
圣灵之心3是一款好玩的格斗类游戏,这里给各位带来的是关于这个游戏的白金奖杯,方便玩家们查找。Arcana Heart 3 LOVE MAX!!!!!白1&金2&银5&铜48&总56#1Conquered the beast that is Arcana Heart 3: LOVE MAX!!!!!0.10%珍贵度#2Finished Story Mode故事模式通关28.80%珍贵度#3Finished Story Mode on the highest difficulty.以最高难度通关故事模式2.10%珍贵度#4&(我…我就是无法扭脸而去)Experienced the bad ending in Story Mode.进入过故事模式的Bad Ending15.90%珍贵度#5&(温泉中的寒流)Finished the AFTER Story Mode.完成故事模式的后日谈5.50%珍贵度#6&(喂,禁止偷看!)Cleared away all of that annoying steam during the hot spring event.在温泉事件中将所有骚扰烟雾清除干净2.50%珍贵度#7&(苍天已死)Defeated Kamui in Survival Score Attack Mode.在生存模式中击倒神威1.30%珍贵度#8&(我之將死)Defeated Parace L'Sia in Trial Mode.在困难模式中击败帕拉瑟·露西亚0.20%珍贵度#9&(铜之圣灵)Obtained all bronze medals in Trial Mode with one character.用同一个角色在困难模式中取得所有铜牌1.10%珍贵度#10&(银之圣灵)Obtained all silver medals in Trial Mode with one character.在困难模式中用同一个角色收集到所有银牌0.40%珍贵度#11&(金之圣灵)Obtained all gold medals in Trial Mode with one character.在困难模式中用同一个角色收集到所有金牌0.10%珍贵度#12&(击退恶灵是正确的,对吧?)Defeated Fiona in Time Attack Mode.在限时模式中打败菲奥娜2.90%珍贵度#13&(快!快!上上上!)Cleared Time Attack Mode within 20 minutes.在二十分钟内通关限时模式1.40%珍贵度#14&(在开始之前结束……?)Cleared Time Attack Mode within 10 minutes.在10分钟内通关限时模式0.20%珍贵度#15&(磨刀不误砍柴工)Practiced for 15 minutes straight in Training Mode.在训练模式中练习超过15分钟19.20%珍贵度#16Played a match in Network Mode with a custom Super-Duper Awesome Title.2.70%珍贵度#17&(早安,天使)Fought and defeated all the characters in Network Mode.在网络模式中与所有角色作战并打败他们0.90%珍贵度#18&(大伙乐相伴)Played your first Player Match.第一次进行玩家对战5.30%珍贵度#19&(扔掉你的手套)Played your first Ranked Match.第一次进行等级赛4.30%珍贵度#20&(普通成员)Won your first Ranked Match.第一次赢得等级赛2.80%珍贵度#21&(所向披靡!)Played in 50 Ranked Matches.赢得50场等级赛0.50%珍贵度#22&(这才刚开始呢,小子!)Played in 100 Ranked Matches.赢得100场等级赛0.20%珍贵度#23&(我就想看看!)Unlocked all of the illustrations in Gallery Mode.解锁画廊里所有项目0.40%珍贵度#24&(在动……)Unlocked all of the link animations in Gallery Mode.解锁画廊里的所有动画0.10%珍贵度#25&(每一件事我都记得!)Unlocked all of the &Memories& side-stories.解锁所有事件0.30%珍贵度#26&(大天使)Used all of the characters.使用所有角色4.10%珍贵度#27&(圣灵大师)Used all of the Arcana.使用过所有圣灵3.90%珍贵度#28&(广受好评)Won using Critical Heart.使用严苛之心获得胜利13.40%珍贵度#29&(至关重要)Won using an Extended Critical Heart.使用威严之心获得胜利4.30%珍贵度#30&(众人拾柴!)Won using Arcana Blaze使用圣灵之刃获胜18.80%珍贵度#31&(剩女乃逆境之光辉)Executed an Extended Blast while guarding.在防御中发动暴击18.00%珍贵度#32MAX!!!!!ed out a character's LP level.任意一个角色的LP等级升满0.10%珍贵度#33&(你是我的唯一)Viewed all of the unique character-related pre-fight animations.观看过所有特定角色组合的战前动画演出0.20%珍贵度#34&(爱能攻克所有!)Absorbed thirty attacks using &Rox Kyklos& in a single battle.在一场战斗中用Rox Kyklos吸收30次以上的攻击0.20%珍贵度#35&(命运之矛)Successfully used &Claiomh& three times in a single battle.在一场战斗中成功使用3次Claiomh长***0.30%珍贵度#36&(残影)Blocked three attacks using &Jinsen no I& in a single battle.在一场战斗中用Jinsen no I 锁定攻击三次1.30%珍贵度#37&(树之圣灵的恩惠)Recovered two thousand health in a single round using the powers of the Arcana of Nature.在一个回合中使用树之圣灵回复2000HP10.40%珍贵度#38&(赶鸭子上架)Took fifteen thousand points of damage during a single extend force without getting knocked back using the Arcana of Earth.在一次追击中,于未被后仰硬直的情况下使用地之圣灵打出50,000点伤害0.60%珍贵度#39&(无法防御的业火)Successfully used &Cao Huo Jiang& E button attack to break through an opponent's guard.使用一个操火将,以E攻击把敌人打至破防12.40%珍贵度#40&(捉迷藏)Kept a single &Sicilis& attack on-screen for at least ten seconds.将一个Sicilis停驻在屏幕上10秒以上0.30%珍贵度#41&(静而深地潜行)Kept one of the Arcana of Darkness's attacks on-screen for at least ten seconds.使一个暗之圣灵的必杀技延续超过10秒0.70%珍贵度#42Dealt 5,000 damage in one fight using the Arcana of Evil's poison effect.2.30%珍贵度#43Used &Pluvia& to evade twenty attacks in a single fight.0.60%珍贵度#44Charged one segment of the Arcana Gauge using &Energeia& in a single battle.5.10%珍贵度#45Healed two thousand health in a single battle using &Baptism&.6.20%珍贵度#46Unleash at least one hundred crystals in a single battle using the Arcana of Ice.1.20%珍贵度#47Successfully used & Sinij& E button attack to break through an opponent's guard.9.60%珍贵度#48Used the Arcana of Sin's passive ability, special attack, super attack, and Arcana blaze.1.10%珍贵度#49Used &Organon& or &Symposio& to whack an opponent three times on the head.0.50%珍贵度#50Saw every version of &Phasma& and &Phantasia&.0.10%珍贵度#51Summoned Mildred ten times.1.40%珍贵度#52Executed a 50-hit combo using only the special moves and super moves of the Arcana of Sound.1.50%珍贵度#53Harvested five fruits created by &Maboroshi no Hana& and &Yume no Hana&.0.50%珍贵度#54Used Spirit of Tyr Gottfried's Extended Force ten times in a single battle.1.60%珍贵度#55Rolled snake-eyes while using &Mitra&.1.50%珍贵度#56Used an explosion from &Speed Cannon-Berger& to deflect an opponent's attack.5.60%珍贵度
