
If you&re looking to study at one of the top universities in China, it&s almost certain that you&re considering Tsinghua University and Peking University. Both based in capital city Beijing, these two institutions are consistently ranked as the top two in China.如果你想要进入中国一所顶尖大学学习,毫无疑问你应该考虑清华大学和北京大学。这两所大学在中国名牌大学中一直稳居前二,且都坐落在首都北京。
In the QS World University Rankings& 2016/17, Tsinghua University is ranked 24th in the world, with Peking University not too far behind at 39st, with both having improved their positions compared to the previous year. The Fudan University climbs 8 places to rank 43th.在最新公布的年度QS世界大学排名中,清华大学位列全球第24名,北大紧接其后位列全球第39名,这两所大学排名相较于去年都有所上升。复旦大学上升8个名次至第43位。
1. MIT the world's top university for the fifth year.麻省理工学院连续第五年排名世界第一。
2. Stanford, 2nd (previously 3=) and Harvard, 3rd (previously 2nd) follow.斯坦福大学、哈佛大学、剑桥大学和加州理工学院分列2-5位。
3. US institutions hold all top-three places for the first time since 2004/5.2004年5月以来,美国大学首次包揽前三。
4. Western European institutions consistently suffer drops, particularly the United Kingdom and Germany. Cambridge drops to fourth.西欧大学排名持续下降,特别是英国和德国,剑桥大学落至第4位。
5. Russia and South Korea rise significantly (latter has 16 top-500 universities compared to 13 last year).俄罗斯和韩国排名显著上升(后者去年有13所学校进入全球500所大学,今年有16所)。
6. China continues to progress, with Tsinghua (24th) rising to its highest-ever position.中国不断进步,清华大学排名第24位,达到历史最高。
7. National University of Singapore (12th) remains the leading Asian institution.新加坡国立大学排名第12位,仍然位于亚洲领先地位。
8. Australia and Canada increase their representation in the top 200, with nine universities apiece, one more than last year.澳大利亚和加拿大进入前200名的学校为10所,比去年增加1所。
9. Latin America struggles, but sees an institution in the top 100 for the first time. Universidad de Buenos Aires (85th) occupies the highest rank ever achieved by a university from the region.拉丁美洲首次有1所学校进入前100名,布宜诺斯艾利斯大学排名第85位。
The rankings include 916 universities from 81 countries. Thirty-three countries feature in the Top 200. The full QS World University Rankings for 2016/17 can be found here.The QS World University Rankings for 2016/17 can be found here.最终有来自81个国家的916所大学上榜,33个国家进入榜单前200。以下是年度世界大学排名。


