入胜的隐藏物品智力游戏中等待着您!o 掌握恐怖传奇迷人的第三作!o 36个令人激动的手绘地图!o 在36个小游戏和隐藏物品场景中测试你自己!o 在奖励冒险中帮助分开的情侣!o 检查并将有用的物件归到一起!+++ 更多ARTIFEX MUNDI游戏! +++ 女王历险记 2: 身世之谜幻脸: 魅影双雄无尽的传说: 牛头人的诅咒狩魔者3: 真相丢失的魔典: 被盗的王国+++ 尽在这里 +++WWW: FACEBOOK: /artifexmundiTWITTER: /ArtifexMundiYOUTUBE: /user/ArtifexMundiPINTEREST: /artifexmundiINSTAGRAM: /artifexmundi
城市飞奔 伦敦 City Run London
历经都铎时期伦敦的神秘城门塔楼的一场冬季营救冒险遍及都铎时期伦敦的神秘城门的一场悲喜交织的营救冒险《城市飞奔之伦敦》是一个以都铎王朝的伦敦为背景,遍及古老塔楼关卡的营救冒险游戏。它有着悲喜交织的人物和充满烟雾弥漫感觉的背景音乐,把过去和现在连接起来。这款游戏献给你一次沉浸在永恒的漫画式风格里的时间之旅。1545年,伦敦城。国王被他索取无度的后妃和内乱弄得疲惫不堪,建立了遍及首都的针对反对者的间谍网。只要说错了话,就会上绞架!在这个以其威严和血腥而著称的时代,我们为你带来一个直言不讳的人的故事,以及另一个彻夜营救他的人的精彩冒险。玩家控制薇拉(因为她夜间行动和躲藏的本领高超,人们称她为“蛾”),沿着城墙进行救援任务。城墙上有着特别的关卡,从修道院(任务控制),到充满宝藏、恐惧与幽灵的迷宫般的伦敦塔桥。每座城门塔楼都是包含着谜题与陷阱的游戏关卡,一关比一关复杂。因为到处都是间谍,而且“蛾”被悬赏通缉,所以玩家必须让她随时躲藏起来,远离对立角色的危险视野,以避免退回到上一个存盘点。这个游戏要靠直觉、时间和潜行来取胜。《城市飞奔之伦敦》的创作团队曾与巨蟒、涅?、音魔合唱团、缪斯、平克?弗洛伊德和史蒂芬?斯皮尔伯格等合作,共计售出的唱片超过 6 千万张。这是他们的首个游戏作品。o 为了让玩家完全沉浸在这个超现实的美丽的游戏,并带领玩家及时回到那个残酷而又
威严的都铎王朝时期的伦敦,建议玩家使用耳机。o 一个为了所有人的游戏:各年龄段以及不同游戏经验的玩家可以根据需要开关游戏提示,来享受和完成这个高雅的游戏。o 英语配音。文字和字幕:英语,汉语,法语,德语,日语,韩语,西班牙语,俄语。o 音轨:由获奖作曲家Martyn Ware录制超过40分钟的音乐。o 故事讲述:游戏内完全声音表演和手绘场景动画在薇拉完成任务是讲述她的故事。o 视觉效果:引入一个独一无二的图形图像风格,“城市飞奔”使用了一个让人打开眼界的华美的视觉效果。SUPPORT
Rite of Passage: Hide and Seek - A Creepy Hidden Object Adventure (Full)
一款冒险解谜游戏「小黑的宝藏 」
乱世之王2 Heroes of Loot 2
连线七巧板 Zenge
1979革命 1979 Revolution: A Cinematic Adventure Game
A real life revolution erupts and you play as a photojournalist...in Tehran, Iran.**Winner of Grand Jury Prize at IndieCade ‘16, Official Selection of The PAX 10, Game of the Year Finalist by TIGA, BEST OF E3 Nominee by IGN, People’s Choice Finalist by FoST, Medal Winner at Serious Play Awards.**“1979 Sets a New Path for Games”--Washington Post“This Game is Something Momentous in the History of this Medium”--Rami Ismail at IndieCade"A Great Story with Even Greater Characters"--IGN"A Gripping Adventure"--WIRED"Experience the Complex Forces that Drive a Revolution"--VICE NEWSBased on real stories from Iran between . In this cinematic adventure game you navigate this momentous revolution with only two weapons: your camera and your morality. You play as Reza, a photojournalist, where you get caught up by two opposing sides of the revolution. The fates of those around you hinge on the consequences of your choices. Unlike anything you’ve played before, 1979 Revolution immerses players into a moving and engaging experience where a documentary and a game come together.
Now available to play in English, Farsi, French, German, Russian, Spanish and TurkishHow do you play? What are the features? CINEMATIC - A rich interactive filmic experience.MAKE CHOICES - Change the outcome and the fates of others within this branching story.LEARN - Discover and unlock over eighty unique stories about Iran and the revolution: social customs, political and historical insights, home movies, graffitis, photos, and more.
TAKE PHOTOS - Compare your photos to actual archival pictures.EXPLORE - Discover Iran and the world of revolution as never experienced in video games before. TRUE STORIES - Based on first person testimonies from Iranian freedom fighters, witnesses and imprisoned enemies of the state which helped define the 21st Century.
幻想射手 Frantic Shooter
勇敢者之剑 Swordigo
寿司猫 Sushi Cat
#2 Puzzle and Adventure App in US, Canada, China and UKOver 400,000 Downloads!!The addictive and lovable blue cat and his pink companion have gone on their honeymoon. Little does Sushi Cat know, but his dream vacation is about to get abruptly interrupted. Help Sushi Cat out by guiding him to as much sushi as possible. Watch him grow fat as he eats more and more sushi along his way. Fill up his belly to win.Take Sushi Cat with you where ever you go! Game features...* An Epic story of Love* Optimized graphics for the Retina Display* Game Center Achievements and Leaderboards* iCloud support for the game progress* 27 addictive levels to eat your way through* 3-Bonus Levels* Endless hours of fun
?は太正16年。文明?化の夜明けを感じさせつつも、妖怪や???といった不可思?なものが、わずかに残っている帝都に、突如として?れる?の二人?。妖怪を【?衣】と呼ばれる怪物に?えてしまう二人?に立ち向かう若き???【?余白(ひいらぎよはく)】。そして、大切な友?を?衣に?えられた、小さな妖怪【チミマル】。帝都から???を追い出し、文明?化を促そうとする【??生(けやきあゆむ)】。?の二人?の正体と、その目的とは?それぞれの想いと感情が交差する、大正?ロマン活?、ここに?幕!◆?を?んで攻?! 新感?妖怪アクション! 画面内に散らばる魔石を?んで、ストック! ?き回る?を指でなぞって?んで、ストックした魔石を一?に解放!!◆【?み】テクニックを?使して、?いを有利に?べ! 同じ色の魔石を同?に?数?む【ペア】を作って、与えるダメ?ジをアップ! ?き回る?数の?を同?に?んで、まとめて攻?! ?の?きを??めて、?む?番を??! 自分のテクニックと、??を?使して、?利をつかみ取れ!◆美?な妖怪のカ?ドを集めよう! 有名??も?々参?! むりりん氏、こぶいち氏を??に、大?の有名??が参?! カコタマの世界で妖怪たちを、怪しく、美しく描き上げるぞ! ◆ゆずソフトとのコラボも?々展?! さらにさらに! ゆずソフトの?代キャラクタ?もカ?ド化?定! コラボクエストも展?予定!本?品に?するお?い合わせはこちらsupport@mail.
收集各类符石,组合出最适合你的作战风格,眼明手快的进行战斗吧!◆ 刺激的即时作战方式。◆ 击败强大怪物以收集上百种功能回异的符石。◆ 探索各个特殊关卡,发掘秘密。◆ 每只怪物具备不同的特有技能及行为模式。根据要对抗的敌人拟定好最佳的战略!
Gravity Island - Shiro's Adventure
Gravity Island is a charming, enchanting 2D platform game that is easy for people of all ages to play, but difficult to master. Gravity Island offers an unrivaled adventure--are you coming along? Press quotes: ,,The shortness of each level means you can pick up Gravity Island for a quick five minute session, while the challenging and well-designed levels should hook puzzle fans for a lengthy commute.” - Editorial staff at
Features: - Meet Shiro, an unbelievably cute adventurer - Loveable, charming 2D platform game- 80 levels, each with a unique style- Explore four diverse worlds - The fantastic soundtrack will carry you away - Avoid traps and dangers by using magical powers that enable Shiro to walk on walls and ceilings Shiro is an unbelievably cute, cuddly creature that loves collecting magical fireflies. One day, the magic lantern in which he kept his magnificent little creatures broke, and they all flew away. Shiro was heartbroken. Join Shiro and his friend Seraphin, an expert magician, on an epic adventure to bring all of the Lumies home safe and sound. But don’t waste any time! Without the magical Lumies, your powers to influence gravity will get weaker and weaker, and eventually disappear altogether. But this is more easily said than done. The Lumies are scattered all over magical Gravity Island, and cannot find their way home on their own. Help Shiro gather his little luminous friends in over 80 different levels, and use your powerful gravitation abilities to get through the trickiest levels unscathed. Sometimes everything is upside down, and it is up to you to decide how best to successfully master a level. In the Jungle World, you have to take care to avoid biting tendrils that would like nothing more than a magical feast. In the Fire World, you have to tread carefully to keep from burning your little feet. In the Ice World, on the other hand, is it really icy, and you have to avoid slippery surfaces that can send you careening into deep chasms. So be careful! In the magical Dream World, things are very busy, as all of the dreams that people lose eventually wind up here and help regenerate the island. Thanks to Game Center support, you can unlock achievements and play your way to the top of the player rankings. Seraphin acts as your wise friend and counselor. If you do not know what to do next, he will help you. Gravity Island is a loveable, colorful platform game that will really put your skills to the test.
Preston Sterling
WE RECOMMEND PLAYING ON iPad 3 (& up), iPhone 5 (& up) and iPod touch 6G. The app is not compatible with iPad 2 (& older iPads), iPad mini 1, iPhone 4S (& older iPhones) and iPod touch 5G (or older iPods). Please adjust the level of graphic details in the options menu within the title screen if the app isn't working properly or try restarting your device before playing to clear memory. In case of any questions and problems, please contact us: support@animationarts.de********************************************************************************"Our first impressions of this new adventure for iOS created by a German indie game developer are outstanding." iPlayApps.de "If you are a fan of point-and-click, adventure and hidden object games, the new Preston Sterling download is an absolute must." 8.4/10 appgefahren.de********************************************************************************PRESTON STERLING AND THE LEGEND OF EXCALIBUR is an adventure that will transport you into the world of English myths and legends.Tackle tricky puzzles and enjoy an exciting story, lovable characters and stunning scenes and locations!AN INNOVATIVE DESIGNThe game's quick-to-learn touch controls and gradually increasing level of difficulty make the adventure easy to grasp, even for beginners. It also offers dynamic help tools and optional tips to help you to successfully master frustrating stages of the game without missing out on the fun involved in solving the challenging tasks and activities faced by Preston.AN EXCITING ADVENTUREPreston Sterling is an adventurer, traveller and treasure-hunter all rolled into one. He's normally never afraid of a challenge, but his new job quickly tests him to his limits. Preston's latest task is to find the most mystical artefact in English mythology: Excalibur, the sword of the legendary King Arthur. Little does he know, however, that the hunt for this fabled treasure will involve far more danger than he could ever have imagined ...REALISTIC SCENES AND LOCATIONSExperience an amazingly detailed and lovingly created world of adventure. Every location on Preston's journey has its own special charm that contributes towards your exciting game experience.NO IN-APP PURCHASESThe game contains no in-app purchases or micro-transactions. Purchasing the game provides you with full access to all content and features.MULTIPLE LANGUAGESThe game is available in German, English and Russian (please note that you can change the language in the options menu of the app).********************************************************************************Animation Arts is an independent studio based in Germany. Its small team has already impressed many adventure fans with its award-winning adventure games "Secret Files: Tunguska" and "Lost Horizon".To find out more, please visit www.animationarts.de.
武士2:复仇 Samurai II: Vengeance
《武士2:复仇》,狂指游戏4周年纪念增强版期待已久的续作《Samurai: Way of the Warrior》最终不负众望,在 iPhone 和 iPad 上闪亮登场! 原著因其极具漫画风格的画面和干净利落、充满血腥的游戏广受玩家好评,而《Samurai II》则会提供更多动作招式并新增更直观的控制模式。《Samurai: Way of the Warrior》被苹果 (Apple) 选为 2009 年度最佳游戏。经过一年多的倾力开发,《Samurai II》成为原著实至名归的接班人。 凭借整体作品质量和极具攻击性的动作招式,《Samurai II》与单机版三维格斗游戏不相上下。 截屏并不能充分体现《Samurai II》,使用速度为每秒 60 帧的 Retina 显示屏或 iPad 屏幕方可展示其流畅利落的动作。光动眼不动手,游戏品质便会停滞不前。开发者们积极聆听玩家反馈并及时对整体游戏进行改良。 通过新增的虚拟导航键、动态摄像头、环境谜团、机关陷阱和穷凶极恶的新型敌人,《Samurai II》会为砍杀类游戏玩家们带来全新体验。《Samurai II》将派出主角 Daisuke 来到饱受战争之苦的村庄展开一系列的复仇。 从一个航海村到一个空中堡垒再到传说中的死亡之岛,复仇武士勇往直前,对他的死敌 Orochi 穷追猛打。 武士能否完成复仇计划?特性:* 通用应用程序 - 支持 iPhone 3G、iPhone 3GS、iPhone 4、iPod Touch 3G 和 iPad。 我们对游戏进行优化处理,可充分利用各种设备的优势。* 直观化虚拟操纵杆可让您毋须不断触摸屏幕就能轻松粉碎敌人。* 动态摄像头为每场精彩对决提供最佳视野,在专注于动作的基础上增添多样性。* 紧张、干净利落、血腥的搏斗画面!使用新式武器,亮出独门绝学,使屏幕上的敌人节节败退。保持敏捷并规划攻击 - 闪躲到安全地带,在周围敌人(如武士弓箭手)发起进攻前消灭他们。* 改良包括新功能在内的游戏设置。破解环境谜团、跳过危险陷阱并发掘有用武器装备。战斗正在进行 - 不必担心,在运用平台交流或使用道具时,战斗不会退居后台运行。* RPG 元素用于奖励技巧娴熟的玩家 - 改善 Samurai 的健康状况、购买新式连击并将他们升级到毁灭性等级。* 各个等级之间,华丽的动画风格漫画板通过原始手绘艺术品展现武士的曲折故事。* 新增的生存模式让武士与铺天盖地而来的敌人进行殊死较量,为铁杆玩家提供积分竞赛模式,以便提高他们的技能。 两个游戏合二为一!* iPhone 4G、iPod 4G 和 iPad 的速度为每秒 60 帧。* 高级人工智能系统与家用游戏不相上下。 目标导向行动规划架构广泛应用于 PC、PS3 和 Xbox 360 游戏中。*《Samurai II》是通过 Unity 3D 3.0 引擎研发而成,这是目前可用于移动设备的最新技术。* 苹果游戏中心支持,包括“排行榜”和“成就”。* 原声音乐 - 在经典武士电影风格中,轻音乐与热火朝天的战斗场面交相辉映。特别感谢: ImNoSuperMan、PureSkill、Squarezero、Rocco、eggzbacon、Prab
卫星之眼 Sputnik Eyes
昏睡 Lethargy
这是一款解谜游戏,讲述了一个女孩在梦境中游荡、无法醒来的悲伤故事。游戏总的玩法同近些年比较流行的密室逃脱题材游戏差不多,谜题比较有趣,画面因为有 Metal 技术的加持,看着还是挺不错的
骑士战骷髅2:王国的阴影 Clumsy Knight
The Dramatic Story: Dangerous Adventure
In an unknown to anybody to a pattern where clouds envelop everything around, and the earth leaves from under feet, there live the whole families to anybody unknown beings. And once in one of small families there was a big trouble... Mother of this family appeared outside from the house, somewhere very much and very far from the children. And to find it, our main character - the kid by the name of Flyummi shall pass a considerable way which is complete of dangers and unfriendly beings, to be selected on a surface and to manage to find the beloved mother.*** Unsupported Devices:
iPhone 4s, iPhone 4, iPhone 3Gs,
iPad 2, iPad mini (without Retina display)
遥远寻踪谜题逃脱 Faraway: Puzzle Escape
?は太正16年。文明?化の夜明けを感じさせつつも、妖怪や???といった不可思?なものが、わずかに残っている帝都に、突如として?れる?の二人?。妖怪を【?衣】と呼ばれる怪物に?えてしまう二人?に立ち向かう若き???【?余白(ひいらぎよはく)】。そして、大切な友?を?衣に?えられた、小さな妖怪【チミマル】。帝都から???を追い出し、文明?化を促そうとする【??生(けやきあゆむ)】。?の二人?の正体と、その目的とは?それぞれの想いと感情が交差する、大正?ロマン活?、ここに?幕!◆?を?んで攻?! 新感?妖怪アクション! 画面内に散らばる魔石を?んで、ストック! ?き回る?を指でなぞって?んで、ストックした魔石を一?に解放!!◆【?み】テクニックを?使して、?いを有利に?べ! 同じ色の魔石を同?に?数?む【ペア】を作って、与えるダメ?ジをアップ! ?き回る?数の?を同?に?んで、まとめて攻?! ?の?きを??めて、?む?番を??! 自分のテクニックと、??を?使して、?利をつかみ取れ!◆美?な妖怪のカ?ドを集めよう! 有名??も?々参?! むりりん氏、こぶいち氏を??に、大?の有名??が参?! カコタマの世界で妖怪たちを、怪しく、美しく描き上げるぞ! ◆ゆずソフトとのコラボも?々展?! さらにさらに! ゆずソフトの?代キャラクタ?もカ?ド化?定! コラボクエストも展?予定!本?品に?するお?い合わせはこちらsupport@mail.


