Standing around the bridge ,looking aroundt the moon t...

编辑点评:This poem describes lovers' longing for each other at a full-moon night and the sleepless, restless condition that such longing entails.
W&n?yu& Hu&iyuǎn
Zhān? Jiǔl&n? (T&n?)
Hǎishang shēng m&ngyu&, tiāny& g&ng cǐsh&.
Q&ngr&n yu&n y&oy&, j&ng xī qǐ xiāngsī.
Mi& zh& li&n guāng mǎn, pī yī ju& l& zī.
B& kān y&ng shǒu z&ng, hu&n qǐn m&ng jiāqī.
海面上冉冉升起一轮明月,即使远隔天涯,人们也能共享这一时刻。相爱的人儿怨恨这夜晚太漫长,整夜思念着爱人,久久不能进入梦乡。月光盈盈,吹熄蜡烛;感觉到露水清凉的湿意,于是披上了一件外衣。这满怀的相思、满手的月光无法送给你,只有回去睡觉,在梦中与你相聚吧。Above the ocean, the moon, a shining wheel, rises slowly. People in all corners of the earth share this moment. Lovers scorn that t they are thinking of each other, and find it hard to fall asleep. The brightness startles my eyes, so I extinguish the candle. I drape on a coat because of the cold dew. I am unable to send my heart filled with longing and my handful moonlight to you. I can only sleep and meet you joyfully in my dreams. Above the ocean, the moon, a shining wheel, rises slowly. People in all corners of the earth share this moment. Lovers scorn that t they are thinking of each other, and find it hard to fall asleep. The brightness startles my eyes, so I extinguish the candle. I drape on a coat because of the cold dew. I am unable to send my heart filled with longing and my handful moonlight to you. I can only sleep and meet you joyfully in my dreams.
这首诗描写了月圆之夜人们对爱人的思念,以及思念所带来的辗转难眠的情形和心境。This poem describes lovers' longing for each other at a full-moon night and the sleepless, restless condition that such longing entails.
rǎnrǎn: slowly(adj.)
tiāny&: the remotest corner of the earth(n.)
xīmi&:blow out(n.)
huānj&:happy reunion(v.)
xīnj&ng:mental state(n. ) &The&Spirit&World:&Winter&Solstice&Part&1
The Spirit World: Winter Solstice
(Wide shot of the open sky over a
lush river valley. It is a beautiful day with lazy, puffy white
clouds and sunshine. Cut to an overhead view of the valley floor,
clouds moving below. A red bird moves into view, soon engulfed in
an Appa shaped shadow. Cut to a long shot of Appa moving slowly
through the clouds, replaced quickly by a pan left showing Aang in
Appa's driving seat, leaning back, enjoying himself with a reed in
his mouth. As the camera pans left, Katara stretches out on her
stomach looking over Appa's side, while Sokka whittles.)
Katara (from o.c. at first): Those
clouds look so soft, don't they? Like you could just jump down and
you'd land in a big, soft cottony heap.
Sokka: Maybe you should give it a try.
Katara: You're hilarious.
(Cut to Aang, whose head pops
towards the camera, almost smashing into it, a wide grin on his
Aang: I'll try it!
(He jumps right off Appa's side,
laughing and hurtling down through the clouds with his staff. Sokka
and Katara look over the side of Appa as he plunges through a
cloud. A moment later Aang lands next to them with his glider. He
is soaking wet.)
Aang: Turns out clouds are made of
(He airbends himself dry. Sokka
and Katara eye him strangely. Suddenly, Katara turns and looks
Katara: Hey, what is
(Cut to a forward view. Up ahead,
the floor of the valley below around the river is black instead of
vegetation green.)
Sokka: It's like a
(Cut to a scene on the floor of
the valley in the damaged area. Burnt tree stumps dot the barren
landscape. The three have dismounted Appa and are walking around.
Aang is in the foreground, Katara on his left back near Appa and
Sokka to his right.)
Sokka: Listen, it's so quiet.
There's no life anywhere.
Katara: Aang, are you ok?
(Cut to a view of footprints on
the burnt ground. Sokka is examining them.)
Sokka: Fire Nation! Those evil
savages make me sick! They have no respect for ?
Katara: Shh!
Sokka (whispering): What? I'm not allowed to be angry?
(Katara points ahead. Cut to Aang,
standing ahead, clearly upset. He sinks to his knees in the dust
and sighs. Cut to a frontal shot of Aang, who begins to run his
hands through the burnt earth.)
Aang: Why would anyone do this?
How could I let this happen?
Katara: Aang, you didn't let this happen. It has nothing to do with
Aang: Yes it does. It's the Avatar's job to protect nature. But, I
don't know how to do my job.
Katara: That's why we're going to the North Pole to find you a
Aang: Yeh, a waterbending teacher, but there's no one who can teach
me how to be the Avatar. Monk Gyatso said that Avatar Roku would
Sokka: The Avatar before you? He died over a hundred years ago, how
are you supposed to talk to him?
Aang: I don't know.
(Momo jumps into his lap and
begins to chitter. Aang pets his back. Fade to a scene of Prince
Zuko emerging from tall reads into a clearing.)
Zuko (yelling): Uncle! It's time
to leave! Where are you? Uncle Iroh!
(The camera pans left to follow
Zuko. A fire soldier uniform becomes visible hanging from the low
branches of a tree as the screen pans. Cut to Iroh in a hot bath,
the tub made out of rock and it is fed by a stream coming out of
the rocks behind it.)
Iroh (happily)&:
Over here.
Zuko: Uncle? We need to move on, we're closing in on the Avatar's
trail and I don't want to lose him!
Iroh: You look tired, Prince Zuko. Why don't you join me in these
hot springs and soak away your troubles.
Zuko (angry): My troubles cannot be soaked away. It's time to
Iroh: You should take your teacher's advice and relax a little. The
temperature's just right. I heated it myself.
(Iroh shifts position slightly,
puts his hands together and breathes steam from his nostrils. Cut
to Zuko, obscured by steam, who swats it away.)
Zuko: Enough! We need to leave
now! Get out of the water!
Iroh (rising): Very well.
(Cut to view from behind Zuko,
where Zuko has put his hand up to strategically block the view of
Iroh. Cut to view from Iroh's p.o.v.)
Zuko: On second thought, why don't
you take another few minutes, but be back at the ship in half an
hour or I'm leaving without you.
Iroh (leaning back, happily): Ahhhh!
(Cut back to an overhead shot of
Aang still kneeling in the wasteland. Katara approaches him from
Katara: Hey Aang, are you ready to
be cheered up?
(An acorn flys by from o.c.,
hitting Aang on the side of the head.)
(Cut to a wider shot of Aang
looking at Katara, now in the foreground bouncing another acorn up
and down in her right hand.)
Aang: Hey, how was that cheering
Sokka: Hehe, cheered me up.
(Cut to Sokka, who promptly gets
whacked by an acorn from Katara on this side of his
Sokka: Ow! Yeh, I probably
deserved that.
Katara: These acorns are everywhere, Aang. That means the forest
will grow back. Every one of these will be a tall oak tree someday,
and all the birds and animals that lived here will come
(In the background Momo digs
furiously in the scorched earth, emerging with a double handful of
acorns. Katara places an acorn in the palm of Aang's hands and
closes it.)
Aang (smiling): Thanks,
(Katara smiles and then makes a
startled sound, looking o.c. Cut to a shot of an old man in green
using a walking stick approaching the group, then cut back to the
group as the old man enters the screen from the right and walks up
Sokka: Hey, who are you?
Old Man: When I saw the flying bison, I thought it was impossible,
but those markings? are you the Avatar child?
(Aang turns to Katara, who nods
her head. He turns back to the old man and nods his head in
Old Man: My village desperately
needs your help.
(Cut to a late afternoon shot of
the sun about to go down beneath hills in the distance. The bottom
of the screen shows the upper part of the walls of an Earth Kingdom
village. Cut to an overhead shot of the group following the old man
into the village. Much of it has been burned out and destroyed. Sad
music plays. They enter one of the buildings where some villagers
are gathered. As the Old Man introduces Aang to the people, a man,
probably the village chief walks over.)
Old Man: This young person is the
Chief: So the rumors of your return are true. (He bows.) It is the
greatest honor of a lifetime to be in your presence.
Aang (bows): Nice to meet you too. (Pause). So?is there something I
can help you with?
Chief (looking o.c. with a pained expression): I'm not sure?
Old Man: Our village is in crisis, he's our only hope. For the last
few days at sunset a spirit monster comes and attacks our village.
He is Hei-Bai, the black and white spirit.
Sokka: Why is it attacking you?
Chief (moving to the threshold of the doorway that the group just
entered, looking at the setting sun): We do not know, but each of
the last three nights he has abducted one of our own. We are
especially fearful because the winter solstice draws near.
Katara: What happens then?
Old Man: As the solstice approaches, the natural world and the
spirit world grow closer and closer until the line between them is
blurred completely.
Chief: Hei-Bai is already causing devastation and destruction. Once
the solstice is here there is no telling what will happen.
Aang: So, what do you want me to do exactly?
Old Man: Who better to resolve a crisis between our world and the
spirit world than the Avatar himself? You are the great bridge
between man and spirits.
Aang (clearly lacking confidence): Right?that's me.
Katara: Hey, ?great bridge guy', can I talk to you over here for a
(Katara walks over to a nearby
window. Aang and then a bit later Sokka enter screen from the
right. They can now talk privately.)
Katara: Aang, you seem a little
unsure about all this.
Aang: Yeh, that might be because I don't know anything at all about
the spirit world. (Exasperated) It's not like there's someone to
teach me this stuff!
Katara: So, can you help these people?
Aang: I have to try, don't I? Maybe whatever I have to do will
just? come to me.
(Momo jumps onto Aang's shoulder
and chitters. Aang is surprised, but then smiles. Cut to Katara,
the open window behind her, smiling serenely.)
Katara: I think you can do it,
(Camera pans right from Katara to
Sokka, who is also looking at Aang, smiling serenely.)
Sokka: Yehhh, we're all gonna get
eaten by a spirit monster.
(Fade back to Iroh soaking in his
outdoor hot spring bath. An overhead that is slowly zooming in is
quickly replaced by a close up of Iroh snoring peacefully in the
bath. A noise startles Iroh into wakefulness.)
Iroh: Uh? Who's there?
(Switch to Iroh's p.o.v., his head
clearly scanning back and forth over the forest in front of him. A
small rodent jumps onto the lip of the bath. He lets it jumps onto
his outstretched hand.)
Iroh: A meadow vole! I should have
known. You startled me, little one. (Lets vole go and leans back in
the bath and puts his hands behind his head.) Ehh, seems I've dozed
off and missed my nephew's deadline, but it was a very sweet
(The vole starts hopping up and
down on the lip of the bath and making chittering noises. Suddenly
it stops, the ground starts shaking from deeper in the forest. It
flips around to see dust clouds rising from the forest and then
hops away. Switch to a panning shot from the forest's p.o.v. The
camera pans up as the ground disturbance or tremor moves. Soon it
reaches Iroh's bath and we see that two other shock waves have
approached the bath from Iroh's left and right. The old general has
been caught by surprise and when the shockwaves reach his tub he is
quickly held fast by three triangular stones that have been pushed
into the tub. A second later, three earthbenders appear next to the
tub behind each of the three stone projectiles that are holding
Iroh imprisoned. Cut to an Earth Kingdom soldier taking Iroh's
uniform off the tree, screen pans right to show an officer walking
up to the bath.)
Soldier: He's a Fire Nation
Captain: He's no ordinary soldier. This is the Fire Lord's brother,
the Dragon of the West, the once great General Iroh, but now, he's
our prisoner.
(Cut back to Iroh, squinting
unhappily at his ignominious capture. Cut to an overhead shot of
the forest outside of the Earth Kingdom village. The sun has nearly
set. The screen pans down and fades to Aang exiting the
meetinghouse building where he had met the chief. The doors close
behind him. Aang begins to walk through the village, hands
defensively wrapped around his staff.)
Aang: Hello? Spirit, can you hear
me? This is the Avatar speaking. I'm? here to try to help
(Cut to a view of Aang about to
exit the village gate. The shot zooms out to show Sokka and Katara,
backs to the audience, watching Aang from the window of the meeting
house. The sun has almost set.)
Sokka: This isn't right. We can't
sit here and cower while Aang waits for some monster to show
(Cut to a frontal view of the
window. The old man stands behind the siblings. Part way through
the ensuing conversation, switch to a side view, showing that much
of the village waits in fear in the meetinghouse with the Old Man,
Katara and Sokka.)
Old Man: If anyone can save us, he
Sokka: He still shouldn't have to face this alone.
(Outside, the sun sets. The world
darkens. Cut to Aang, standing at the village gate, like a
Aang (shouting): The sun has set.
Where are you, Hei-Bai? Well, spirit, uh, I hereby ask you to
please leave this village in peace!
(He twirls his staff like a
marching baton and then plants it in the ground like a flag. His
expression is resolute. Cut to a longshot view from behind of Aang
standing at the gate.)
Aang: Okay. Well, I guess that's
settled then.
(Aang turns and begins to walk
back to the village. Cut to a shot of Aang from behind, who quickly
turns to exit the screen to the right, leaving a view of the dark
woods. Spirit whispers begin to be heard. Suddenly a massive shape
emerges from the forest, its huge feet making large thudding sounds
each time they hit the ground. Cut to commercial break.)
(When the show returns, Aang is
still walking placidly up the village street, unaware that Hei-Bai
is following right behind him. Hei-Bai is as big as a house, with
six legs and black and white orca-like markings all over his body.
He is vaguely mammalian and has razor sharp teeth. Aang realizes
something is amiss and stops. He turns, looks up at the monster,
and smiles.)
Aang: You must be the Hei-Bai
spirit. (He bows his head.) My name is?
(He is cut off by a blast of air
and blue energy from the mouth of the creature, Aang does not move
but his staff is blown to the ground. The spirit rears itslef
itself up on its hind-most legs and bellows, releasing another jet
of blue energy from its mouth. It gets back on all six legs and
then charges into the village, ignoring Aang and leaving him
behind. Aang turns to address the monster as it moves
Aang: My name is Aang! I'm the
Avatar and I would like to help! Hey, wait up!
(The spirit destroys in rapid
succession two houses and a watchtower using its brute strength and
blue energy. The monster continues to destroy building off screen
as Aang follows it around trying to get its attention.)
(Cut to a frontal view of the
meetinghouse window, where Katara and Sokka look out. Sokka looks
poised to jump out the window to join the fray. The village chief
is behind them.)
Chief: The Avatar's methods are?
(they duck as flying debris hits the window) unusual.
Sokka: It doesn't seem too interested in what he's saying. Maybe we
should go help him?
Old Man: No, only the Avatar stands a chance against the
Katara: Aang will figure out the right thing to do,
(Momo appears to Sokka's right in
the window, his eyes blinking widely. Cut to a side view shot of a
building. Just beyond, a huge pile of debris gets blown above the
building. Hei-Bai enters from the right as the screen pans down to
reveal Aang running to the building between he and the
Aang: Please, would you stop
destroying things and listen?
(He jumps on top of the building
between them. He sees Hei-Bai pounding a building into the ground
with his fists.)
Aang: I'm just trying to do my job
as spirit bridge. Excuse me, would you please turn around? I
command you to turn around now!
(At this the monster does indeed
turn around, swatting Aang backward off the top of the building.
Aang flys through the air and hits a nearby roof. He slides off and
collapses on the ground. Cut back to the meetinghouse
Sokka: That's it! He needs help!
(He exits to his left.)
Katara: Sokka wait!
(The doors of the meetinghouse
open and Sokka runs out. Katara follows, but is stopped by the old
Old Man: It's not safe!
(Cut to the monster standing over
Aang in the foreground, while in the background we see Sokka,
hefting his boomering, having just emerged from the meeting house.
Cut to close of Sokka, ready to shoot.)
Sokka: Hei-Bai! Over
(He lets loose the boomerang.
Switch to a view of the creature from behind. The boomerang rotates
into view, hits the creature's butt, and bounces off with a sound
effect indicating its harmless impact. It falls on the ground. Cut
back to Sokka, who runs up to Aang.)
Aang: Sokka, go back!
Sokka: We'll fight him together, Aang.
Aang: I don't wanna fight him unless I ? huh!
(Hei-Bai comes on screen in a
flash from the left and takes Sokka. Both disappear in an instant,
cutting Aang off in mid-sentence. Aang opens his staff into glider
mode and takes off. Cut to the monster loping back into the forest,
Aang gliding in pursuit. Katara runs into the picture from o.c.,
but stops at the village gate, clearly unable to catch
Katara: Sokka!
(Cut to frontal shot of Katara,
who looks down in sadness, sympathetic villagers coming up behind
her. Cut to a shot of Zuko lowering a tree branch from eye-level so
he can move forward, a Fire Nation soldier behind him. He barges
into the clearing with the ruined hot tub.)
Zuko: Uncle! Uncle, where are
Soldier: Sir, maybe he thought you left without him?
Zuko: Something's not right here. (He examines the hot tub, now
with the stone projectiles embedded in it.) That pile of
Soldier: It looks like there's been a landslide, sir.
Zuko: Land doesn't slide uphill. Those rocks didn't move naturally.
My uncle's been captured by earthbenders!
(Cut back to Aang gliding at
breakneck speed through the forest in pursuit of Hei-Bai, then to
Sokka in the grip of the monster, making scared noises. Cut to a
side view of the monster where it is clear that Aang has pulled
even with it and is beginning to pass, but he hits a branch and
slows down.)
Sokka: Aang, over here!
(Cut to an overhead shot where
Aang is playing catch up again. Hei Bai enters the wasteland from
the beginning of the episode, Aang close behind. Switch to a close
up of Sokka in the grip of the monster.)
Sokka: Help!
Aang: Hang on, Sokka!
(Aang glides in closer, stretching
his hand to Sokka, who is able to grab it. Just as Aang begins to
pull Sokka free, however, both he and the monster vanish. Aang
falls out of the sky in surprise. Cut to Aang laid out at the base
of the stone statue of a bear. Fade to black. The scene returns
with Aang sitting up, with a crescent moon overhead. Aang seems
bathed in moonlight.)
Aang: Sokka! (He looks around and
the view zooms out a bit.) I failed.
(Fade to another night scene of
treetops. The screen pans down and then a cut to soldiers on war
ostriches, a lantern hanging off the point soldier's mount. The
screen pans left to show four mounts total, one of them bearing a
basically naked and chained General Iroh.)
Iroh: Where are you taking
Captain: We're taking you to face justice.
Iroh: Right. But where, specifically?
Captain: A place you're quite familiar with, actually. You once
laid siege to it for 600 days, but it would not yield to you.
Iroh (whistfully): Ah! The great city of Ba-Sing-Se.
Captain: It was greater than you were, apparently.
Iroh (defensively): I acknowledged my defeat at Ba-Sing-Se! After
600 days away from home, my men were tired and I was tired, (yawns,
puts face in the back of the soldier he is riding with) and I'm
still tired.
(Iroh falls off the ostrich and
the soldier stops to look. Cut to Iroh lying on the road, chained
up tight, but a smile on his face. The put a light on him and pick
him up. After they exit the screen, the camera pans down and zooms
to show the sandal that Iroh has left behind. Cut back to Iroh, who
smiles. Shift to view to Katara sitting at the village gate,
looking into the forest. The old man comes up behind her while the
noises of the night fill the air.)
Old Man: I'm sure they'll be
Katara: I know.
Old Man (putting a cover over Katara's back): You should get some
Katara (holding Sokka's boomerang and trying to sound hopeful):
Everything's gonna be okay.
Old Man: Your brother is in good hands. I would be shocked if the
Avatar returned without him.
(In the midst of the Old Man's
comforting words, Aang appears along the forest trail leading up to
the gate. In this light it is clear now that he is not just
illuminated by the moon. He is in fact colored a light blue, as if
he is glowing slightly in some surreal fashion. In the foreground
we can see Katara's downcast face on the left of the screen as Aang
begins to speak.)
Aang: Katara, Katara I lost
(Neither she nor the old man react
to Aang's voice. As Aang comes closer, the sun rises behind her and
the old man.)
Old Man: The sun is rising.
Perhaps he will return soon.
Aang: What? No, I'm right here! Grrr!!!
(He puts his hands in front of the
old man's face, but to no effect. Cut to Aang's p.o.v., with the
rising disk of the sun in front of him. He looks at his hands
glowing blue. Switch to a frontal view of Aang which zooms up to
his face.)
Aang: I'm in the spirit
(Fade to white. Scene returns to a
daytime shot of the sandal that Iroh left behind. Zuko picks up the
sandal and sniffs it, a look of disgust spreading over his
Zuko: Yup, that's Uncle
(Cut to wide shot of Zuko standing
next to his war rhinoceros, the cut to Katara standing dejectedly
next to the gate post. The shot widens to show Aang sitting next to
Aang (smiling): I'll figure this
out, Katara, I promise. Like they said, I'm the bridge between the
worlds, right? All I have to do is? figure out what I have to do.
But once I do that, no problem!
(Aang looks to his right, then cut
to Appa moving along the outside of the wall towards Katara and
Aang. He grunts and puts his nose up to her.)
Aang: Appa! Hey buddy, I'm right
here. But, I guess you can't see me either.
(Appa keeps grunting at her until
she looks up at him.)
Katara: It's ok, Appa. I'm sure
they're on their way back. I bet they even found you a bunch of
moon peaches for a treat.
(She walks back into the village,
Appa in tow. Cut to a frontal shot of Aang turning to look back
down the forest path.)
Aang: What am I supposed to
(The shot expands to show much of
the forest.)
Aang (shouting): Avatar Roku, how
can I talk to you?
(He gets no response at first and
looks down in despair. Then, he notices something and looks back
down the path, his face showing elation.)
Aang: Sokka?
(A light shines from down the
path. The camera zooms up to it to reveal a blue spirit dragon
flying toward him. Cut back to Aang who sees this with
Aang: That's definitely not
(He opens his glider and takes
flight back into the village, but he hits the ground again a few
feet away. He gets up and tries to airbend the glider off the
ground, but nothing happens. Aang looks down at his hands in
Aang: What? I can't airbend in the
spirit world!
(Cut to the blue spirit dragon
bearing down on Aang, then cut to commercial break.)
(When the show returns we once
again see the blue dragon, wreathed in radioactive blue fire,
bearing down on Aang. Cut to the clearing in front of the gate
where Aang stands. Suddenly the dragon is upon him and Aang cowers
beneath it, fear framing his young face.)
Aang: You don't know where Sokka
is, do you?
(In response, the dragon bends its
head down and touches Aang's head with one of its whiskers. Aang's
eyes glow with a blue fire when touched. A flashback begins of an
old man riding the dragon the way Aang rides Appa. They approach
in life the dragon was red and brown. The flashback
ends as the blue dragon breaks its touch.)
Aang: You're Avatar Roku's animal
guide! Like Appa is to me. I need to save my friend and I don't
know how. Is there some way for me to talk to Roku?
(The dragon bends its neck and
Aang jumps on.)
Aang: I'll be back Katara. (To the
dragon) Take me to Roku!
(Aang and the dragon take off. Cut
to Katara stroking Appa sadly, with Aang and the dragon visible of
her left shoulder as they depart. Fade to an overhead shot of a
winding mountain path. The four war ostriches plod along it. Cut to
Iroh and his captor. He looks up and is startled to see the blue
dragon and Aang whiz by overhead. They pass right over the heads of
the procession, but it is clear that only Iroh has seen
Captain: What's the problem?
Iroh: Nothing. Actually, there is a bit of a problem. My old joints
are feeling sore and achy and these shackles are too loose.
Captain: Too loose?
Iroh: That's right. The cuffs are loose and they jangle around and
bump my wrists. It would help me if you would tighten them so they
wouldn't shake around so much.
Captain: Very well. Corporal, tighten the prisoner's hand
(Cut to a shot of the sky over the
path which pans down to reveal the ostriches parked on the ground.
The corporal gets off and he touches Iroh's handcuffs, Iroh
breathes on them. They become red hot and Iroh grabs the corporal's
hand and puts them on the hot iron. The corporal screams in pain
and Iroh hops off the ostrich. He launches himself into the air and
fires a blast of flame from his feet at the other soldier's on
their ostriches. He rolls off the path and down the hill during the
ensuing uproar. Cut to a view from Aang's p.o.v. on the dragon as
they swiftly approach a volcanic island. It has a beautiful Fire
Temple on it, which they enter and fly straight towards the
Aang: Hey, what are you doing!?
(They rapidly approach the
ceiling, which they pass through harmlessly. The dragon alights on
the floor of a secret chamber at the top of the temple. It is empty
except for the statue of an old man in the background. Aang
dismounts and walks toward the statue.)
Aang: I don't understand. This is
just a statue of Roku.
(Aang looks back at the dragon,
which touches him on the temple once again. Aang's eyes light up
blue, and this time the vision is of a huge, flaming comet
rocketing through the sky. The vision ends as the dragon breaks
Aang: Is that what Roku wants to
talk to me about? A comet? When can I talk to him?
(The dragon lowers its head in
response. Cut to a wider shot where it now revealed that the sun
shines through a tiny window high up in the ceiling. The shaft of
light, previously blocked by the dragon, now hits the wall near
Roku's right shoulder. The dragon touches Aang again and a vision
of time passing at the Fire Temple begins. Cut to an exterior shot
of the temple sitting on its volcanic promontory. Clouds fly by at
incredible speed overhead and the sun rounds its daily course in a
matter of seconds. Three days pass in this fashion before a fade to
show the floor of the statue's chamber. Two Asian written
characters are shown before cutting to a shot of the little window
where the sunlight enters. Days pass in rapid succession there as
well. Shift to a long shot of the statue from the back of the room,
where it is clear with each day the spot where the shaft of
sunlight hits the back wall gets closer to hitting the statue's
face as each day passes. The vision ends.)
Aang: It's a calendar, and the
light will reach Roku on the solstice! (Turning to dragon) So,
that's when I'll be able to speak to Roku? (The dragon grunts.) But
I can't wait that long. I need to save Sokka now.
(Cut to a long, overhead shot of
Aang and the dragon departing the volcanic and terrific speed, then
cut to Iroh rolling down the hillside, still chained. The
earthebender soldiers watch him from over the lip, earthbend a
torrent of dirt and rock after him and then slide down the hillside
in pursuit. When they catch up to him, Iroh is almost
Soldier: He is too dangerous,
Captain. We can't just carry him to the capital. We have to do
something now.
Captain: I agree. He must be dealt with immediately and
(Cut to a close up of Iroh's face.
He spits out a stone and looks with disdain upon his captors. Cut
to Appa and Katara flying reconnaissance over the
Katara: It's no use, Appa. I don't
see them anywhere. Our best hope is to go back to the village and
(Cut to wide shot as she turns
Appa to fly back to the village. Shift to a huge reptilian foot
slamming into the ground where a clear trail of the war ostriches
can be seen. Cut to Zuko atop his war rhinoceros, who looks over
his shoulder to see Appa flying in the distance.)
Zuko: The Avatar!
(He yanks the reigns to turn the
beast back, but then he looks down the trail that leads to his
captured uncle. He looks back again in the direction he saw Appa,
indecision marking his face. Cut to Aang and the dragon flying
through the wasteland at the edge of the forest. Up ahead the bear
stature can be seen, rapidly growing larger. His body sits crossed
legged atop it. Aang braces himself for impact, but he rejoins his
own body as the dragon disappears into the statue. He wakes up, now
back in the material world. He jumps down off the statue and turns
to stare in wonder at it. After a close up of the face of the bear
statue, Aang opens his glider and flies back toward the village.
Cut to a view of the setting sun from the village where Katara
looks downcast. She is standing on the porch of the meetinghouse.
Out of the sunset Aang comes into view and lands near her. She
rushes to hug him and Momo flies to perch on his master's
Katara: You're back! Where's
Aang (downcast): I'm not sure.
(The sun sets and both look over
their shoulders to the forest. Fade to Iroh and his captors in an
earthen pit. Iroh is stretched over a large rock in the center of
the pit, his hands spread before him.)
Captain: These dangerous hands
must be crushed.
(The captain cries aloud as he
raises a huge boulder from the ground and moves it to hover over
Iroh's hands. He drops it. A moment before it crushed Iroh's hands
and arms, Zuko enters the screen from the left and kicks it out of
the way. He lands and breaks the chains holding Iroh's hands bound
with a kick. Iroh rises with a smile.)
Iroh: Excellent form, Prince
Zuko: You taught me well.
Captain: Surrender yourselves, it's five against two. You're
clearly outnumbered.
(Cut to Iroh and Zuko, back to
back, surrounded by their would be captors.)
Iroh: Uh, that's true, but you are
clearly outmatched!
(All five earthbenders launch
stones at the pair. Iroh swings his chains and breaks them into
pieces mid-flight, while Zuko blasts the two nearest him with fire.
Cut to a frontal view of Zuko where it is clear that the two
soldiers behind him have just shot two large rocks at him. Zuko is
about to be hit when the stones are wrapped in Iroh's chains. He
swings them around his body and releases them back at their
captors. They are hit in the stomach and are both knocked out. The
Captain launches several rocks at Zuko, who dodges them and returns
fire. The fire blast is blocked when the Captain lowers his head
and the fire breaks harmlessly over his onion shaped helmet. The
Captain raise two huge sheets of rock and Zuko looks afraid, but
then chains wrap around the Captain's feet and his is pulled to the
ground by Iroh. The rocks land on top of him. Cut to the Earth
Kingdom soldiers groaning and buried in dirt, Iroh and Zuko
standing over them. They look at each other and smile, Zuko putting
his hand on his uncle's shoulder. Cut to an overhead shot of the
Zuko: Now would you please put on
some clothes!
(Fade to Aang standing at the
village gate once again. It is still night. Cut to the chief, Momo
and Katara looking out of the meetinghouse window towards Aang,
then cut to Aang standing at the gate again, the wind blowing dead
leaves past him. Some time has evidently passed, and Aang's begins
to walk back into the village. As he approaches a building with a
wind chime that is sounding in the wind, the monster appears. Cut
to the monster breaking through the roof of the building with the
wind chime. It roars in triumph, releasing blue energy from its
mouth. Cut to Aang who cries out and begins to make an energy shell
similar to the one he created in ?The Southern Air Temple.? Cut to
Katara looking out the window.)
Katara: Aang, what are you doing?
(The creature roars and runs
toward another building, but Aang runs underneath its legs and then
jumps up onto its forehead. His hand glows light blue, and Aang
sues a panda bear superimposed over the monster. Aang jumps back to
the porch of a nearby building.)
Aang: You're the spirit of this
forest. Now I understand. You're upset and angry because your home
was burned down. When I saw the forest had burned I was sad and
upset. But my friend gave me hope that the forest would grow
(The spirit stands still while
Aang speaks. When he is finished, he shows Hei-Bai the acorn that
Katara gave him. The spirit smiles and Aang places the acorn on the
porch. The monster picks up the acorn and transforms into a panda,
who turns and walks away from the village. Cut to Aang standing on
the porch. The shot widens to show Katara and the other villagers
coming up behind him. The scene then shifts to the panda exiting
the gate. Behind him a thicket of bamboo grows to man height in
seconds. A moment later, Sokka and a few villagers exit the thicket
looking confused.)
Katara: Sokka!
(She runs to hug him, as other
villagers hug their loved ones.)
Sokka: What happened?
Katara: You were trapped in the Spirit world for 24 hours. How are
you feeling?
Sokka (looking pained): Like I seriously need to use the
(Cut to the chief flanked by two
villagers on each side. It is sometime later that
Chief: Thank you, Avatar. If there
only were a way to repay you for what you've done.
Sokka: You could give us some supplies and some money.
Katara (angrily elbowing her brother): Sokka!
Sokka: What? We need stuff.
Chief (bowing): It would be an honor to help you prepare for your
journey. (He exits.)
Katara: I'm so proud of you, Aang. You figured out what to do all
on your own.
Aang: Actually, I did have a little help. And there's something
(Aang looks downcast, cut to a
flashback of the comet vision.)
Sokka: What is it?
Aang: I need to talk to Roku and I think I've found a way to
contact his spirit.
Katara: That's great!
Sokka: Creepy, but great.
Aang: There's a temple on a crescent shaped island, and if I go
there on the solstice I'll be able to speak with him.
Katara: But, the solstice is tomorrow.
Aang: Yeh, and there's one more problem. The island is in the Fire
(Music gets dramatic and cut to
the terrified faces of Sokka and Katara. Camera pans up to the moon
over the hills.)


