
OMG是什么意思 OMG在线翻译 OMG什么意思 OMG的意思 OMG的翻译 OMG的解释 OMG的发音 OMG的同义词 OMG的反义词 OMG的例句 OMG的相关词组
OMGOMG 基本解释abbr.Oh My God! 我的天哪!; Overhead Mounted Gun 顶置炮OMG 网络解释1. 天啊:oh : 表示惊讶 | omg : 天啊~~~ | pf : 佩服2. 2. 啊,糟了:137. PPL 人们 People. | 138. OMG----------------啊,糟了 Oh,my gosh. | 139. NFG----------------很不好 No ****ing good.3. omg: 顶置炮4. 4. omg:obj 对象管理组OMG 双语例句1. You may know what OMG and IDK mean, but what about CYT and WYCM?&&&&您可能知道宏盟媒体集团和IDK的意思,但怎?样细胞色素和2. OMG在线翻译2. In addition, all these core modules conformably used the ACE interface while using thread operations, UDP communication, timer and other APIs closely related to the operating system, which improved the portability of code and solved the problem of cross-platform development of distributed system. Reliability guarantee layer and resource management module completed object-oriented interface design by using OMG's IDL language, which ensured the openness of the distributed system.&&&&另外,所有核心模块在使用到线程操作、UDP通信和定时器等与操作系统密切相关的API时,统一使用了ACE的接口,提高了代码的可移植性,解决了分布式系统的跨平台开发问题;可靠性保证层和资源管理模块使用OMG的IDL语言完成面向对象的接口设计,保证了分布式系统的开放性。3. OMG's Object Management Architecture is a good example of balance that worked for years.&&&&OMG的对象管理架构是一个平衡了这些工作的好的例子。4. OMG的近义词4. She is a good granny to me although I am not close to her....&&&&真的很糟糕。。。我的眼泪还真的很难流出来。。。。真的是 omg5. Business First: imported equipment in China's exclusive agent: beautiful Italian Italian axial fan: cooling tower fans, air conditioners fan, ship with fans, axial flow KMT McCartney German high-voltage equipment: a catalyst injection pump, valve, for steam, pipe fittings, etc.; Italian OMG metering pump and batching system.&&&&轴流风机:冷却塔风机,空冷气风机,船舶用风机,轴流通风系统;德国KMT McCartney 高压用设备:催化剂注入泵,阀,换热气,管件等;意大利OMG计量泵和配料系统。6. Omg, I hope our eight minutes during the closing ceremony is not a foretaste of the tackiness to come in four years time.&&&&我的神,我希望闭幕式这8分钟不是预示着四年之后我们要展示出来的东西。7. Moreover, it is difficult to understand and analyze the UML.&&&&统一建模语言是一种直观化的、可视化的建模语言,被OMG组织采纳为面向对象分析和设计建模语言的标准[1,2]。8. A: He has a fix on Mountain Dew too?&&&&OMG 他也喜欢这玩意儿?9. Previous to this role, Wan oversaw the digital media service in the Greater China region from Hong Kong for OMG.&&&&在新的任命之前,温道明在OMG的亚太总部负责大中华区互动媒体业务。10. Wan will relocate from Hong Kong to Mainland China, where he will oversee the massive growth in digital media being driven across OMD and PHD.&&&&温道明的办公地点从香港移至中国大陆,他将负责高速发展的OMG中国互动媒体业务,而这一业务主要由OMG下属的浩腾媒体和PHD推动并执行。11. Is a OMG PTE LTD's general agent in China, distribution OMG boutique brand tin-plated gold ornaments as well as wax tin containers.&&&&&&上海采之会工贸有限公司是OMGPTE LTD在中国地区的总代理,经销OMG品牌锡镀足金精品摆件以及锡腊器皿。12. This is the first study to demonstrate the use of the non-metabolizable glucose deriatie 3OMG in hepatocyte cryopreseration.&&&&&&本研究首次阐述了非代谢葡萄糖衍生物3OMG在肝细胞冻存中的应用。13. Omg- ur article truly just helped me!!!&&&&&&omg乌拉圭回合的文章,真正刚才帮我!14. 911查询?英语单词14. Imagine having too much of that wax coating in your stomach... omg I Don't Want To Take Too Much Of That..&&&&&&方便面是很容易煮的,但我们必须注意到,如果我们吃得太多,可能会造成我们的身体的毒害。15. 15. The aws standard system has been designed to provide a safe, transparent fence during high wind conditions.&&&&&&透明的围墙在大风情况下,OMG设计的标准系统完全符合安全。16. Omg omg bla bla bla get over it 99% of the shit on this site is fake anyway most poeple are dling out of curiosity to see if its real.&&&&&&我的上帝啊叭啦叭啦说了这么多这个站点上的狗屎片段99%都是假的,大多数人下载只是很好奇想看看它是不是真的。17. The wisdom happiness brings lies in the acute insight, it will not be confused by anxiety, nor blured by desperation or tierd, even will not be made blank by fea...Omg, so quickwitted&&&&&&快乐带来的睿智存在于敏锐的洞察力之间,不会因忧虑而含混迷惑,也不会因绝望和厌倦而黯然模糊,更不会因恐惧而造成盲点。18. For this very reason, the OMG said it will initiate branding services in the''.&&&&&&正是由于这个原因,omg说,它将开始以由该开放团体管理的一组''。19. 19. Omg and the people who lighted up were pretty cool too.&&&&&&藕麦糕,还有那些人亮灯也很酷。20. End of season update: OMG, we know, we know, we know!&&&&&&季末更新:OMG,我们知道了,我们知道了,我们知道了!OMG 单语例句1. The US singer and songwriter will come to Shanghai for his OMG Tour.OMG是什么意思,OMG在线翻译,OMG什么意思,OMG的意思,OMG的翻译,OMG的解释,OMG的发音,OMG的同义词,OMG的反义词,OMG的例句,OMG的相关词组,OMG意思是什么,OMG怎么翻译,单词OMG是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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