
名称:《Reflexive公司小游戏合集》Part.1(No.001~No.149)[压缩包] 分类: -
地区: 语言: 发行年代:2005年 发布时间:日 更新时间:日
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注意!此帖数据量较大,打开较慢,请耐心等候。 Reflexive公司制作和代理了相当多精美的小游戏,大多体积小,画面质量高,易上手,可玩性强。官方网站中有所有公司游戏共享版的下载如果你觉得eMule太慢,本人也推荐fttp下载,所有游戏都给出了下载链接。这里强烈推荐该注册机:可以注册所有Reflexive公司游戏,免去了一个一个找补丁的麻烦。 官方网站
部分游戏介绍: No.1 中文名称:Kahuna暗礁 英文名称:Big Kahuna Reef 游戏类型:益智 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows Compatible Processor: 400 Mhz Memory: 64 MB 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...tiplayer 简介: Go Hawaiian in this gorgeous underwater adventure! Discover Sea Turtles and other aquatic life as you break open boxes in this classic style matching game, questing for the Mask of the Tiki. Using the revolutionary Mouse Party, you can play with multiple players on the same computer through an almost infinite number of levels, thanks to the included level editor. As you play, you will uncover greater challenges including the Skeleton Fish of Kamehameha. Lead on Kahuna...your quest awaits 一款画面华丽的经典风格匹配类型游戏,以充满海龟、热带鱼等海洋生物的夏威夷海底为背景,通过解决匹配难题揭示tiki神面具的秘密。游戏中你需要调换相邻两个格子的物品,相同物品练成一条线时会消除,同时打开物品后的箱子放鱼出来,将所有的鱼都放掉就过关。游戏使用了革命性的鼠标参与技术,可供多人在同一计算机上玩无尽关卡,只要你的电脑支持多鼠标(汗...)。 游戏截图:
No.2 中文名称:麻将传奇 英文名称:Mah Jong Quest 游戏类型:益智 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me Memory: 32MB DirectX: 7.0 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...E=Puzzle 简介: The creators of Jewel Quest bring you more than an addictive puzzle game -- they deliver a true cinematic experience. After three dragons wreak havoc over the empire, young Kwazi must use an ancient set of Mah Jong tiles to restore balance. Enjoy sweeping animations as you help Kwazi journey through the Orient, meet wise animal guides, and use an amazing array of special tiles to solve tricky puzzles. In addition, there is also Classic-style play, and new challenges in Puzzle-style play. 游戏与多年前街机上的中国龙系列类似,玩法与连连看类似.古老的帝国中三条恶龙苏醒并开始大肆破坏,年轻的主角Kwazi必须用远古的麻将迷题来阻止这一切.游戏中你需要寻找相同的两个麻将牌将其消除,并用爆竹炸开砖墙.只要消除中间两个八卦图案即可进入下一关. 游戏截图:
No.3 中文名称:麻将之王 英文名称:The Emperor s Mahjong 游戏类型:益智 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me Memory: 32MB 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...Strategy 简介: Experience an ancient game in a whole new way. Mahjong is a two thousand year-old Chinese puzzle and one of the world s most popular games. The objective is si match sets of tiles together to clear them from the board and advance through each level in a quest to be ranked Emperor! 同样是麻将游戏,规则与麻将传奇基本相同,但关卡选择更加自由,另外更有双人模式,以及迷题编辑器,可以自己编辑关卡! 游戏截图:
No.4 中文名称:弹跳球:失落的世界 英文名称:Ricochet Lost Worlds 游戏类型:动作益智 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows Compatible Processor: PII 400 Mhz Memory: 64 MB 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...E=Action 简介: With its stunning visuals and sound effects, gripping soundtrack and compelling level design, Ricochet Lost Worlds could quite possibly be the most addictive game ever made. This remarkable breakout action game will entertain your whole family for hours on end! Throw into the mix a slew of innovative power-ups, a new Ring Game and a level editor where you can make your own levels and you have an unbeatable combination. You just have to download this brick-busting game... it s a blast 游戏类似于打转块,设计奇妙,画面华丽,音效逼真,操作简单,节奏明快。你还可以通过游戏编辑器编辑自己的关卡,也可以上网下载新的关卡。 游戏截图:
No.5 中文名称:弹跳球:再袭击 英文名称:Ricochet: Recharged 游戏类型:动作益智 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows Compatible Processor: PII 400 Mhz Memory: 64 MB 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...E=Action 简介: The award-winning game play of Ricochet Lost Worlds is back! From the talented minds of designers all over the world comes the most dynamic brick-busting experience ever! This wild and warped game has you smashing your way through over 350 beautiful and exhilarating rounds that are truly the best of the best. With its gorgeous artwork and innovative Ring Game , you need to download it today. Rejuvenated, Reloaded...RECHARGED! 弹跳球:失落的世界第二代,游戏中需要打击的砖块可以活动,使得游戏更富有戏剧性。游戏附带的编辑器让你可以自己编辑关卡,另外亦可随时从网上下载新关卡。 游戏截图:
No.6 中文名称:365天拼图 英文名称:Jigsaw365 游戏类型:益智 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me, Windows NT Memory: 64 MB CPU: 500 Mhz 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...E=Puzzle 简介: A year of jigsaw puzzles at your fingertips (365 gorgeous images)! Import use your own pictures too! Endless fun with over 80 different puzzle styles. The game s calendar interface makes it easy to find and play favorites. With Jigsaw365, you ll never run out of challenging puzzles to play! 老少皆宜的拼图游戏。每天一拼图----游戏的口号如此,同样也是这样作的。游戏中有每一年的月历,每一天都有一幅全新的拼图,你可以随时下载新的月份的图片,也可以添加自己的图片。拼图更有小到12大到200块碎片选择,可以说百玩不厌。 游戏截图:
No.7 中文名称:玛雅宝石 英文名称:Jewel Quest 游戏类型:益智 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me Memory: 32MB DirectX: 7.0 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...E=Puzzle 简介: Explore the ancient ruins of Mayan civilization while discovering hidden treasures and priceless artifacts. In this unique new take on the classic-style matching game, you must rearrange valuable relics to turn sand tiles into gold. As you venture deeper into the jungle, you will encounter increasingly difficult puzzles containing secret twists, cursed items, and buried artifacts. 游戏中你将来到玛雅遗迹寻找隐藏的宝藏和有价值的古器。你必须重新组合宝石来消除遗迹上的砂石。随着冒险深入,你将遇到更难的迷题和受诅咒的物品,当然也有被埋葬古器。游戏规则与Kahuna暗礁类似,需要组合三个相同宝石来消除遗迹上的砂石露出黄金,全部消除后进入下一关。 游戏截图:
No.8 中文名称:单人纸牌10合1 英文名称:Top 10 Solitaire 游戏类型:益智 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me, Windows NT Memory: 32MB CPU: 300Mhz 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...ATE=Card 简介: The world s 10 most popular solitaire card games combined into one incredible game! Amazing graphics, animated cards, soothing music polished game play. Play Klondike, Pyramid, Penguin, Monte Carlo, Free Cell, Yukon more all in one collection. Complete with a world wide online ranking system. 游戏中集合了世界上最受欢迎的10种单人纸牌游戏,包括克朗代克河纸牌,金字塔纸牌,企鹅纸牌,空当接龙等等,同时还可以上网调查自己的得分排名。游戏更有多种活动式牌面,多种音乐和背景选择。 游戏截图:
No.9 中文名称:巧克力盘子 英文名称:Truffle Tray 游戏类型:益智 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me Memory: 64MB CPU: 400Mhz 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...E=Puzzle 简介: The truffle chef has received an order for a tray of truffles. The truffles are to be served at a formal reception at Lady Godiva s mansion. Alas, the lady is very picky about the truffles being served to her guests, and how they are arranged on the tray. Can you help the truffle chef prepare the Lady s order on time? 为了更好的为Godiva女士服务,点心厨师需要按要求将巧克力点心放在盘子里。Godiva女士对此要求非常严格,你能够帮助厨师按时准备好巧克力点心吗?这个游戏可能会因为字体原因而出问题。 游戏截图:
No.10 中文名称:疯狂瓶盖 英文名称:Mad Caps 游戏类型:益智 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me Memory: 64MB DirectX: 7.0 CPU: P300 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...E=Puzzle 简介: Unbottle the fun with Mad Caps, a puzzle game gone MAD! Send bottle caps flying with every move to get your fill of tasty soda. Zap caps with Rayguns, target em with Rockets or use the Alien to transform them. Collect letters to spell Mystery Words along with other under-the-cap bonuses. Let Mad Caps quench your thirst for fun! 一个令人疯狂的瓶盖游戏,你需要移动瓶盖将其消除从而喝到可口的苏打水。有的瓶盖反面会有神秘的符号产生不同的效果,收集这些瓶盖会有更多的奖励。游戏中你还会遇到杀手瓶盖、火箭瓶盖等各种特殊瓶盖,使得游戏更加富有趣味性。 游戏截图:
No.11 中文名称:Wik与灵魂传说 英文名称:Wik The Fable of Souls 游戏类型:动作 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me, Windows NT Memory: 128MB CPU: Pentium 733 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...E=Action 简介: Download the latest game taking the internet by storm! Wik and the Fable of Souls has over 120 jaw-dropping levels, enchanting atmospheric music, stunning effects and never-before-seen game play. This is a delightful game featuring superbly detailed graphics that will keep you spellbound with amazement. Download and discover the mystery of Wik! 非常有创意的动作游戏。玩家控制一个半人半蛙的生物,在森林中利用黏性超强的舌头和跳跃帮助伙伴寻找食物。关卡多达120种,非常富有挑战性。这个游戏是重复的源,我就不多介绍了。 游戏截图:
No.12 中文名称:协调字母球 英文名称:Word Harmony 游戏类型:益智 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me Memory: 96MB DirectX: 7.0 CPU: P500 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...E=Puzzle 简介: Reach word game nirvana with this thought-provoking puzzler. Choose between a relaxing, no-pressure mode or a fast-paced challenge -- Word Harmony has something for everyone. Breath-taking visuals and clever puzzles make this a refreshingly different word game. 游戏中你需要将落下的字母连成一个单词来将其消除,在这之前你必须保证不被慢慢上涨的海水淹没。英语不好的人就按照提示来吧!而游戏中的挑战模式需要在有限空间内按照所给的单词排列,这更像一个解密游戏。游戏画面和音乐非常的具有日本风味,极其养眼。 游戏截图:
No.13 中文名称:单词工厂 英文名称:Word Craft 游戏类型:益智 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows NT Memory: 40MB CPU: Pentium3 500Mhz 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...E=Puzzle 简介: A fast n furious race against time and temperature! Spell as many words as possible using letters that get hot when you formulate a word. Words disintegrate to reveal new letters. But think fast because tiles cool off and harden up completely. Your grid freezes and suddenly its game over! 游戏中你需要将相邻的字母连成一个单词来消除他们,字母以烧红的铁块形式出现,如果长时间没能消掉字母,铁块就会慢慢冰冻,以致无法选择。游戏没有提示,所以对英语不好的人来说难度是相当大的。 游戏截图:
No.14 中文名称:海龟湾 英文名称: Turtle Bay 游戏类型:动作 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me Display: OpenGL, 3D Graphics Card CPU: 600Mhz RAM: 128MB 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...E=Action 简介: Face the octopus invasion in this unique and exciting arcade game that combines action, role-playing and puzzle elements. Equipped with a Turbo Boost and a Water Cannon, you work against the invaders while the in-game tutorial helps you to quickly have action and fun! Turtle Bay offers amazing real-time water effects and tons of great graphics and animations! 海龟湾原来是海龟们的乐园,如今却被大量章鱼入侵。游戏中你操纵一只装备了涡轮推进器和破冰机的海龟与这些侵略者对抗,并拯救其他的海龟。游戏画面精美,操作简单,你需要在章鱼变成球状繁殖的过程中将其破坏即可过关。 游戏截图:
No.15 中文名称:大塞车 英文名称:Traffic Jam Extreme 游戏类型:益智 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me Memory: 64MB CPU: Pentium 300 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...E=Puzzle 简介: Traffic Jam Extreme is a highly-addictive puzzle game where the goal is to untangle the vehicles in the lot and restore order to the streets of Stresstropolis. Your goal is to make the citizens happy and convert Stresstropolis to a traffic-free city. The game contains 150 puzzles, arranged in increasing difficulty. The names of the streets in the game are real and were based on the different areas in Manila, the capital of the Philippines. 游戏中你将来到菲律宾首都马尼拉,这里堵车现象之严重难以想象。你需要指挥十字路口中的拥挤车辆并使得指定车辆驶离路口。游戏方式有点像华容道,关卡多达150种。 游戏截图:
No.16 中文名称:血腥大陆 英文名称:Crimsonland 游戏类型:动作 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me, Windows NT Processor: PII-300 Memory: 64 MB DirectX: Version 8.1 Display: 8 MB 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...E=Action 简介: Thousands of aliens, giant spiders, mutant lizards, and more are on the attack - can you survive the onslaught? You will consistently unlock new and better perks that improve your ability to use a devastating arsenal. Crimsonland features 3 modes of play, Internet high score posting, and endless hours of pressure packed fun. 游戏中你来到一块布满了巨大蜘蛛、变种蜥蜴等攻击性生物的大陆,你必须不断攻击并提升作战能力才能从中幸免。本游戏非常血腥,请慎重考虑。这游戏是重复的源,不再多说。 游戏截图:
No.17 中文名称:黄金矿工 英文名称:Gold Miner 游戏类型:益智 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me, Windows NT Memory: 32MB CPU: 200Mhz 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...E=Action 简介: Explore new caves as you mine for gold, build a small fortune and save your high scores. Gold Miner features: Bonus rounds where you can gamble your gold to win even more - More items to buy including the Freeze Box, Lucky Clover and many more - Bats Elves will make your gold mining more difficult - Four different modes to play - Tons of levels - Save all of your high scores! 游戏中你将扮演一位黄金矿工,在新的金脉中开采金子。每关你必须挖到一定数量的金子才能过关,小动物和侏儒也许会使你的采矿过程变得困难。过关之后可以购买冰冻箱、幸运草等物品来提高你挖金子的效率。游戏用方向键操作。 游戏截图:
No.18 中文名称:鸭嘴兽战机 英文名称:Platypus 游戏类型:射击 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me DirectX: 7.0 Display: Direct3D Compatible Card CPU: 300Mhz 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...E=Action 简介: Platypus is one of the most unique looking games ever created. All of its visuals were created using photographed plasticine (clay). Help the peaceful land of Mungola defend themselves against the attacking hordes of Collosatropolis! A huge variety of clay-animated enemies oppose you, but you will have loads of powerups at your disposal. 非常简单的横版射击游戏,主机用鼠标操作,副机用键盘操作。玩腻了彩京的话可以来试试这个。 游戏截图:
No.19 中文名称:无限弹跳球 英文名称:Ricochet Xtreme 游戏类型:动作益智 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me, Windows NT Processor: Pentium II 266 Memory: 32 MB DirectX: Version 2.0 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...E=Action 简介: Ricochet is an award winning breakout style game featuring state of the art graphics, sound, and lots of new twists on the old classic. It s a winning combination that your WHOLE family will enjoy. As one person wrote us: My family is thrilled with Ricochet, we have all played it enthusiastically for months! 弹跳球系列的第一弹,我就不多介绍了,一款小游戏出到3代足以证明它的受欢迎度。这款相比后面两代更忠于打钻块,相对节奏也更缓和些。 游戏截图:
No.20 中文名称:孤胆***手 英文名称:Alien Shooter 游戏类型:动作 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me, Windows NT Memory: 64MB Display: 3D Video Card CPU: 600Mhz 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...E=Action 简介: The alien invasion has begun! Racing through offices, storehouses and mysterious labs, your mission is to clear the base at any cost. The game has two play modes: campaign and survival with two characters. With ten gigantic levels and 9 unique and extremely destructive weapons at your disposal, being the last hope of humanity has never been so exciting! 游戏中你将扮演一位孤胆***手,穿梭在工厂与办公室中清除异形。游戏有战役和死亡竞赛两种模式。随着你手中武器威力的增大,你将所向披靡。游戏与血腥大陆类似。 游戏截图:
No.21 中文名称:三人行 英文名称:TeamUp 游戏类型:益智 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98SE Memory: 128MB DirectX: 5.0 CPU: 500Mhz 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...E=Puzzle 简介: Help a team of characters solve puzzles by using th one can jump, one can slide boxes, and another can throw other characters. Progress through Puzzle-Adventure or Challenge modes. Even design your own levels and share them with other players! 游戏中你需要帮助三个小女孩解决一系列问题。三人各有长处:一个能跳,一个能移动箱子,一个能抛弃其他二人。仔细利用三人的特殊能力吧,游戏非常的具有挑战性。 游戏截图:
No.22 中文名称:Jericho之墙 英文名称:The Walls of Jericho 游戏类型:益智 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me Processor: P-300 Memory: 64 MB Disk Space: 15.6 MB DirectX: Version 6.0 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...E=Puzzle 简介: The Walls of Jericho is a challenging move-and-match game inspired by an epic tale of faith and perseverance. Your faithful followers won t stay around forever, unless you can solve the puzzle, activate powerful combos and bring down the walls! Awesome Graphics are sure to please the eye. Jericho是古代巴勒斯坦的一座古城,此游戏也是由古代神话启发所开发的。游戏中你会有一些跟随者,但你必须不断的解决问题,否则他们会离你而去。一旦你的跟随者都走光,游戏将结束。只有连续触发强大的力量推倒Jericho之墙你才能赢得游戏。游戏中你需要将相同颜色的石块连成一条线才能解决问题,红色的石块中会有隐藏的力量,你必须不断寻找并凑齐三个拥有神秘力量的红色石块才能推倒Jericho之墙。 游戏截图:
No.23 中文名称:坦克狂想 英文名称:Think Tanks 游戏类型:动作 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me, Windows NT, Windows 98SE Processor: P-400 Memory: 64 MB Display: OpenGL Sound: DirectXR 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...tiplayer 简介: A 3D tank combat game designed to be a blast for the new and experienced gamer with lighthearted, fast paced pandemonium. Battle head-to-head against other players online or face fierce bots, solo . ThinkTanks has something for everyone. Multiple weapons, 3 game modes, and 12 battlefields. 一个全3D操作简单、节奏明快的坦克游戏。游戏中你操纵一辆坦克与敌人进行混战,你也可以联网与其他玩家进行对战,单人模式中亦有3种模式12张地图可以选择。游戏可以看作即时的疯狂坦克3D版。 游戏截图:
No.24 中文名称:蜗牛信使 英文名称:Snail Mail 游戏类型:动作 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me, Windows NT Memory: 128MB DirectX: 9.0 Display: 3D Video Card CPU: P400 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...E=Action 简介: Speedy Delivery! Guide Turbo the Snail through the furthest reaches of the universe to deliver Intergalactic Mail in this fast-paced racing game. But watch out for the evil slugs! Play through all 50 levels in Postal Mode, test your reflexes in Challenge Mode, and get the fastest time in Time Trials. 游戏中你控制一只加装了涡轮推进器的太空蜗牛,按照规定的路线尽可能快的达到目的地。途中会有太空怪兽的阻拦,也会有炮台的袭击。游戏采用了全3D卡通渲染,非常具有速度感。 游戏截图:
No.25 中文名称:太空游侠 英文名称:Swarm 游戏类型:动作射击 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me, Windows NT Processor: P-90 Memory: 16 MB DirectX: Version 6.0 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...E=Action 简介: Swarm provides fast-paced, adrenaline pumping action in an explosive shoot em up style! The game play is wild and full of surprises. There are over 100 challenging levels and a multitude of weapon enhancements, including a Star Clubber attachment that you have to see to believe! This
you won t find a more enjoyable game anywhere. Swarm is visually tantalizing, intense, absorbing and downright fun. Download this space shooter now! 一个2D的太空游戏。游戏中你操作一台小型太空飞船,通过传送门来到遥远的星际收集能源。同时亦会有异形跟你抢夺资源并进行攻击,你必须利用武力解决他们。游戏中武器种类繁多,关卡多达100个。 游戏截图:
No.26 中文名称:国际象棋大师 英文名称:Kasparov Chessmate 游戏类型:益智 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me Memory: 32MB 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...Strategy 简介: Experience your very own chess adventure in a game that is endorsed by Garry Kasparov. Improve skills and advance your level of play, whether you are a novice or Grandmaster! Enjoy a chess challenge that guarantees fun and learning no matter what your experience level. Kasparov Chessmate is powered by an advanced chess engine that will help you test your mastery and better your game. 国际象棋我就不多说了。游戏中AI难度多达30多种(具体AI如何我也不清楚),你可以与电脑对战,也可以上网与其他玩家对战。游戏中可以自定义的因素相当多,包括你的ID、国籍、水平甚至头像,相当全面。 游戏截图:
No.27 中文名称:火箭保龄球 英文名称:RocketBowl 游戏类型:益智 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me Memory: 128MB Display: 3D Graphics Cardw/16MB CPU: 600Mhz 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...E=Action 简介: Rocketbowl puts a futuristic twist on the traditional bowling experience. Use special rocket-powered bowling balls to curve, boost, and hop your way over hills, around water traps, across bridges, and through winding chutes, all at a fun and relaxing pace. Knock over special Dollar Pins, collect bonus coins, and wager on matches against local pros to fatten your wallet and buy more advanced bowling balls! Download RocketBowl and enjoy the utopian leisure sport of the future...today! 一个很颠覆传统的保龄球游戏。游戏中你可以买到多种装了火箭推进器的保龄球,这使得保龄球路线可以任意变化:翻过山丘,绕过水池,穿过桥梁等等。随着游戏深入,你将收集到特殊的硬币并赚得更多的美金,用来购买性能更好的保龄球。 游戏截图:
No.28 中文名称:蜜蜂记 英文名称:BeeLine 游戏类型:益智 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me Processor: Pentium 166 Memory: 32 MB 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...E=Puzzle 简介: Go on daring adventures with a small bee! Guide the bee through the fields of honeycombs filling them with honey. Feel like an expert skillfully passing levels and catching bonuses for figuring out puzzles. Wind your way through the hive tunnels to find the exit! 游戏中你将控制一只***,穿梭在蜂巢中并将蜂巢填满蜂蜜。蜜蜂每走一部,就会在身后用蜂蜜堆起一堵蜂蜜墙,当蜂巢中一个格子周围被砌满蜂蜜时就会储存好蜂蜜,全部储存好蜂蜜就能过关(真难解释)。当然你也可以通过吃特定蜂蜜成长为蜂王使得储存蜂蜜更快捷。储存好的蜂蜜时间太长会有蜜蜂从中爬出,所以动作要快! 游戏截图:
No.29 中文名称:魔法球 英文名称:Magic Ball 游戏类型:益智 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me Processor: Pentium 600 Memory: 64 MB DirectX: 7.0 Display: 3MB 3D Video 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...E=Action 简介: Magic Ball is a highly addictive Arkanoid remake that won t let you go outside for at least a week once you install it. Unlike other Arkanoid clones, Magic Ball prides itself with professional 3D graphics, studio-level sound effects, awesome original soundtrack and well-designed gameplay with tons of new brick types, bonuses and special effects. 又是一款打转块游戏。游戏的节奏较缓,我就不再介绍了。 游戏截图:
No.30 中文名称:埃及爆破砖块 英文名称:Bricks of Egypt 游戏类型:益智 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me, Windows NT, Windows 9x DirectX: 3.0 CPU: 200Mhz 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...E=Action 简介: Bricks of Egypt takes you on a fantastic journey through an undiscovered Egyptian world of traps, lasers, fire-balls, gems and hieroglyphs. This is classic brick breaking action for all ages. Bricks of Egypt is spiced up with rich sets of bricks, bonuses and special effects! 这次打转块搬到了埃及,再介绍等于废话了…… 游戏截图:
No.31 中文名称:西点师傅 英文名称: Cookie Chef 游戏类型:益智 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me, Windows NT Memory: 16 MB DirectX: 3 CPU: Pentium 133 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...E=Puzzle 简介: As the assistant to our famous Chef Ben the Baker you must work hard to help him prepare cookies quickly and efficiently. If successful, Ben will promote you to higher positions within his bakery. Featuring more than 150 amazing levels in 3 game modes, Cookie Chef provides hours of entertainment for any member of the family! 游戏中你作为著名的西点师傅的助手,你必须努力工作并更快更有效率的帮助他准备好饼干。游戏有三种模式并超过150关卡,每种模式会有不同的游戏方式和要求,非常耐玩。 游戏截图:
No.32 中文名称:布洛布博士的细菌 英文名称:Dr. Blob s Organism 游戏类型:益智 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me Memory: 64 MB DirectX: 6 Display: OpenGL Video Card CPU: PII 300 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...E=Action 简介: Each level in the game introduces new powerups (like freeze, lightning and multiguns) and special organism abilities (like force field, regeneration and frenzy) to intensify the action throughout the entire game. The full version of Dr. Blob s Organism features 20 challenging levels, 10 powerups, 5 boggling blob abilities, 3 difficulty settings, 21 original music tracks, Squishy sound effects, Bonus levels and a Jukebox! 一款怪异有趣的射击游戏。游戏中布洛布博士发现了一种细菌,你要抢在细菌从培养皿里逃逸出去前将它们消灭。游戏上手简单,节奏紧凑,加上冷冻***、光电***、双管***、三管***等十种宝物,以及力场、再生、狂怒等五种特殊技能,爽快感十足。游戏曾获得独立游戏节音乐/音效创意奖和视觉艺术创意奖,光背景音乐就有21首,各有特色,非常不易。 游戏截图:
No.33 中文名称:魔力镶嵌 英文名称:Magic Inlay 游戏类型:益智 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me Memory: 32 MB DirectX: 6.0 CPU: P266 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...E=Puzzle 简介: Choose from three fantasy environments inhabited by magical creatures to challenge your jewel arrangement skills. With over 20 levels to play you ll find a myriad of shapes to fill with beautiful jewels. Play with one of three difficulty levels, a choice of three game speeds, and save your progress as you go. 游戏中你将来到三个奇幻世界挑战魔法生物带给你的宝石迷题。你需要将不同的宝石镶嵌到特定形状的容器中,全部填满才能够打败魔法生物。 游戏截图:
No.34 中文名称:星际战机 英文名称:Atomaders 游戏类型:射击 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me, Windows NT Processor: P-233 Memory: 32 MB 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...E=Action 简介: The planets are under attack. It s up to you to liberate the planets and battle alien cyborgs and the mother ships. Challenge your skills by maneuvering through incoming fire and destroy hordes of invaders. Stunning graphics and sound allow you to feel the unconquerable power of your weaponry. 游戏中你的星球正在被异形袭击,你必须操纵飞船将其击退。游戏类似多年前的***。 游戏截图:
No.35 中文名称:水中泡泡龙 英文名称:Aqua Bubble 游戏类型:益智 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...E=Action 简介: The pressure is on as a churning waterfall of bubbles is falling towards you. Can you launch bubbles fast enough? Match 3 like colors or the cascade of bubbles will overtake you! Featuring a dancing, music playing, aquatic cheerleader, Aqua Bubble is a charming game that is fun for the whole family. 游戏中随着瀑布般的泡泡不停的落下,你的麻烦将越来越大。游戏类似于泡泡龙,画面水的感觉很不错,但缺少了多人对战模式不免是一种遗憾。 游戏截图:
No.36 中文名称:冰河时期泡泡龙 英文名称:Bubble Ice Age 游戏类型:益智 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...E=Action 简介: Bubble Ice Age is a snowy puzzle game that will entertain and puzzle your whole family. Launch bubbles into the playfield until three like bubbles are connected. They will drop out taking all attached bubbles with them! As the game goes on, it gets harder to clear the board but it s more rewarding when you do! 又是一个泡泡龙…… 游戏截图:
No.37 中文名称:小熊孤岛大冒险 英文名称:Snowy Puzzle Islands 游戏类型:益智 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me Memory: 64MB CPU: Pentium 300 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...E=Puzzle 简介: This new brain-teasing game is stuffed with challenging levels, fascinating game objects and features a cute little polar bear called Snowy! In Snowy: Puzzle Islands you ll have plenty to think about, including transporters, conveyors, keys, teleports and other challenges. It s too hard for Snowy to solve all these puzzles himself...you will help him, won t you? Be prepared, as this game is very engaging. Expect to spend long hours in front of your PC... 游戏中你将控制一只名为Snowy(雪白)的小北极熊来到孤岛冒险。你需要行走在漂浮的木板上,寻找钥匙,收集水果打开出口。很经典的解密游戏。 游戏截图:
No.38 中文名称:大鱼吃小鱼 英文名称: Feeding Frenzy 游戏类型:益智 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me Memory: 32MB, 96MB DirectX: 7.0 CPU: 500Mhz 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...E=Action 简介: It s survival of the biggest in this deep sea challenge. Swim your way from the safety of the reefs to the depths of the open ocean in your struggle to reach the top of the food chain. Can you eat enough to get big enough to face down the Shark King? 海底深处的生存竞争。游戏中你将扮演一只小鱼,通过不断吃比自己小的鱼来成长,最后到达食物链顶端。当然,途中你得小心比自己大的鱼类。很简单有趣的游戏。 游戏截图:
No.39 中文名称:魔法藤蔓 英文名称:Magic Vines 游戏类型:益智 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me, Windows NT Memory: 64MB CPU: 400Mhz 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...E=Puzzle 简介: A puzzle game like no other. Get ready to travel the jungles and plains of the world. Explore each location by solving a series of increasingly difficult puzzle boards. Once you have completed one geography, you fly off to a new part of the world and new challenging puzzles. Stunning graphics, great world music, and some of the most addictive game play ever! 游戏中你将旅行于丛林和平原间,探索每一个场所并解决难题。你需要改变藤蔓的方向来消除木板。只有将木板全部消除才能进入下一关。 游戏截图:
No.40 (感谢论坛网友linn701提供规则说明) 中文名称:西洋双陆棋 英文名称:MaxGammon 游戏类型: 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me DirectX: 8.1 Display: 3D Graphics Card CPU: 266Mhz RAM: 32MB 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...Strategy 简介: MaxGammon is a colorful and 3D realistic visualization of the classical board game of Backgammon. You can play against incredibly smart computer opponents or go on your network and play against other people! MaxGammon has adjustable board skins, optional backgammon rules you can change and multi-language support. 3D西洋双陆棋。西洋双陆棋是一种竞技棋类游戏。整个棋盘被分为四大部分,各部分均有六列。玩家分别有各自的家,最终的任务就是将棋子移回自己的家中。玩家自己使用白方,对手则使用黑方,两方通过掷骰子来决定开局一方。白棋从棋盘右上方,按逆时针顺序移动棋子返回右下角的家中。黑棋则按照相反方向移动到属于它们的位置。首先将十五粒棋子返到目的地的玩家将是游戏的胜利者。 1.掷出的两个点数可以按照两个点数的和来移动一个棋子,也可以分别按照两个点数来移动两个棋子,玩家要根据当前的形式来抉择。 2.如果只有一个棋子占据一个格,那么如果对方的棋子正好可以落在这个格上,那么你的棋子就会被打回起点,所以在对方的移动范围内尽量避免单独的棋子出现才是明智之举。 3.如果被对方打回起点,就必须重新掷出点数来从头开始移动,但是如果点数所在的格子内已经被对方的复数棋子占据,那么点数就会判为无效,就失去一次移动机会。如果有棋子被打回起点,那么它移动的优先级最高,无论有效或无效的点数都必须先用在它身上。 4.如果掷出2个同样的点数,那么可以这个点数将会乘以4(例如:掷出2个3点,那么可以移动4个3点) 5.游戏开始后的任意时刻都可以要求赌注加倍,每局一方只有一次要求加倍的权力,而且对方对于你的加倍可以选择同意或者弃权,弃权的一方本局比赛判为失败。 游戏截图:
No.41 中文名称:3D台球 英文名称:DDD Pool 游戏类型:益智 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me Memory: 64MB DirectX: 9 Display: 16MB 3D Video Card CPU: 400Mhz 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...Strategy 简介: DDD Pool is a 3D pool game with cutting edge graphics, realistic physics and smooth gameplay that guarantees many hours of fun and pleasure. Master the game in Practice mode, then play 8-ball and 9-ball pool against your friends or a computer opponent, or play against the clock in two challenge modes and enter the hi-score table. Choose between three detailed rooms in which to play. 全3D的台球游戏。有15球、9球等游戏模式,球的样式、房间的背景都可以选择,亦可双人对战。游戏虽小,五脏具全。 游戏截图:
No.42 中文名称:找错误 英文名称:5 Spots 游戏类型:益智 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me, Windows NT Memory: 64MB DirectX: 7.0 CPU: 166Mhz 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...E=Puzzle 简介: The world s favourite spot-the-difference game! This cleverly executed game offers so much more than expected, with a friendly interface, beautiful and original images, and surprising details. The icing on the cake is that the errors are randomly selected, ensuring that it is never the same game twice. Prepare yourself to be addicted to this fantastic-looking, great-sounding, hilarious version of an all-time favourite. 大家来找茬……不介绍了,本作音乐卡通感十足。 游戏截图:
No.43 中文名称:空袭2 英文名称:Air Strike 2 游戏类型:动作射击 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me Processor: 400Mhz Memory: 128 MB Display: 3D Graphics Card, OpenGL 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...E=Action 简介: Rough, cruel and intense helicopter 3D action game that makes you fly and fight over desert, water and industrial areas. 100+ land, air and water enemy units will make your life worse then hell. There are five different landscape types, all with a terramorphing feature that tears up the ground in response to your deadly arsenal. If you pass all seventeen levels (plus 3 bonus levels) and kill all the enemy bosses, please tell us how you did it. Get your fair share of adrenaline with Air Strike 2! 绝对劲爆的3D直升机射击游戏!游戏中有多种直升机可以选择,武器更分三大类,终极武器破坏力惊人。游戏画面非常出色,所有建筑都可以摧毁,甚至地面都会因为攻击而变形!作为解压后也只有不到50M的小游戏来说,非常超值! 游戏截图:
No.44 中文名称:大海战2 英文名称:Sea War: The Battles 2 游戏类型:益智 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me, Windows NT, Windows 98SE Processor: P-200 Memory: 32MB Display: 3D Accelerator w/ 16MB 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...r Win 游戏类型:益智 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me DirectX: 3 CPU: 200Mhz 下载链接: index.php?CID=3980 Win and start building your own trophy collection right away! 一个包含了多种游戏模式的老虎机游戏。游戏中你通过旋转老虎机,依靠记忆力或运气赢取奖品。 游戏截图:
No.50 中文名称:智力问答机 英文名称:Trivia Machine 游戏类型:益智 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 98 or newer Memory: 64MB CPU: 500Mhz 下载链接: index.php?CID=3980 Episode II with moder and futuristic Episode III with UFOs and plasma weapons. Now for the surprise: All your targets are up in the air! Gunner 2 comes equipped with 9 types of weapons, 19 enemy crafts, great graphics and addictive gameplay. 全3D的射击游戏。游戏中你将控制一固定炮台,在二战、现代战争和未来战争3中模式下打击敌人。说白了,就是抢滩登陆。 游戏截图:
No.54 中文名称:平衡水晶球 英文名称:Slickball 游戏类型:动作 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me Memory: 32 MB CPU: Pentium 300 下载链接: index.php?CID=3980 whimsical than most space shooting games, with a lot of unique level variation. The free version includes 16 full levels to play. 80年代经典游戏***的克隆版。全新的3D引擎和数字音效将带给你全新的感受。 游戏截图:
No.58 中文名称:异域战机 英文名称:Alien Sky 游戏类型:射击 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me Processor: P2-400 Memory: 64 MB Disk Space: 20 MB DirectX: 8 Display: 8 MB Video Card 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...n takes to the streets of New York! It s jam-packed with awesome graphics, tons of customer types, lots of equipment upgrades, 19 different locations. The challenge of selling lemonade has never been so sweet! Find out if you can dominate the lemonade biz in New York City. 柠檬水大亨的第2代。这次你将来到纽约的街头,随着更多的经营设备和19处不同的场所,以及全新的画面,游戏将比上一代更加吸引人。 游戏截图:
No.64 中文名称:α弹球 英文名称:Alpha Ball 游戏类型:动作 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me Memory: 128MB DirectX: 7.0 CPU: 300Mhz 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo... Screen R Dynamite Detonators, B H B Growing W Magic W Numerous Enemies. Easy to learn, difficult to master. 游戏中你将航行于世界各地,探索沉船中的钻石。探索中要小心各种障碍:炮弹、海盗、魔法墙壁等等。很经典的解密游戏。 游戏截图:
No.74 中文名称:贝蒂的啤酒吧 英文名称:Betty s Beer Bar 游戏类型:动作 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me Memory: 32MB DirectX: 5.0 CPU: 300Mhz 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo... drawing one into the fantastic land of princesses, wizards, and forest nymphs. This collection contains 50 stunning art images which make 200 superior jigsaw puzzles. 这次主题为神话故事。奇幻风格的插画出自Teodosii Kiriakov和他的妻子Maria Kiriakov之手。同样也有每个故事的介绍。 游戏截图:
No.80 中文名称:加菲猫拼图 英文名称:Garfield Goes to Pieces 游戏类型:益智 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me, Windows NT Memory: 32MB CPU: 300Mhz 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo... you re invited to the pawty! For Garfield, attitude is everything. The witty kitty s paw prints rude tude are all over the awesome art, the challenging jigsaws, and the fascinating story of his 25 years at the top are assembled together in this stunning jigsaw puzzle collection. 这个拼图是为了庆祝加菲猫25岁生日所开发的。以上四个拼图游戏如果同时***的话会集成在一个游戏中。绚丽的画面和详细的说明足以体现制作公司开发游戏的一丝不苟。 游戏截图:
No.81 中文名称:红发Bud历险记 英文名称:Bud Redhead: The Time Chase 游戏类型:动作 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me, Windows 9x DirectX: 3 CPU: 200Mhz 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo... Bug Chaser 4000 BX equipped with nitro booster, energy shield generator, foam gun, and other cool gadgets, the player has to save the beautiful flying islands and stop the invasion of alien bugs. With enemies of all sorts and 100+ action packed levels, Bugix presents a real challenge to outsmart the nasty creatures. 游戏中你需要操纵一辆武装齐全的直升机与入侵小岛的敌人进行斗争。游戏规则比较像困兽斗。所以……就起这名吧。 游戏截图:
No.87 中文名称:海战棋 英文名称:Battleship Chess 游戏类型:益智 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me, Windows NT Memory: 128MB DirectX: 8.0 CPU: P300 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo... discover an ancient artifact or rare animal. Engaging hand-drawn artwork, a fun soundtrack, and addictive puzzles! 游戏中你将扮演一位探险家,解决丛林、海洋等各个地方的迷题,寻找远古宝藏或是珍惜生物。游戏方式有点像华容道,更像之前的大塞车。 游戏截图:
No.94 中文名称:星际空间站 英文名称:Outpost Kaloki 游戏类型:益智 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me, Windows NT Memory: 32MB CPU: 300Mhz 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo... create new revenue streams for your leaders. You will have visitors from all over the galaxy needing everything from food water, to entertainment agriculture. 一款模拟经营游戏:建立空间站吸引游客,满足他们的需要,为你的太空贸易站增加税收。可惜笔者没怎么玩…… 游戏截图:
No.95 中文名称:黑暗执政官 英文名称:Dark Archon 游戏类型:射击 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me DirectX: 8 Display: 16MB OpenGL Video Card CPU: P3 500Mhz RAM: 128MB 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo... eventually lead your fleet in epic galactic battles! Dazzling 3D effects, unique powerups, improvable ship abilities, and a variety of mission types including screen-size endbosses make this game a must have! 一场大规模的星际战争爆发了,你将控制一艘太空船参加星际战斗。又是一个经典的射击游戏。 游戏截图:
No.96 中文名称:森林宝石 英文名称:Diamond Drop 游戏类型:益智 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me Memory: 64MB CPU: Pentium 300 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo... original music for lots of fun! 迪基比先生开了甜甜圈的连锁专卖店,为了配合各地的不同的口味,玩家得要做出符合当地的田田圈,才能获得好价格。游戏的方法是用餐盘接住从天而降的甜甜圈,然后按照颜色将甜甜圈往下放着色相同的放在一起,就可以消去,得到加分,根据要求卖出一定的数量,就可以过关。很挑战反应能力的小游戏。 游戏截图:
No.98 中文名称:搬运工人 英文名称:Docker Sokoban 游戏类型:益智 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 95, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me, Windows 9x Processor: P-200 Memory: 32 MB DirectX: Version 7.0 Display: 800x600 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...e Challenge mode for when yo and Hyper mode for the true master. You ll find that once you start playing Drop!, you won t be able to stop. 游戏中糖球将不停落下,只有三个以上相同颜色的糖球相连才能将其消除。三种模式很有挑战性。不过这类游戏也太多了点吧…… 游戏截图:
No.101 中文名称:宝石脑袋 英文名称:Dropheads 游戏类型:益智 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me Memory: 64MB DirectX: 6.1 CPU: 300Mhz 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo... complete the puzzle in this magical mental challenge from the creators of Puzzle Myth. The inhabitants of a fairy-tale garden have decorated their land with beautiful patterns of twigs. Can you recreate the enchanting designs? Let your imagination run free with this fantastic puzzler. 这是一款益智游戏,其玩法有一点像接水管游戏,玩家必须把画面中出现的类似植物纤维的物质接起来,而且要形成一封闭空间,不能有任何缺口。如此一来可以持续向上发展,连接到关卡的终点,便能过关。 游戏截图:
No.107 中文名称:动作与记忆 英文名称:Action Memory 游戏类型:益智 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98SE Memory: 64MB CPU: P300 下载链接: index.php?CID=3980 you can even save your game. Earn wild cards in Joker s Wild or compare you scores with others from around the world in Tournament mode. 以梭哈为主体的单人纸牌游戏,四种不同的游戏方式,单人或与电脑对战,甚至可以联网进行锦标赛。 游戏截图:
No.112 中文名称:益智纸牌 英文名称:Flip Wit! 游戏类型:纸牌 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me, Windows NT Processor: P-200 Memory: 32 MB 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...d Lucky Cards in a winning hand to increase your luck-factor as well as your winnings! Vegas inspired music and sound effects add to the immersive gameplay experience. 这个扑克牌游戏包括幸运的条纹。你能够通过得到三张幸运的卡片获得更幸运的条纹。关注 Luckometre 和尝试充分利用你的条纹。 游戏截图:
No.118 中文名称:卢克斯特 英文名称:Luxor 游戏类型:动作 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me Memory: 128MB DirectX: 7.0 CPU: P300 Mhz 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...ID=20919 简介: Luxor is an action-puzzle game that takes you on a thrilling adventure across the lands of Ancient Egypt. Battle Set and his evil minions across 88 mind-blowing levels, unleashing the awesome powers of Isis with various falling power-up talismans, such as explosive Fireballs and thundering Lightning Bolts. Filled with excitement, adventure, and tons of explosive action, there is only one question you must ask yourself: Can you thwart the diabolical plans of a god and save Egypt? 卢克斯特为埃及中部位于尼罗河东岸的一城市。与古城底比斯平行而建,内有阿孟特普三世在位时修建的卢克斯特神庙,拉米西斯二世在位时又进行了大规模扩建,他在这一建筑前为自己竖立了巨大塑像。当然游戏只是用此背景而已。游戏规则如同之前流行的印加石蛙,方式却有点象打砖块。两个经典游戏的结合体。 游戏截图:
No.119 中文名称:全球防御系统 英文名称:Global Defense Network 游戏类型:射击 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP Memory: 128 MB DirectX: 8.0 CPU: P300 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo... use the Rainbow and Bomb power-ups to help you clear the grid. Rotate the order of your colored discs right and you ll create powerful cascades. This match-three puzzle delight will have you Sprung! Spring Sprang Sprung is a fantastic puzzle game that will provide hours of entertainment for your entire family. 游戏类似之前的美味甜甜圈。发条猴散发出的老工业时代的魅力是该游戏的特点。 游戏截图:
No.124 中文名称:宝石悖论 英文名称:Paradoxion 游戏类型:益智 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me, Windows NT Memory: 64MB DirectX: 8.1 Display: 16MB 3D Video Card CPU: PII 500 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...ID=20840 简介: Paradoxion is an advanced logic game, a true gem for those who like to solve challenging logic puzzles! Lots of carefully crafted levels, elegant gameplay and relaxing atmosphere... everything you need for the perfect puzzle solving experience! 一个非常有挑战性的逻辑智力游戏。游戏中你需要利用有限的宝石进行一定的组合,将盘面上的所有宝石都消除。很有创意,画面音乐均属一流,每关结束时的名人名言体现了该游戏的过人之处。 游戏截图:
No.125 中文名称:网球巨人 英文名称:Tennis titans 游戏类型:动作 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me Memory: 256MB Display: DirectX 7.0 or OpenGL CPU: P750 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...ID=20957 简介: Tennis Titans is a 3D tennis game that appeals to novices and masters alike. In Tennis Titans, players meet seven colorful characters and can compete in two distinct game modes: Traditional Classic Tennis or Arcade-Style Rings Mode. Using a familiar break-out game control, Tennis Titans comes with a step-by-step tutorial for first-time players, as well as challenging game matches for tennis pros. It s extremely simple to play for players of all levels! 全3D的网球游戏。清新的画面,简单的操作,极具个性的角色和搞笑的配音……这样的小游戏,永远是去除烦恼的良药。 游戏截图:
No.126 中文名称:魔咒拼字 英文名称:Spellagories 游戏类型:益智 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me Memory: 128MB CPU: P3 600 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...ID=21094 简介: Test your word game mastery as you wield the power of words to save the kingdom! Evil mages have transformed the citizens of this medieval fantasy world into monsters. Only by entering the magic word into your cauldron can you lift the curse. The faster you discover the magic words, the quicker you will lift the curse and restore the villagers. If you re a word-game aficionado, a puzzle fan, or if you just want a brief escape to another world, you ll be spellbound by the magical words and worlds you ll find in Spellagories. 游戏发生在一个中世纪王国中,王国里的市民都被邪恶的魔法变成了野兽……你要做的就是找出合适的魔法来消除市民身上的诅咒。其实这都是假的,游戏实际上是在考验你的单词掌握能力……英语不过关的就绕道吧。 游戏截图:
No.127 中文名称:小蓓芙搜狗大作战 英文名称:Shroomz 游戏类型:动作 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me Memory: 32MB Display: 16-bit SVGA Graphics Card 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...ID=21094 简介: Get your daily dose of action, adventure, and puzzle solving with this unique game. Awarded Billboard s Web/Downloadable Game of the Year, Shroomz mixes a fairytale storyline with exciting puzzle game play. Guide your heroine, Bashful, through a mystical underworld to rescue her lost puppy. With many explorable levels, exciting twists, and beautiful graphics, this game will enchant and electrify you. 我们可爱的小女主人公蓓芙(害羞的),为了救出她失踪的小狗不顾危险独自潜入地底世界……一个在网络上获奖的小游戏,玩起来象一个GBA上的著名游戏----好像叫什么……掘……地……虫……来着?? 游戏截图:
No.128 中文名称:外星人绑架 英文名称:Alien Abduction 游戏类型:射击 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me Memory: 64MB DirectX: 7 Display: OpenGL Video Card CPU: P400 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...ID=21082 简介: Stop the aliens from attack in this psychedelic shooter! With 3 unique gameplay modes and many unlockable upgrades and goodies, this is the game shoot em up fans have been waiting for. It s your job to save a group of crash survivors from abduction by an evil alien force. Are you up to the challenge? 简单的横版射击游戏。画面单调却有种迷幻的电子感觉。 游戏截图:
No.129 中文名称:找错误II 英文名称:5 Spots II 游戏类型:益智 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me, Windows NT Memory: 64MB DirectX: 7.0 CPU: 166Mhz 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...ID=20840 简介: Spot the errors or else spot the monkeys! 5 Spots II offers hundreds of beautiful photos, and thousands of randomly-chosen errors to spot, meaning it s never the same game twice! With dazzling graphics and vibrant sound effects, 5 Spots II is pure addiction. With four distinct and entertaining game modes and a well-balanced learning curve, this unmissable game has an appeal that spans generations. 找错误的第2代,增加了两种游戏模式。 游戏截图:
No.130 中文名称:太空垃圾 英文名称:Zzed 游戏类型:动作 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me Memory: 128MB DirectX: 8.0 Display: 8MB Video Card CPU: P400 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...ID=20840 简介: In this wickedly addictive space puzzler-shooter, you have the dubious honor of collecting and destroying space garbage. All space junk is color-coded , and in order to destroy it, you have to get 3 or more pieces of garbage of the same color stuck together. Oh, and by the way, the music is cool and the graphics are excellent. Zzed is totally captivating, so get to your neighborhood supermarket and pile up your grocery cart. Already stocked up? Download Zzed right away! 游戏中你扮演一位太空垃圾清理员Zzed(长的真怪异),干着他的本职工作。游戏方式有点象泡泡龙,但在太空中自然多了点失重的感觉。 游戏截图:
No.131 中文名称:核反应堆 英文名称:Reaktor 游戏类型:动作 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me Memory: 64MB DirectX: 8.1 CPU: P 500 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...ID=20973 简介: Radiate yourself into a thrilling action-puzzle adventure! Your task is to clean broken nuclear reactors and save 15 planets from certain destruction. You must match colored plutonium blocks to terminate them. If they touch the reactor core, you re gone! Enjoy perfect 3D accelerated graphics and stunning sound effects in over 100 plutonium-spiced levels. Use your skills and awesome powers in this unique galaxy saving operation! 你的任务是清除破裂的核反应堆并在这次毁灭性破坏中 挽救15颗行星。游戏中你必须匹配好放射性钚块的颜色以便阻止他们的破裂,如果他们碰到反应堆的核,游戏就失败。圆形的游戏界面可能一开始有点不适,但还是很有创意的。 游戏截图:
No.132 中文名称:雪崩 英文名称:Avalanche 游戏类型:动作 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me Memory: 32 MB DirectX: 7 CPU: P2 333 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...ID=20973 简介: Look out! Giant snowballs are raining down faster than you can say brrr! The only way to keep from getting buried in the avalanche is to connect the black spheres and open up the tunnel. And, the only way to connect the black spheres is to get rid of all the snowballs in the way. Watch out for the Avalanche... 游戏中将会有无数的雪球不断落下,你必须凑齐所有的炸弹才能炸开隧道从而获救。又一种变形的“三点”游戏。 游戏截图:
No.133 中文名称:泡沫鱼鲍勃 英文名称:Bubblefish Bob 游戏类型:益智 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me Processor: 500Mhz Memory: 64 MB DirectX: 5 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...ID=20983 简介: Guide Bubblefish Bob through over 60 super-fun levels in his quest to save his small fishy friends in this bubble-popping adventure. Challenges and power-ups galore await you as you dive deeper into the deep blue sea. Show your skills in exciting survival mode and be THE bubble popper of the neighborhood. This is your chance to embark on a wonderful underwater adventure without getting your feet wet! 游戏中你要控制鲍勃去拯救他的小鱼朋友们。印加石蛙的变形版本。 游戏截图:
No.134 中文名称:咖啡大亨 英文名称:Coffee Tycoon 游戏类型:模拟 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me Memory: 64MB DirectX: 8.0 Display: 16MB Video Card CPU: P400 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...ID=20882 简介: Coffee Tycoon gives sim games a jolt of caffeine! It s packed with awesome graphics, tons of features, and lots of fun! Start fresh with one store and customize your coffee empire from the ground up. Choose a name, logo, store design and even what city your first store is in, from New York to Seattle and spots inbetween. Coffee Tycoon is filled with dozens of charming characters, and with dozens of store upgrades and coffee recipes to customize your business, how successful it is... is up to you! 模拟经营游戏。从你咖啡点的名字、LOGO、店铺装潢设计以及城市开始,逐步建立你的咖啡帝国吧。 游戏截图:
No.135 中文名称:绿洲 英文名称:Oasis 游戏类型:益智 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me, Windows 98SE Memory: 128MB CPU: P3 600 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...ID=21049 简介: Uncover the mystery that lies at the heart of OASIS. Explore your kingdom as you seek out the mystical Glyphs of Power that lie within the Oasis. With every click you may uncover a village, discover a secret gem or reveal powerful technology. Spend your turns wisely to defeat the barbarian attack. Will your empire stand the test of time? 游戏中你扮演一位埃及王子,在你的领土上探险,联系你的村庄,发掘绿洲的秘密,以抵抗野蛮人的入侵。游戏方式很特别,值得好好研究一番。 游戏截图:
No.136 中文名称:国际象棋大师挑战赛 英文名称:Chessmaster Challenge 游戏类型:益智 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me Memory: 128MB DirectX: 7 Display: 4MB 3D Video Card CPU: P3 700 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...ID=21105 简介: Master the world s most popular game and discover the Chessmaster in you! Based on the award-winning Chessmaster series, with over 5 million copies sold, Chessmaster Challenge is your teacher, mentor, and ultimate opponent. Whether you are learning chess, improving your strategy, or competing against world-class chess players like Josh Waitzkin, this game will make you a better player while offering hours of mind-twisting fun. Get ready to battle the Chessmaster himself! 相当全面的国际象棋游戏,各种难度的选择、完善的教学系统、众多的密题,相信适合所有国际象棋玩家。 游戏截图:
No.137 中文名称:巴沙基3 英文名称:Passage 3 游戏类型:益智 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me Memory: 32 MB CPU: P2 333 下载链接: index.php?CID=3980 The Boss . 游戏中你需要服从上司将办公室中的各种家具装饰按照一定要求摆放在合理的地方。很有挑战性的解密游戏。 游戏截图:
No.145 中文名称:蚂蚁战争 英文名称:Ant War 游戏类型:益智 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me Memory: 32MB Display: 8MB Video Card CPU: P300 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...ID=20919 简介: Did you ever want an ant farm, but worried that the ants might get loose in your home? Choose from 5 different ant breeds, each with different personalities and skills, and build your nest in numerous locations. With over 60 enemies, thousands of random events and ant shopping at your fingertips, you can grow your colony to gigantic proportions and cause a town panic! Start with a simple anthill and grow into an amazing ant empire! 蚂蚁战争类似一个模拟经营游戏,只不过你经营的是一个蚂蚁巢穴……5种类型的蚂蚁,60种敌人,多种蚂蚁商店,上千种随机事件……展且不谈平衡性,这些已经够研究一番了。 游戏截图:
No.146 中文名称:星球保卫战 英文名称:Clash N Slash 游戏类型:动作 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me DirectX: 8 Display: 3D 16MB Video Card, OpenGL CPU: P 500 RAM: 128MB 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...ID=20973 简介: Space shooters have never been so addictive! In Clash N Slash, you must defend your planet from pesky alien invaders from all around the galaxy. With superior firepower and upgradeable spaceship capabilities, you can build structures on your homeplanet to turn your alien shooting into pure, unrefined fun. With fantastic graphics and fresh, exciting gameplay, Clash N Slash will keep you entertained for hours. This non-stop action space-shooter has simple controls, suitable for all ages! 游戏中你将操纵一艘太空战舰,为了保卫你的星球而与外星侵略者对抗。战斗中升级你的基地和自身火力以对抗不断出现的敌人。简单而上瘾。 游戏截图:
No.147 中文名称:食鱼传说 英文名称:Fish Tales 游戏类型:动作 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me, Windows NT Display: 3D Video Card CPU: P266 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...ID=21118 简介: Meet Sunny, a tiny fish in a giant ocean. In Fish Tales, it s your job to help Sunny in his quest to survive the treacherous waters and find the treasure. You must keep the big fish from eating him so he ll grow big enough and strong enough to face the Shark King. Choose from two different game endings, or play them both for the complete adventure tale! 其实……这就是大鱼吃小鱼,背景换成了假3D,鱼的样子更加卡通。 游戏截图:
No.148 中文名称:混乱地铁 英文名称:Subway Scramble 游戏类型:动作 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me Memory: 128MB CPU: P3 600 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...ID=21105 简介: Welcome to the action puzzle simulation that takes you on a rapid transit romp through the epic subway systems of New York, London, Paris, Moscow and Seoul. It s a worldwide wreck of snarled subways, mangled metros and lost passengers. It s up to you to make sure that all the passengers return to their proper destinations! It won t be easy...multiple train cars, overlapping railway lines and a wide array of color-coded destinations make Subway Scramble a unique and mesmerizing challenge. 游戏中你将来到纽约、伦敦、汉城等世界大城市,操纵各地的地铁系统,帮助他们解决棘手的客流问题。你要在规定时间内控制每辆地铁的行进路线、搭接铁道、将客人送往他们的目的地,中途要小心撞车啊…… 游戏截图:
No.149 中文名称:魔力纸牌 英文名称:Charm Solitaire 游戏类型:益智 语言: 英语 要求配置:Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me Memory: 128MB DirectX: 7.0 CPU: 500 Mhz 下载链接: index.php?PAGE=Downlo...ID=21146 简介: Restore the memory of a magical kingdom in this exciting twist on solitaire! Armed with only a deck of cards, it s up to you to bring this fantasy land back to life. Place classic playing cards on the board following one simple rule: place cards next to another one with a value of one less or one greater, regardless of the suit. It s easy to learn and play, but saving the day is another matter altogether. 一款玩法新颖的纸牌游戏,游戏的目的就是要将牌放进格子里,牌可不是随便放的,和接龙差不多,按相邻的牌放就可以了,当格子放满即可过关。中世纪的背景仍然只是装装样子的…… 游戏截图: [img] [/img] 引用由于本人不再玩游戏,因此该主题停止更新,本人亦不再作源,更多游戏请自行上官网下载。


