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Hydrologic Analysis of a Tropical Watershed Using KINEROS2
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The application of an event based physical model, KINEROS2, on a developed tropical watershed in Malaysia was evaluated. Three storm events in different intensities and durations were required for KINEROS2 (K2) calibration. K2 validation was done using two other rainfall events before and after the calibration year. Calibration results showed excellent and very good fittings for runoff and sediment simulations based on the aggregated measure. Validation results demonstrated that the K2 was reliable for runoff modelling while the K2 application for sediment simulation was only valid for the period .
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Genetic variation of Norway spruce clones regarding their natural durability, physical and chemical properties
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Genetic variation of ten Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) clones regarding their decay resistance against brown rot fungi, as well as physical and chemical properties of clones were investigated. 31- year-old spruce clones: 26, 31, A10, A15, A7, B10, B15, B6, V7, V9 were selected across Latvia. The stem diameters of spruce clones varied between 13.0 and 20.9 cm. The wood density of clones ranged from 361 to 443 kg/m3. Klason lignin content, depending on the clone, was between 27.0%-28.9%. Cellular UV microspectrophotometry of the non-infected tracheids displayed the typical lignin distribution with highest absorbance values in the cell corners (abs280 nm 0.80) and compound middle lamellae (abs280 nm 0.48), while secondary wall showed lower lignin absorbance values (abs280 nm0.29 - 0.35). The deposition of phenolic extractives in ray parenchyma and epithelial cells of resin canals were emphasized by a significantly higher UV-absorbance (abs280 nm 0.68 to 0.78) when compared to the cell wall associated lignin. The content of acetone-soluble extractives of spruce clones varied between 1.1% - 1.8%. The x-value (natural durability) for all spruce clones after exposure to C. puteana and P. placentawas >0.90 (durability class 5, not durable). Most of clones after degradation by G. trabeum had x-value > 0.90 with exception of clones B15 and V9 that showed x-value ≤ 0.90 (durability class 4, slightly durable). Natural durability of spruce clones did not correlate with stem diameter, density, content of lignin and extractives.
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