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  Three gay men from Thailand have tied the knot in what is thought to be the world's first three-way same-sex marriage。泰国三名男同性恋日前喜结连理,被认为是全球首例同性三人婚姻。
  Happy newlyweds Joke, 29, Bell, 21 and Art, 26, took the plunge on
Valentine's Day after exchanging their vows in a fairy-tale ceremony at
their home in Uthai Thani Province, Thailand。三位幸福的新人——29岁的乔克(Joke),21岁的贝尔(Bell)和26岁的阿尔特(Art)于情人节毅然在泰国乌泰他尼府的家中举行了童话般的婚礼,并交换了婚姻誓词。
  The three blushing grooms are thought to be the world's only wedded
male threesome and have since become internet sensations after photos
from their big day went viral。这三位羞涩的新郎被认为是全球唯一成婚的男性三人组,他们的婚礼照在网上被疯传,并成为网络焦点。
  In what they described as the happiest day of their lives, the three
men were suited and booted for the ceremony in which they exchanged
rings after walking down the aisle。婚礼当日被他们称为是此生最幸福的日子:西装革履,走上红毯,交换戒指。
  Bell, From Phitsanulok Province, said: 'I think we are first three-way same sex males to have a wedding, possibly in the world。来自彭世洛府的贝尔说:“我认为我们是首个缔结三人同性婚姻的男人,也许是全球首个。“
  'Some people may not agree and are probably amazed by our decision,
but we believe many people do understand and accept our choice. Love is
love, after all.'“有人可能不赞同,会因为我们的决定大吃一惊,但我们相信很多人会理解并接受我们的选择。毕竟,爱就是爱。”
  Although same-sex marriages are not recognised as legitimate under
Thai law, the trio were able to consummate their love under Buddhist law
in the symbolic ceremony。虽然根据泰国法律,同性婚姻并不合法,但这三人遵照佛教条例举行了象征性的仪式,圆满了自己的爱情。
  Art, from Chiang Mai Province, met Joke, from Uthai Thani Province,
through business and started a relationship after realising their love
for each other while working closely together in 2010.阿尔特来自清迈,通过工作在乌泰他尼府结识了乔克。2010年,随着工作上的密切接触,他们意识到了对彼此的恋情,开始了这段关系。
  Both men knew they were gay before they met and have been living together for the past five years。他们相遇前都明白自己是同性恋,就这样一起生活了五年。
  Meanwhile Bell, who was studying management at Phitsanuloke
University, frequently met the couple at parties before the three men
realised they all started to have feelings for each other。同时,在彭世洛大学学管理的贝尔屡次在派对上遇见这两人。这三个男人都对彼此产生了好感。
  But after Bell was hospitalised with a congenital disease, the
threesome became inseparable leading Joke and Art to propose the idea of
a three-way marriage。之后,贝尔因先天疾病住院,三人开始觉得难分难舍。由此乔克和阿尔特想出了缔结三人婚姻的主意。
  In Thailand, same-sex unions are not legally binding, and lesbian,
gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) persons may face legal challenges
on their sexual freedoms as same-sex couples are still frowned upon。在泰国,同性婚姻并无法律约束力,女同性恋、男同性恋、双性恋与跨性别者(合称为LGBT)在性自由上受到法律责难,同性伴侣也备受冷眼。
  However, more LGBT rights are applicable than ever before in the
country, one of the most tolerant countries in Asia, with religious
groups declaring their support for civil marriages between gay and
lesbian couples。但是,在这个亚洲宽容度最高的国家之一,史无前例的更多LGBT权利正在被落实,一些宗教团体也表示支持同性恋之间的世俗婚姻。
  Joke, Bell and Art were joined together under Buddhist Law in a ceremony that was not legally registered。乔克、贝尔、阿尔特依据佛教条例结合并举行仪式,但并未合法注册。
  The ceremony included the traditional exchange of vows in which the
trio declared their love for each other, and in doing so, agreed to
share their home and responsibilities。仪式中,三人按传统交换誓言,宣誓对彼此的爱,并依据誓言同意共享家庭,分担责任。
  According to Joke, same-sex marriages are just as valid as any legally sanctioned ceremony and are treated as such。乔克认为,就像其它法律认可的婚姻一样,同性婚姻也有同样的效力,应予同等对待。
  He said: 'Now Thai society has a better understanding of sexual
orientation as many same-sex weddings appear on TV, newspapers and
social media, we feel more accepted and able to come out。他说:“如今泰国社会对同性恋性取向有了更多的理解,有很多同性婚消息出现在电视、报纸和社交媒体上,我们感到越来越得到人们认可,并能够坦诚自己的性取向。
  'But I don't believe the world has ever seen three men marry before, this is something new。“但我不认为世界上有过男同三人婚姻,这是全新的事物。”
  'Most people all around us can accept that and many people have given us their blessing。我们身边的大多数人能够接受这种婚姻形式,有许多人给予我们祝福。”
  'We love each other and live to hopefully this is something the world can understand in the 21st century.'“我们彼此相爱,像兄弟一样生活在一起;希望21世纪的世界能够理解这一点。”
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