
《Dota》ICEFrog:Dota将全面和魔兽1.24匹配 6.62即将发布
     IF已经在发布了1.24和6.62的专区,也发布了6.62的测试图,但是6.62之后续版本都只兼容war31.24的后续版本,1.24以前的魔兽无法启动6.62地图!  暴雪已经在BN开始强制升级1.24了,也就就意味着1.24正式独立补丁就要来临了  我们做好准备了么?  IF:  This version most likely has many broken abilities and functions right now. A huge amount of code has been at least partially rewritten for this patch. Various untested new functions in 1.24 are being used, anything can go wrong.  The first step is to have everyone here test in either single player or with a couple other people, test everything in the game and report which ones are broken.  There should be zero functional changes between 6.62 and 6.61b. If you aren't sure if something is bugged or not compare it with 6.61b.  The only concern for this version right now is to make sure the map code is functional. Do not use these subforums to report anything unless it is an issue that is unique for 6.62/1.24 or to use it as a suggestion forum. There are many potential issues so we need to keep things organized and focused on the task at hand.  The bugs aren't just limited to abilities. Items, commands, game modes, game behavior, rules, upgrades, timers, etc are all vulnerable to bugs.  After we pass Phase 1 of the testing (testing by yourself or with a group of people on westfall), we will then start to do regular 5v5 games to find what other bugs were missed. You can do these games now if you want as well, but we will formally start them after we have had extensive tests on the rest of the stuff first. There are many bugs that will only be easy to catch in multiplayer though, so you are encouraged to try and play with a few people at least.  Thanks in advance for all the help.   __________  已经有了IF公开提供测试的6.62地图,但是只有拥有1.24补丁的WAR3才能打开该地图,  因为其他版本的war将不再支持新版地图!  国内各大平台该何去何从?  继续1.20?1.23?661B?&


