中国农民工玩网游游最牛的是谁? 全国出名的游戏...

日前,有老外在Reddit论坛?瑟很多欧美可以玩到很多网游,中国玩家想玩却玩不到。这个话题一时间引发了中外网友的热议。其中既有感慨中国某些网游诸如CODOL、怪物猎人OL、天涯明月刀等在无法在国外玩到,也有表示亚洲和西方游戏市场存在差异,甚者还有嘲笑中国游戏市场充斥着垃圾游戏。以下是部分国外玩家评论节选:L4ActionIndeed, we are waiting a lot for some Asian titles, but same goes for them. For example Path of Exile, we got it in 2013 while China will get it in . Also our top MMO, World of Warcraft had some issues when it was localized there. I remember that they were getting the Burning Crusade expansion when we were approaching the end of Wrath of the Lich King. So we are not the only ones waiting for localizations.是,我们玩不到一些亚洲网游,但换过来,中国那边也一样:比如《流放之路》。我们2013年玩的,而中国得年。还有《魔兽世界》也是,这游戏在中国审核和本地化遇到各种麻烦,我记得我们都快玩完巫妖王之怒了他们还在玩燃烧的远征。所以,这没啥好争的,大家都一样。hanthienhaiAgree, we are not the only ones waiting for localizations. But we have many games Chinese player can play but Western can't playCall of Duty Online released early 2015Moonlight Blade Online released at July 2015.对,很多游戏在中国没有本地化,但我们也有很多游戏玩不到:比如《使命召唤OL》和《天涯明月刀》。Trapangeryea also they waited for smite for a long time. i remember playing it for at least two years, when they announced they will be launching it in China. they had a big event introducing more chinese gods, etc. also i remember LoL took a couple of years before it got localized for Asia...对,《神之浩劫》也是很久之后才进中国。我记得我玩了这游戏2年才听说中国版本公布的消息。另外LoL也是过了好几年才进亚洲市场。DarkshaleI didn't know that they have to wait for so long to play Path of Exile that really sucks. I guess gamers on both sides suffer. If only publishers would speed up localisations everyone would be happy.我都不知道《流放之路》这么久还没进中国,真蛋疼。感觉中外两边都挺不爽吧,如果这游戏早点进中国,开发商早赚钱了。DalarannThey don't have a copy for Path of Exile yet?《流放之路》没在中国上市?Trapangerwell it costs a lot of money and time to translate a game and on top of that renting servers and all that technical stuff is a huge work. plus, there are probably legal issues they need to sort before launching it on the asian market...毕竟代理游戏和汉化要花很多钱和时间,建服务器,各种技术问题,一堆东西要做。而且中国那边在游戏这块法律也不一样。WolflistenerYea I also saw that Elder Scrolls Online came to Japan, but there is no indication that it will come to China. Apparently there is a lot of work localizing to different Asian countries because their languages are so different. Luckily in West we just get English version and it is fine everyone can play.呵呵,《上古卷轴OL》都进日本了,中国一点声音都没有。明显游戏汉化还是很大的工作量,还好我们欧美这边每个人都可以直接玩英文版。HuskyMmoYou don't have Pokemon Go so it doesn't count然而你们并玩不到《精灵宝可梦GO》GrravyaWe have Monster Hunter Online and Lost Ark. MHO is coming out in China now and Lost Ark will begin beta in China this year. Hahaha我们有怪物猎人OL还有失落的方舟。怪物猎人OL已经在中国上线,失落的方舟今年就会在中国上线。哈哈(估计是位中国玩家留言)WolflistenerYeah, that is all true, but what about Black Desert? It doesn't look like it will come anytime soon to China. They even dont have a Chinese publisher as of now. It doesn't look too good for Chinese players:)你说的没错,但《黑色沙漠》呢?看上去这款游戏有短期内是不会进入中国,现在连中国运营商都没有。看上去对中国玩家并不太好哦:)RabbitsayBlack desert has nothing new in gameplay. It's smart for Chinese people that they didn't sign BDO but choose Lost Ark instead《黑色沙漠》在玩法上并没有什么新意。聪明的中国人并没有选择它,而是选择了《失落的方舟》。jikuhartI don't think Chinese publisher didn't sign BDO because it has nothing new in gameplay. I think Chinese don't like Western's background games and these game have not good revenue in China, many Western's background game has shutdowned in China, like RIFT.我认为中国玩家不选择《黑色沙漠》并不是它的玩法没有新意。而是因为西方背景题材的游戏在中国都不赚钱,很多西方背景游戏在中国都停运了,比如《时空裂痕》。OanaRPGThey are two totally different markets, and we all know that China feels different about a p2w market. It's also important to note that there is somekind of law over there, regarding online games, that demands a local publisher for such games.如果你看一眼那些在中国流行的游戏,比如DNF、CF、LOL以及《守望先锋》,还有一大堆垃圾游戏,你应该会明白些什么。RabbitsayYeah if you take a look at the popular games in China: dungeon fighter online, crossfire, league of legends, and perhaps overwatch and a bunch of garbage browser games, you understand something.shaylyn_We in China call the players of those games elementary school boys or 小学生.我们称玩那些游戏的玩家为小学生(估计又是一位中国玩家)
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