太空主题餐厅餐厅Turbo Fiesta 第3...

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查看分站微信Fiesta 1980, Essay - 886 Words
Fiesta 1980,
Fiesta 1980,
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(886 words
: October 21, 2011
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Fiesta 1980
The story, Fiesta, 1980, is one that closely resembles my own childhood. The characters, their actions and experiences each hold similarities to my parents and sisters. For example, my mother was an alcoholic and abusive toward us kids just as Papi was toward his children. In the story, Papi says, “Don’t you mirror me” whereas my mom would say, “Don’t you give me that look”. One previous step dad was like Mami in that he would remain quiet until things got out of control. Only then did he speak up usually with little results before backing down again. The character of Madia reminds me of my little sister who closed her eyes and cupped her ears whenever there was trouble. My little sister, like Madai “was too scared to open her eyes”. My twin reminds me of Rafa who seemed to be the “perfect” one who could do no wrong in my mom’s eyes. For myself, I relate most to Yunior as we both seem to be the ones always getting into trouble and were punished the most. However, when the problems became too bad, Yunior had Tia to lean on for support. For myself, I have two aunts who were always there when I needed them and never pushed for more than I could give.
In addition to similarities between the characters and my own family members, specific events in the story reminded me of my own experiences. For instance, the long car rides taken by Papi and Yunior reminded me of those we took when trying to get my little sister to sleep. As in the story, between Papi and Yunior, not much was said during our car rides either. Likewise, Papi’s affair with the Puerto Rican lady is also familiar. My mom and current step dad had an affair before divorcing and finally marrying each other. My mom’s ex husband and current husband were good friends, as was my mom and his wife. After sneaking around for two years they finally divorced their spouses and openly began seeing each other. Like Rafa and Yunior, all the kids knew about the affair but never talked about it...
...Kembi, Adeyemi
English 102
The 1980s Fashion Scene on A Rapid Comeback
The 1980’s fashion is back, and its success is rooted in the similar economy we have with the 1980s.
As a society we are deciding to “wear our personality”, rather than our pocket books and the fashion industry is staying alive by following this trend.
With the de-regulation of multiple government policies on industries, a failing economy, record setting recession and
the booming crack-cocaine sales on the streets with Hip-Hop music employing all the facets of larger than life model of life styles, fashion sense became more of a headline than the issues that plagued the ’80s era. People simply wanted to live outside of what their day to day experience was. It was an era where what you wore, watched on TV, listened to on the radio, how you danced and pretty much all your actions was fed to through the mainstream media to the trending youth.
Fashion Cycles
Just like most things we are exposed to or experience there’s a beginning, middle, and an end. Same goes for our opinions on how we dress and the lifestyles we sometimes choose to portray.
The variance however is the range in occurrences we experience, and it sticks out more when the time difference from one instance draws closer to the other.
It wasn’t quite the time for the 1980’s fashion to make such a strong comeback into our culture, hip-hop didn’t quite disappear yet, neither...
...FOM Study Programme
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Module: Marketing Assignment: 1/2
Author: Christian Gondek
1st Academic Semester
Essen, 21.01.2011
Executive Summary - Part I
The Ford Motor Company (FMC) is one of the biggest and most successful automotive manufacturers in the world based on a long tradition of automotive development. Since 1931, the plant in Cologne has produced more than forty million vehicles. The focus of this assignment is to analyse the
latest version of the product Ford Fiesta (FF) for the German market which has been introduced in 2008.
First of all, the product will be introduced followed by a market analysis including demographic, geographic and behavioural segmentation in order to determine the prototype of the customer Ford of Germany (FOG) targets. It has been assumed that the customer is female, 28 years old or close to that age, living in or next to big or capital cities and is mainly focussed on design and life-style aspects. The analysis of marketing objectives and strategy starts with Porter’s model of Five Forces shown in the appendix. In order to analyse the environment, the SWOT analysis has been chosen. As part of the SWOT’s analysis of the external environment, a PEST framework has been applied. Finally, the competition of FOG and the product itself will be demonstrated. In order to present a clear positioning within FOG for the FF, data of the Kraftfahrzeugbundesamt (KBA) have been used...
...300 hours of training so I finished a 300 hours of training instead of 200 hours only but it
is just fine cause the experience that I had during the training was worth of my time. I have learned a lot from it. I guess it somehow boost my morale as well. I know in my heart that I can use this experience for a much higher job in the future.
Barrio Fiesta Restaurant is where I had my On-the-Job Training. The Barrio Fiesta is part of Filipino culture. Through
good times and bad times, the Filipino fiesta must go on because fiesta means birthday of our Barrio and the Patron of our Church. Each fiesta have the same way of celebration except in the other country. Barrio Fiesta was, for a whole generation of Filipinos, a place for festivities, celebrations and the gathering of families and friends. Many milestones were marked by a visit to Barrio Fiesta Restaurant.
Barrio Fiesta continues to be the venue of choice for events and occasions people hoped to remember for a long, long time, if not forever. Weddings, graduations, christenings, birthdays - celebrations were not true celebrations unless they were held at Barrio Fiesta. They enhances bonding among kith and kin by serving food in typical Filipino fashion. Everything is placed in the middle of the table to be shared by everyone, the way it is done in homes, instead of being served portioned...
Fiesta Movement
In April 2009, The Ford Motor Company launched a new marketing campaign called the Ford Fiesta Movement. The campaign had an unusual approach, never previously used before by Ford since being incorporated in June 1903: Ford used amateurs to create ads for Ford Fiesta, their new B category car and relied on (an artificially designed) Word of Mouth Marketing that
used online social media to build awareness. Their thinking was unusual in two ways: Today, it’s a familiar case to everyone to use blogs and social media to engage buyers, but in 2009 letting consumers take over your brand was unheard of. Plus, Ford decided to create a campaign for a product that was not on sale and would not be sold for another 12 months from the start of the campaign (‘atypical timeline’ -Exhibit E). Two months into the campaign the marketing team responsible for the effort had to evaluate the campaign’s performance and possible next steps.
There are two key questions:
How do you evaluate a marketing campaign’s performance for a specific product, when in reality you haven’t sold anything?
What should Ford do after the campaign to leverage the newly build brand awareness and convert interest into sales?
Measuring Campaign Efficiency - Will we make enough profit at the end?
1) Calculate expectation: There are very few hints in the case study that allows the...
...Inside Fiesta
In the 2011 Ford Fiesta latest campaign, Ford has developed the new Ford Fiesta hatchback ad. In the advertisement they have positioned the green Fiesta as the ultimate escape. This is advertisement is targeting young people ages 18-25. As stated in the advertisement “it’s a pretty big deal” to go green. A green car is a vehicle that is considered to be environmentally friendly and have less of a damaging impact on the
environment than conventional cars. A green car consumes less petroleum than conventional cars or uses renewable energy sources to fuel its engine. There are a number of green cars available today and Fiesta is one of them. The text in this advertisement is showing the dominance on how Fiesta “gets more miles per gallon than many hybrids.” This ad
is created to persuade people to buy a the Ford Fiesta, that unlike buying a sports car or luxury cruiser, purchasing and economy car is not
usually an occasion to “Fiesta”. The green Fiesta just does not compare to a play car, which has advantages like a turbo engine, strong brakes and which can be zero to 60 mph in seconds. Yet with the virtues of value and fuel efficiency should indeed be taken inconsideration when one is purchasing the 2011 Fiesta. This campaign ad visual is well distributed but the text doesn’t achieve its purpose on selling to the viewer...
...CASE 4 - The Ford Fiesta
In 2009 Ford is about to re-launch the Ford Fiesta into the U.S. market, after having pulling of the
model from American market in 1981, due to a lack of success. To carry on this debut, Ford conceived a
promotion strategy, called the Fiesta Movement, focused on putting the marketing campaign on the
hands of the Fiesta drivers themselves. By choosing 100 candidates (called Agents), who would be able
drive Fiesta models and share their experiences, the goal of Ford is to empower the brand image into
the younger generations by using social media on Internet. That initiative was received with skepticism
by the senor board and the legal department of Ford Motor Company, who were worried about three
main aspects: lack of control over the camping, measurability of its success, and potential negative
outcomes that might affect the Ford image or that might arise legal issues.
Given that the campaign is already ongoing and that there some promising outcomes in terms of
interest and attention obtained, the recommendations to continue promotion in the best effective way
is to divide the campaign into three parts: continue with a reviewed version of the Agents-schema,
reutilize some of the Movement cars to catch up with tests drives, and start a more conventional
campaign (TV, specialized magazines, etc.), focused in showing the technical aspects of the Fiesta...
Febuary 6, 2014
I. Introduction
A. Madonna, Michael Jackson, Cher, and Tina Turner are just a few of the fashion icons that set trends in the 1980s. Some were sexy, some were colorful, and some were just plain weird.
B. These celebrities were one of the many reasons that the 80’s would be considered the most trend setting decade of them all.
C. The 80s was the most trend setting decade not only for the celebrities in the decade, but the clothes they wore as
II. Body paragraph #1
A. Men’s Suits were a big “MUST H***E” in the 80s. The type of suit a male celebrity wore reflected with there personality and body type. Like james Bond usually wore something called a Bye Bye Leisure Suit.
1. Bye Bye Leisure Suit
a. “The Bye Bye Leisure Suit is a loosely tailored suit made for men who wanted to look professional, but be comfortable at the same time. It was also a pretty masculine suit. Most men wore it with the top buttons undone.” (Men’s Fashion)
b. This was the suit most men preferred because it was comfy and it was cheap. Sounds like my kind of suit.
2. Another popular suit was the Power suit. Now this was also a suit a lot of male celebrities wore, not only for its look, but for its price. It is a very valuable suit. Mainly for its sharp and clean cut look.
a. “Power suits became both a fashion statement and a value statement. They were most commonly worn by business men”
b. If you wore the buy buy suit to a board meeting youd...
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................2
1. The Ford Fiesta background .......................................................................................................3
2. The Ford Fiesta market segmentation, targeting and positioning ..............................................3
3. The “Fiesta Movement” strategy analysis...
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Turbo Fiesta
配置要求操作系统Win Xp/Win 7/Win Vista运行环境&=DirectX 9.0CPUIntel Core2 Duo E4600 @ 2.40Hz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 5000+内存2 GB显卡GeForce 8800 GT / Radeon HD 3870硬盘4 GB从《披萨餐厅》到《疯狂快餐》,Aliasworlds Entertainment制作的快餐主题模拟游戏受到了大家喜爱,《太空餐厅》是这个系列的第三部作品。我们可爱的主角 Rebecca 和 Robert 要将餐厅开到太空了,来帮助他们吧。
画面: 游戏的画面表现出Aliasworlds一贯高水准的美术制作底蕴。从可爱的人物到充满童趣的场景设计,都展示出十足的卡通感。不仅色彩搭配漂亮,图象效果也是细腻精美,还包括充足的剧情插画。声音: 游戏的背景音乐环节很有特色,太空风格的电子音乐散发出的缥缈旋律,和游戏主题十分吻合;音效部分也很完整,配合不同的操作和动作,细节之处的声音都很生动。上手度: 游戏中有着非常详尽的上手向导,对于各种新元素的出现,系统都会指引点击位置,做出相应提示,帮助玩家熟悉每一项规则和步骤。想获要获得全部Expert评价,还需要注重条理的连续操作。创意: 从游戏截图不难看出,本作采用了前两部作品相同的结构,依旧是圆形的操作台占据了画面中心的位置,玩法上也差别不大。不过本作的特别之处是将迷你游戏替换为类似接水管的小游戏。可玩性: 游戏中包括3个场景的变化,60个难度循序渐进的关卡挑战,多多运用5星服务评分系统,会帮助你赢得不少分数。利用赚取的金钱,可在过关后通过购买来美化场景,或对机器器械等进行升级。
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