
恶魔猎手Demon Hunter(电影网
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[first line]
Look at the pretty man. Hello, pretty man. Are you here for your friend? I'm afraid you're too late to save him.
What are you?
Jake Greyman:
You know what I am...a lot better than I do.
Jake Greyman:
Gentlemen, I'm afraid this lady's very sick. I think it's a good idea if I just take her straight to the hospital.
We'll take her to the hospital. She's our problem.
Jake Greyman:
Well, that's where you're wrong. I'm your problem.
Listen, Abraham, or whoever you are, I'm not buying your cop bullshit, okay?
Jake Greyman:
The woman. Where is she?
Go fuck yourself.
Jake Greyman:
She's very dangerous right now.
I said go fuck yourself.
[Jakes knocks him into a headstone and to the ground]
Jake Greyman:
Now you listen to me. You gonna tell me what I wanna know or I will tear you to pieces. Then one of your cronies will tell me when he's done shittin' himself.
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