
原地址:[url]http://www.fiveminute.net/videogames/starcraft.html[/url]这种翻译比正儿八经的小说还难啊……[size=150%]第一季:人类战役[/size][collapse=如果有人想看原文][quote]Gamer: Um... hi?Advisor: Hello, I'll be your borg queen look-alike for the duration of this episode. Any questions Magistrate?Gamer/Magistrate: Sweet! I'm a Magistrate! That sounds important! What can I do?Advisor: You can... er... build three supply depots and a gas refinery.Magistrate: That's boring. Where are the explosions?Advisor: Er... that's what the gas is for.Magistrate: Sweet!Magistrate: Alright, I built your stuff. What now?Advisor: How about training some marines?Magistrate: How about I kick you in the neck?Advisor: N my neck and all body parts below it are no longer attached to my head.Magistrate: I suspected as much.Raynor: Hi, I'm Jim Raynor.Zerg-Infested Command Center: Hi, I'm gross.Marines: Ew, gross! FIRE!Magistrate: Woohoo! Finally, some explosions.General Duke: You're fired. Also, you two are under arrest.Raynor: For what?Duke: You destroyed a Terran Command Center.Raynor: But it was infested by the Zerg!Duke: So? Your bag was infested by heroin.Raynor: That's not true, you put that there!Duke: And the Zerg put the Zerg there. But I'm still blaming you.Raynor and Magistrate: Crap.Advisor: Um.... All your dudes are dying.Magistrate: Crap again. Is there anyone who can help us?Advisor: Only this right-wing extremist faction of wackos. Can you think of a way to appeal to them?Magistrate: Nein, Fraulein.Arcturus Mengsk: Say, let's be friends....Mengsk: I'm glad you survived your last mission.Magistrate: My mission was to survive.Mengsk: Right. Well since we're chums now, and since you'll never be in good graces with the Confederacy again, I'm gonna start calling you &Commander.&Magistrate/Commander: Wait, isn't that a demotion?Mengsk: Why, yes it is. Now, get into that Confederate installation over there and steal me some data discs.Commander: Alright, I jumped yea high. Now what?Mengsk: Now we make some friends. There's this colony in a state of open revolt -- we'll call it &Austria& -- under control of Confederate Forces.Raynor: Hi, I'm Jim Raynor.Commander: We know.Raynor: Well, I'm just reminding you since I'm kinda important. So what's this about Australia?Commander: (sigh)Kerrigan: Hi, I'm psychic. Also, experimental. Also, angsty.Raynor: Hi, I'm --Kerrigan: I know already. I'm psychic, remember?Raynor: Say, would you like to go --Kerrigan: No.Duke: AHHH!Norad II: KA-BOOM!Mengsk: Good job, all. Say, remember that irritating General from before?Raynor: Duke?Mengsk: Yeah. Well, his ship kinda crashed, and I need you to go in, rescue him, and make him our ally.Commander: That's an absolutely terrible idea.Mengsk: What's that in your bag?Raynor: Er....Commander: We'll be right on it.Mengsk: Alright, we've decoded those data discs and discovered plans for something called a psi emitter.Raynor: Huh?Kerrigan: Basically, the emitters use the same psychic frequencies as a &ghost& operative such as myself, amplified hundreds of times greater than that of a single ghost, to attract the Zerg.Raynor: ....Huh?Kerrigan: Look, just plant the one we've built in the Confederate base, and we won't have to do the killing ourselves.Commander: But I like killing....Kerrigan: Quiet, bloodthirsty gamer.Advisor: The Zerg have destroyed the base, and the Protoss have incinerated the Zerg.Commander: The Protoss?Advisor: Hmm, I guess we kinda glossed over them. Don't worry, more about them later.Duke: Hey, chums.Raynor and Commander: Gah!Duke: How'd you like to assault the primary Tarsonis weapons platform with me?Commander: Gah!Duke: You'll get to order me around....Raynor: (Here's your chance -- order him straight into a cluster of enemy missile turrets!)Advisor: Mission Objective #2: Duke must survive.Raynor: Aw.Advisor: The Zerg have destroyed Tarsonis. The Protoss are on their way to destroy the Zerg.Commander: Wait, did we just kill a whole planet of innocent civilians?Mengsk: Oh yeah... I kinda accidently put a psi emitter down there. Funny thing, huh?Raynor: Something about this feels kinda wrong.Mengsk: Oh, be quiet you two. You're the ones who were so eager to destroy everything before. Now, if the Protoss attack the Zerg, some of the Confederates might escape.Commander: Wait a sec. We're gonna make sure every last person on that planet dies?Mengsk: Yep.Commander: Also, we're going to attack a second potentially hostile species without provocation?Mengsk: Uh huh.Commander: I dunno about this....Mengsk: Have you ever seen how the Protoss die?Commander: You make a compelling argument. Let's go already.Commender: Eat blue flames, Protoss scum!Kerrigan: (from the base) AHHH! We're being overrun by those Zerg we for some reason weren't allowed to kill!Mengsk: (over the comm) Leave her.Commander: Wasn't she your second in command?Mengsk: Well she was... now she's just seconds.Raynor: I was okay with him killing every last human on the Terran homeworld, but he's gone too far now!Commander: She's just one girl....Raynor: But she was hot!Mengsk: (over the comm) Bla bla bla NEW WORLD ORDER bla bla....Advisor: Commander, if you wish to escape the tirades of this fascist wacko, I suggest we destroy the ion cannon and fly our forces to safety.Commander: Sounds hard.Advisor: Of course it' this is the last Terran level until Brood War.Commander: Alright... c'mon Raynor, stop mooning Mengsk and let's go.Ion Cannon: BOOM!Commander: Holy crap, that thing was impossible to level!Raynor: Did you try using a cow?Commander: Don' there is no cow level....Radio: Though our petty differences have long divided us, I say now let us BAND TOGETHER! Fellow Terrans, I Arcturus Mengsk --Raynor: Do we have to listen to this crap? Can't you change stations orsomething?Commander: I would, but check out these graphics! Whim, wham KA-BOOM!(Stuff gets blown up at Ludicrous Speed) [/quote][/collapse][quote]玩家:呃……有人么?副官:你好,这个战役里我是你的机器女仆。有问题吗,执法官?玩家/执法官:屌!我是执法官!很牛逼的样子!我能干点啥?副官:你可以……额……造三个人口和一个气矿。执法官:好无聊。没有爆炸么?副官:额……气就是用来干这个的。执法官:屌!执法官:好了,东西造好了。现在呢?副官:造点马润怎么样?执法官:对你脖子来一下怎么样?副官:否决。我脖子和以下的部分不再与头部相连。执法官:我猜也是。雷诺:Hi,我是吉姆·雷诺。被感染的指挥中心:Hi,我是肉块。马润:呕,肉块!打它!!!执法官:哇哈!终于有点爆炸了。杜克将军:你被解雇了。另外你二人被捕。雷诺:为什么?杜克:你摧毁了一个指挥中心。雷诺:它被虫族感染了!杜克:你包包被***感染了。雷诺:不对,是你把它放这里的!杜克:虫族把虫族放这里的。但我还是要找你们麻烦。雷诺&执法官:操。副官:呃……你的人快完蛋了。执法官:再操。有人能帮忙么?副官:只有这帮右翼极端分子。能想办法和他们搭上线吗?执法官:Nein, Fraulein. (德语:不行,小妞。)阿克图拉斯·蒙斯克:嘛,我们交个朋友……蒙斯克:很高兴你活过了上一关。执法官:上一关就是要我活下来。蒙斯克:很好。既然我们现在是哥们,既然你再不会跟联邦有好脸色,我准备叫你指挥官。执法官/指挥官:等等,这不是降职么?蒙斯克:哈哈,是啊。现在冲进那个联邦基地给我偷点数据出来。指挥官:搞定。现在呢?蒙斯克:现在交点朋友。这个殖民地——我们叫它“潘达利亚”——正在反抗联邦,而联邦军队正在镇压。雷诺:Hi,我是吉姆·雷诺。指挥官:我们知道。雷诺:嗯,只是因为我是主角所以提醒你一下。那么我们要对这个“澳大利亚”做点什么?指挥官:(叹气)凯莉根:Hi,我会精神感应,还是实验型的,还中二满满。雷诺:Hi,我是——凯莉根:我知道了。我会精神感应,还记得么?雷诺,嘛,你想不想——凯莉根:不。杜克:啊!!诺拉德二号:KABOOM!蒙斯克:干得好各位。嘛,还记得前面那个烦人的将军么?雷诺:杜克?蒙斯克:嗯。呃,他的船爆了,我需要你们杀进去救他出来把他拉到我们这里。指挥官:绝逼是个坏主意。蒙斯克:你包里是啥?雷诺:呃……指挥官:我们马上去。蒙斯克:好了,我们破译了你偷到的数据,找到了幽能发射器的图纸。雷诺:哈?凯莉根:大概地说,发射器使用我这样的幽灵特工使用的幽能频率,在单人基础上放大几百倍来吸引虫族。雷诺:……哈?凯莉根:看,只要把我们做出来的这个放在联邦基地里面,我们就不用自己动手杀人了。指挥官:但我喜欢杀人……凯莉根:闭嘴,嗜血的玩家。副官:虫族毁了基地,神族烧光了虫族。指挥官:神族?副官:嗯。我们之前一直忽略了他们。不用管,之后再理会他们。杜克:嘿,哥们。雷诺&指挥官:擦!杜克:你想不想和我一起攻击塔桑尼斯主武器平台?指挥官:擦!杜克:你可以控制我……雷诺:(机会来了,控制他直接撞进一堆导弹塔里面!)副官:任务目标二:杜克必须生还。雷诺:你妹。副官:虫族毁了塔桑尼斯。神族正在干掉虫族的路上。指挥官:等一下,我们杀死了一整个星球无辜的平民?蒙斯克:哦耶……我不小心放了个幽能发射器上去。好玩吧?雷诺:有点不对劲。蒙斯克:你俩闭嘴。之前可一直是你们想着摧毁所有东西的。现在,如果神族攻击虫族,联邦可能有人逃脱。指挥官:等一下。我们要让整个星球无人生还?蒙斯克:嗯。指挥官:我们还要对一个可能敌对的外星种族不宣而战?蒙斯克:嗯哼。指挥官:我不清楚……蒙斯克:你见过神族怎么死的么?指挥官:你这想法很好。走吧。指挥官:吃蓝火去,神族渣渣!凯莉根:(在基地)啊啊啊啊!我们快被不准我们攻击的虫族做掉了!蒙斯克:(通讯器)不管她。指挥官:她不是你的二把手吗?蒙斯克:之前是……现在只是二手了。雷诺:我可以接受他干掉行星上每一个人,但他现在过分了!指挥官:她只是个女孩子……雷诺:性感火爆的女孩子!蒙斯克:(通讯器) blablabla 世界新秩序 blablabla……副官:指挥官,如果你想终结这个法西斯疯子的长篇大论,我建议干掉离子炮带着部队闪人。指挥官:好像很难办。副官:当然很难办。这是资料片前最后一个人类关卡。指挥官:好吧……来吧雷诺,别唧唧歪歪蒙斯克了,走吧。离子炮:砰!指挥官:草草草,这东西炸不掉!雷诺:试过用奶牛了吗?指挥官:别傻了,又没有奶牛关。电台:经历了漫长的分裂,是时候统一起来了!人类同胞们,我,阿克图拉斯·蒙斯克——雷诺:我们一定要听这家伙 BB 么?你不能换台什么的?指挥官:可以啊,但是我要看爆炸场面!KABOOM!(各种东西以光速爆炸)[/quote]
[size=150%]第二季:虫族战役[/size][collapse=原文][quote]The Overmind: Yo, I'm the Overmind.Cerebrate: Wow! A cerebrate? Will the cool names never end?The Overmind: Quiet, gamer minion! Your soul purpose is to follow the will of the Zerg, which is me.Cerebrate: What about that crysalis over there?The Overmind: Oh, that. Your other soul purpose is to protect it.The Overmind: Done with the first craptacular mission? I figured. Now we make our way to the planet Char. In order to do that, we have to take the crysalis to a beacon, which is conveniently guarded by Protoss.Zasz: I'll loan you a few gigantohunormic hydrolisks for no reason. Any questions?Cerebrate: Yes, but since we're a hive mind I've already asked them, and you've already told me how stupid I am.The Overmind: Well, now that that's out of the way, we've intercepted a Terran transmission:Duke: Emperor Arcturus says there's Zerg here. As Terrans, we are xenophobic of xenomorphs. Thus, we're eradicating them.The Overmind: Excellent job with the eradication of the Terrans. Now do it again, once more, with feeling.Cerebrate: I am NOT turning this into a musical.Daggoth: Behold, the crysalis hatcheth!Crysalis: GAK!Kerrigan: Yo.Raynor: For some reason I can see the events occurring over there all the way in my Terran encampment. So let me be the first to say &Holy crap, Kerrigan?&Kerrigan: Watch as my Cerebrate destroys your forces while secluding me in the base and protecting me from harm.Raynor: But I've been having dreams lately about you being alive.Kerrigan: Yeah, er... my bad. I accidently sort of called you and Mengsk to me telepathically. Heheh, funny thing....Raynor: So are you going to kill me?Kerrigan: Nah. You're important, thus guaranteed a big part in the finale.Kerrigan: I want to infilitrate a Terran science vessel and uncover clues about my past.Zasz: Does the Overmind will it?Kerrigan: Hey, I'm special because I have free will. Just call me Locutus of Zerg, and you'll get the idea.Zasz: Is what she says true, Queen Overmind?The Overmind: Yes. And please, don't call me that in front of the other cerebrates.Ghost: They say some Zerg got onto this science vessel and infested it. Do you believe that?Marine: Nah. Now let's drink some of this beer we put in the cooler with that nuclear warhead and -- AAAGH! ZERG!Ghost: I'm a sad ghost. And since we're all expendable anyway....Nuclear Warhead: Click.Science Vessel Amerigo: KABOOM!Kerrigan: Well that was fun. Say, I sense a disturbance in the force.Tassadar: Yo.Kerrigan: Holy crap! There are Protoss on Char? Er, I mean yes. I could sense it!Tassadar: Stop being such a phony and face me in battle already.Kerrigan: You didn't really have to ask, I was going to anyway.Tassadar: I know. But we are a proud race, and as such we must state the obvious whenever possible.Kerrigan: Banzai!Tassadar: Pop!Kerrigan: Crap, you're just an illusion.Tassadar: Haha, fooled you! You'll never guess what I was doing while distracting you.Kerrigan: Were you... creating an illusion?Tassadar: Now who's stating the obvious?Daggoth: Zasz is dead.Kerrigan: Meh. We've got that reincarnation thing, right?Daggoth: No, you're thinking of Hinduism. Anyway, his brood is in disarray. Cerebrate, you still there?Cerebrate: Of course. Just because nobody was talking to me doesn't mean I went anywhere. Somebody's got to play this thing.Daggoth: Yeah, yeah. Anyway, your new mission is to destroy the remnants of the Garm brood.Cerebrate: Hooray! Finally some Zerg on Zerg action!Daggoth: Er, right.The Overmind: My silence is broken!Cerebrate: Since when have you been silent?The Overmind: Silence! I have discovered that the Protoss who murdered Zasz are known as the Dark Templar.Cerebrate: Kinda like the Dark Jedi?The Overmind: No, this is more of a two correct paths kind of thing, like Black and White Magik.Cerebrate: Ah.Daggoth: We shall set a trap for these Dark Templar. By &trap& I mean &onslaught of Zerg forces&, and by &we& I mean &you&.Cerebrate: Hey, wait a sec! You never said anything about guarding beacons!Daggoth: Oh, yeah. That. Look, just make sure that the Dark Templar don't escape from the beacons you're supposed to be guarding while simultaneously defending your three bases and building a force large enough to destroy all the Protoss on the map.Cerebrate: I'm not sure I'm on the level.Daggoth: Of course you aren't; there is no cow level!Kerrigan: What is this dark magik you wield? This power to stay cloaked at all times?Zeratul: Yeah, we're pretty damn cool all right. If you only knew the power of the dark --Kerrigan: Look, let's not rip things off more than we're already doing. Besides, I'm more evil than you and you know it.Zeratul: (sob)The Overmind: The time has come to invade the Protoss homeworld Aiur. Your job is to harvest the Khaydarin crystals so that I may be incarnated on the planet.Cerebrate: But won't that make you weak, and vulnerable to attack?The Overmind: Yes! Like Tarkin before me, I am giving the enemy a glimmer of hope before I destroy them.Cerebrate: But didn't Tarkin --The Overmind: Less knowledge of the Star Wars universe, more crystal gathering.The Overmind: Yay! Shiny crystal! Now we have only have one task left to accomplish before I can be manifested on the planet.Cerebrate: I thought that task was the crystal thing. And let me tell you, that's one of the hardest levels of the game!The Overmind: Game? You think this is a GAME? Get down on the planet and level the temple revered as holiest by the Protoss so I can put my disgusting biomass there.Cerebrate: Think highly of yourself much?The Overmind: Quite much.Cerebrate: There you go little drone! Plant that Khaydarin crystal on the ruins of the most sacred Protoss monument of all.The Overmind: Very good, Cerebrate. Now that I'm planted firmly in the homeworld of our greatest foe, nothing can stand in the way of the mighty Zerg swarm!Cerebrate: So... mind if I play as Protoss now?The Overmind: Sure, go right ahead.(The swarm encompasses Aiur at Ludicrous Speed)[/quote][/collapse][quote]主宰:Yo,我是主宰。脑虫:Wow!脑虫!酷炫名字停不下来啊!主宰:闭嘴,玩家小兵!你活着的使命就是服从虫族的意志,也就是我。脑虫:那边那个茧怎么回事?主宰:哦,那个啊。你活着的另一个使命就是保护它。主宰:搞定渣渣的第一关了?我猜也是。现在我们向查尔出发。为此我们要把茧带到传送点,而路上恰巧有神族在防守。扎兹:我毫无理由地借你几个发育过度的刺蛇。有问题吗?脑虫:是的,但之前我已经通过虫群思维问过你了,你也说过了我是个傻逼。主宰:嗯,搞定这事以后我们截获了一段人类通讯。杜克:皇帝阿克图拉斯说这里有虫族。我们人类对外星种族有外星恐惧症,所以我们要灭了它。主宰:灭了人类,干得漂亮。现在再来一次,注意节奏。脑虫:我他妈又不是在拍 MV。达苟斯:看啊,茧——孵——化——了!茧:啪!凯莉根:Yo。雷诺:不知怎的我能在自己基地里看到这里的事情。那么我来第一个说吧,“操,凯莉根?!”凯莉根:看着我的虫群在基地里严密保护我的同时灭掉你的部队吧。雷诺:我这两天一直梦到你还活着。凯莉根:嗯,呃……我的错。我意外地把你和蒙斯克找来了。哈哈,好有趣的样子。雷诺:所以你要杀了我?凯莉根:才不呢。你是主角,终章还有你的戏份呢。凯莉根:我想潜入一艘科学船寻找我从前的资料。扎兹:主宰准许吗?凯莉根:嘿,我和你们不一样,我有自己的意志。就把我当做虫族代言人,你会想通的。(Locotus,星际迷航的梗)扎兹:主宰女皇,她说的可属实?主宰:属实。另外,拜托不要在其他脑虫面前那么称呼我。幽灵:他们说虫族占领感染了这科学船。你信么?马润:才不信。现在,从核弹冷藏箱里翻点啤酒出来喝一杯,然后——啊!!!虫族!!!幽灵:我他妈就是个悲剧。不过我们反正都是炮灰……核弹:嘀。科学船亚美利哥号:KABOOM!凯莉根:哈哈好好玩。呃等一下,我感觉部队里有点不对劲。塔萨达:Yo。凯莉根:我操!查尔上面有神族?额,我是说肯定有,我感觉得到!塔萨达:别嘴炮了,我们来打一场。凯莉根:用不着你说,我已经来了。塔萨达:我知道。作为一个骄傲的种族,我们喜欢明知故问。凯莉根:板载!塔萨达:噗。凯莉根:擦,一个幻象而已?塔萨达:哈哈你个傻逼!你一定想不到刚才我们偷偷干了什么。凯莉根:……做了个幻象出来?塔萨达:现在是谁在明知故问?达苟斯:扎兹挂了。凯莉根:呵呵。我们可以复活的是吧?达苟斯:不,你以为我们是印度教啊。不管怎样他的族群乱套了。脑虫,你还在么?脑虫:那必须。作为阿卡林,我很乖的不会乱跑的。总得有人玩这游戏啊。达苟斯:嗯嗯。好吧,你现在的任务是干掉加姆剩下的族群。脑虫:耶!终于有 ZvZ 的关卡了!达苟丝:呃,好吧。主宰:我的安静被打破了!脑虫:你什么时候安静过了?主宰:安静!我发现了这些杀死扎兹的黑暗圣堂武士。脑虫:类似于黑暗绝地那样?主宰:不,两边都是可行的,像是黑魔法和白魔法。脑虫:啊。达苟斯:我们要给这些黑暗圣堂设个陷阱。“陷阱”是指“虫族进攻”,“我们”是指“你”。脑虫:等一下!你从来没说保护传送点的事!达苟斯:呃,这事啊。看,你只需要守住三个基地,不让黑暗圣堂从传送点跑路,然后造出一支大军灭了所有神族就可以了。脑虫:我不确定我真的想玩这关。达苟斯:当然不。没有奶牛关!凯莉根:你这是什么巫术?一直都能隐身?泽拉图:啊,我们就是这么酷炫。如果你了解黑暗面的力量——凯莉根:我们已经够跑题的了。另外,我比你还邪恶,你知道的。泽拉图:(泪奔)主宰:是时候进攻神族母星艾尔了。你的任务是收集凯达林水晶好让我扎根在星球表面。脑虫:那不会让你很脆么?主宰:是的!就跟前人塔金一样,灭掉敌人之前我要给他们留一线希望。脑虫:但塔金不是——主宰:别跟我扯星球大战的事了,去采集水晶去。主宰:耶!牛逼闪闪的水晶!再一件任务我就可以寄生在这星球上了。脑虫:啊,不是水晶这关?我说,这是游戏最难的关卡之一了!主宰:游戏?你他妈的以为这是个游戏?现在下去把神族最神圣的神庙给我炸平,我好把我的大肉球扔上去。脑虫:你真以为自己是个人物?主宰:那必须的。脑虫:去吧农民!把这块凯达林水晶放在神族最神圣的纪念碑废墟上.主宰:很好,脑虫。现在我已经在死敌的家园里稳稳立足,虫群无人能敌!脑虫:所以……我可以去玩神族了吗?主宰:没问题,去吧。(虫族光速侵蚀艾尔)[/quote]
[size=150%]第三季:神族战役[/size][collapse=原文][quote]Aldaris: Greetings, Executor!Executor: Wait, wait. The &chop off people's heads& type or the &sits behind a desk at work all day& type? Because one sounds a hell of a lot cooler than the other.Aldaris: The second type.Executor: Crap! First Star Wars fans, now me!Aldaris: Just get down there and save the Antioch Province already.Fenix: Come, let us pave the roads with Zerg blood, and if death comes to us, so be it!Executor: You know that you're pretty much guarunteed Zerg bait, right?Fenix: I think &chum& is the more accurate fishing metaphor here.Aldaris: Your defense of the Antioch Province was admirable.Executor: Of course it was. The first level is always a cynch.Aldaris: Let me gripe about Tassadar a bit. Gripe, gripe, gripe....Tassadar: Yo. Say, I've just been talking with the Dark Protoss, and--Aldaris: The Dark Protoss! Talking with them is forbidden!Tassadar: Yeah, yeah. Anyway, they said that the Zerg broods are led by cerebrates, and if you defeat them you can drive the whole swarm into chaos.Executor: I could have told you that....Aldaris: Stop expounding your knowledge from the previous campaigns, and start killing some cerebrates already.Cerebrate: Don't kill me! Don't you have some sense of lingering loyalty? You know, being a cerebrate last campaign and all that....Executor: Nah. Sick 'em, Fenix.Fenix: The cerebrate we worked so hard to kill was reincarnated!Executor: Curse Kerrigan and her Hindu proselytizing!Aldaris: You shall go to the province of Scion and take it back from the Zerg swarms.Executor: That's that province where they make those crappy cars, right?Aldaris: Yes, let this be a lesson to any Zerg who tries to insult our crappy cars!Zerg Hydrolisk: Yo.Fenix: Crap. Well, at least I will die as a warrior!Hydrolisk: Um, your blades just kinda fzzt-ed out. You still up for this?Fenix: Of course! We are a proud race....Hydrolisk: What does that have to do with anything?Fenix: Nothing. But they're good last words. Mind if I say 'em again?Hydrolisk: Sure, go right ahea--Fenix: GAK!Hydrolisk: Oops.Aldaris: I know Fenix is dead and the Zerg are swarming all over Aiur, but we've got more important things to do!Executor: I can't think of anything.Aldaris: We must track down Tassadar and bring him to trial for treason!Executor: That's more important than whiping the Zerg off our homeworld?Aldaris: You don't pick the missions, kid. We do the picking for you.Executor: Aw.Tassadar: What? Arrest me?Executor: I dunno anything, he told me to!Aldaris: Arrest him!Tassadar: Don't!Aldaris: Yes!Tassadar: No!Executor: Jeez, stop arguing and give me a mission objective already.Aldaris: The elders will not be pleased!Executor: I was just following orders.Aldaris: That's what the nazis said! And the writers of Andromeda!Tassadar: Don't listen to this guy. Now, we must find the Dark Templar. Only they can defeat the cerebrates.Executor: That doesn't make much sense...Tassadar: I find your lack of faith disturbing!Tassadar: Take me to that installation over there.Duke: (over the comm) Hold it! You're infringing on Terran airspace. Halt now, and --Terran Fleet: GAK!Tassadar: Now, where were we?Terran Scout: Hey Sarge! I found me a Protoss!Sarge: Kill it!Protoss: Jeez, what is it with you Terrans and your embodied American South stereotype?Other Protoss: Keelit! Keelit!Sarge: Very funny-- GAK!Zeratul: Yo.Tassadar: Alas, we have found the Dark Templar. Let us return to Aiur and let whatever ridicule becomes of us, become of us!Fenix: (over the comm) Hey, I'm back from the dead as a Dragoon now. Don't ask. Anyway, the Protoss Conclave is hunting you down for no reason.Tassadar: As I said, we shall destroy the Conclave!Executor: Isn't that a little extreme?Tassadar: It'll mean huge explosions....Executor: I'm on it.Executor: FIREFIREFIREFIREFIREFI--Tassadar: Enough! I surrender myself to be judged by my deeds!Executor: Aw, I was having fun.Fenix: We must rescue Tassadar from the Conclave!Executor: But wouldn't he want--Fenix: He's our only hope against the Zerg!Raynor: (over the comm) Can I help?Executor: Only if you don't talk much.Raynor: No guaruntees.Raynor: ...and this one time, I pretended to &bump into& Kerrigan, and--Fenix: Silence, foolish human! We have managed to release Tassadar, and for some reason he isn't angry at us.Aldaris: (over the comm) Fools! Heretics! Blasphemers!Executor: Yada, yada. So, what's the next mission?Zeratul: You must use me to destroy all the cerebrates in the level.Executor: Aw, I can't just leave you in the base so I don't lose just because a main character got killed?Zeratul: Not this time, sucker.Zeratul: Chop!Cerebrates: GAK!Tassadar: The Zerg defenses are down!Executor: That would make this last level too easy.Tassadar: We've all lost much to the Zerg. All of us may not survive this...Executor: Speak for yourself.Raynor: I've lost a lot to the Zerg too!Executor: Since when? You just want attention.Raynor: Oh, um....Executor: That's what I thought.Aldaris: I know this is late, but we of the conclave formally apolog--All: Shut up.Tassadar: The Overmind is weakened! I must sacrifice myself, channeling Dark Protoss energies in order to destroy it!Executor: Mighty eager on that sacrifice thing, aren't you?Tassadar: Just picture how big the explosion will be....Executor: I don't have to, here comes the cinematic.Tassadar: Ah, right.Tassadar: Bonzai!The Overmind: GAK!Raynor: Sure isn't.: Hmm, I guess that's not the best way to end the fiver of this, huh?Raynor: Sure isn't.Gamer: Who asked you?Raynor: Why are you always so mean to me? I'm just a lovable, down-to-Tarsonis guy.Gamer: Meh. Let's just get started on Brood War already.Raynor: Wait, DON'T--(The gamer removes the CD-ROM at Ludicrous Speed!) [/quote][/collapse][quote]阿尔达里斯:你好,执行官!执行官:等等。砍头的“执刑官”还是坐办公室的“执行官”?前面那个比后面那个酷多了。阿尔达里斯:第二个。执行官:擦!先是星战迷,然后是我!阿尔达里斯:总之去救援安条克省吧。菲尼克斯:来吧,让我们用虫族的血铺路,我将欣然接受死亡!执行官:你知道你肯定是吸引虫族的诱饵,对吧。菲尼克斯:纠正一下,钓饵。阿尔达里斯:救援行动很成功嘛。执行官:那必须。第一关都是菜鸡。阿尔达里斯:接下来说说塔萨达的事。塔呀么塔萨达啊……塔萨达:Yo。呃,刚刚我在和黑暗神族交流,然后——阿尔达里斯:黑暗神族!和他们交流是禁断行为!塔萨达:好吧好吧。他们说虫族是由脑虫领导的,剁了他们就可以让虫群陷入混乱。执行官:你可以咨询我嘛……阿尔达里斯:别炫耀你从前面战役得到的知识,去杀脑虫吧。脑虫:别杀我!你难道没有一点残留的忠诚吗?你知道上一个战役你还是个脑虫 blabla……执行官:滚粗。菲尼克斯,动手。菲尼克斯:我们好不容易干掉的脑虫又复活了!执行官:杀千刀的凯莉根和她的印度邪教!阿尔达里斯:你们要去从虫族手里收复塞恩省。执行官:你是说那个造破车的地方?(Scion 是个汽车品牌)阿尔达里斯:是的,给胆敢进攻我们的破车的虫族一个教训!刺蛇:Yo。菲尼克斯:操。好吧,至少我会以战士的姿态死去!刺蛇:呃,你的刀消失了诶。你还要来么?菲尼克斯:当然!我们是骄傲的种族……刺蛇:那能说明什么?菲尼克斯:没什么。不过作为遗言很帅气,我再说一遍吧。刺蛇:行,随你——菲尼克斯:啊!刺蛇:Oops。阿尔达里斯:我知道菲尼克斯已死,虫族在艾尔上肆虐,但我们还有更重要的事情!执行官:我实在想不出来。阿尔达里斯:我们必须找到塔萨达,让他因叛国接受审判!执行官:这比扫讨虫族还重要?!阿尔达里斯:关卡又不是你选的。我们说了算。执行官:你妹。塔萨达:什么?逮捕我?执行官:我什么都不知道,他让我干的!阿尔达里斯:逮捕他!塔萨达:别!阿尔达里斯:动手!塔萨达:别!执行官:靠,别吵了,快给我个任务目标。阿尔达里斯:长老们会愤怒的!执行官:我只是执行命令而已。阿尔达里斯:那是纳粹言论!或者是安德罗梅达传说的内容!塔萨达:别理他。现在,我们得找到黑暗圣堂武士。只有他们能杀死脑虫。执行官:不太科学的样子……塔萨达:没信心的家伙真是烦人!塔萨达:把我带到那个基地。杜克:(通讯器)停下!你侵入了人类领空。立刻停止,并——人类舰队:呃啊!塔萨达:现在是什么情况?人类侦察兵:中士!我发现了一个神族!中士:杀了它!神族:你们这帮人类的美国南部作风是怎么回事?另外的神族:杀了它!杀了它!中士:有意——呃啊!泽拉图:Yo。塔萨达:啊,我们找到黑暗圣堂了。回到艾尔,让所有人再回想起曾经被他们支配的恐怖!菲尼克斯:(通讯器)嘿,我死里逃生变成了个龙骑。别问我怎么回事。现在,神族议会正在毫无理由地追杀你们。塔萨达:我说过了,我们会摧毁议会!执行官:是不是有点过分了?塔萨达:会有很壮观的爆炸……执行官:我干!执行官:开火开火开火开火开火开——塔萨达:够了!我愿意投降受审!执行官:我正打得开心呢。菲尼克斯:我们必须从议会手里救出塔萨达!执行官:但他不是想——菲尼克斯:他是我们对付虫族唯一的希望!雷诺:(通讯器)我能帮忙嘛?执行官:只要你不多嘴。雷诺:没法保证。雷诺:……那一次,我假装“碰上”凯莉根,然后——菲尼克斯:安静,愚蠢的人类!我们救出了塔萨达,然后他不知为何没有对我们生气。阿尔达里斯:(通讯器)蠢货!异端!渎神者!执行官:好吧好吧。下一个任务是什么?泽拉图:你必须控制我杀掉关卡里所有的脑虫。执行官:啊,不能就把你扔在基地里免得主角死了让我输掉?泽拉图:这次不行,傻逼。泽拉图:看刀!脑虫:呃啊!塔萨达:虫族的防御已被击溃!执行官:那这关不会太简单了么?塔萨达:虫族已经夺去了我们太多的东西。也许有人会无法存活……执行官:为你自己代言就行了。雷诺:虫族也夺去了我很多!执行官:什么时候的事?你只是刷存在感罢了。雷诺:哦,呃……执行官:我就说嘛。阿尔达里斯:我知道姗姗来迟了,但议会全体成员在此正式致——所有人:滚粗。塔萨达:主宰已被削弱!我必须牺牲自己,引导黑暗神族的能量来摧毁它!执行官:很想牺牲是不是?塔萨达:想想会有多么华丽的爆炸……执行官:用不着,看 CG 就好。塔萨达:呃,好吧。塔萨达:板载!主宰:呃啊!雷诺A:嗯,这不算是个好结尾,是吧?雷诺B:肯定不是。玩家:谁在问你?雷诺:你为什么要对我这么坏?我只是个人见人爱的塔桑尼斯男孩。玩家:呵呵。我们开始母巢之战吧。雷诺:等等,别——(玩家光速更换光盘!)[/quote]
[size=150%]第四季:资料片神族战役[/size][collapse][quote]Zerg: GAK!Terrans: GAK!Stukov: Heheheh. Look at 'em go!DuGalle: Jeez, do we have to overdo the evil &authorities looking down at peons getting killed& angle?Stukov: Yes. Yes we do.Aldaris: Well then. The Conclave is dead, and the remnants of the Zerg are ravaging our homeworld of Aiur!Executor: Wait a second, you were a total dork last game. Also Raynor.Raynor: Ahem.Zeratul: Let's just head over to the Dark Protoss secret homeworld of Shakuras. Along with the annoying new Praetor.Artanis: Yo.Executor: Shouldn't we... you know, signal them so they don't shoot us accidentally?Zeratul: An excellent idea. I'll radio Shakuras right away!Artanis: This is your homeworld? What a dump.Zeratul: Silence, impetuous youth!Artanis: I'm 262 years old.Zeratul: Right in the middle of the terrible twos!Raszagal: I am the Dark Templar Matriarch. You'll notice I'm just here to prove that female Protoss do exist.Artanis: As I represent the youth.Raszagal: Yeah, who cares. Anyway, there's this temple on the other side of the planet. It requires two crystals in order to activate, which can be found --Executor: Jeez, how long is all that going to take?Raszagal: Most probably another six missions.Executor: Crud.Cerebrates: GAK!Kerrigan: That was awesome.Zeratul: Huh? You're evil incarnate, why are you so gung-ho cerebrate slaughter all of a sudden?Kerrigan: Those were my enemies. By the way, Daggoth and his homies are attempting to create a new Overmind.Aldaris: Impossible!Raszagal: Silence, dork! We will do what Kerrigan asks.Executor: But --Raszagal: We are a proud race!Executor: What's that supposed to mean, anyway?Raszagal: Shut up and get the damned crystal. That's what.Kerrigan: Got the crystal. Still trust me? Good.Zeratul: It's like watching myself have a conversation!Stukov: Surrender, puny non-Earthlings. I am Alexei Stukov of the United Earth Directorate, and --Zeratul: Earth? They've come a long way.Artanis: Permission to destroy them for no reason?Zeratul: Granted.Zeratul: We must secure the second crystal!Artanis: We must destroy the Overmind!Kerrigan: Let's do both.Executor: Shhh...Artanis and Zeratul: Okay.Executor: Crap!Kerrigan: You will probably need my help to --The Overmind: GAK!Kerrigan: (sigh) Do you always have to show off with your stupid carriers?Raszagal: Hey, while you were doing something important, Aldaris did something really dorky.Executor: Did he use the women's room instead of the men's?Raszagal: Worse. He's rebelling against us because he's a racist. We must kill him so he cannot stain our --Executor: &Our proud race,& yada yada, I'm on it already.Aldaris: I denounce all of you! Especially Kerrigan, who I found out is secretly -- GAK!Kerrigan: Oops.Artanis: Wait a second, you're THAT evil chick from the first game....Kerrigan: Thanks for helping me kill the Overmind and stake a claim for leadership of the Zerg.Executor: I told you guys. But did you listen? Nooooo....Artanis: Just because I'm youthful doesn't mean I'm deaf. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got some Deftones to listen to.Raszagal: Too long have we been pushed around by the Zerg! Let us fight back!Executor: That's what we've been doing since the start of Episode III.Raszagal: Don't mind me, I'm just being suspicious. Artanis, let us now bring the crystals to the temple which is once again swarming with Zerg. Artanis?Artanis: Did you say something?Zeratul: (sigh) I guess you'll need my help too.Executor: You know, I've got carriers so I don't really need your --Zeratul: Of course you do. They don't call us &heroes& for nothing.Executor: Yes they do. Warcraft III this ain't.Executor: Jeez, this level is impossible like a cow.Artanis: What is it with you executors and &cow levels&? There is no cow level.Zeratul: We have more important things at hand, like placing long-lost crystals in a strange temple!Executor: Pffft, if you ask me this whole crystal thing is pretty lam--Crystals: Woohoo! We're home!All Zerg On Planet: GAK!Executor: Er, right. Terran time.(The Executor becomes the Commander at Ludicrous Speed) [/quote][/collapse][quote]虫族:呃啊!人类:呃啊!斯图科夫:嘿嘿,看这些小兵!杜加尔:天,一定要用那种邪恶的“领导看着小兵送死”的镜头嘛?斯图科夫:那必须。阿尔达里斯:好吧。议会已覆灭,剩余的虫族仍在母星艾尔肆虐!执行官:等等。上一个战役你就是个二逼。还有雷诺。雷诺:啊哼。泽拉图:我们出发去黑暗神族的秘密母星沙库拉斯吧。还有烦人的新执行长。阿坦尼斯:Yo。执行官:等等……你懂的,我们不发个信号免得他们误伤么?泽拉图:极好的主意。我马上打个***!阿坦尼斯:这就是你的母星?渣渣。泽拉图:安静,鲁莽的年轻人!阿坦尼斯:我 262 岁了。泽拉图:和二百五差不多!拉夏格尔:我是黑暗圣堂武士的族母。你会发现我只是说明女性神族的确是存在的。阿坦尼斯:而我代表年轻人。拉夏格尔:嗯,管他的呢。呃,这颗星球另一端有一座神庙,需要两颗水晶来启动,你们要去——执行官:天,要花多久?拉夏格尔:很可能还要六关。执行官:废话。脑虫:呃啊!凯莉根:很好。泽拉图:哈,你个邪恶的化身,怎么突然开始热血地杀脑虫了?凯莉根:它们是我的敌人。另外,达苟斯和他的族群在尝试制造一个新的主宰。阿尔达里斯:不可能!拉夏格尔:闭嘴,二逼!我们会照凯莉根说的做。执行官:但是——拉夏格尔:我们是骄傲的种族!执行官:这话到底几个意思?拉夏格尔:闭嘴,去把水晶找回来。就是这个意思。凯莉根:拿到水晶了。还相信我?很好。泽拉图:看这自言自语的家伙。斯图科夫:可怜的外星人,投降!我是地球联合理事会的亚历克斯·斯图科夫,你们——泽拉图:地球?好远的路。阿坦尼斯:准许无理由毁灭他们?泽拉图:准许。泽拉图:我们必须拿到第二块水晶!阿坦尼斯:我们必须杀掉主宰!凯莉根:双管齐下。执行官:嘘……阿坦尼斯&泽拉图:好吧。执行官:操。凯莉根:你可能要我帮忙才能——主宰:呃啊!凯莉根:(叹气)你一定要用傻逼的航母吗?拉夏格尔:嘿,在你们奋斗的时候,阿尔达里斯做了件极其傻逼的事。执行官:进了女厕所?拉夏格尔:还要糟。他因为种族主义背叛我们。我们必须干掉他免得他玷污我们——执行官:“骄傲的种族”,好吧好吧。我去也。阿尔达里斯:我谴责你们所有人!尤其是凯莉根,我发现她在秘密地——呃啊!凯莉根:Oops。阿坦尼斯:等下,你就是从一开始的那个邪恶婊子……凯莉根:谢谢帮我干掉主宰、统领虫族。执行官:早跟你们说过了。你们信了么?没有……阿坦尼斯:我是年轻人可不是聋子。我去找龙组了。拉夏格尔:我们被虫族压迫太久了!打回去!执行官:我们从第三季一开始就在干这事。拉夏格尔:别提醒我,我只是有点怀疑。阿坦尼斯,我们把水晶带到现在满是虫族的神庙那里。阿坦尼斯?阿坦尼斯:你说啥?泽拉图:(叹气)看来还得我出马。执行官:你知道的,我有航母,所以不用你们——泽拉图:你绝对用得着。我们被称为英雄又不是没有理由的。执行官:好吧。这又不是 War3。执行官:天,这一关太像奶牛了。阿坦尼斯:你个执行官怎么一天就想着奶牛关?没有奶牛关!泽拉图:我们有更重要的事,比如把好不容易找到的水晶放进一个奇怪的神庙里!执行官:噗。要我说的话,这整个水晶的事实在是傻——水晶:耶!我们回家了!星球上所有的虫族:呃啊!执行官:呃,好吧。人类时间到。(执行官以光速变成指挥官)[/quote]
[size=150%]第五季:资料片人类战役[/size][collapse][quote]Com Lady: Wakey wakey, gamer captain!Captain: Woohoo, promotion from last time!Com Lady: Wrong. You're a different officer. You've come with the United Earth Directorate to invade Braxis and --Captain: This sounds complicated.Com Lady: Just listen to Admiral DuGalle's proclamation. It'll clear some things up.DuGalle: A lot of you have expressed concern that our &Invade other Terrans to save them& policy is hypocritical and complicated. To this I say simply &Meh&.Stukov: What an excellent indoctrin, er, proclamation. Any thoughts, Captain?Captain: Meh.Duran: Hey, you look like you could use some help there.Captain: Grr... lousy inability to make anything other than marines in this level....Stukov: Who are you, anyway?Duran: I'm Samir Duran. But my friends call me Che. Like the beret?Stukov: No.Duran: Pfft. Some Russian you are....Stukov: Hey, I resemble that remark! Are you gonna join us or not?Duran: Only if you'll buy my militia's sugar at inflated prices.Stukov: Deal!Dominion Command Center: Boom!DuGalle: Congratulations. Operation Dominion Freedom has been a complete success!Captain: Um, okay.DuGalle: Now, your next mission is an invasion of the Dylarian shipyards. We must commandeer battlecruisers there, and --Captain: Um... wouldn't it be easier to make our own?DuGalle: Of course it would. Have fun, DuGalle out.Captain: Nuts.Captain: Okay, that's eighteen.General Duke: Yo. Just what do you think you're doing?Captain: Uh... stealing ships?Duke: You need a permit for that. I'll have to see some I.D.Captain: How about these Yamayto guns?Duke: You mean Yamato?Captain: Meh, yamayto/yamato. Either way, your @$$ is going down.Com Lady: General Duke has retreated.DuGalle: Scans are showing the signal of a Psi disruptor.Duran: I bet it's the fabled Lost Psi Disruptor of Tarsonis! With the sacred power to disrupt all Zerg communications.Captain: Oh, please. If I wanted to play an RPG I'd pop in Warcraft III.Duran: This is very serious. If you plan to enslave the Overmind, we must destroy this device before others can find it.Captain: Wait a sec, wasn't the Overmind destroyed in episodes III and IV?DuGalle: It's not important. Even if it weren't, our plan is too maniacal to work. Right, Stukov?Stukov: MuahahaHAHAHA --DuGalle: Right.DuGalle: So, you got that Psi disruptor destroyed?Captain: Uh, Stukov said he'd take care of it.Stukov: MuahaHAHA --DuGalle: Excellent. We will now begin our attack on Korhol. The desert planet. There you will either destroy the physics labs or the nuclear silos.Captain: Can't you give a more decisive order than that?DuGalle: Of course I can. DuGalle out.Captain: That guy is really getting on my nerves.Duran: Relax. At least he's not surrendering left and right.DuGalle: I heard that! And for the record, the French only surrender left.Duran: I stand corrected.DuGalle: Alright, let's get down to business and kill Emperor Mengsk already.Captain: Um, the emperor? That doesn't sound too easy.DuGalle: Relax. All we've got to do is turn your dad against him.Captain: But that might kill him!DuGalle: The ends justify the means. Besides, that way your dad won't die a bastard.Captain: Hey!Mengsk: I'm afraid my command center will be quite operational when your petty fleet arrives....Mengsk's Command Center: KABOOM!Mengsk: Crap.Raynor: Quick, Emperor -- Into the Protoss advanced wonky voodoo teleporters!Captain: Jeez, you don't even like Emperor Mengsk. You're just rescuing him so you have something to do in every episode.Raynor: Yeah, pretty much.DuGalle: Nuts, he escaped! Curse your dad!Captain: Leave my dad out of this!DuGalle: Fine. Just destroy Raynor's command center and be done with them both.Captain: (sigh) Why do I have the feeling this won't work either?Stukov: Hooray! The command center is destroyed!Captain: And what about that massive Zerg fleet swarming in on Duran?Stukov: Meh.Com Lady: Detecting Vice Admiral Stukov on Braxis, sir.DuGalle: Impossible!Duran: It appears he has betrayed you.DuGalle: Impossible!Com Lady: Detecting Vice Admiral Stukov inside the Psi Disruptor.DuGalle: Impossible!Com Lady: He's aiming it at you.DuGalle: Impossible!Duran: I submit that DuGalle has been replaced by a clone with a single-word vocabulary. Let's just go in and kill Stukov already.Captain: Agreed.Stukov: Don't kill me! I'm not the real trai-- GAK!Duran: Heheheh (runs)DuGalle: Impossible!Stukov: Uh... I've just been killed by Duran, while trying to activate our only real defense against the Zerg.DuGalle: By golly, you're right! It IS our only hope against the Zerg! We only said so four times! How could we be so blind?Stukov: Just avenge me already. There's only so long a dying man can talk before he finally croaks.DuGalle: Good point, Trinity.Captain: Say, look at all those Zerg that are about to swarm my troops. And that countdown that suggests this thing's gonna blow up.DuGalle: I conclude that Duran was an infested Terran spy all along!Captain: You do that. I'm just gonna get myself out of this mess and stop the countdown.DuGalle: Okay.Psi Disruptor: Not &Kaboom&!Captain: Hooray!DuGalle: Good work. It appears the Zerg forces are in disarray.Captain: That means this last level will be a breeze, right?DuGalle: I wouldn't count on it. You better hope for a cow level.Captain: There is no cow level....DuGalle: Exactly.Captain: Aha! Gotcha!The Overmind: Crap.Captain: Shouldn't you be called &The Overmind III& or something?The Overmind: Nah. My middle name is different than the Overmind before me. Just call me &The W Overmind&.DuGalle: As a French guy, I resent that for some reason.Duran: Hi. By the way, I was a Zerg spy.Captain: I still don't think that makes much sense....DuGalle: You're just jealous 'cause I guessed it first.Kerrigan: Ah, Admiral DuGalle. I, er, need that overmind back. Now.Captain: (GASP) You didn't capitalize &overmind&!Kerrigan: Meh, I'm Kerrigan. It's okay if I use the overmind's name in vain.Broadcast: The United Earth Directorate rocks! The Zerg are all but defeated! Two plus two equals five!Captain: Do we have to listen to this terrible propaganda?DuGalle: You're right, it is terrible. I wish I had a gun and a single bullet.Captain: Easy there -- it's not THAT bad....(DuGalle goes all &depressing French stereotype& on us at Ludicrous Speed) [/quote][/collapse][quote]AI:船长玩家,起床啦起床啦!船长:耶,又升职了!AI:错,你是另一个领导了。你随着地球联合理事会而来,进攻布拉克希斯星球,以及——船长:好复杂。AI:听杜加尔司令的动员吧。他会讲清楚的。杜加尔:你们很多人觉得“侵略人类来保护他们”伪善又复杂。对此我只有两个字:呵呵。斯图科夫:漂亮的洗脑,呃不,动员。有问题吗,船长?船长:呵呵。杜兰:嘿,看来你需要帮忙。船长:呃……只能造马润实在烦死了。斯图科夫:你是什么来头?杜兰:萨米尔·杜兰。朋友们叫我切。喜欢这外号吗?斯图科夫:不。杜兰:噗。你算哪门子毛子。斯图科夫:我可记住这话了啊!你要不要跟我们混?杜兰:只要你买我的人的高价毒品。斯图科夫:成交。自治联盟指挥中心:砰!杜加尔:祝贺。自由联盟行动圆满成功!船长:呃,好吧。杜加尔:现在,你下个任务是进攻迪拉里安船坞。我们要控制那里的战巡,然后——船长:我们自己造不是省事得多?杜加尔:是嘛。玩开心,杜加尔完毕。船长:疯子。船长:好了,18 艘凑齐了。杜克将军:Yo。你以为你在干啥?船长:呃……偷几艘船?杜克:需要授权。给我看证件!船长:这些大湖炮怎么样?杜克:你是说大和炮?船长:呵呵,管他大湖大河呢。总之我要爆你菊花。AI:杜克将军已经撤退。杜加尔:扫描到一个幽能干扰器的信号。杜兰:这一定是塔桑尼斯著名的失落幽能干扰器,拥有扰乱虫族通讯的神圣力量!船长:得了吧。我要是想玩 RPG 我就去玩 War3 了。杜兰:这很重要。如果你们想控制主宰,我们必须在其他人找到它之前摧毁它。船长:等等,主宰不是在第三季和第四季挂了吗?杜兰:无所谓。就算没有,我们疯狂的计划也不会有用的,是吧斯图科夫?斯图科夫:木哈哈哈哈……杜加尔:好吧。杜加尔:那么你干掉了幽能干扰器吗?船长:斯图科夫说他会处理。斯图科夫:木哈哈……杜加尔:很好。我们现在开始进攻沙漠星球克哈。你要么灭掉物理实验室要么灭掉核弹井。船长:就不能给个明确的任务?杜加尔:当然可以。杜加尔完毕。船长:这家伙真的让我蛋疼。杜兰:放心。至少他没有左右投降。杜加尔:我听到了!另外,法国人只投降左边。杜兰:了解。杜加尔:好了,我们去干掉皇帝吧。船长:呃,皇帝?好像很麻烦的样子。杜加尔:放心。只要把你爹用来干他就行了。船长:他可能会挂的!杜加尔:结果才重要。另外,那样你爹才不会死得像个魂淡。船长:你再说一次?蒙斯克:恐怕你们可怜的舰队到的时候我的指挥中心已经全面运转起来了……蒙斯克的指挥中心:KABOOM!蒙斯克:操。雷诺:快,皇帝——神族诡异的高级地精传送器!船长:天,你压根就不喜欢皇帝。你只是来在每一季里面都刷点存在感的。雷诺:完全正确。杜加尔:靠,他跑了!去你大爷的!船长:别再提我大爷!杜加尔:好吧。干掉雷诺的指挥中心,剁了他俩。船长:(叹气)为啥我觉得这也不行的?斯图科夫:耶!指挥中心炸了!船长:朝着杜兰杀过去的大批虫族怎么回事?斯图科夫:呵呵。AI:在布拉克希斯上侦测到副司令斯图科夫,长官。杜加尔:不可能!杜兰:似乎他背叛你了?杜加尔:不可能!AI:在幽能干扰器内部侦测到副司令斯图科夫。杜加尔:不可能!AI:他在用这个对付你。杜加尔:不可能!杜兰:杜加尔看来变成复读机了。我们进去杀了斯图科夫吧。船长:同意。斯图科夫:别杀我!我不是真的叛——呃啊!杜兰:嘿嘿嘿(逃)杜加尔:不可能!斯图科夫:呃……我在激活对虫族唯一的防御的时候被杜兰杀了。杜加尔:天啊,你没错!它的确是我们对虫族唯一的希望!我们只提到四次!我们怎么这么傻逼?斯图科夫:为我报仇。将死之人就这点时间了。杜加尔:没错,崔尼蒂。船长:嘛,这些虫族要淹没我的部队。自毁倒计时开始了。杜加尔:我得出结论,杜兰一直都是个被虫族感染的间谍!船长:随你。我要停止倒计时然后跑出来。杜加尔:好吧。幽能干扰器:没有 KABOOM!船长:耶!杜加尔:很好。看来虫族已经陷入混乱。船长:所以最后一关轻松愉快?杜加尔:我不觉得。你还不如指望奶牛关。船长:又没有奶牛关……杜加尔:没错。船长:啊哈!抓到你了!主宰:操。船长:你不该是什么“第三主宰”么?主宰:才不是。我的中间名不一样。我叫“W 主宰”。杜加尔:作为法国人我对此表示愤慨。杜兰:嗨。另外,我是个虫族间谍。船长:我还是觉得不太靠谱……杜加尔:你只是嫉妒我先发现而已。凯莉根:啊,杜加尔司令。呃,我要拿回主宰。马上。船长:(惊)你没有大写!凯莉根:我是凯莉根。我想怎样就怎样。广播:地球联合理事会威武霸气!虫族溃不成军!二加二等于五!船长:我们一定要听这烦人的洗脑吗?杜加尔:没错,的确很烦人。要有把***和一颗子弹就好了。船长:冷静,没那么糟……(杜加尔以光速印证“忧郁的法国人”的成见)[/quote]
[size=150%]第六季:资料片虫族战役[/size][collapse][quote]Kerrigan: Sorry for severing you from the Overmind, Cerebrate, but it was kinda necessary.Cerebrate: Huh?Duran: Kerrigan, your visitors have arrived.Raynor: Yo.Kerrigan: Never mind, Cerebrate. Jim, can't you just go one episode without making an appearance?Raynor: About as well as you can. What did you want?Kerrigan: We need to do something about the United Earth Directorate. They've taken control of all the Zerg except for a few of mine.Raynor: So? Let me guess, you want us to help you again. You can't trick me again, after that whole &helping you kill the second Overmind& thing.Kerrigan: Crap.Duran: The UED has nullified all your forces except for that clueless cerebrate you just freed.Cerebrate: Yo.Kerrigan: Fine, we'll do that now. Then betray Raynor.Raynor: I heard that.Kerrigan: No you didn't.Kerrigan: Thanks for saving all those hives for me.Cerebrate: Huh?Kerrigan: You can stop playing the &confused, newly awakened cerebrate& part. We all know you're a gamer who's played through five episodes already.Cerebrate: Right. That gag didn't come across well anyway.Kerrigan: Exactly. So, Raynor. About you helping me defeat the UED....Raynor: Trusting you is dumb. And I'm not dumb.Kerrigan: You're half right. But since you brought me Emperor Mengsk, I don't need your help so much.Mengsk: What do you need me for?Kerrigan: I need psi emitters for reasons even I'm not sure of. Just help me destroy the psi disruptor and I'll help you retake Korhol.Raynor: Don't help her! You're not really that dumb, are you?Mengsk: Of course I am. Only my propaganda says otherwise.Psi Disruptor: ker-BLAMMO!Kerrigan: You and your fancy explosions....Mengsk: So are you helping me out or not?Kerrigan: Sure. But I need you to help me get 10,000 mineral resources first.Cerebrate: Jeez. Which of you &heroes& is stupid enough to lead that assault?Artanis: Ooo! Ooo! Pick me! Pick me!Cerebrate: (sigh)Duran: Do you think they suspect anything?Kerrigan: Have you been listening to Raynor at all? Of course they do.Duran: Then why are they still helping you?Kerrigan: Who knows? But it sure is convenient.Kerrigan: Thanks to you Artanis, my broods are now stronger than ever.Artanis: Glad to be of service.Cerebrate: You idiot! She's gonna kill you all! YOU ALL!Kerrigan: Silence, minion.Mengsk: So are we assaulting the UED now or not?Kerrigan: We're assaulting the UED now. Do your happy dance.Mengsk: The Macarena or the robot?Kerrigan: I really don't care.UED Defenses: GAK!Mengsk: Hooray! I'm Emperor again!Kerrigan: For now....Mengsk: What's that supposed to mean.Kerrigan: Uh.. that you're emperor. Now.Mengsk: That's right! And don't you forget it!Kerrigan: Cerebrate. Duran. It's time to kill our allies. I want General Duke and Fenix both dead.Cerebrate: So? I want Raynor dead.Kerrigan: Too bad. He's a main character.Cerebrate: And Duke and Fenix aren't?Kerrigan: Quiet, you. You're not even a character, you're the gamer.Cerebrate: Point.Duke: GAK!Mengsk: (over the comm) I object!Kerrigan: Meh.Fenix: GAK!Raynor: (over the comm) I'm gonna kill you someday.Kerrigan: Meh. I'm not too worried, Blizzard seems to be taking its time on the sequel.Duran: My queen, the Zerg under the control of the UED are attacking our outposts!Cerebrate: Didn't we, er, toast those guys already?Kerrigan: Indeed we did. I had hoped to rest for a little while, but apparently the &No less than 8 missions per campaign& thing is mandatory.Duran: Cerebrate, we must attack immedia-- hey! Put down those Doritos and get back here!Cerebrate: Crap. Caught cheese-handed.UED Zerg: GAK!UED Scientists: GAK!Cerebrate: Heheh. We just continUED our slaughter of the UED.Kerrigan: Don't make me hurt you.Kerrigan: All right. It's time we went back to Shakuras and dealt with the leader of the Dark Templar, Raszagal.Cerebrate: Her? She's the most boring character the Protoss have!Kerrigan: Yes, but boring equals stupid in this case. Just watch.Zeratul: (over the comm) Why have you taken Raszagal?Kerrigan: I need your help to --Zeratul: How many times this episode have you asked for help, and how many times haven't you betrayed who helped you?Kerrigan: Uh... I'm pretty sure I'm 2 for 2.Zeratul: Then why should I help you?Raszagal: Because I say so. The Overmind is our common enemy --Zeratul: What kind of logic is that? You're really just helping her because you think &chicks with power are kewl&.Raszagal: Yep. But you're whipped so who cares? Shut up and help her.Zeratul: (sigh) Yes ma'am....The Overmind: GAK a 3rd time!Zeratul: There, I've done what you asked. Now let Raszagal go.Raszagal: I don't want to go. I love my work with the Zerg.Kerrigan: Ha! What a stupid, easily manipulated leader you have.Zeratul: You really, really suck. You know that, right?Kerrigan: It's her fault. She underestimated me. Everyone underestimates me!Cerebrate: I didn't.Kerrigan: You don't count. You're just --Cerebrate: I know... I know....Duran: Zeratul has recaptured the Matriarch! They'll have escaped in thirty minutes. To the second.Kerrigan: Start the countdown. You know what to do, right Cerebrate?Cerebrate: Kill anything that moves.Kerrigan: That's right. Except don't waste time killing critters this time.Ragnasaurs: Whew!Zeratul: I'd rather kill Raszagal than give her to you as a slave!Kerrigan: Okay.Zeratul: Right.Kerrigan: ...what are you waiting for? Are you killing her or not?Zeratul: Oh, I'm gonna. Just give me a minute.Kerrigan: Muahaha! Nothing stands in my way, the universe is mine!Mengsk: (over the comm) Hey.Artanis: (over the comm) Yo.DuGalle: (over the comm) Sup?Cerebrate: Methinks your cackling was premature.Kerrigan: Could you take care of that for me? Thanks.Cerebrate: Lemme guess. A cow level, right?Mengsk, Artanis, and DuGalle: There is no--Cerebrate: Yeah, yeah....Kerrigan: Muahaha! I can cackle securely now!DuGalle: (sigh) I'll be picking out a bullet to go with my brain if anyone needs me.Kerrigan: Look at all my power. I make Stalin and Hitler look like the British royal family!Cerebrate: I dunno. I have a feeling that'll change in the sequel.Kerrigan: Bring it on, Blizzard.(Blizzard brings it on at a ridiculously NON-Ludicrous Speed) [/quote][/collapse][quote]凯莉根:抱歉把你和主宰断开,脑虫,但这是必要的。脑虫:呃?杜兰:凯莉根,访客到了。雷诺:Yo。凯莉根:没关系,脑虫。吉姆,你就不能哪怕是一个战役里面不出来打个酱油吗?雷诺:只要你能做到。你想干啥?凯莉根:我们得对付地球联合理事会。除了我手下一点,他们控制了所有的虫族。雷诺:所以?我猜你想让我们帮忙。帮你杀掉第二主宰就够了,别想再骗我。凯莉根:操。杜兰:UED 已经控制了你所有的部队,你只有刚刚救出来的这个不明所以的脑虫。脑虫:Yo。凯莉根:好吧,先把这事了了,再背叛雷诺。雷诺:我都听到了。凯莉根:你没听到!凯莉根:谢谢救下这些巢穴。脑虫:呃?凯莉根:别装成一个才醒过来什么都不知道的脑虫了。我们都知道你明明是个玩了五个战役的玩家。脑虫:好吧,这并不可笑嘛。凯莉根:的确。那么,雷诺,关于帮我干掉 UED 的事……雷诺:傻逼才信你,我又不是傻逼。凯莉根:说对一半。不过你已经把蒙斯克带来了,我不太需要你帮忙。蒙斯克:你要我干啥?凯莉根:我需要幽能发射器,原因我不知道。帮我干掉幽能干扰器,我会帮你夺回克哈。雷诺:别帮她!你不是个大傻逼吧!蒙斯克:我当然是。只有对外宣传才不这么说。幽能干扰器:凯——BANG!凯莉根:好漂亮的爆炸……蒙斯克:所以你到底帮不帮忙?凯莉根:当然。不过你得先帮我搞到10000水晶。脑虫:天。有哪个“英雄”会傻逼到带领这次攻击?菲尼克斯:哦!哦!选我!选我!脑虫:(叹)杜兰:你觉得他们会有怀疑吗?凯莉根:你有没有听雷诺说话?他们当然怀疑了。杜兰:那他们为什么还帮你?凯莉根:谁知道?不过和我心意。凯莉根:谢谢你菲尼克斯,我的虫群比以前更强大了。菲尼克斯:乐意效劳。脑虫:白痴!她会干掉你们所有人!你们所有人!凯莉根:闭嘴,小兵。蒙斯克:所以我们现在干 UED 嘛?凯莉根:我们现在干 UED。你可以开始快乐地跳舞了。蒙斯克:马卡雷纳还是机械舞?凯莉根:无所谓。UED 防御:呃啊!蒙斯克:耶!我又是皇帝了!凯莉根:现在而已……蒙斯克:几个意思?凯莉根:额……你现在是皇帝了。蒙斯克:对!别忘了!凯莉根:脑虫,杜兰。是时候干掉盟友了。我要杜克和菲尼克斯的命。脑虫:所以?我要雷诺的命。凯莉根:太糟了。他是主角。脑虫:杜克和菲尼克斯就不是?凯莉根:你闭嘴。你压根就不是个角色,你是玩家。脑虫:好吧。杜克:呃啊!蒙斯克:(通讯器)我抗议!凯莉根:呵呵。菲尼克斯:呃啊!雷诺:(通讯器)总有一天我会干掉你的。凯莉根:呵呵。我不担心,等暴雪做出第二部再说吧。杜兰:女皇,UED 控制的虫族在攻击我们的哨站!脑虫:我们不是已经干掉他们了么?凯莉根:的确。我想休息一会,但显然每个战役不能少于8个关卡。杜兰:脑虫,我们得马上进——嘿,别吃妙脆角了,干活!脑虫:操。手弄脏了。UED 虫族:呃啊!UED 科学家:呃啊!脑虫:嘿嘿。我们才接着干死了一堆 UED。(We just continUED our onslaught of UED)凯莉根:别让我打你。凯莉根:好了。是时候回到沙库拉斯对付黑暗圣堂武士的首领拉夏格尔了。脑虫:她?她是神族最无聊的角色了!凯莉根:是,但是这一次无聊就是傻逼。看好了。泽拉图:(通讯器)你带走拉夏格尔干嘛?凯莉根:我需要你帮忙——泽拉图:这个战役里面你让人帮忙过多少次,又有多少次你没有背叛帮你的人?凯莉根:呃……我很肯定各两次。泽拉图:那我为什么要帮你?拉夏格尔:因为我这么说了。主宰是我们共同的敌人——泽拉图:这是什么逻辑。你只是觉得“有权的娘们很 cooooool”才帮她!拉夏格尔:嗯。但你反正是个小兵,谁在乎呢?闭嘴动手。泽拉图:(叹)是的女士……主宰:第三次呃啊!泽拉图:好了,照你说的做了。释放拉夏格尔。拉夏格尔:我不想走。我喜欢和虫族一起玩耍。凯莉根:哈!你的领导实在是傻逼到可以随便玩弄啊。泽拉图:你这个臭婊子,你知道的是吧。凯莉根:这是她的错。她低估我了。所有人都低估我了!脑虫:我才没有呢。凯莉根:你不算数。你只是——脑虫:我知道……我知道。杜兰:泽拉图又带走族母了!他们会在三十分钟后逃跑。精确到秒。凯莉根:开始计时。你知道该做什么吧脑虫?脑虫:干掉任何会动的东西。凯莉根:没错。这次别浪费时间杀野生动物了。野生动物:耶!泽拉图:比起让拉夏格尔成为你的奴隶,我宁愿杀了她!凯莉根:好吧。泽拉图:好吧。凯莉根:……你在等什么?你到底要不要动手?泽拉图:噢马上。给我一分钟时间。凯莉根:木哈哈!我无人能敌,整个宇宙都是我的了!蒙斯克:(通讯器)嘿。阿坦尼斯:(通讯器)Yo。杜加尔(通讯器)惊喜吧?脑虫:你的废话大概早了点点。凯莉根:帮我处理这事好吗?谢谢了。脑虫:我猜,这是奶牛关吧?蒙斯克、阿坦尼斯、杜加尔:没有——脑虫:好吧好吧。凯莉根:木哈哈!我可以随便废话了!杜加尔:(叹)如果还有人用得着我的话,我还是对着脑袋开一***得了。凯莉根:看看我的权力!斯大林和希特勒相比之下就像英国皇室一样!脑虫:我不知道。我觉得续集里不会是这么回事。凯莉根:动手吧,暴雪。(暴雪以龟速动手制作续集)[/quote]
关注1的剧情的人很少了,给楼主点赞这个传送门效果也不错 都给翻译了[url]/v_show/id_XMjE1NzE4MjM2.html?f=6010725[/url]
[quote][pid=82323,1]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by [uid=]近卫Sama[/uid] ( 20:52):[/b]剧情快忘得差不多了,就记得吉米那颗硕大的光头。还有百攻泽拉图,40攻塔萨达。求速更。[/quote]Tassadar是20攻……距离很近的远程……
不錯,值得一頂~ 保持關注
[quote][pid=82323,1]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by [uid=5531840]zeroingyx[/uid] ( 09:45):[/b]楼主我想知道这些对话以何种方式才能在战役中出现?[/quote]这是对战役内容的吐槽。。
[quote][pid=82323,1]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by [uid=483634]upstone[/uid] ( 12:10):[/b]这是对战役内容的吐槽。。[/quote]如此啊……我还纳闷为什么隐藏剧情的槽点这么“流行”呢……楼主辛苦了[s:ac:赞同]
我来催更了 - -
[b]Reply to [pid=82323,1]Reply[/pid] Post by [uid=1919230]瓦莲莉娅[/uid] ( 15:40)[/b]这……我看的时候一定是自动脑补 Fenix 了……
[b]Reply to [pid=82323,1]Reply[/pid] Post by [uid=483634]upstone[/uid] ( 09:57)[/b]如你所愿。翻译战斗力就这样了……


