魔兽世界德莱尼, 我打的是个德莱尼ZS,DP...

&一个旅行者从异国他乡带回的最有用的纪念品就是当地的语言。& --刻在探险家协会大厅墙上的话, By Samul Strangehands
参考资料 /question/.html
在暴雪娱乐公司制作的魔兽系列中,Orc是一种凶猛但高尚的种族,兽人世界中,主要是母系社会,且社团中的联系十分紧密,它们来自于德拉诺星球,但后来受到一群称作燃烧军团(Burning Legion)的恶魔势力给腐化。在恶魔军团的影响下,兽人部落开始屠杀同样居住在德拉诺星球的另一族群德莱尼人。在那之后,兽人就被带往魔兽争霸故事发生的世界,艾泽拉斯(Azeroth)大陆。  经过了两场毁灭性的人兽大战后,兽人们终于在艾泽拉斯被打败了,并被集中关在拘留营中,在这之后,一名被人类扶养长大的年轻兽人萨尔(Thrall),重新集吉他们,最后终于将那些兽人们从恶魔的腐败感染之中获得了解放,并且帮助他们找回了对古代萨满教的信仰。  《魔兽世界》中的兽人看上去就像长著健硕的绿色肌肉,有着宽大的鼻子的人类,而且明显地露出他们口中的獠牙。男性兽人比男性人类要高大,这是显而易见的,他们直立时一般约有6英尺半那么高(将近2米)。女性兽人比一般的女性人类要稍大,而且她们比起男性兽人要苗条得多,但尽管如此,她们却一样有着兽人标志性的强壮肌肉。女性兽人们的獠牙很小,几近看不见,比起獠牙来,实质上它们更像是大号的尖牙。男女兽人们被设定成拿着斧子,穿着简易的盔甲,戴着有角头盔的样子。在极少数的游戏设定中的半兽人才不是一出生注定邪恶的种族,魔兽争霸也是采用这种设定游戏(故事)之一,事实上,在魔兽争霸里他们甚至能够成为英雄。其中兽人和半兽人有着不同,首先,兽人是指正统的在德拉诺世界兽***人交配的后代,在后来被燃烧军团引诱堕落后兽人们攻击了同在德拉诺世界的德莱尼人,部分兽人战士强暴了德莱尼妇女,生下了非兽人纯血统的半兽人,而同样地,兽人与人类交配的后代也应叫作半兽人。半兽人在兽人氏族里的地位很低,因为大多数兽人认为半兽人太瘦弱,不能成为一个称职的战士,但人类社会也不承认半兽人的地位。在魔兽世界官方小说《最后的守护者》有详细的提到。
参考资料 /view/368340.htm
参考资料 /question/.html
Ash Gakh Tukh Ash Zuth Zuth Udu Krith Gakh Tukh Futh
基本用法 进阶用法 兽人文法 by Yorick of Yew
的文字都是由前面六个数目组合而成的 ,例如:Six就是5+1所
Zero Zuth Six  Hash
One  Ash  Seven Hdub
Two  Dub  Eight Hgakh
Three Gakh Nine  Hfuth
Four Futh Ten  HH
Five H   Eleven HHash
Zero Zuth Seven Udu
One  Ash  Eight Tukh
Two  Dub  Nine  Krith
Three Gakh Ten  Ash'zuth
Four Futh Eleven Ash'ash
Five Krak Twelve Ash'dub
Six  Blug Twenty Dub'zuth
问候语 人类用语 兽人用语
Hi,Hai,Hello Ug
Thank You   Dabu
Goodbye    Gug'ye
Bye      Glug
人类用语 兽人用语
Where Whur
Why W'ruum
人类用语 兽人用语 人类用语 兽人用语
The/That Da Leave Leeb
This Dis Reagents Erbs
That Dat Animal Crit
You Lat Monster Badie
Good Gug Kill,Attack Clomp
Bad Bahd GM(Gamemaster) Skygod
Human Humie Orc Uruk
Understand Gruk God Ulu
Yes Yub City Goi
No Nub Tower Lug
Give Gib Let's go Gabbu
Magic Mojo 
Hungry h'gralp 
Eqipment Thingys 
人类用语 兽人用语 人类用语 兽人用语
Gem Kushma Axe/Sword Lusk
Scimitar Zult Mace Womp
Dagger Igg Spear Kigg
Kryss Kult Arrow Lig
Bow Olig Gold Shinies
Food Grub Wood Wud
Water Wada Potion Mojo water
Shield Oltha  
基本用法 进阶用法 兽人文法 by Yorick of Yew
有些事情是要注意的,兽人们从来不会使用& I &这个字眼,
他们都是使用& Me &这个字眼。
例如&I am an orc&换成兽人的说法就是&me uruk&。
有一套属於自己语言的文法(**注) ,通常以我们的角度来看就
例如&I need an axe, where can I find some equipment?&换成兽
人说法就是 &Me need lusk, wher kan me git thingies?&
对於复数的东西兽人们是在字尾加上& z &而非& s &。
Slave 复数为& Slaves &换成兽人说法则为& Snagaz &。
在字眼中加入Uga、Ug、Ub 来区别过去、现在以及未来。
&Tabuug&,未来式&will steal&兽人语为&Tabuub&。
agh "and" akha "here"ash "one" ashi "Only"-at infinitive suffix, or possibly a specialized "intentive" suffix indicating purpose: Ash nazg durbatul&k "one Ring to rule them all"不定词的后缀,或 可能是只使用在特定场合的不定词后缀:&&bag dungbagronk (DBS) "dungpit ", possibly bag+ronk "dung+pit " bard past &doomed&; probably from Elvish stem MB&RAT.b&b pigb&bhosh - pig+guts (probably b&b+hosh)b&rz "dark", (isolated from Lugb&rz, q.v.), burzum "darkness" dagh &land&.darulu aorist &lie&.dash Earthdug - ending indicating participle form of verbdum &hall&; may be from Khuzd&l Khazad-d&m, &Dwarves-hall(s)&.durb- "rule", durbat中的不定词, only attested(证实) with suffixes: durbatul&k "to rule them all". The verb durb- is remarkably similar to Quenya tur- of similar sense. durbagu &ruler&; incorporating Black Speech durb-, &to rule&.durgbu Lordgurunkil &mortals&; seems to incorporate Elvish stem ?GUR1.ghash "fire" (stated to be derived from the Black Speech, may or may not represent Sauron's original form of the word) gimb- "find", gimbat中的不定词, only attested with a pronominal suffix: gimbatul, "to find them" glob (DBS) "filth" golug &Elf&; more specifically, this is an Orkish term for &Noldo&.gurutu inf. &to die&; may relate to Elvish stem ?GUR1, could this also incorporate the ending -u, &for, to&?gurum &death&; may be related to Elvish stem ?GUR1.g& &no&; may be from the Elvish stem UGU.g&l "any one of the major invisible servants of Sauron dominated entirely by his will" (A Tolkien Compass p. 172). Translated "wraith(s)(幽灵)" in the compound Nazg&l, "Ringwraith(s)". g&m &the Void&; incorporates Elvish stem KUM.gulshu &shadows&.gun&stone&; may come from Elvish stem GOND.hai "folk(种族)", in Uruk-hai "Uruk-folk" and Olog-hai "Troll-folk"; cf. also Oghor-hai. -in &I&.ishi "in", a suffixed postposition(后置的后缀词): burzum-ishi, "in the darkness". -izin &I will&.kelk Coldkelkum &coldness&; may be from Elvish stem KHEL-EK and Black Speech -um, &-ness&.khuzd &Dwarf&; no doubt from Khuzd?l khuzd, &dwarf&.k&bum &life&.kilmi&sky&.krimp- "bind", krimpat中的不定词, only attested with a pronominal suffix: krimpatul, "to bind them" k& manlug "tower". Isolated from Lugb&rz, q.v. Lugb&rz the Dark Tower, Sindarin Barad-d&r (Lug-b&rz "Tower-dark") makha &where&mat "eat"matizin future &I will eat&; from Elvish stem MAT and ending -izin, &I will&.nazg "ring": ash nazg "one ring", Nazg&l "Ring-wraith(s)" Nazg&l "Ring-wraith(s)", nazg + g&l (q.v.) nub "smell"nubin aorist &I smell&; with ending -in, &I&.-nudu &under&; probably related to the Elvish stem NU.nugu &nine&.Oghor-hai "Dr&edain" (UT:379; this may or may not be pure Black Speech) 地精olog a variety of Troll apparently developed by Sauron. Olog-hai "Olog-people". ombi &seven&.push stinkpushdug (DBS) stinking (probably push-dug)rakh devourrakhizin future &I will devour&; with ending -izin, &I will&.ran&king&; term may come from Elvish stem &R-AN, as in Sindarin aran&king&.ronk (DBS) pitskai (DBS) interjection of contempt(表示蔑视的语气词) sha (DBS) interjection of contempt shark& (DBS?) "old man" sherk "blood"sherkuk &your blood&; may incorporate Elvish stem SEREK and ending -uk, &your&.shre &three&.-shu of后置后缀snaga "slave(苦工)" (May be DBS.) Used of lesser breeds of Orcs (WJ:390). thrak- "bring", infinitive thrakat, only attested with suffixes: thrakatul&k "to bring them all" u (DBS) "to" -uk &your&.-&k "all", suffixed to pronominal suffixes: -ul&k, "them all" -ul pronominal suffix "them". -um "-ness" in burzum "darkness". Umbr "world"Umbr&k &all the world&; from Elvish stem A-MBAR and ending -&k, &all&.uruk a great variety of Orc. According to WJ:390, Sauron probably borrowed this word "from the Elvish tongues of earlier times". za dashu snaku ' be greeted'zig&r Wizard
参考资料 /%C7%BF%CA%DE%C8%CB%D5%BD%CA%BF/blog/item/cedd3a8ec9a74.html
"Aka'Magosh." = "A blessing on you and yours." &祝福你和你的家人。&
"Bin mog g'thazag cha!" = "I will protect you!" &我会保护你的!&
"Dabu." = "I obey" &遵命!&
"Dae'mon" = "Twisted soul"; appears to be used in the same way as Man'ari in Draenei. &邪恶之魂&;与德莱尼语中的Man'ari用法类似
"Gol'Kosh!" = "By my axe!" &以我斧头的名义!&
"Grombolar" = "Bowels of the giant" &巨人之魂&
"Grommash" = "Giant's Heart" (Source: Inscription on the Monument to Grom Hellscream in A also mentioned in the Harvest Festival quest "Honoring A Hero") &巨人之心&(注:在灰谷格罗姆&地狱咆哮的纪念碑上有刻;在&收获节&任务&纪念英雄&中也有提到)
"Kagh!" = "Run!" &跑!&/*逃跑还是冲锋?- -!*/ "Juggernaught" = "Juggernaut", a type of warship.(WC3) /*War3里面的一种战船?*/
"Lo'Gosh" = "Ghost Wolf" &幽灵狼&
"Lohn'goron" = "Hero's Sojourn" (Source: Quest:Lohn'goron, Bow of the Torn-heart) &英雄之旅&(出自任务&裂心之弓&/*对这个任务完全没有印象了&&*/)
"Lok-Narash!" = "Arm yourselves" &武装起来!&
"Lok'tar!" = "Victory!" (A war cry. Also a greeting while in combat.) &为了胜利!&(战斗的呼喊。也用于在战争时期打招呼。)
"Lok'tar ogar!" = "Victory or Death!" (A war cry, also used to wish someone good luck)(Quest:Journey_to_Thrallmar) &愿为胜利而死!&(战斗呼喊。也用来祝福别人/*有这么祝福的么?= =*/)(出自任务&前往萨尔玛&)
"Lok'amon" = Traditional orcish song sung about starting a family. 传统兽族家庭之歌/*???*/
"Lok'tra" = Traditional orcish song sung about a battle. 传统兽族战斗之歌
"Lok'vadnod" = Traditional orcish song sung about the life of a hero. 传统兽族英雄之歌
"Mok'nathal" = "The Sons of Nath" (honorable title) &Nath/*这是谁?*/之子&
"Nagrand" = "Land of Winds" &风的土地&
"Oshu'Gun" = "Mountain of Spirits" &灵魂的山脉&
"Swobu." = "As you command." &遵命&
"Throm-Ka." = "Well met." (A greeting.) (打招呼)
"Trk'hsk" = "Bloodshed in battle" (some orcs in the Durnholde area use the word with a different meaning, namely "that sacrificed to the earth" in order to make crops grow.) &在战争中流血&(敦霍尔德的兽人说这话另有含义,大概是&大地的奉献&之类的话,用来祈祷农作物生长)
"Zug-zug." = Acknowle roughly the equivalent of "okay". &知道了&/&好的&
"Ande'thoras-ethil." = "May your troubles be diminished."(A farewell.) &愿你永无烦恼&(告别用)
"Andu-falah-dor!" = "Let balance be restored!" (A war cry.) &恢复自然的平衡!&(战斗呼喊)
"Ash Karath!" = "Do it!" &做吧&
"Bandu Thoribas! = "Prepare to fight!" (A challenge to an enemy.) &准备战斗吧!&(对敌人的挑衅)
"Elune-Adore." = "Elune be with you." (A greeting.) &月神与你同在&
"Fandu-dath-belore?" = "Who goes there?" &谁?&
"Ishnu-alah." = "Good fortune to you" (A greeting.) &GL&
"Ishnu-dal-dieb." = "Good fortune to your family."(A greeting.) &祝你家庭幸福&
"shan'do" = "Honored Teacher" (A title and term of respect.) &尊敬的导师&(一种尊称)
"thero'shan" = "Honored student" (A title and term of respect.) &尊敬的同学&(- -!)
"Tor ilisar'thera'nal!" = "Let our enemies beware!" (A war cry.) &敌人们小心了!&
"kaldorei" = "children of the stars", "people of the stars". (Starborne, night elves). &星辰之子&&星辰的子民&(暗夜精灵的自称?)
"nordrassil" = "crown of the heavens" &苍穹之冠&/*诺达希尔,炸死阿克蒙德的那个树*/
"quel'dorei" = "children of noble birth" ("Highborne", "High-borne", "high elves"). &贵族之子&(贵族,高等精灵/*伊利丹原来的族群吧?还有血精灵和那迦的前身*/)
"sunstrider" = "he who walks the day" &白天行动的人&/*好像还是高等精灵*/
"teldrassil" = "crown of the earth" &大地之冠&/*泰达希尔*/
"xaxas" = A short title with many meanings, all dire. "Chaos, "fury", "The embodiment of elemental rage, such as found in erupting volcanos or shattering earthquakes", "elemental fury", "catastrophe"DotD 含义很多,&混沌&、&狂怒&、&自然愤怒的化身&&比如火山爆发或地震&、&自然之怒&、&大灾难&等
"zin-Azshari" = "glory of Azshara" &艾萨拉的荣耀&
参考资料 /wenda/thread?tid=6aa96
&Aka'Magosh&=&你和你的祝福 & ,& 斌MOG g'thazag茶&=&我会保护你 & ,& 大补&=&我服从
& ,& Dae'mon&=&扭曲灵魂&,似乎在德莱尼的Man'ari相同方式使用。 &Dranosh&=&心&德拉诺 &Gar'mak&=&痛苦 & ,& Gol'Kosh&=&我的斧头
& ,& Grombolar& =&巨肠 & ,& Grommash&=&巨人之心
& ,& Kagh!& =&快跑!
& & Lak'tuk&=&痛苦&, &Lo'Gosh&=&鬼狼 & ,& Lohn'goron&=&英雄的逗留
& ,& 乐Narash&=&ARM自己&
&乐伦瑞格&= &准备就绪&订单
&Lok'tar!& =&胜利!& (呐喊。的问候,同时另外一个人在战斗。)的
&Lok'tar ogar&=&胜利或死亡&(呐喊)的 &Lok'amon&=兽人的传统歌曲家庭开始唱。
&Lok'tra& =兽人的传统歌曲唱关于战斗。
&玛格&=&两袖清风&BtDP 355,棕色皮肤的兽人在纳格兰收获节猪肉的。 &莫&nathal&=&儿子&纳特(荣誉称号)
&纳格兰&=&风的土地 & ,& 沃舒古&=&山灵 & ,& Swobu&=&你的命令
& ,& 血栓&家&很好地满足了&(问候语)。
& 在战斗中Trk'hsk&=&流血事件&(一些兽人在敦霍尔德地区使用不同的含义的词,即&牺牲地球的&为了使作物生长。) &楚格Zug的&或&楚格Zug的&承认和同意,大致相当于&好&。
参考资料 /v.htm#2
- Ready to work! 准备工作 =选定音效=
- Hmmm? 恩? - Yes? 是的? - Something need doing? 要做点什么吗? - What you want? 你想要什么? =行动/执行动作音效=
- Okie dokie. 好的好的 - Be happy to. 很乐意 - Work, work. 干活呀干活 - I can do that. 我做的了 =骂玩家音效=
- Whhaaaaaattt? 什 么??? - Me busy, leave me alone. 我很忙,别烦我 - No time for play. 没时间玩耍 - Me not that kind of Orc. 我不是那种兽人 =攻击音效=
- [.vs 英雄] Why not? 为什么不? - I&&ll try 我试一下 - Get em! 扁他们! - Ok 好! =击中音效=
- Owww! 喔
- My life for the Horde! 为部落而生! =选定音效=
- Yes? 是的? - Huh? 哈? - Master? 主人? - What you want? 你想要我干什么? =行动/执行动作音效=
- Loktar! 兽人语 - Zugzug! 兽人语 - Dabu! 兽人语 - Swobu! 兽人语 =骂玩家音效=
- Why you poking me again? 为什么又戳我? - Why don&&t you lead an army instead of touching me? 你怎么不去指挥部队而一直碰我? - Poke, poke, poke, is that all you do? 戳戳戳,你就会干这个吗? - Eww, that was kind of nice. 呃,这还差不多 - Me so horned, me hurt you long time! 我有角,我会伤到你的哦 - Me no sound like Yoda, do I? 我听起来不象尤达(星战系列),(以尤达的口气)是吗? - It not easy being green... (用唱的) 绿皮肤可不简单哟~ =攻击音效=
- [.vs 英雄] For the Horde! 为了部落! - Hiyah! 嗨呀! - Time for killing! 杀戮的时刻到了! - Time to die! 去死吧!
- Venegence for Zulti 为Zul&jin报仇!(zul&jin是魔兽2中的巨魔族老大) =选定音效=
- Who you want me kill? 想让我杀谁? - What? 什么? - Wasch you want me do?* 想让我干吗?(Wasch you=what you,读读看是不是这样?)
- Wasch you want me go?* 想让我去哪?(该是where&&j you,参见battle.net creeps中的Forest troll页) =行动/执行动作音效=
- Ahhh! 啊! - Anything you want 怎样都行 - Joo got it man!* 了解了兄弟 - Yeah, hehe hehe hehe he! 耶~呵呵,呵呵,呵呵,呵! =骂玩家音效=
- Wasch you bother me for?* 为什么烦我 - Leave it to me, I take a big weight off your shoulders! 交给我吧,我给你减轻负担 - Schoo wanna buy a cigar?* (Schoo = you) 你想来只烟吗? - Luuucyy!
- Say hello to my lil friend.跟我的小朋友说声好
- [.vs 英雄] Asdingo! 兽人语 - Asdingo! 兽人语 - Don&&t mess with the bad guy! 别惹我,我是个坏人! - It&&s time for a lil blood! 血债血偿!
***车 - (注解:音效全是噪音没有文字 )
- May my ancestors watch over me! 愿我的祖先注视着我! =选定音效=
- Bring it on! 来吧! - I am able to help! 我帮的上忙 - How now! 现在怎么样? =行动/执行动作音效=
- For the Tribes! 为了部落! - Immediately! 马上! - Well done! 干的好! =骂玩家音效=
- Do not push me, or I wil impale you on my horns! 别推我,要不我会用我的角顶你。 - Doubles!
- Got Milk? 要奶吗? - There&&s a lot at stake here! 别的地方有很多树桩! - Hey, what are these letters burned on my ass? 嗨,在我PP上印的什么字?
- Oh ley !**
- (玻璃碎裂) Sorry! 抱歉! =攻击音效=
- [.vs 英雄] Ruuuuaahh! 喊声 - Death to the enemies of the Horde! 部落的敌人受死吧! - Death to the Enemy! 敌人受死吧! - Start running! 逃跑吧! =击中音效=
- Euuhhhhh! 喊声
狼骑兵- (趣味注解: 他的死亡音效文件名是&&raiderdeath&&但他叫做 &&wolfrider&& )
- Ready to ride! (狼的喘气和吠叫声) 狼骑就绪! =选定音效=
- Yes Cheiftan? (狼的喘气声) 是,酋长? - Hmmmm? (狼的呻吟声) 恩?? - Need something? (狼的喘气声) 需要什么吗? - Say the word! (狼的吠叫声) 说啊! =行动/执行动作音效=
- No problem! (狼的吠叫声) 没问题! - Hi yah!* (狼的跑动声) 嗨呀! - Mush! (狼的跑动声和呻吟声)
- Let&&s ride! (狼的跑动声和呻吟声) 冲吧! =骂玩家音效=
- Down boy! (狼的吠叫声) 下来,小孩! - You&&re annoying my dog! (狼的吠叫声) 你若恼我的狗了!
- What&&s that smell? (狼的喘气声) Oh! Bad dog! (狼的哭叫声) 那是什么气味?啊!坏狗狗! - I&&m hungry like the wolf! (狼的笑声) (注解: 听起来想狼的笑声... 当然,如果它们能笑的话) (用唱的) 我饿的象头狼! =攻击音效=
- [.vs 英雄] For the glory of the War Chief! 为了酋长的荣耀! - Sick em! (狼的咆哮声)
- Taste my steel! (狼的吠叫声) 尝尝我的铁刃! - For Doomhammer! (狼的吠叫声) 为了毁灭之锤(一个部落吧?)
- Ready to soar Master! 准备飞行,主人! =选定音效=
- Are there enemies above? 有敌人在天上吗? - Un double!*
- Sping Chieftan!* 正在侦察,酋长! - I need order! 我需要命令! =行动/执行动作音效=
- To the winds! 与风同行 - Let&&s fly! 我们飞吧! - Onward and upward! 向前,向上! - Yee Haw! 呀呼~ =骂玩家音效=
- Peter! I can fly! Peter,我会飞了!Peter. - I can see my house! 我看家我家房子了! - The onnnly way to fly! 飞行的唯一办法 - I&&m getting a little dizzy! 我有点头晕了! - Flash! (飞兽在咆哮) Ah ha ha! 闪光吧,啊哈哈! - Fly the friendly skies! 飞向友好的天空! - Look, up in the sky! It&&s a bird! It&&s a plane! It&&s ME! 看天上,那是一只鸟,那是一架飞机,那是我! =攻击音效=
- [.vs 英雄] Death to all who oppose the Horde! 挡我部落者死! - Die! 死! - Death from above! 空中者死! - Victory for the Horde! 我族必胜!
- For the glory of the Horde! 为了部落的荣耀!
柯多兽- (趣味注解: 在游戏和建造描述里面它们都叫&&Kod...
文明办网文明上网举报***: 举报邮箱:&&&&&&&&&&&&
品评校花校草,体验校园广场魔兽图片站推荐> 我是近战法 魔兽世界德莱尼MS的幻化路
我是近战法 魔兽世界德莱尼MS的幻化路
发布时间:14-09-24 13:49
  头部:烈焰之环 黑石掉落
  肩膀:红色魔纹护肩 裁缝制作
  衣服:烈焰之心外衣 裁缝制作(奥杜尔声望崇拜)
  腰带:刺耳唳鸣束带 英雄雷电王座6号掉落
  裤子:烈焰之柱长裤 英雄烈焰之环熔喉掉落(ssHT11裤子)
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我是近战法 魔兽世界德莱尼MS的幻化路


