
&  Hello everyone,
  yesterday, the new &Light T-54&P (I will call it LT-54 in this article) tier
8 premium medium tank was unveiled and it was only natural people immediately
started speculating. Will it be another Type 59? Will it be overpowered for a
premium tank? Or will it disappear into the pit of mediocrity like the T-34-3?
Well, let&s have a look at both.
  Keep in mind that the supertester statistics leaked are preliminary, which
means they can (and probably will) change.
  Unlike other statistics, armor is probably not very likely to change. As
you can see, the Type 59 armor is clearly superior in practically every aspect.
The LT-54 has 80mm frontal armor (sloped at 60 degrees makes it 160mm
effectively thick, not counting the normalization), the Type 59 has 200mm
frontal effective armor (100mm at 60 degrees). While 160mm is still a relatively
good value, it will make it vulnerable to the guns of tier 8 tanks as well, such
as the D-10, that appears in numerous models of vehicles. The LT-54 frontal
turret is 180-160mm thick and the area of this maximum thickness is smaller than
the Type 59 has. Type 59 frontal turret armor is 200mm thick, making it
practically impervious to vehicles of tiers 6-8. Furthermore, the LT-54 will
have a massive weakspot on the top of the turret, with the hatches being
significantly thinner as well (looks like 91mm, Type 59 has 130mm hatches). The
side armor on the Type 59 is 80mm thick, the side armor on the LT-54 looks like
60mm. That is not an issue only because of its thickness, but also due to the
  In the armor department, the Type 59 clearly wins.
  Now, the leaked stats for the LT-54 come from Tank Inspector. The thing is,
Tank Inspector has several settings, where you can decide, what influences the
stats. So I will be hoping that the leaker used default settings, I think he
did, in which case the 100 percent crew bonus is taken into account.
  Both vehicles are using what in real life was essentially the same gun: the
WW2 100mm D-10T variants we all know and love. The Chinese version has higher
penetration (a long time ago, there was a talk of improving the Soviet
penetration to this level as well, but the developers never got to do it).
  First number will refer to LT-54, second to Type 59
  穿深: 175/181
  伤害: 250/250
  模块伤害: 135/135
  装填时间: 8,247/8,342 (说得过去,因为LT-54的DPM高一些)
  射速: 7,276/7,192
  载弹量: 34/34
  弹药速度: 895/900 (LT-54的炮弹飞的要慢一些)
  主炮俯角: -5/-7 (59式的加分重点,-5&的俯角对于一辆靠机动吃饭的车来说是件很蛋疼的事情)
  精准度 (纸面): 0,4/0,39 (LT-54的精准稍差了一点点)
  瞄准时间: 2,68/2,78 (LT-54的炮瞄准时间快一些,纸面数据应该是2.8秒,而59式的瞄准在2.9秒)
  金币弹穿深 (假设值): 235/241
  Regarding the accuracy on the move, the LT-54 seems to be a bit more
accurate than the Type 59. It&s hard to say here, the winner is not clear, but
I&ll go with Type 59, because every milimeter of better penetration is worth it.
The LT-54 fires faster and aims faster, but is also less accurate. In a
high-speed brawl (when shooting exposed side and rear armor), the LT-54 will
have a slight advantage. It is clear that the developers want to balance this
tank as a pure brawler. But will the mobility match it?
  Same as before & first number is LT-54, second number is the Type 59
  重量: 30,79t/36吨
  发动机出力: 520hp/520hp
  推重比: 16,89/14,44 hp/t &正如所见,LT-54的大优势
  车身转速: 44/46 (59式此处占优,但是鉴于地形适应性的出现,这点相对来说就没什么关系了)
  极速: 58,7/56
  LT-54 & 0,959/1,151/1,918
  59式 & 0,863/0,959/1,918
  The Rest
  视野: 385/380 米
  无线电距离: 800/600 米
  On the supertest however, the LT-54 does NOT have limited MM, Type 59 does
have it. I think it&s realistic to assume that both will have limited MM in the
end, because going up against tier 10&s with a stock D-10T and no armor is
  With all three factors (armor, mobility and firepower) taken into account,
it seems clear that in its current form (!), LT-54 is inferior to the Type 59 in
practically every important respect. The armor seems to be the most problematic
part (allowing even lower tier tanks to damage the vehicle, whereas the Type 59
would is invulnerable to the lower tier guns). Both vehicles have roughly the
same firepower, with differences being in singular percents or less. The
mobility is hard to determine given many factors that play into it, but I think
it will be comparable to Type 59 more or less, possibly with slightly higher
acceleration and speed. We&ll have to see and wait for the 9.2 test for this
vehicle to appear in supertester hands to know more, but at this point, I am not
exactly hyped. At least it looks good though.


