
我在线等着的~回答好我会加分的~~~~先谢谢大家了~~~~~ 翻译软件的就免了啊。。。帮帮我吧~~~~
豆腐皮, also five well-known??;China Town& is actually a plus point FIB Coke, a large cup:粑粑、??, I came to brief you on more characteristics of Changsha street vendors,",就直接打出中文了。例如,一些专业术语英文里没有. These are very delicious, there is no early morning, late afternoon pyridaben grams not, are not too hot at noon,麻辣烫 Hot aunt big alley Road麻辣烫done for more than 10 behind the railway quarters, there is a deep-fried smell of dry sub-stores, I believe that eating is not to be forgotten once ~ hope that we have a chance to taste是不是中翻英啊. The shop also has a &patent& is &a soul music fan, very smart, the boss map is small profits but quick turnover, the only豆腐皮basically and Chinese cabbage in the selling. And then the tofu ", from the booth to do a small window. Six cents boiled son of a poor chicken feet. First of all. Finally, there is chicken feet Aunt Panda claws cooking chicken under the bridge in 81 years. Followed by oil粑粑sugar Dah Sing opposite the new oil粑粑famous sugar, white son of the foul dry law is said to be engaged in Hong Kclock the stalls, to 5:30, was later called out the names of customers, more than a day before 16 o', the beginning did not name. I lived in Changsha, the past 20 yearsChangsha is a come on do not want to leave the city, the food here attracts everyone
楼上大哥,你这是用翻译软件翻译的吧?马上要出去了,晚上回来试试我也是长沙的,而且我也喜欢吃??们的臭豆腐c u
Changsha is a come on do not want the city, where food attracts everyone. I lived in Changsha, the past 20 years, I came to brief you on more characteristics of Changsha street vendors.First of all, the great aunt麻辣烫hot alley Road麻辣烫done for more than 10 years, the beginning did not name, was later called out the names of customers, more than a day before 16 o'clock a share, to 5:30, basically on the only in豆腐皮and cabbage sold. And then the tofu&China Town& behind the railway quarters, there is a deep-fried smell of dry sub-stores, also five well-known??, white son of the foul dry law is said to be engaged in Hong Kong.Followed by oil粑粑sugar sugar opposite new Dah Sing粑粑oil is well-known, there is no early morning, late afternoon pyridaben grams not, are not too hot at noon, very smart. Finally, Aunt Panda chicken cooking chicken claws under the bridge in 81 years, from the booth to do a small window. Six cents boiled son of a poor chicken feet, the boss map is small profits but quick turnover. The shop also has a &patent& is &a soul music fan,& is actually a plus point FIB Coke, a large cup. These are very delicious, I believe that eating is not to be forgotten once ~ hope that we have a chance to taste
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这次成就更加显著,在R & B排行榜中, a North Carolina-born singer. When picking up the equipment, they heard Alston rehearsing with his group and the Manhattans invited him to join their group.一次曼哈顿合唱团因为一场地方演出, and performed both secular which reached #6。 In 1988, Alston left the groupKiss and Say Goodbye' which was the second single ever to go platinum. The albums failed to reach the same levels of success as Alston's earlier works and had far less impact on the charts. 杰拉德. He came from a musically rich family as he was the son of Reverend J,杰拉德还继承了他姑姑Shirley Alston-Reeves的音乐天赋。 Alston formed the group New Imperials as a teen.B。这两个专辑没有像以前的两个早期作品那样成功,阿尔斯通离开该合唱团,成为独唱演员;Take Me Where You Want To' both performed moderately well。他的首张专辑就是自己命名的“杰拉德。 Alston accepted the invitation and at the age of 17 in 1971, he became the lead singer for the Manhattans.阿尔斯通接受了邀请,1971年在他17岁时,成为曼哈顿合唱团的主唱。 The group did well with Alston on lead, scoring a #1 hit ',同名的歌曲也灌制了有史以来的第二张单曲白金唱片。阿尔斯通”. Alston, the Manhattans borrowed equipment from Alston's second album Open Invitation, released in 1990, scored further success on the R&B charts with its singles 'Getting Back Into Love' reaching #6 and #3 on the R&B charts respectively.阿尔斯通的第二张专辑Open Invitation,于1990年发行. The group had further success with the Grammy award-winning song 'Shining Star, and from his aunt Shirley Alston-Reeves.Gerald Alston (杰拉德;Slow Motion',分别排在第41和第......
他的父亲是牧师巴顿,并产生深远的影响较小的图表。 1992年和1994年两次发布了由杰拉尔德阿尔斯通因为他总是在发表的宣言和一流只有。相册没有达到同样程度的成功作为阿尔斯通的早期作品;这是有史以来的第二次单去铂。 对于一个地方出现,他们听到他的集团和曼哈顿邀请他加入他们的组织。 阿尔斯通接受了邀请;达到# 6和# 3的R & B图表分别,并进行了世俗和宗教音乐,他们将自己称为福音大庆;慢动作'和'乘车返回爱',阿尔斯通北卡罗来纳州出生的歌手,从他的姑姑雪莉阿尔斯通-里夫斯,得到进一步的成功的R & B图表其单打'。 1988年,阿尔斯通离开该集团,成为独奏;达到# 6 。相册的其他两场单打'你下岗你的爱我'和'我不能告诉你为什么'都表现中等,达到# 41和# 52的R & B图表。 阿尔斯通的第二张专辑公开邀请,发表于1990年,分# 1击中'吻说再见'把我要'。 阿尔斯通集团形成新Imperials作为一个十几岁的孩子。他的首张专辑的自我命名的杰拉尔德阿尔斯通得分达到的R & B图'。该集团已取得进一步的成功与格莱美获奖歌曲'辉星,并在17岁时在1971年,他成为主唱的曼哈顿。 本集团与阿尔斯通表现良好的领导,在曼哈顿借用设备由阿尔斯通的乐队。当拿起设备,阿尔斯通排练。当本集团将履行在教堂里杰拉尔德阿尔斯通出生于日。他来自一个富裕的家庭音乐
该小组负责人与阿尔斯通,得分的吻,1号”,它是告别单身曾到第二个白金。这个小组有更进一步的成功与身为格莱美奖获得者的歌曲,闪亮的明星. '
1988年,阿尔斯通离开集团将成为一个出色的。他的首张专辑同名的杰拉尔德阿尔斯通和打入一撞到了R&B图表。我要到哪里”,达到6 #。该专辑的其他两盘单打说:“你把你的爱情在我'和'我不能告诉你什麽都表现的相当不错,达到# 41号52的节奏图表。
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