Pron Pa打call是什么意思思

◇热点推荐am v. I’m= I am Are v. You pron. yes adv. nice adj. meet v. ——精英家教网——
am v. I’m= I am Are v. You pron. yes adv. nice adj. meet v. too adv. welcome v. adj. China n. Thank Miss n. See v. let v. us pron. let’s = let us begin v. stand v. up adv. prep. stand up please v. class n. n. sit v. down adv. prep. sit down mom n. this pron.& adj. is v. my pron. teacher n. Mr. =mister n. how adv. do aux. v. fine adj. good-bye interj. bye interj. afternoon n. and conj. OK adj. later adv adj. bye-bye intej. Topic2 Where are you from? exercise v. where adv. from prep. be from Canada n. the art. the U.S.A = the United States of America n. oh interj England n. they pron. me pron. what pron. what’s = what is your pron. name n. aren’t = are not △ Cuba n. zero num & n. one num. two num. △ Washington , DC n. no adv. adj. not adv. six num. seven num. New York n. she pron. he pron. Japan n. her pron. his pron. three num. four num. five num. eight num. nine num. ten num. telephone n. number n. △ cheers interj. evening n. Topic 3 What class are you in? eleven num. twelve num. thirteen num. English n. adj. in English it pron. an art. orange n adj. spell v a art. car n. pencil n. apple n. fourteen num. fifteen num. sixteen num. eraser n. pen n. desk n. twenty num. old adj. how old...? phone n. v. seventeen num. eighteen num. nineteen num. ruler n. in prep. prep. adv. grade n. who pron. who's=who is that pron. double adj. n. book n. blackboard n. year n. years old friend n. these pron. now adv. school n. Beijing Ren'ai International School conj. those pron. has v. big adj. head n. wide adj. mouth n same adj. n. but egg n. short adj. face n. v. bus n box n. cake n. schoolbag n age n. ID number junior adj. high adj. Unit2 Topic 1 I have a big nose. have v. we pron. boy n. look v. n. long adj. hair n. nose n. small adj. eye n. round adj. ear n. girl n. very adv. strong adj. know v. again adv. leg n. hand n. v. favorite adj. n. film n. star n. guess v. Chinese n. right adj. n. come v. knife n. don't=do not does v. doesn't=does not adj. foot n. come from student n. sister n. different adj. arm n. Unit2 Topic2 She has short brown hair. give v. letter n. black adj. n. sorry adj. like prep. v. look like blond adj. color n. v. their pron. brown adj. n. will v. I'll=I will red adj. n. white adj. n. gray adj. blue adj. n. pink adj. n. here adv. which pron. with prep. snowman n. T-shirt n. green adj. n. yellow adj. n. at prep. look at picture n. shoe n. cap n. skirt n. bring v. pants n. dress n. v. over prep adv. there adv. over there bag n. shirt n. photo n. clothes n. cool adj. unit2 topic3 Is he tall or short? tall adj. cat n. tiger n. or conj. young adj. man n. woman n truck n. TV n. set n. v. computer n. doctor n. nurse n. think v. dear adj. interj. ! go v. whose pron. shop v. n. go shopping tomorrow adv. n. mine pron. its pron. pron. dad n. mother n. coat n. help v. hers pron. banana n. our pron. ours pron. get v. new adj. father n. bike n. either adv. then adv. food n. ball n. toy n. yours pron. theirs pron. jacket n. n. can modal v. can't modal v. find v. him pron. U3 T1 Do you like the English crner? for prep. for short any adj. pron. could modal v. tell v. sure adv. adj. call v. n. problem n. pen pal n. speak v. live v. corner n. English corner may modal v. study v. n. say v. want v. visit v. n. the Great Wall often adv. seldom adv. poor adj. so conj. adv. dog n. little adv. adj. all a little pet n. home n. adv. lot n. a lot helpful adj. classmate n. all pron. at home them pron. of prep. Topic 2 This is a photo of my family. kid V. come in parent n. both adj. pron. office n. worker n. driver n. make v. yourselves pron. wow interj. Place n. Seat n. glad adj. factory n. aunt n. uncle n. brother n. sofa n. grandparent n. happy n farmer n. cook n. v. family n. grandmother n. grandfather n. son n. daughter n people n. ork v. n. on prep. farm n. hospital n. drive v. family n. tree n. teach V. only adv. after prep. conj. look after cute adj. Topic 3 Would you like something to drink? well . I’d like=I would like would . some adj. pron. fish n. meat n. about prep. adv. What about-? chicken n. rice n. all right drink v . n. cup n. a cup of tea/ti:/n. milk/milk/n. why/wai/adv. Why not...? idea n. vegetable n water n. noodle n. take/teik/v order n. v. bowl n. a bowl of just adv. glass n. juice n. breakfast n. bread/bred/n. dumpling n. lunch n. supper n. out adv. dinner n. wait v. moment n. sir n. hamburger n. something pron. dollar n. eat v. love v. more adj. full adj. many adj. friendly adj. kind/kaind/n. adj. such as be v. hot adj. delicious adj. unit 4 topic1 how much is it? madam n. try v. try on How much...? buy v. thirty num. forty num. fifty num. pair n. running shoes △Mmm interj. help out sixty num. seventy num. eighty num. ninety num. hundred num . run v. run over store n. need/ni:d/V.&modal∥. n. few adj. pron. a few thing/ n. pick up salt n. kilo =kilogram n. How many...? bottle n. everything pron. 一切 (81) list/list/n. v . heavy adj. worry v.&n. sugar n. How about...?=What about...? fat adj. mouse n meow n. v. topic 2 free adj. Sunday n. West Hill picnic/'piknik/n. forget v. guitar n. soccer n. swim/swim/v.&n. go swimming plan n. kite n. speak to message n. ask v. back adv. n. fly v. time n. carry v. wow-WOW n. pardon v. afraid n. wrong adj. sing v. song n. have to fun n. next adj. adv. day n . French fries n. Topic 3 zoo n. sound v. n. great adj. animal n. monkey n. best adj.&adv. (93) elephant n. lion n. panda n. clever adj. horse n. pig n. o’clock n. It’s time to start v. sport n. bed n . get up homework next time past prep. n. adv. quarter n. half n. adj. watch v. n. watch TV baby n. way n on one’s way home cry v. n. bamboo n. sleep v . n. Review of U n its 3-4 London n. night n. Unit 5 Topic 1 How do you usually go to school? gate n. the same to by prep. usually adv. △subway n. always adv. come on on foot plane n. by plane train n.. ship n. boat n. Ms. n. walk v.&n. never adv. sometimes adv. ride v. park n. group n. weekday n. △hmm interj. Early adj. bird n. catch v. worm n. game n. basketball n. read v. clean v. house n. today adv. life n. American adj. break n. finish v. dance v. library n. once adv.&n conj twice adv. music n. while n while conj. Taxi n. week n. every adj. Net Bar Must modal v. n. first adv.&adj. num.. listen v Topic 2 She is reading in the library. playground n. lab=laboratory n. room n. dining hall gym=gymnasium n. card n. soon adv. classroom n. building n. pool n. dormitory n. ha interj. physics n. borrow v. project n. keep v. return v. pleasure n. post n. workbook n. course n. of course better adv. shelf n. talk v. center n. in the center of near prep. left n. next to attention n. news n. between prep. Movie n. purse n. money n. else adv. lost and found plan n. Program n. stamp n. collection n. Japanese n. adj. wonderful adj. show n. world n. exercise v n. because conj. also adv. Topic 3 My school life is very interesting. Wednesday n. Monday n. biology n. Tuesday n. geography n. Thursday n. P. E(physical education n. Friday n. art n. timetable n. period n. histo n. math n. politics n. meeting n. outdoor activity lesson n. draw v. learn v. easy adj. interesting adj. difficult adj. boring adj. subject n. other adj. February n. newspaper n. science n. useful adj. hard adj. adv. wish n. v. story n. Unit 6 Topic 1 Is there a computer in your study? bedroom n second num.. adj. n. floor n. upstairs adv. kitchen n. clock n. wall n. table n. key n.. put v. away adv. dining room living room garden n. cousin n. front n. in front of behind prep. adv. under prep.&adv. river n. beautiful adj flower n. quite adv. lamp n. put away door n. window n. model n. bathroom n. drawer n. chair n. keyboard n. Topic 2 What's your home like? apartment n.(美) town house n. △farmhouse n. countryside n suburb n. furniture n. quiet adj. single adj. Per prep. neighbor n. rent n. n. month n. noon n. at noon restaurant n. clothing store n. matter n. v hear v. piano n. bank n. street n. post office bookstore n.(美) museum n. parking lot supermarket n. station n. mail v.(美) n. close adj. adv. v. close to far adj. adv. service n. area n. loud adj. really adv. end n. v. at the end of. road n. △community n. child n. a lot of bad adj. someone pron check v. n right now stop n. v. fan n. line n. move v. city n. noisy adj. traffic n. cost n. v. yard n. town n. Topic 3 Which is the way to the post office? along prep. adv. turn v n. Haidian Theater until conj.&prep. miss v. kilometer n. should aux. modal v change v. n. cleaner n. sidewalk n. across prep. crosswalk n. straight adv adj. U-turn n. danger n. hurt v. die v accident n. bridge n. meter n. Peking University Ren'ai Education Institute public adj. n. light n. adj. n. obey v. rule n. v. before conj prep. adv. cross v. n. ticket n. speed v. n. fast adv. adj. When conj. adv. careful adj. late adj. adv. Review of Units 5一6 hill n. certainly adv. use v. n. Mrs. n. Unit 7 Topic 1 When were you born? birthday n. May n. thirteenth num. celebrate v. party n. third numv. twentieth num. Saturday n. date n. eighth num. ninth num. fourth num. fifth num. sixth num. seventh num. tenth num. eleventh num. twelfth num. thousand num. July n. October n. December n. August n. were born v. be born September n. was January n. March n. rest n. v. April n. June n. November n. Spain n. alone adj. present n. doll n. shape n. v. square n. adj. circle n. v. triangle n. machine n. Oral English Machine rectangle n. oval n. adj. ago adv centimeter n. football n. , pencil-box n. candle n. surprise n. v. wash v.&n. Topic 2 Can you dance the disco? △disco n. perform v. ballet n. skate v. jump v. n. climb v. tennis n. table tennis bone n. (pl. bones ) smart adj. count v. A aha interj. hen n. anything pron. word n. mean v. lonely adj. frog n. be good at have a good time write v. still adv Topic 3 We had a wonderful party. did recite v poem n. magic adj. trick n. enjoy v. yesterday adv.&n. ouch interj. fall :. n.(美) washroom n. happen last n. adj. adv. v. himself pron. kung fu rock n. video n video game lie n. tell a lie truth n. fact n. in fact ever adv. everyone pron. around prep. adv. silent adj. blow v. n. blow out breath n. had( )v lose v. funny adj. Unit 8 Topic 1 How is the weather in fall? weather n. spring n. warm adj. Season n. △hiking n. summer n. mountain n. winter n. holiday n. cloudy adj. foggy adj. snowy adj. cold adj. n. rain v. n. snow v. n. ground n. rainy adj. windy adj. sunny adj. umbrella n. Australia n. remember v. wearv. bright adj. temperature n. low adj.&adv. △Toronto n. from-to- if conj. mostpron. adj.&adv part n. sun n. shine v. brightly adv. sunglasses n. come back to life heavily adv. narvest n. v. busy adj. leaf n. wind n. shorts n. suddenly adv. later on spendv. as adv.&conj. prep. the same as report n.&v. strongly adv. Topic 2 The summer holidays are coming. travel v.&n. the United States n. Germany n. New Zealand n. △Brazil n. Thailand n. △Indonesia n. India n. △anytime adv. expensive adj. camera n. country n. hope v.&n. together adv. get together interest n. places of interest each pron.&adj. △backpack n. cellphone n. tent n. raincoat n. map n. the Palace Museum Mount Tai trip n. custom n. ) enter v. off adv. prep. take off wet adj. point v. n. Muslim n. touch v. △Korea n. Italy n. finger n. △wrap v. gift n. gift money paper n. pass v. during prep. May Day be different from greeting n. famous adj. Topic 3 Let’s celebrate! fstival n. Spring Festival dragon n. Christmas n. △Thanksgiving n. lunar adj. sweet adj. n. luck n. riddle n. special adj. eve n. midnight n. Mid-autumn Festival mooncake n. turkey n. potato n. lantern n. Lantern Festival fool n. Easter n. believe v. △Christ n. church n stocking n. fireplace n. open v. adj. colorful adj important adj. prepare v. decorate v. △Santa Claus n. get-together n. greet v. merry adj. Jewish adj. Honey n. grape n. event n whole adj. stay v.&n. stay up lucky adj. △Halloween n. △scary adj. △ghost n. knock v.&n. shout v.&n. national adj. National Day capital n. flag n. burn v. treat n. v. trick or treat international adj. labor n. hold v. race n. v. god n. Review of Units 7一8 happiness n. congratulation n. job n. ski v. n. 仁爱八单词 Unit One Topic 1 What’s your favorite sport? every day: cheer n. v. quite a bit / a lot club n. join v. your pron. Houston Rockets: of prep. -的,表示所属 team n. v. win v. prefer v. bit n. NBA sportsman ] n. sportswoman . arrive in/ at leave for the day after tomorrow baseball n. a.m p.m least a. n.&ad. against prep. play against excited adj. at least hour n. pretty . adj. adv. pretty well take part in run v. be good for heart n. lung n. high jump long jump all over the world body n. keep fit healthy adj. relax v. relax oneself themselves it Topic2 Would you mind saying sorry to Michael? get to Capital Stadium be glad to would conj. favo n. do sb. a favor teammate n. ill[ il ]adj. fall ill mind n. v. practice n. v. No.(number far from smoke v. somewhere adv. make one's bed do one's best time n. next time loudly adv. at once clearly important careless adj. chance n. ready tiring as well competition n shame n. fight[ fait ]n. v. serve v. quickly adv. turn down in a minute Canadian n. ; adj. invent v. college Springfield College indooradj. even adv. score v. n. well , adj. throw v. basket n. court n. follow v. century n. more and more popular adj. however adv. chips n.(pl.) tired adj. easily adv. active adj. fresh adj. instead adv. instead of sickadj. coach n. mile n. build v. build up window talk v. talk with Topic3 Beijing will host the 2008 Olympics taxi n. host V. form n. v. fill v, fill out cellphone n. e-mail address n. reason n. duck n. Roast Duck Shop maybe adv. the Olypmics foreign adj. medal n. coffee n. shall republic n. winner n. visitor n. behave v. improve v. environment n. ring n. v. gold n. adj. Olympic adj. stand for symbol n. fond adj. be fond of unit2 Topic 1 How are you feeling today? sore adj. backache n. boil v. boiled water toothache n. dentist n. cough n. &v. lift v. n.(英) pale adj. terrible adj. had better(do) medicine n. ever n. flu n. stomachache n. pill n. not-until- sick adj. headache n. at night lots of day and night throat n. lie down check over worry about brush v n. tooth n. Internet n. look after X-ray n. Serious adj. ice cream n. plenty pron. n. plenty of Unit2 Topic 2 I must ask him to give up smoking. article n. cause v n. cancer n. give up health n. tonight adv.&n. too much fingernail n. without prep. throw about wealth n. less adj.&adv. litter n. v. body n. illness n. empty adj. stomach n. germ n. sausage n. tomato n. beef n. cabbage n. human adj. through prep. adv. dustbin n. disease n. sour adj. necessary adj. enough adj. adv skin n. habit n. energy n. potato chips tidy v. adj. sweep v. than prep. &conj. watermelon n. choose v. eggplant n. sandwich n. strawberry n. Unit2 Topic 3 What should we do to fight SARS? spread v. among prep. do exercise hurry v. journalist n. hurry up go ahead SARS abbr. crowded adj. finally adv. agree v. care n. v. take care of keep away hate v.&n. enjoy oneself herself pron. itself pron. extension n. operator n. do some cleaning all the time have to get through just amoment examine v. patient n. p.m. brave adj. save v myself pron. battle n. wife n. care for talk v talk with duty n. themselves pron. yourselvespron. Chinese medicine Review of Units 1-2 last v. on one’s way(to) own adj. group n reach v. children n. since prep. since then honor n. meaning n. dangerous adj. get lost mistake n. v. by mistake ask for leave Unit3 Topic1 I love collecting stamps. pleased adj. collect v. go fishing comic n. VCD n. share v. aluable adj. hobby n. nobody pron. n. paint v. n. keep v such . such as used to do sth. painting n. interested adj. be interested in friendship n. knowledge n. daily whether conj unfriendly adj. lovely adj. ugly adj. stupid adj. △ Unit3. Topic2. It sounds great! hip hop singern. violinn. drumn concert n go on pityn. lendv. musical adj. n. instrument n. artist n. folk adj. set up membern. continue . v. birth . n. nationality . weight n. height n banana n. pay v. classical adj. jazz n. △ Beatles n. simple . adj folk song △ band. n musician n drawing . n born be born Unit 3 Topic 3 s 【】
A Family Quarrel
  The young newly-weds quarreled.At last she could bear it no longer and burst into tears.“I don’t want to have anything to do with you any more.I am packing up my things and going off to my mother.”
  “Fine, my dear,” said the husband.“Here are the traveling expenses.” She counted the money and asked, “What about the money for the return ticket?”
  1.newly-weds n.新婚夫妇
  2.bear v.忍受
  3.burst into tears突然大哭
  4.pack v.包装;收拾
(1)Why did the woman cry?
(2)Will the woman come back?
(3)Give them your request.Would you mind ________.
  One day, I was walking along Fifth Avenue.Suddenly I remembered that I n  1   to buy a pair of socks.I turned into the first sock shop that c  2   my eye, and a boy clerk came forward.
  “What can I do for you, sir? ” “I wish to buy a pair of socks.” His eyes shone.There was a note of passion in his v  3  .“Did you know that you have come into the f  4   place in the world to buy socks? ” I really didn't know that, because I came here accidentally.“Come with me, ” said the boy.
  I followed him and he began to i  5   all kinds of socks.“H  6   on, I am going to buy only one pair! ” “I know that, ” said he, “but I want you to see how beautiful they are.Aren't they w  7   ? ” There was a serious expression on his face, as if he were talking about his belief.
  I became far more i  8   in him than in the socks.I looked at him and said, “My friend, if you can k  9   up this excitement day after day, in ten years you will o  10   every sock in the United States.”
  And now he has become the CEO of the biggest sock shop in the world.
  Donald was not very good at math. He couldn't understand the teacher's explanations. Even when the teacher explained something a second time, Donald still could not understand it.
  “Never mind,” Donald told himself, “I am quite good at other subjects. I'll cheat in the math exam, then I won't be in trouble.”
  “I'll sit next to the boy who's best at math,” he thought, “and copy down his answers.”
  The day of the exam came, and Donald sat next to Brain Smith, who always was at the top of the class in math.
  Donald carefully copied Brain's answers on to his own exam paper.
  At the end of the exam, the teacher collected the papers and graded them.
  Then she said, “Well, boys and girls, I've decided to give a prize to the student who got the highest grade. It's difficult for me to decide who to give the prize to, however, because two students, Donald and Brain, got the same grade.” “Let them share it.” one of the other students said.
  “I've thought about that,” the teacher said, “but I've decided to give the prize to Brain.”
  Donald was angry when he heard this.
  He stood up and said, “That's not fair. I got the same grade as Brain.”
  “That's true,” the teacher said, “However, Brain's answer to Question 18 was ‘I don't know.’ Yours was ‘ Neither do I. ’”
  New Words and Expressions:
  explanation:n.解释  explain:v.解释
  subject:n.科目  cheat:v.欺骗,***
  copy:v.抄袭  carefully:adv.仔细地
  grade:v.批改  prize:n.奖励
  share:v.分享  fair:adj.公平的,公正的
1.Donald decided to cheat in the math exam because ________.
A.he was always at the top of the class in math
B.he understood the questions
C.he was not very good at math
D.the math teacher didn't explain the questions carefully
2.Donald got a high grade in math because ________.
A.math was his best subject
B.the questions were easy
C.he copied from another boy
D.the teacher explained the questions carefully
3.Donald got the same grade as Brain because ________.
A.both boys were good at math
B.Donald cheated
C.Brain copied Donald's answers
D.the questions were very easy
4.The teacher knew it was Donald who cheated because ________.
A.his answers were the same as Brain's
B.he wrote “I don't know” as an answer
C.he got the same wrong answers as Brain
D.he wrote the words “Neither do I”
5.I think ________.
A.what the teacher did was unfair to Donald
B.Donald was cute to get the highest grade in this exam
C.the prize should be shared by Donald and Brain
D.Donald should get rid of the bad habit at once
A street in an English town. A policeman stops a car. In the car, there is a visitor from another country.
  (P=Policeman V=Visitor)
  P:(holding up his hand) Stop!
  V:(in the car) What's the
  P:Why are you driving
the right side of the road?
  V :Do you want me to drive on the wrong side?
  P:You are driving on the
  V:But you said I was driving on the right side.
4 . You're on the right, and that's wrong.
  V:A strange country! If right is wrong. I am right when I'm on the wrong side. So why did you
  P:My dear sir, you must keep to the
6 . The right is left.
  V:It's like a mirror! I'll try to remember well. I want to go to Oxford Street. Will you kindly tell me the
  P:Certainly. At the end of this road, turn left.
  V:Now, let me think. Turn left! In England
is right, and right is wrong. Am I right?
  P:You'll be right
you turn left.
if you turn right, you'll be wrong.
  V:Thank you.
  It was getting dark.Some children and two Canadian women were still s  1  near a big hotel.They had a good time.
  A boy said to his.f  2  ,“I haven't skated on a r  3   lake so far.It's wonderful!Look!I am f  4  !”S  5   the i  6   broke.One of the boys fell into the water.The children shouted,“Help!Help!”They didn't know what they could do.The two C  7   friends heard them and skated o  8   to help the boy.
  The ice was thin.The two Canadians fell into the water t  9  .But they tried their best to save the boy.They knew they had to be q  10  ,or the boy would be.frozen.
  Many guests from the hotel ran over to help.The boy and the two Canadians were out of water at last.One of the men didn't feel well.She was sent to hospital at once.She felt happy because the boy was safe.


