
It has three parts, a literature review is given first.
The third part interprets the modernity of narration in Poe's horror fiction from the perspective of forms and its emphasis is laid on his propelment of the first-person narrative angle, the breakthrough from the traditional space-time narration and the application of the symbolic technique.
At first, there are some clues of discovering irony in the fiction.
There is obvious difference between the classical Chinese novels and the vernacular novels, the main difference is that the former used to see from more neutral narrative angle and first personal narrative angle.
中国古代文言小说的叙事角度与白话小说有着明显的区别 ,这主要表现在前者更多地使用“中立型叙事视角”和“第一人称叙事视角”进行叙事。
Wuthering Heights, Heart of Darkness, and The Great Gatsby are three famous novels written by different authors of different times. Through comparsion,they have some similarities ,on the one hand,in narration techniques such as the story content and structure, multiple narrators, the first person point of view
On Reportage' Narrative Angle of View
Narrative Perspective of Daisy Miller
(l)The simulate narration of first person.
It has three parts, a literature review is given first.
Visual angle
没有找到相关例句 There is obvious difference between the classical Chinese novels and the vernacular novels, the main difference is that the former used to see from more neutral narrative angle and first personal narrative angle. By studying the Zhiguai and Zhiren stories of WeiJin
South and North Dynasties, Tang Dynasty Legendary novels and the Strange Tales of Liao Zhai,this thesis has analyzed the characteristic and development process of the two narrative angles. 中国古代文言小说的叙事角度与白话小说有着明显的区别 ,这主要表现在前者更多地使用“中立型叙事视角”和“第一人称叙事视角”进行叙事。本文以魏晋南北朝志怪及志人小说、唐传奇小说、《聊斋志异》为研究对象 ,分析论述了上述叙事角度的特征及其发展变化的过程 Wuthering Heights, Heart of Darkness, and The Great Gatsby are three famous novels written by different authors of different times. Through comparsion,they have some similarities ,on the one hand,in narration techniques such as the story content and structure, multiple narrators, the first person point of view they also have differences in subjects and in details of narrative techniques. Although these three texts inherit the same narrative tradition, they have the different narrative characteristics... Wuthering Heights, Heart of Darkness, and The Great Gatsby are three famous novels written by different authors of different times. Through comparsion,they have some similarities ,on the one hand,in narration techniques such as the story content and structure, multiple narrators, the first person point of view they also have differences in subjects and in details of narrative techniques. Although these three texts inherit the same narrative tradition, they have the different narrative characteristics and typically reflects the unity of intertextuality and creativity.《呼啸山庄》、《黑暗的心脏》和《了不起的盖茨比》这三部不同时代的著名小说在叙事手法上有着相似之处:它们都采用了相似的故事内容,"故事中的故事"的叙事结构,多重叙述者,第一人称叙事视角,以及二元对称结构。但它们在叙事手法上也存在着细节上的不同,而且在故事表现的主题等方面也各不相同。所以这三个经典的叙事文本既相似又相异,它们集中体现了互文性和独创性的统一。 Frankenstein, written by the British woman writer Mary Shelly in the nineteenth century, has some salient features as far as its art of narration is concerned. Its unique structure of narration formed by the overlapping use of “I” from the narrative point of view, the charm of its clever arrangement in the time of narration and its repetition of narration leave a deep impression on readers. They attract readers, making them inquire into the art of narration and inspiring their minds. 19世纪英国女作家玛丽?雪莱的著名小说《弗兰肯斯坦》,在叙事艺术上所表现出来的特色是非常突出的。它那“我”中有“我”的层叠式的第一人称叙事视角所构成的独具一格的叙事结构、叙事时间的巧妙设置以及重复叙事的魅力等,都给我们留下了深刻印象,并吸引我们去探究,去回味。 &&&&&相关查询
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