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Preparation and microwave absorbing property of zero dimension nano-Fe_2O_3
Finally, their abilities of microwave absorption were tested at 10GHz frequency. The results show that zero dimension nanometric γ-Fe_2O_3 particles have much better microwave absorption ability than α-Fe_2O_3.
Zero dimension nanometric α-Fe_2O_3 and γ-Fe_2O_3 were prepared by chemical coprecipitation with different processes. Their structures were analyzed by using specific surface testing, transmission electron microscope (TEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD).
A zero dimension calculating model for CNG engines was established by ***L BOOST software.
采用***L BOOST软件建立了天然气发动机的零维软件计算模型。
According to the characteristics of fluidized bed
pulverized coal combined combustion boiler, by view of the heat transfer among the fluidized bed, heat surface, flame comprehensively, the basic equation heat transfer calculation and corresponding zero dimension model (semi empirical method) have been built up in furnace of fluidized bed
pulverized coal combined combustion boiler.
:针对流化床 -煤粉复合燃烧锅炉的特点 ,在综合考虑流化床、火焰和受热面之间换热的基础上 ,推导了流化床 -煤粉复合燃烧锅炉炉膛传热计算的基本方程 ,得到了复合燃烧锅炉炉膛传热计算的零维模型半经验法。
It studied calculating of index value and zero dimension of index.
Establishs the pipeline finite element model under the tension and bending moment, carries on the finite element analysis according to different combinations of n value and m value separately, and obtains the pipeline's zero dimension curvature along with the different n value and m value according to the finite element analysis results.
By analyzing the change relation of piston zero dimension transverse displacement and acceleration with crankshaft corner under different situations,it obtained the substantive factors influencing the running noise to strike the cylinder.
(2) Carries on the elastic-plasticity analysis when the pipeline is under tension and bending moment. Calculates the relationships of zero dimension value n and zerodimension value m with zero dimension parameter γ and δ according to three kinds of stress distribution, the concrete value simulation graphs according to the computed result is also provided.
By selecting a suitable system and an appropriate evaluation index,we firstly deal with the collected data and establish data of zero dimension,then use analysis of distinguishing the difference between all systems that gets weighting coefficient to deal with datum,set up the model of comprehensive evaluation problem,finally analyse the result of the comprehensive evaluation problem with the greatest disparity of rank.
The result of numerical simulation indicated that it was linear relationship between the zero dimension heat transfer coefficient and the Reynolds number of film. The error between the numerical value and the experiment value was basically under 28%.
The paper made the Mindline's stress practical theoretical formula into zero
dimension,and worked out the stress coefficient formulas under some kinds of engineering load that were easy to make data tables.
对明氏应力系数实用理论计算公式进行了无因次化处理 ,给出了若干种工程荷载分布条件下便于制作数据表格的实用应力系数计算公式。
Two new zero dimension variables,K and K
*,concerning the stage identification of solution batch crystallization process were defined in this paper.
针对溶液间歇结晶过程的特点 ,定义并关联了无因次变量K和K ,用于对结晶过程中成核和生长两阶段进行定量识别。
Determination of Internal Ballistics Zero Dimension Model Maxi-pressure Point Based on Genetic Algorithm
This paper treats a pipe as a beam or as a thin shell. Then, the effect of cracks on the dynamic characteristics of pipes is calculated by means of the model of zero dimension element with crack.
The research of one dimension material is less than that of zero dimension nanomaterial.
Experiment results should be induced to functional relations expressed by similar principle numbers and other zero dimension numbers or drawing curves.
Result show that stress under the control of given error limitcan be introduced, and error limit as a propositional zero dimension number5% can be used in analogy between project and project.
(6) 有限元应力取值标准的问题可以使用自适应有限元方法进行研究,并且提出使用特定全局误差限下的计算应力作为应力取值,这个无量纲的数值有利于工程类比,通过计算建议此值可取为 5%。
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为了更好的帮助您理解掌握查询词或其译词在地道英语中的实际用法,我们为您准备了出自英文原文的大量英语例句,供您参考。&&&&&&&&&&&& The concept of a fuzzy set, which was introduced by Zadeh in 1965, provides a natural framework for generalizing many of concepts and results of dimension theory to fuzzy topoiogical spaces. In this paper we extend the notions of the E. (?)ech zero-dimension and the -Menger zero-dimension of topological spaces to fuzzy topological spaces, discuss Some properties of these new fuzzy topological spaces and give sevral interesting counterexamples. 本文的主要工作是在模糊拓扑空间中引入了模糊E.?ech O-维数以及模糊Урыcoн-Menger O-维数的概念,这是分明拓扑空间中的E.?ech O-维数和Уpыcoн-Menger O-维数在模糊拓扑空间的推广。讨论了两种模糊O-维数的特征刻划及性质,得出了在T_1拟完全紧的模糊拓扑空间当中两种模糊O-维数之间的关系。 This paper presents a dimensional equation intended for the evaluation of mine ventilation systems. The equation, founded on dimensional analys ?is, contains five zero dimensions which, acceding to the π-theorem, are the basic determinative parameters and can give a description closer to the actual conditionsπthe merits and defects of a mine ventilation system. The method used to work out the equation differs from the rule of thumb, a way conventionally used to set determinative parameters in question. 本文以因次分析法为基础,建立矿井通风系统的因次方程式,根据π定理,求得描述矿井通风系统优劣的五个无因次数,它们即为通风系统基本鉴定指标。这种方法不同于传统的根据经验和需要编制鉴定指标的方法。 通过推理和分析,建立了一种形式较为合理的综合指标。并用建立的鉴定指标,对国内某些冶金矿山通风系统进行了评述。 This paper presents a calculating method of combustion heat release rate in swirl chamber diesel engines. Based on the zero-dimension-thermodynamics and full-combustion model, together with the equations which describes the flowing process of the actuating medium through the throat, the thermodynamics states and the heat release rates of both chambers in Model 6105Q swirl chamber diesel engine are calculated. In connection with the calculated results of the heat release rate, the combustion characteristics... This paper presents a calculating method of combustion heat release rate in swirl chamber diesel engines. Based on the zero-dimension-thermodynamics and full-combustion model, together with the equations which describes the flowing process of the actuating medium through the throat, the thermodynamics states and the heat release rates of both chambers in Model 6105Q swirl chamber diesel engine are calculated. In connection with the calculated results of the heat release rate, the combustion characteristics of Model 6105Q diesel engine in several running conditions are analysed.本文提供了涡流室柴油机燃烧放热率的计算方法。运用零维热力学----完全燃烧模型,辅之以工质在主喷口中的流动方程,计算了6105Q型柴油机主、副燃烧室中工质的热力状态及其放热规律,并结合放热率的计算结果对柴油机的变工况燃烧特性进行了分析。 &&&&&相关查询
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