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PSP LCD Screen
PSP (PlayStation Portable) LCD / TFT Screen - SHARP -
PSP LCD Screen&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
Complete replacement part suitable for PSP Consoles
Dead pixels, Shadows, Crack's, No Display, Broken Screens
can all be fixed with this quick & easy to fit replacement part.
the PSP was not designed to be robust, the screen are especially
fragile as they don't bend and yet the rest of the console does have a
fair bit of flex. We have seen and heard all of the "my psp screen
broken when..." Stories. But don't worry were here to help.
Easy to install no special tools required
Pre tested before dispatch
Free tech support
Next Day Delivery Available
Bonus:- Includes Pre fitted Backlight (makes fitting even easier)
Quick Spec's
Manufacturer - Sony
Model - LQ043xxxxx
Condition - Brand New
Package - Foam Padded box
Warranty - 30 Day Warranty
Compatible - PSP Consoles PSP1000, PSP1001, PSP1003, PSP1004, PSP1006
Help & Support
Fitting Guide -
Video Fitting Guide -
PSP Version Check - Open battery cover, sticker inside will state model e.g PSP1000
Recommended Tools -
Technical Support -
Repair Difficulty - 5/10 (10 is Hardest)
Repair Time - 30 Minutes
My Search for PSP LCD Screen produced 1.8 million results
Okay, here's why I created this site. My painful experience of buying online.
A friend asked my to look at Her PSP (PlayStation Portable) as her son had dropped it and the screen had broken. As I'm quite into electronics and such I'd thought I'd take a look and see what I could do.
I tested the PSP and it worked fine except for the cracked LCD screen, I just needed the parts. So I jumped on google and then do a search for PSP LCD Screen, it produced 1.8 Million results. I started checking through the sites and some were cheap, some had fast delivery and some provided instructions and tools. But I wanted to know which was the best. I eventually found a site that provided everything that I needed, I got the part, fixed the console and my friend and Her Son were over the moon.
I decided to create a site to help everybody in the same situation as me.
I hope this site has helped with your buying decision, if you would like to suggest a site or have any comments please email me at
Thanks for your time
All the Best,
Copyright & 2009 - PSPLCDScreen.co.uk您的位置:&
PSP 大众的爽快 中文版
英文名称:Everybody's Stress Buster(Minna no Sukkiri(Everyody's Sukkiri)
浏览量:153663 下载量:38313
PSP版《大众的爽快》(Everybody's Stress Buster)是由《大众高尔夫》系列团队Clap Hanz Limited所制作的迷你游戏合辑,本作都是以短小精悍的迷你游戏著称,以短时间上手为佳,每款游戏的规则以及操作方法都非常简单,适合全家老少游玩。该作于日率先推出过日文版,深受玩家的热切追捧和欢迎。这次推出的繁体中、英文合版,配上详实的中文字幕打破语言隔阂,让亚洲地区的玩家朋友们也能尽情享受《大众的爽快》带来的乐趣。新作中收录12种单纯明快的小游戏,让玩家随时随地轻松游玩,达到舒解身心压力的效果。
[/align][align=center][url=/psp][b]PSP游戏下载库[/b][/url][b] | [/b][url=/psp?type=0&area=1&state=][b]PSP中文游戏[/b][/url][/align]
[*]英文名称:[b]Everybody's Stress Buster(Minna no Sukkiri(Everyody's Sukkiri)[/b]
[*]开发厂商:[b][url=/psp/search/dev/CLAP+HANZ+LIMITED+%2F+SCE+Worldwide+Studios+JAPAN+St.html]CLAP HANZ LIMITED / SCE Worldwide Studios JAPAN St[/url][/b]
[*]发行厂商:[b][url=/psp/search/salor/Sony+Computer+Entertainment+Hong+Kong+Limited..html]Sony Computer Entertainment Hong Kong Limited.[/url][/b]
PSP版《大众的爽快》(Everybody's Stress Buster)是由《大众高尔夫》系列团队Clap Hanz Limited所制作的迷你游戏合辑,本作都是以短小精悍的迷你游戏著称,以短时间上手为佳,每款游戏的规则以及操作方法都非常简单,适合全家老少游玩。该作于日率先推出过日文版,深受玩家的热切追捧和欢迎。这次推出的繁体中、英文合版,配上详实的中文字幕打破语言隔阂,让亚洲地区的玩家朋友们也能尽情享受《大众的爽快》带来的乐趣。新作中收录12种单纯明快的小游戏,让玩家随时随地轻松游玩,达到舒解身心压力的效果。Texas teen makes violent joke during video ga | The Daily Caller
Texas teen makes violent joke during video game, is jailed for months
A Texas teenager who has been in jail since March faces an eight-year prison sentence because of a threatening joke he made while playing an online video game.
In February, Justin Carter was playing “League of Legends” — an online, multiplayer fantasy game — when another player wrote a comment calling him insane. Carter’s response, which he now deeply regrets, was intended as joke.
“He replied ‘Oh yeah, I’m real messed up in the head, I’m going to go shoot up a school full of kids and eat their still, beating hearts,’ and the next two lines were lol and jk,”
Jack Carter, Justin’s father, in a statement to a local news channel.
The statements “lol” and “jk” — meaning “laughing out loud” and “just kidding” — indicate that Justin’s statement was entirely sarcastic, said his father.
But a Canadian woman who saw the post looked up Carter’s Austin address, determined that it was near an elementary school, and called the police. Carter was arrested one month later, and has been in jail ever since. He recently celebrated his 19th birthday behind bars.
Authorities charged him with making a terrorist threat. If convicted, he will face eight years in prison.
“These people are serious. They really want my son to go away to jail for a sarcastic comment that he made,” said the elder Carter.
Authorities noted that recent school shootings like the one in Newtown, Connecticut have caused them to evaluate all potential threats seriously. Newtown was still fresh in their minds at the time of Carter’s arrest.
“In light of recent situations, statements such as the one Justin made are taken seriously,” said an Austin police detective in a statement.
Carter’s father said his son didn’t follow the news at all.
“Justin was the kind of kid who didn’t read the newspaper,” said Jack Carter. “He didn’t watch television. He wasn’t aware of current events. These kids, they don’t realize what they’re doing. They don’t understand the implications. They don’t understand.”
Carter’s parents have
a change.org petition to convince Texas Attorney General Greg Abbot to release their son.
“Release Justin Carter from jail,” the petition reads. “Too many teenagers are being arrested, jailed and having their lives forever altered because of anti-terrorism laws and investigations that impede their 1st Amendment right to freedom of speech.”
A hearing to review Carter’s case is scheduled for July 1.
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