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Green Normalmaps... 绿色及全色法线贴图讲解【已翻译】
原帖地址: /index.php/topic,.html ??讨论者: Sunnetci_Dede、 mtarini、 Yoshiboy 等 ??这个贴提到了很深的3D技术内容, 求专业人士翻译,应该对制作很有帮助。??[不是翻译顶楼而是通篇翻译] Dede: I was not satisfied with the DXT5 compression of normal-map textures . It caused ugly artifacts ingame. So I wanted to try other DDS settings and got the best results with DDS 8.8.8
not compressed . But the File-Size has increased from 1.33MB to 4MB. For this reason, I wanted to find a better solution, and I've read in the forum about "green normal-maps." How I converted "purple normalmap" to "green normalmap": 1st Load to previously created purple normal map with your image-editor
Photoshop for example 2nd Create a Alpha Channel 3rd Copy the red channel in to the alpha channel . 4th Delete the red channel
completely fill with black 5th Delete also the blue channel
completely fill with black 6th Save the image as DDS DXT5 This is the standard normalmap in Openprf: 下载
This is how my green normal map look like: 下载
00:58 And here's the problem with which I am struggling at the moment. 下载
As you can see the green normalmap is not displayed correctly. I have not figured out yet why this is. Maybe someone has an idea 标题:绿色法线贴图 1楼(Sunnetci_Dede) 嗨! 我对于将法线贴图纹理压缩为DXT5格式这种压缩方式并不满意。这样制出的图在游戏里很难看。所以我曾想试试DDS文件的别的设置并得到了DDS的8.8.8格式(未被压缩的)的最佳的结果。但是文件大小从1.33兆字节升到了4兆字节。 由于这个理由,我想找到一个更好的解决方法,并且我已经阅读了论坛上的关于“绿色法线贴图”的文章。 我是如


