
FASTQ (.fastq, .fq)&Wolfram Language Documentation
support all common variants of the FASTQ file format, including short-read sequencing data and long sequences.Background
▪ MIME type: chemical/seq-na-fastq
▪ FASTQ molecular biology format.
▪ Standard format for storing and exchanging DNA sequences with base qualities.
▪ Plain text format.
▪ Stores nucleic acid sequences and base qualities as character strings.
▪ Various conventions are in use to represent meta-information.
Import and Export
[&file.fastq&] imports DNA sequences from a FASTQ file.
[&file.fastq&,expr] exports a sequence or a list of sequences to the FASTQ format.
[&file.fastq&] returns a list of strings representing the sequences stored in the file.
[&file.fastq&,{seq,qual}] exports a character string representing a DNA sequence with base qualities to FASTQ.
[&file.fastq&,{{seq1,seq2,…},{qual1,qual2,…}}] exports multiple DNA sequences with base qualities.
[&file.fastq&,elem] imports the specified element from a FASTQ file.
[&file.fastq&,{{elem1,elem2,…}}] imports multiple elements.
The import format can be specified with [&file&,&FASTQ&] or [&file&,{&FASTQ&,elem,…}].
[&file.fastq&,expr,elem] creates a FASTQ file by treating expr as specifying element elem.
[&file.fastq&,{expr1,expr2,…},{{elem1,elem2,…}}] treats each expri as specifying the corresponding elemi.
[&file.fastq&,expr,opt1-&val1,…] exports expr with the specified option elements taken to have the specified values.
[&file.fastq&,{elem1-&expr1,elem2-&expr2,…},&Rules&] uses rules to specify the elements to be exported.
See the reference pages for full general information on
support the FASTQ format.
&Elements&list of elements and options available in this file
&Rules&full list of rules for each element and option
&Options&list of rules for options, properties, and settings
Data representation elements:
&Header&raw header lines
&Sequence&DNA sequences as a list of strings
&Qualities&base qualities as a list of strings
uses the &Sequence& element by default for the FASTQ format.
Additional data elements:
&Data&&Header&, &Sequence&, and &Qualities& elements combined in a list
&LabeledData&list of rules for each sequence stored in the file
The Wolfram Language uses the standard IUB/IUPAC abbreviations for nucleic acids:
Rpurine (G or A)
Ypyrimidine (T or C)
Kketone (G or T)
Mamino group (A or C)
Sstrong interaction (G or C)
Wweak interaction (A or T)
BC or G or T
DA or G or T
HA or C or T
VA or C or G
Nany nucleic acid (A or C or G or T)
-gap of indeterminate length
The Wolfram Language uses ASCII characters for the base qualities.
&LineWidth&70maximum number of characters in a line
Examplesopen allclose allBasic Examples  (0)
This reads the raw header lines from a sample FASTQ file:
Read the DNA sequence:
Read the DNA sequence with qualities:
This converts a short sequence to the FASTQ format, automatically adding default header information:
This exports two sequences:
This exports a pair of headers and sequences:
Importing the previous output using the &Data& element gives raw headers and sequences:
Import as a list of rules:
See Also        Related Guides
Introduced in 2012 (9.0)
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