我和男朋友亲热 吃乳头在床上亲热,然后我帮他sy他...

原文作者:Pamela Stephenson Connolly
发布: 13:22:38
I've come across a video of my boyfriend masturbating, and now I'm worried that he's gay 我偶然发现过我男朋友的SY录像,而现在我开始担心他会不会是个同性恋 My boyfriend says he wants to experiment with threesomes, and now a video he shot of himself anally masturbating makes me suspect he's having sex with another man. Should I end this now? 我男朋友说他想尝试3P,而现在他录下来的他自己进行后庭sy的录像让我怀疑他正和另一个男人***。我该结束这一切吗? My boyfriend of two years has asked me about girl-on-girl sex and we both agreed we'd have a threesome on the stipulation that we break up afterwards. Recently he's been spending time, and nights, with a man who seems gay, but he has denied any infidelity. Now I have found a video he made of himself, anally masturbating and screaming out his friend's name. When I confronted him, he said it was a phase. He's asked me to have sex with him with a strap-on before, so should I end this now? How can he love me, and make love with me, and then turn around and do it with a man? 我和男朋友已经交往了两年,他曾经想想我问过姐妹性爱的问题,我们两个都同意将来要玩一次3P,不过后来我们终止这次约定。最近他花了好长时间,甚至晚上,和一个像是同性恋的人呆在一起,但他不承认自己有过任何不忠行为。现在我发现了一部他自己制作的录像,他在其中后庭sy还一直叫他一个朋友的名字。当我和他当面对峙的时候,他说那只是他过去的一个阶段。他曾经想让我和他玩SM,我是不是该结束这一切了?他怎么能爱着我,和我***,转过头又和一个男人做这些事呢? Like many people, your boyfriend seems to be exploring his sexuality. He does not want to lose you, but is being cautious about how accepting you might be of his erotic tastes. In his mind, this is just part of his sexual journey, and separate from how he feels about you, but I understand your discomfort. "Fidelity" is not easy for anyone (and many do not even value it), but if it is paramount for you, he may not be your ideal partner. It's time to have a proper conversation, but you will not get genuine answers if he feels you will be judgmental. Affirm that you care about him, then phrase your questions gently, eg "Please help me to understand who you really are, erotically speaking." H if so, you have choices: accept that about him (and establish some ground rules), or move on. 像许多人一样,你的男朋友看起来正在探索自己的性兴趣。他并不想失去你,而且正在谨慎地试探你对他的性口味能接受到什么程度。在他的想法里,这不过是他性旅程的一部分,而且这和他对你的感觉是两码事,但我理解你的苦恼。“忠诚”并不是对任何人都容易做到(而且许多人并不看重它),但它在你心目中有着至上的地位,他也许并不是你的理想伴侣。是时候和他进行一次适当的谈话,但不要让她觉得你是在评判他,否则你不会得到他真心的回答。申明你关心他的状况,然后温和的表达你的问题,像这样“帮我了解真正的你好吗,在你的性欲方面。”他可能是双性恋;要是这样,你可以做出选择:接受他的那些状况(还要建立你们的底线),或者离开他开始新的生活。 Pamela Stephenson Connolly is a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist who specialises in treating sexual disorders. &
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