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Lua QQ讨论群会员 老鼠赛跑 有1611条讨论记录
Objective-C Programming
应用大小:565.4 MB
运行环境:需要 iOS 4.3 或更高版本。与 iPhone、iPad、iPod touch 兼容。
简介:If you want to learn computer programming, t...
Objective-C Programming应用说明
If you want to learn computer programming, this is the place to start! Kevin and Bryan teach in a funny and exciting conversational style with visual explanations as they go. On occasion, they may actually tell a bad joke, sing poorly or include a ridiculous pop culture reference! But if that's ok,
you will be rewarded with learning some very dry material, in a fun and exciting series of training videos. WiBit.Net courses are based on a cumulative teaching model, so that our courses are often a continuation of a prerequisite course. Our materials are not intended to teach you how to program in a single language. We attempt to avoid duplication of prior materials, to build your skills from the C Language upwards. With this teaching model, you learn how to do something and why it is done that way! We try to make learning how to program easy and entertaining. We hope you enjoy what we have to offer!Also, this application does not require an Internet connection, so you can learn at WiBit.Net no matter where you are!***Disclaimer: This application only supports iPod and iPhone devices with a retina display or iPads. The is due to the minimum screen size required for the lessons to be legible.This course will focus on the other popular “bolt-on” object oriented programming language: Objective-C. Just like C++, this language is attached to C. Even though this and C++ have a similar philosophy they are both extremely different languages.We will be focusing on the Apple implementation of the language and use aspects of the Cocoa Framework. As we progress through this language you will be excelled through a series of basic labs from compiling on the command terminal and very quickly thrown into Xcode (the premiere IDE for the Apple platform). You will even learn how to write Mac OS X and iPhone applications! Not bad for a beginner course, right?There are 30 lessons and 92 videos in this course. Total running time is over 12 hours to complete this course end to end. This application covers Programming in Objective-C and encompasses the following topics: - Introduction- Introduction to NSObjects- Introduction to Cocoa- Object Basics- NSObjects - Numbers- NSObjects - Arrays- NSObjects - Strings- NSLog & Functions- Introduction to Interfaces- More on Interfaces- Static Members- Categories & Inheritance- Basics of Memory Management- Autorelease- Properties- Protocols- Exception Handling- Reflection- Delegates- Multithreading- Introduction to the Apple Universe- Mersenne Twister- Fuzzy String- Simple OSX App- Simple iPhone App- iPhone Navigation Tab App- iPhoneDraw App- TicTacToe Model Class- TicTacToe Mac OSX App- TicTacToe iPhone AppRecommended Course Order by WiBit.Net: 1. Introduction to Computer Programming 2. Programming in C 3. Introduction to Object Oriented Programming 4. Programming in C++ 5. Programming in Objective-C 6. Programming in Java
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