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Andoma segment of southeastern margin of fennoscandian shield: Structure and evolutionS. Yu. KolodyazhnyA. S. BaluevE. N. TerekhovArticleDOI:
10.Cite this article as: Kolodyazhny, S.Y., Baluev, A.S. & Terekhov, E.N. Geotecton. (9. doi:10.
The components of deformation related to endogenic (tectonic) and exogenic (glaciotectonic, gravitational sliding) factors are considered in the sedimentary platform cover by a study of Andoma dislocations in the Upper Devonian sedimentary rocks of the Lake Onega district. These structures are localized in the eponymous segment of the southeastern margin of the Fennoscandian (Baltic) S indications of high tectonic activity are noted along this margin. As has been shown by a structural study, the development of the Andoma structure is caused by long-term (Late Devonian-Quaternary) multistage deformations related to tectonic factors and, to a lesser degree, glaciotectonics. The consecutive stages of synsedimentation normal faulting and landsliding, bedding-plane gliding, various forms of shear flow in a regime of transpression, glaciotectonic thrusting, and neotectonic transpression are recognized in the deformation history.within-plate tectonicsgeodynamicsglaciotectonicsshear zonekinematicsstructural paragenesisEast European PlatformAndoma structure1.
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The Suursaari conglomerate (SE F Russia)-Indication of cratonic conditions and rapid reworking of quartz arenitic cover at the outset of the emplacement of the rapakivi granites at ca. 1.65 Ga
Pokki, J; Kohonen, J; Ramo, OT; Andersen, T
Pokki, J (reprint author), Geol Survey Finland, POB 96, FI-02151 Espoo, Finland.


