cage codelose 一个游戏但是我搜...

力荐Bangumi Game Ranked:--
  Quantic Dream的《暴雨》以其独特的游戏方式赢得了外界很多的好评,当然一个游戏不可能让所有玩家都满意,同样《暴雨》也面临着很多批评的声音。有些人喜欢它那自由的游戏方式和沉重的剧情,有些人则讨厌它那跳跃的叙事方式。当《超凡:双生》在翠贝卡电影节上参展时,Kotaku采访到了游戏的制作人David Cage,面对外界的这些批评,David Cage给出了坚定的回答。
  “你永远不要按照别人的批评来修改游戏,否则你制作的只是一款产品。”David Cage在自信的说到:“我不是在创造产品!我是在创造一个体验!我努力的真诚的来制作游戏,当然我听到了好的评价也听到了坏的评价。那么就让我们继续前进吧,让我们尝试在下一款游戏中做的更好,或者做一些与今天我们所做的不同的事情。”
  “我唯一不想做的事情就是开发《暴雨》的续作。”David Cage继续说到:“像那些‘啊让我们做一个续作来修正前作的问题吧,然后让游戏变得更好’我绝不会这样。我们只会在一张空白的纸上去创造新的内容,与众不同的体验,和你过去玩到的都不一样的游戏。”
  不管David Cage的观点是否正确,目前游戏和电影的界限已经越来越模糊,但David Cage也说到他不会写和电影一样的故事。“首先,游戏的流程超过10个小时,电影则很短。老实说,为一个特定的媒介写剧本真的很不容易。你写一个电视剧的剧本,那肯定和你写游戏剧本是不同的,如果你要问具体有什么不同,那我真的不知道该怎么回答。因为我不认为《超凡:双生》是一部电影,它是互动体验。”
  David Cage还说到他希望游戏的故事非常直接,尽量避免幻想元素,虽然《超凡:双生》拥有少量的幻想要素,但是他不是纯粹的科幻游戏或者一个超级英雄游戏。“可能很多人喜欢超级英雄,但是我对‘人’更感兴趣。我希望让游戏可以融入社会,我想让游戏更多的谈论真正的‘人’,而不是生活在一个奇特的世界的奇特生物。这些东西我们可以想象,但是在生活中那和我们没有任何关系。”
  中国网络游戏排行榜(China Game Weight Rank)是由新浪游戏推出的目前国内最全面、最专业、最公正的最新网络游戏评测排行榜,涵盖内所有新游戏,力图为中国游戏玩家打造最值得信赖的新网游推荐平台。
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SINA Corporation, All Rights Reserved8Dio CAGE Strings KONTAKT &(&17&)1 / 2 页
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17-6-4 07:09
FANTASTiC | June 04 2017 | 13.9 GB
Welcome to CAGE – the most comprehensive collection of Orchestral Effects ever done.
CAGE (Custom Aleatoric Group Effects) series is produced by Academy Award, TEC and G.A.N.G Award Winning Composer, Troels Folmann and Emmy nominated composer and orchestrator, Colin O’Malley. CAGE comes in three dedicated volumes for Strings, Brass and Woodwinds and each volume contains 9 microphone positions. The microphones are divided into two core groups: Ensemble (Close, Mixed, Decca, Far, Wide) and Divisi (Spot Mic 1, 2, 3 and 4). So whether you want full ensemble or more chamber (divisi) oriented FX – its all there at your finger tips.
The CAGE Strings Edition contains an articulation list second to none and comes in high-resolution wave (.wav / 24 bit / 96khz format). We wanted to create something definitive and unrivaled. The String Edition alone contains over 1100 articulations and it is near impossible to find an effect not covered. The incredible depth of articulations is supported by our custom CAGE Chaos Engine, which contains over 80.000 lines of code. The CAGE Chaos Engine allows you to take complete control of the samples and you can control over 1.500 sample parameters with a single click. In addition you can also randomize all the rack-fx (ex. trance-gate, filters, EQ).
So imagine having the deepest set of articulations with an incredibly intuitive and powerful Chaos Engine. An infinity of possibilities.
The entire user-interface (UI) was designed in gorgeous 3D and in a way that allows both newcomers and experts to get rolling in a matter of seconds. CAGE is using a variety of components from our exclusive V8P series and contains over 80.000 lines of code giving you the ultimate flexibility and playability. One example is the ability to make round robin chains between different articulations, so you can build your own sets of FX chains.
But most importantly CAGE is the most comprehensive collection of orchestral FX ever done. Take something as simple a “string riser”. It’s no longer matter of whether you want a rising string sound. It is a matter of whether you want it in normal legato glissando or perhaps with tremolo motion to it – maybe you want more of a trill based glissando or maybe you just want a horrific grinding string variation. CAGE has it all and is the definitive collection of orchestral FX.
Hyper Flexible User Interface
CAGE has one of the most advanced, yet highly intuitive interfaces for orchestral sampling. We took a variety of the concepts from our V8P/8W Orchestral library and ported into CAGE. The end result is a +35.000 lines of code UI, which includes an advanced articulation browser with assignable articulations, advanced arpegiation and polyphonic step sequencing features. Additional midi and remapping functions – all allowing the end-user to mani
Superior Mics & Mixing
CAGE contains 9 different microphones, which are divided into 5 ensemble mics (close, mixed, decca, far, wide) and 4 divisi mics (spot 1-4). The flexibility of microphone positions allows you to dial in the perfect sound of your choice. In addition CAGE also comes with a wealth of convolution presets, so you can add otherworldly flavors to your sound. CAGE is utilizing a variety of custom scripts from our exclusive 8W library. One of the coolest things is the ability to “round robin” between articulations, so you can built up complicated FX chains made from different presets.
CAGE Chaos Engine
The CAGE Chaos Engine is perhaps the most extreme feature in CAGE. We wanted to take the concept of Aleatoric (Chance/Randomization) Music and port it to our code and user-interface. The CAGE Chaos Engine allows you make over 1.500 sample parameters randomize with one click, while also randomizing our new 8Dio FX System (3.0). So both the sample content and the assigned FX will be randomized in one glorious cocktail. The great thing about the CAGE Chaos Engine is that you can control precise how much chaos you want – from a little cosmetic change to the birth of a completely new universe of sounds – all with one click.
•Comprehensive Aleatoric Ensemble String FX
•9 Microphones (incl. 4 divisi spot mics)
•Size: 27.7GB
•Direct download / Cloud Server System
•High String Section (Violins and Violas)
•Low String Section (Cellos and Basses)
&# Lines of Custom Code
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17-6-8 04:56
cage woodwind很失望,基本都是音效,但愿弦乐能像铜管那样
17-6-9 19:40
17-6-9 20:44
17-6-10 13:56
本来就是配乐用的 不是什么标准乐器。。。
17-6-10 16:29
佛兄不用期待了,和木管一样,全都是效果,正经歌没法用,但是不知道为啥cage brass就很好用啊
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主题数: 323202, 帖子数: 3115774,


