
一、构建文化管理体系合资企业文化差异在决策上的表现最终可以归结于因为不同的文化背景而具有的固有的思维方式和价值判断标准,最终产生的对于企业发展环境和方向上面判断的差异,也就是说不能够就企业经营和管理达成共识。要解决这一问题,最直接的途径就是通过系统的企业文化管理来统一中方和外方对企业发展的核心问题的认识。比如GE,作为一个庞大的商业帝国,不论是在哪个国家发展,其最为核心的经营管理指导思想是不变的:1. 第一或第二(No.1 or No.2)2. 面对现实(Face Reality)3. 视变革为机会(Change is Opportunity)4. 人才工厂(People-Factory)5. 把握命运(Control Your Own Destiny)6. 管理简单化(Managing less is managing better)7. 机构扁平化(Delayering )8. 权力下放(Empower People)9. 建立自信心(Self-Confidence)10. 管理无边界(Boundaryless)GE以这些经营管理思想来指导组织运行的机制,包括各战略、财务、人力资源等管理模块的运行,并辅之以通用的管理工具,使得能够规范地解决大部分的核心管理问题。作为中外合资企业,我们完全可以参照GE的文化系统模式,提炼符合企业实际情况的经营管理价值观念,并和各管理模块相结合,从而促成各方在经营管理上达成共识。必须指出的是,文化管理系统的构建是一个艰苦的过程,需要高层领导的全力支持和配合。如果企业只是想在短期内有效促进文化沟通和理解,也可以采取第二种方式。二、强化文化交流1、强化海外商务旅行和工作经历 & 通过员工实践经历和旅行获取应对其它文化的技能。这项策略的内容包括开展与多文化生意伙伴的日常接触,在多文化团队工作,商务旅行和驻外任职。2、通过培训增强跨文化工作能力 向员工提供跨文化内部培训。这些培训包括研讨会、课程、语言培训、书籍、网站、讨论和模拟演练。人力资源部门通过外地旅行、录像、特别课程和企业内部网提供文化培训。 3、利用文化顾问培训和指导员工 & 企业的另一项策略是聘用文化顾问,指导经理人跨越不熟悉的文化领域。有些企业运用“文化翻译”,帮助来自不同文化的人们解决问题。文化翻译有助于协调谈判,并解释出现的误解。 4、企业遵循多样化政策 & 惠普、福特和摩托罗拉等公司把跨文化培训融入其多样化政策。它们的策略是建立多样化的员工队伍,反映并理解公司所服务的多种顾客。公司可以通过对强力的多样化企业政策,鼓励跨文化了解和对文化差异的积极态度。如果企业文化明确地重视并奖励多样化,员工更可能对文化差异有开放的心态,更好地觉察到那些差异,并对此宽容。文化理解更多地来自心态,而非知识基础或有关某国的一大堆事实。 5、增加双方文化群体成员之间的接触为双方员工创造社交机会,让大家在非工作状态,放松自如地与对方交往,比如吃饭、看电影、去酒吧等,在轻松愉快的场合,放松彼此的戒备心理,展示真实的个性特征,可以有效地减少成见,导致彼此的文化渗透。
First, build cultural management system Cultural differences in decision-making joint venture's performance can ultimately be attributed as a different cultural background and way of thinking inherent value criterion, the resulting development environment for enterprises to determine the difference and direction of the above, that is not able to business and management to reach consensus. To solve this problem, the most direct way is through the system to unify management of enterprise culture of Chinese and foreign business development of the core issues. Such as GE, as a huge business empire, regardless of the country in which development, operation and management of its most central guiding principle is unchanged: 1. The first or second (No.1 or No.2) 2. To face reality (Face Reality) 3. View change as opportunity (Change is Opportunity) 4. Talent Factory (People-Factory) 5. Grasp the fate (Control Your Own Destiny) 6. Management simplistic (Managing less is managing better) 7. The Flat (Delayering) 8. Decentralization (Empower People) 9. To build confidence (Self-Confidence) 10. Management without borders (Boundaryless) GE to these thoughts to guide the management organization and operation of mechanisms, including the strategic, financial and human resources management module to run, and supported by common management tools, makes it possible to regulate to solve most of the core management issues. As joint ventures, we can refer to GE's culture system model, refining line with the actual situation of enterprise management values and and the management module, which led to the parties to reach a consensus on management. It should be noted that the construction of cultural management system is a difficult process that requires the full support of senior leadership and cooperation. If the business is only effective in the short term to promote cultural communication and understanding, can take the second approach. Second, strengthen cultural exchanges 1, and strengthen overseas business trips and work experience &&Practical experience and travel through the employee should obtain the skills of other cultures. Carry out this strategy include multi-cultural business partners with the daily contact, in multi-cultural team work, business travel and foreign office. 2, cross-cultural work by enhancing the training capacity Internal to the cross-cultural training for employees. The training includes seminars, courses, language training, books, websites, discussions and simulation exercises. Human resources through field trips, videos, special courses and corporate intranets to provide cultural training. 3, the use of cultural consultants training and guidance to staff &&Another business strategy is to employ cultural advisers to guide managers who are not familiar with the culture across the field. Some companies use "cultural translation" to help people from different cultures to solve the problem. Cultural translation help coordinate negotiations, and an explanation of the misunderstanding. 4, corporate diversification policies followed &&Hewlett-Packard, Ford and Motorola and other companies to cross-cultural training into their diversity policies. Their strategy is to create diverse workforce to reflect and understand a variety of company services customers. Companies can diversify by strong corporate policy to encourage cross-cultural understanding and positive attitude to cultural differences. If the corporate culture and reward diversity of explicit attention to the staff on the cultural differences are more likely to have an open mind, and better aware of those differences, and this tolerance. Cultural understanding comes more from the mind, rather than the knowledge base or the fact that a lot of the country. 5, increasing both the contact between members of cultural groups Employees to create social opportunities for both sides, so that everyone in the non-working state, relax easily with other exchanges, such as eating, watching movies, going to pubs, etc., in a relaxed and enjoyable occasion, relaxed mental alert each other to show the true personality, you can effectively reduce the bias, resulting in each other's cultural infiltration.
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