玩私服 长期耐玩人气高的传奇收人 :来的加Q15293...

Reticulocalbin-1 (Q15293) & InterPro & EMBL-EBI
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Filter view on
Entry type
Per-residue features
Residue annotation
domain relationship
source database
Reticulocalbin-1 (Q15293)
Homo sapiens (Human)
331 amino acids
Source: UniProtKB
Protein family membership
Domains and repeats
Detailed signature matches
Unintegrated signatures
Residue annotation
Ca2+ binding site ...
GO term prediction
Biological Process
None predicted.
Molecular Function
calcium ion binding
Cellular Component
None predicted.RCN1 Homo sapiens Q15293
RCN1 Homo sapiens Q15293
ID Mapping
Page size:
Additional filters:
Gene Association File (GAF)
Gene Product Association Data (GPAD)
Tab-separated Values
Gzip results:
Your current filter returns (annotationCount) annotations for (proteinCount) proteins.
You may need to adjust the Limit value above if it is not sufficient.
Display options
Use this filter to ensure that the annotation table display provides the information you require.
Columns that are currently displayed in the annotation table are indicated in the list below by a checked tick box.
You can tailor the annotation table display to your requirements by selecting or deselecting individual columns.
Display columns:
Gene Product ID
GO Identifier
GO Term Name
Original GO ID
Original GO Term Name
Assigned By
Product Form ID
Taxon Name
You can use the options below to choose whether to be shown an annotation set or a protein list.
Annotations that match the current filter criteria
Proteins with annotations that match the current filter criteria
All annotations to proteins with annotations that match the current filter criteria
ID Mapping
Use this filter to change between different sequence identifier types.
QuickGO's default is to show annotations to UniProtKB (Swiss-Prot and TrEMBL) accession numbers.
QuickGO maps between different identifier types by using a combination of mapping files provided by the databases, and using identifier cross-references supplied by UniProtKB.
If more than one identifier type needs to be used to map all required sequences, drag the selected databases to change the order in which identifiers are found.
The tabs in this dialog allow you to filter the set of GO annotations that QuickGO displays.
You can apply multiple filtering parameters to restrict the set of annotations to those that match, for example:
a list of gene/protein identifiers (ID)
gene products from specified taxonomic groups (Taxon)
annotations that apply certain Qualifier types
those that are supported by a particular Reference or Evidence type
those that use a particular source of external annotation data
annotations that have been supplied by a particular GO annotation group
Currently selected additional filtering parameters:
Gene Product ID
Currently selected additional filtering parameters:
Find annotations for a defined set of gene or protein identifiers:
To restrict the annotations to a set of gene or protein identifiers, enter a list of IDs in the text box below, separated by commas, spaces or newlines. There is no limit on the number of identifers that can be entered into this box.
You can use identifier types other than UniProtKB accessions (for the full range of acceptable ID types, please see the ID Mapping tab on the Annotation Tool Bar).
However please note that QuickGO will automatically map the identifiers to UniProtKB accessions, and unless you have additionally selected a specific Identifier Type to be returned in the annotation set, the default behaviour of this tool will be to display the filtered set of annotations with their corresponding UniProtKB accession numbers.
OR select a list of proteins:
The set of Alzheimer's Disease relevant proteins being prioritised for annotation by the Alzheimer's Disease Gene Ontology Annotation Initiative located at University College London
The set of Cardiovascular-associated proteins being prioritised for annotation by the Cardiovascular Gene Ontology Annotation Initiative located at University College London
The set of exosomal human proteins being prioritised for comprehensive annotation by the UniProt curators at the EBI
The set of proteins associated with renal processes being prioritised for annotation by the EBI's Renal Gene Ontology Annotation Initiative
The set of Parkinson's Disease relevant proteins being prioritised for annotation by the Parkinson's Disease Gene Ontology Annotation Initiative located at University College London
The set of human proteins being comprehensively curated by the UniProt-GOA project as part of the GO Consortium's Reference Genome initiative
Currently selected additional filtering parameters:
To filter by species/taxonomic group, list taxon identifiers in the text box or select one or more of the pre-defined taxonomic groups below.
Magnoliophyta (flowering plants)
to find identifiers for other taxonomic groups
Currently selected additional filtering parameters:
The Qualifier column in a GO annotation is used for flags that modify the interpretation of an annotation. Allowable values are NOT, contributes_to, and colocalizes_with.
Further details on the usage of the qualifier column can be found .
An individual protein that is part of a complex can be annotated to terms that describe the action of the complex. This qualifier allows us to distinguish individual subunit from complex functions e.g. This protein contributes_to 'ribosome binding' when part of a complex but does not perform this function on its own.
Proteins that are transiently or peripherally associated with an organelle or complex may be annotated to the relevant cellular component term, using the 'colocalizes_with' qualifier.
Used to make an explicit note that the protein is not associated with the GO term e.g. This protein does NOT have 'kinase activity' as expected, disrupted/missing ATP binding domain.
GO Identifier
Currently selected additional filtering parameters:
Select the terms that you wish to use
Predefined GO term sets:
goslim_candida (88)
goslim_plant (98)
goslim_pir (456)
goslim_generic (149)
goslim_chembl (309)
goslim_virus (29)
goslim_synapse (300)
goslim_mouse (45)
goslim_yeast (168)
goslim_pombe (49)
goslim_aspergillus (84)
goslim_metagenomics (116)
Enter a list of GO identifiers (GO:nnnnnnn), separated by space, comma or newline characters:
Select how you want to use the terms that you have chosen
Use these terms as a GO slim
Find annotations to descendants of these terms (annotations will display the original GO terms applied)
Select which relationship an annotated term should have to the terms above:
Default behaviour (is_a, part_of and occurs_in relationships only)
exact match
is_a, part_of, occurs_in, regulates, positively_regulates and negatively_regulates
Use all relationships
Currently selected additional filtering parameters:
If you want to find annotations that cite one or more specific references, you can enter them in this text box (with or without a database prefix):
Alternatively (or in addition), you can find annotations that cite a particular type of reference by selecting the appropriate check box(es) below:
Digital Object Identifier
Gene Ontology Database references
Reactome - a curated knowledgebase of biological pathways
UniProt Keywords2GO (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot entries)
UniProt Keywords2GO (UniProtKB/TrEMBL entries)
UniProt Subcellular Location2GO (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot entries)
UniProt Subcellular Location2GO (UniProtKB/TrEMBL entries)
InterPro2GO (conservatively modified by UniProt)
UniProt Keywords2GO (UniProtKB/TrEMBL entries, conservatively modified by UniProt)
UniProt Subcellular Location2GO (UniProtKB/TrEMBL entries, conservatively modified by UniProt)
GO Projections using Ensembl orthologs
Logical inference based on on inter-ontology links
Currently selected additional filtering parameters:
A full description of evidence codes and their usage can be found .
Manual Experimental
Manual All
Inferred from Mutant Phenotype
Inferred from Genetic Interaction
Inferred from Physical Interaction
Inferred from Genomic Context
Inferred from Sequence or Structural Similarity
Inferred from Direct Assay
Inferred from Expression Pattern
Inferred from Electronic Annotation
Traceable Author Statement
Non-traceable Author Statement
No biological Data available
Inferred by Curator
Reviewed Computational Annotation
Inferred from Sequence Alignment
Inferred from EXPeriment
Inferred from Biological aspect of Ancestor
Inferred from Biological aspect of Descendant
Inferred from Key Residues
Inferred from Rapid Divergence
Inferred from Sequence Orthology
Inferred from Sequence Model
Currently selected additional filtering parameters:
Arabidopsis Genome Initiative
Aspergillus Genome Database
Candida Genome Database
Chemical Entities of Biological Interest
Enzyme Commission
EchoBASE post-genomic database for Escherichia coli
EcoGene Database of Escherichia coli Sequence and Function
EcoGene Database of Escherichia coli Sequence and Function
EcoliWiki from EcoliHub
EMBL Nucleotide Sequence Database
Ensembl database of automatically annotated genomic data
Gene Ontology Database
High-quality Automated and Manual Annotation of microbial Proteomes
HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee
IntAct protein interaction database
InterPro database of protein domains and motifs
EGAD database at the J. Craig Venter Institute
Genome Properties database at the J. Craig Venter Institute
Mouse Genome Informatics
NCBI databases
NCBI GenPept
Protein ANalysis THrough Evolutionary Relationships Classification System
Protein Data Bank
Pfam database of protein families
Protein Information Resource
Protein Ontology
DDBJ / ENA / GenBank
NCBI PubChem database of chemical structures
NCBI PubChem database of chemical substances
Rat Genome Database
Rat Genome Database
Saccharomyces Genome Database
The Arabidopsis Information Resource
Genome Properties database at the J. Craig Venter Institute
Universal Protein Knowledgebase
Universal Protein Knowledgebase
UniProt Knowledgebase keywords
UniProt Knowledgebase Subcellular Location vocabulary
Manually curated rules for automatic annotation of UniProtKB unreviewed entries
WormBase database of nematode biology
WormBase database of nematode biology
Zebrafish Information Network
Annotated with (with or without a database prefix):
Currently selected additional filtering parameters:
You can use the check boxes below to limit the scope of the returned annotation set to terms from one or more specific ontologies:
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Cellular Component
Assigned By
Currently selected additional filtering parameters:
Select annotation from:
AgBase resource for functional analysis of agricultural plant and animal gene products
Alzheimers Project at University of Toronto
Alzheimers Research Gene Ontology Initiative
Aspergillus Genome Database
Cardiovascular Gene Ontology Annotation Initiative
Community Assessment of Community Annotation with Ontologies
Candida Genome Database
Developmental FunctionaL Annotation at Tufts
Encyclopedia of E. coli metabolism
EcoliWiki from EcoliHub
Ensembl database of automatically annotated genomic data
Ensembl Fungi, the Ensembl database for accessing genome-scale data from fungi.
Ensembl Metazoa, the Ensembl database for accessing genome-scale data from non-vertebrate metazoa.
Ensembl Plants, the Ensembl database for accessing genome-scale data from plants.
Ensembl Protists, the Ensembl database for accessing genome-scale data from protists.
Human Genome Database
Gene Ontology Consortium
Gene Ontology Consortium - Logical inferences
GO Central
HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee
Human Protein Atlas tissue profile information
IntAct protein interaction database
InterPro database of protein domains and motifs
J. Craig Venter Institute
Microbial ENergy processes Gene Ontology Project
Mouse Genome Informatics
Collection and Refinement of Physiological Data on Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Systems Biology team
Genome Annotation Tool (Agrobacterium tumefaciens C58); PAMGO Interest Group
Magnaporthe grisea database
Parkinsons Disease Gene Ontology Initiative
Proteome Inc.
Pseudomonas Genome Project
Reactome - a curated knowledgebase of biological pathways
Rat Genome Database
Roslin Institute
Saccharomyces Genome Database
The Synapse Gene Ontology and Annotation Initiative
The Synapse Gene Ontology and Annotation Initiative at UCL
The Arabidopsis Information Resource
J. Craig Venter Institute
Universal Protein Knowledgebase
WormBase database of nematode biology
Zebrafish Information Network
Currently selected additional filtering parameters:
Enter query parameters in the text box below. The format of advanced annotation queries is described .
Assigned by
Grouped by
Annotation count
Protein count
Please send comments, suggestions or bug reports to .
for details of how to cite UniProt-GOA and QuickGO.
Up since07:43 22/2/2017


