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中文翻译水上运动自由式自由式 一度极为流行,很多现在的动作都源自自由式滑手的创造。自由泳&&&&福特freestyle&&&&自由风格控制; 自由风格控制系统&&&&自由泳梯形练习&&&&自由泳梯形练习&&&&自由泳比赛&&&&个人混合泳; 自由式接力; 自由泳接力&&&&极限时髦滑板车; 极限时髦踏板车&&&&自由式滑雪运动员&&&&花样滑雪; 自由式滑雪&&&&平地花式&&&&短距离自由式运动员&&&&自由式; 自由泳&&&&自由式摔跤&&&&自由泳&&&&自由泳&&&&摩托车大赛&&&&taboo即兴说唱&&&&ford freestyle&&&&自由风格操控系统&&&&嘻哈舞; 自由式&&&&自由式接力赛&&&&奥林匹克运动会自由式滑雪比赛&&&&蓝球&&&&自由泳&&&&弗里斯顿&&&&自由流湍流
例句与用法Freestyle is for moronic iittle kids and hippie freaks这些是那些低能儿的玩意Dj ditch for their behavior . off the head , my freestyle flow为为了什么这很不像我Moreover , current football was born of freestyle而现代足球的发源也源自与街头足球的演变。 All right , forget this . i ' ll freestyle it好吧,算了我们来即兴的吧Soccer grip is one of the largest freestyle soccer forums around-为著名球员大卫贝克汉姆建立的论坛Dave mirra freestyle bmx 2 -达夫米拉特技脚踏车2 - But me or slim yo you cant tell me . . . you try to freestyle son we gon put these verses on your lp放学以后回到家里收到你寄来的信我好像是发了疯的见了人Australian swimmer murray rose won six olympic medals and was the first man to swim the 1 , 500 - metre freestyle in less than 18 minutes澳大利亚游泳健将默里-罗斯共夺得过六块奥运会奖牌。 The female performance of the year went to kate ziegler ( great falls , va . ) for her record - breaking performance in the 1500m freestyle女运动员的最佳表现奖授予了凯特.齐格勒(大瀑布,维吉尼亚州) 。 Freestyle surface of the product , surface process of plastic , the placement of the clock and key , all the details are keep united with the product表面塑料采用单一材质与表面处理,但由于精妙的曲面变化和块面分割,不显单调反而浑然一体。 更多例句:&&1&&&&
英文解释a race (as in swimming) in which each contestant has a free choice of the style to use
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