星际2 玩星际争霸2单人战役役 和单人对战电脑 开科技会不会被和…

& 求解 离线游戏 为啥战役可以玩 和电脑对战就不行 ...
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帖子精华0积分275金钱2577 荣誉3 人气56 评议0
战役都通关了&&想玩玩和电脑对战 可是进入单人游戏里的和电脑对战 居然建立不了游戏 怎么回事?&&
我是下完繁体的然后升级到最高 打了破解补丁
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难道单机只能 玩战役吗
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星际争霸2: 单机战役和多人对战分开的理念
10:52:03 来源:本站原创 作者:佚名 编辑:dsgames568 浏览:loading
问: 既然你说在单人战役里有很多科技方面的选择,那么在单人战役里的单位和科技和我们将在多人游戏中看到的有什么不同吗? 有没有专门的单人战役单位(物品)?
Dustin: 我们现在已经不像以前那样做了,我觉得其他开发者也在做同样的事.那就是抛弃把单人战役作为一个多人游戏的学习工具的做法.我们已经不那么做了.我们感觉这从来都不成功.你可以打通一遍单人战役,也许三个战役都通了,或者你在最高难度下打通了.然后你上网联机,你还是会被你碰到的第一个玩家击败.单机战役和多人对战是完全不同的环境. 单人情况下的压力永远都比多人对战下小的多.
所以我们确信游戏的这两个部分(单机战役,多人对战)可以分开存在. 我们可以在单机战役下体验到自己的科技选择,自己的选项.同时多人对战有着完全不同的规则.现在两者之间有很多相似之处,但在单人战役中肯定会出现很多多人对战中没有的单位. 在多人对战中所有的东西都是平衡的,我们要确保你知道你可以做什么,你的对手同样清楚你可以做什么.而在单人战役里,如果你想要16,17,18,20个人族单位,是可以的.如果你想要那些偏向于自己的不平衡的东西,酷,没问题.
Since you talk about there being so many choices on the tech side in the campaign, are there any differences between the units and the tech in the campaign, and what you're going to see in the multiplayer? Is there single-player-specific stuff?
Dustin: So we've gone away from one of the things we've done in the past and I think other developers have done as well, which is to pitch the solo campaign as a learning tool for online play. We are not doing that anymore. The feeling is that it's never been that successful. You can go ahead and beat the campaign, maybe all three campaigns, or beat the campaign on the hardest difficulty. Then you go online and you still get just destroyed by the first player you run into. It's just not the same kind of environment. There's a lot less pressure in the solo experience than there ever is in an online game against an aggressive opponent.
So we've definitely said these two parts of the game can live separately from one another. We can have a solo play experience with its own technology choices, its own options, and then for multiplayer it's a completely different rule set. Now there will be a lot of similarities between the two, but we'll definitely have units in the solo play we don't have in multi. In multiplayer everything's perfectly balanced, and we have to know that you can remember everything you need to do, and your opponent can be aware of everything you could do. But for solo play, if we want to have 16, 17, 18, 20 units for the Terrans, that's fine. If we want to have things that are out of balance in favor of the player, awesome. No problem.
So we're looking at having a lot of units, especially for Raynor as a mercenary, he's getting access to and buying technologies that are apporpriate for the kind of down-and-out mercenary scumbag like he is. So he'll have access to things like Goliaths and Wraiths and Vultures, and all these old weapons that are not part of modern Dominion forces like we see in the multiplayer. Maybe some prototype stuff that would simply be way too powerful for any kind of multiplayer experience, but he can steal it and make use of it. So you'll definitely see not only new units, but lots and lots and lots of upgrades that simply would not be appropriate for multiplayer.
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