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 曼恩公司供应箱 等级 10 供应箱补给箱序列号 #(编号) 需要曼恩公司供应箱钥匙才能打开这个箱子。
曼恩公司供应箱(Mann Co. Supply Crate)是一件能通过获得的物品。它们看上去像是开放式的木制船运箱,被带有铁锁的链条包裹着。供应箱能用开启,如果使用不可交易的钥匙开启,开出的物品会有和钥匙原先的相同变为可交易的期限。
掉落的箱子并不会计入玩家一周的掉落物品数限制,而且箱子的掉落速度与武器毫无关系。 被烧焦的供应箱和2013夏日冷藏箱都是特例。它们是通过其他的工具(与)获得的。
注意: 任何序列号的稀有物品的得到概率被假定为是均等的。同时也假定了其他物品也分配了相同的概率。其中武器的概率偏大,奇异部件和饰品则偏小。
[未记载] 新增曼恩公司供应箱 #1。
[未记载] 新增曼恩公司供应箱 #2。
[未记载] 新增曼恩公司供应箱 #3, #4和#5。
Mann Co. Supply Crate Series #1 and #2 no longer drop in game. (People with Series #1 and #2 crates still had the attributes set to #1 and #2, but they took on the schema ID of Series #3 and #4 crates, respectively.)
[未记载] Updated the Mann Co. Supply Crate description.
[未记载] Added Festive Winter Crates.
[未记载] Added Mann Co. Supply Crate Series #7, #8, and #9.
[未记载] Mann Co. Supply Crate Series #3, #4, and #5 no longer drop in game.
[未记载] Added Mann Co. Supply Crate Series #10, #11 and #12.
[未记载] Mann Co. Supply Crate Series #7, #8, and #9 no longer drop.
[未记载] Added Mann Co. Supply Crate Series #13, #14 and #15.
[未记载] Mann Co. Supply Crate Series #10, #11, and #12 no longer drop.
[未记载] Added Mann Co. Supply Crate Series #16, #17 and #18.
[未记载] Mann Co. Supply Crate Series #13, #14, and #15 no longer drop.
[未记载] Added Mann Co. Supply Crate Series #19, #20 and #21.
[未记载] Mann Co. Supply Crate Series #16, #17, and #18 no longer drop.
[未记载] Added Refreshing Summer Coolers.
July 11, 2011 [更新]
Refreshing Summer Coolers no longer drop.
July 12, 2011 [更新]
Added Mann Co. Supply Crate Series #23, #24 and #25.
Mann Co. Supply Crate Series #19, #20, and #21 no longer drop.
[未记载] Added Mann Co. Supply Crate Series #26, #27, and #28.
[未记载] Mann Co. Supply Crate Series #23, #24 and #25 no longer drops.
[未记载] Added Mann Co. Supply Crate Series #29.
[未记载] Mann Co. Supply Crate Series #28 no longer drops.
[未记载] Added Salvaged Mann Co. Supply Crate Series #30 and Mann Co. Supply Crate Series #31.
[未记载] Mann Co. Supply Crate Series #26 no longer drops.
[未记载] Added Mann Co. Supply Crate Series #32
[未记载] Mann Co. Supply Crate Series #27 no longer drops.
[未记载] Added Mann Co. Supply Crate Series #33 and #34.
[未记载] Mann Co. Supply Crate Series #29 and #31 no longer drop.
[未记载] Added Naughty and Nice Winter Crates.
January 1, 2012 [更新]
Naughty and Nice Winter Crates no longer drops.
[未记载] Added Mann Co. Supply Crate Series #37.
[未记载] Mann Co. Supply Crate Series #32 no longer drops.
[未记载] Added Mann Co. Supply Crate Series #38.
[未记载] Mann Co. Supply Crate Series #33 no longer drops.
[未记载] Added Mann Co. Supply Crate Series #39 .
[未记载] Mann Co. Supply Crate Series #34 no longer drops.
[未记载] Added Mann Co. Supply Crate Series #40, 41 and 42.
[未记载] Mann Co. Supply Crate Series #37 and #38 no longer drops.
[未记载] Changed Salvaged Crate series to #40.
[未记载] Mann Co. Supply Crate Series #30 no longer drops.
Crates now display their series number in the backpack view
[未记载] Added Mann Co. Supply Crate Series #44 and #45.
[未记载] Mann Co. Supply Crate Series #41 and #42 no longer drop.
[未记载] Added Scorched Crates.
Scorched Crates no longer drops.
[未记载] Added Mann Co. Supply Crate Series #47 and Fall Crate.
[未记载] Mann Co. Supply Crate Series #43 no longer drops.
[未记载] Fall Crates no longer drops.
[未记载] Added Mann Co. Supply Crate Series #49.
[未记载] Mann Co. Supply Crate Series #44 no longer drops.
[未记载] Added Naughty Winter Crate 2012 and Nice Winter Crate 2012.
[未记载] Added Mann Co. Supply Crate Series #54 and #55.
[未记载] Mann Co. Supply Crate Series #45 and #47 no longer drop.
Changed Salvaged Crate series to #50.
Added Mann Co. Supply Crate Series #56 and #57.
Mann Co. Supply Crate Series #40, #49 and #54 no longer drop.
[未记载] Added materials and strings for the RoboCrate.
[未记载] Updated the description of the Festive Winter Crate and the Refreshing Summer Cooler.
Added the RoboCrate to the drop system.
[未记载] Updated description for RoboCrate.
[未记载] Changed the Mann Co. Supply Crate's names to include their series number.
Added Mann Co. Supply Crate Series #59.
Mann Co. Supply Crate Series #55 no longer drop.
Added Summer Appetizer Crate.
can now be redeemed for Summer 2013 Cooler.
Added Select Reserve Mann Co. Supply Crate #60.
Added Mann Co. Supply Crate Series #71.
Mann Co. Supply Crate Series #50 and #56 no longer drop.
Added the Fall 2013 Acorns Crate and Fall 2013 Gourd Crate.
Older event crates no longer expire on login, but have been updated to indicate they can no longer be opened
Added Crate #75, Crate #76, and Crate #77 to the drop list
Removed Crate #57, Crate #59 and Crate #71 from the drop list
[未记载] Added the Naughty Winter Crate 2013 and the Nice Winter Crate 2013 to the drop list.
Removed the Naughty Winter Crate 2013 and the Nice Winter Crate 2013 from the drop list.
Added Crate #82 and Crate #83 to the drop list.
Crate drop rates have been significantly lowered.
Removed Crate #60, Crate #75, Crate #76 and Crate #77 from the drop list.
Added the Mann Co. Stockpile Crate to the .
Each Mann Co. Stockpile Crate can be repeatedly shuffled to contain a set of 4 possible items.
Added the Mann Co. Audition Reel.
Contains taunts and a rare chance at an unusual taunt.
Updated Mann Co. Crates to display which
Series they can potentially output.
Fixed a few crates not displaying which
Series they can potentially output
Added Crate #84 and Crate #85 to the drop list.
Removed Audition Reel from crate drop list.
Added Director's Cut Reel to crate drop list.
Added Limited Late Summer Crate to crate drop list.
Removed the Limited Late Summer Crate from the crate drop list.
Limited Late Summer Crates can no longer be opened.
Removed the Limited Late Summer Crate Key from the Mann Co. Store
Updated the description of the Limited Late Summer Crate.
Added Halloween crates to the Mann Co. Store. These crates do not require a key to open.
Added End of the Line Community Crate.
Renamed RoboCrate to Robo Community Crate.
The descriptions of the items were updated to match as well.
to the End of the Line Community Crate.
Added Naughty Winter Crate 2014 and Nice Winter Crate 2014.
Added Crate #90 and Crate #91 to the drop list.
Removed Naughty Winter Crate 2014 and Nice Winter Crate 2014 from the crate drop list.
Removed the Naughty and Nice Winter Crate Keys 2014 from the Mann Co. Store.
Converted Naughty and Nice Winter Crate Keys 2014 into regular Mann Co. Supply Crate Keys.
Naughty and Nice Winter Crates 2014 can no longer be opened.
Added Crate #92 to the drop list.
Added Concealed Killer Weapons Case and Powerhouse Weapons Case.
Added Gun Mettle Cosmetic Case.
[未记载] Added Confidential Collection Case and Quarantined Collection Case.
Added Gargoyle Case.
Updated the contents of the Gargoyle Case, the Fall 2013 Acorns Crate, the Love And War Cosmetics Bundle, the Mann Co. Strongbox, and the Mann Co. Stockpile Crate.
Added Mayflower Cosmetic Case.
Added Unlocked Cosmetic Crates.
Added the Creepy Crawly Case.
Added the Unlocked Winter 2016 Cosmetic Case.
End of the Line 社区补给箱的背包图标的质量会根据游戏的图画品质改变。这不是普通的,因为别的物品的背包图标的质量不会根据玩家设的图画品质改变。
虽然 Valve 制作了锁链的模型图标,但在游戏文件中找不到这个箱子。不过它的材质却被找到了,使用的是和 models/props_hydro/barrel_crate_half.mdl 一样的模型。
在之前,只要不运行 TF2,有限制日期的箱子(例如欢冬补给箱和冰凉夏日冷藏箱)就不会被移除。
曼恩公司供应箱 VPK 文件中的纹理。
曼恩公司供应箱VPK 文件中钥匙链的纹理。
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