
  Hulk Cut From Post Credit Scene In ‘Captain America: Civil War’If you’re
not trying to make Hulk angry, this probably isn’t a good strategy.
  Rumors of Mark Ruffalo appearing as Hulk in the upcoming “Captain America:
Civil War“ have been circulating for months. The actor reportedly had a call
from Robert Downey Jr. about the film, aka probably trying to recruit him for
Team Iron Man. Ruffalo was supposedly spotted on set in Germany and, in an
interview, Anthony Mackie added to the speculation that the green guy made the
final cut. Now, finally, “Civil War” writers Christopher Markus and Stephen
McFeely set the record straight in a conversation with The Huffington Post.“We
can clean that up real quickly,” said Markus. “Mark Ruffalo shot no scenes. We
talked about having Bruce Banner at the very end of the film, and it just,
again, seemed like we’re sticking people in just to stick them in. He has
clearly gone somewhere at the end of ‘Ultron,’ and that’s a story. Don’t blow it
off and put it in a little tiny chunk just to put in a little extra filigree on
our movie. That’s a story.”McFeely added, “Rports of him actually filming stuff
-- the unit publicist on the movies [John M. Pisani] looks a lot like Ruffalo,
it’s John Pisani. It’s not Ruffalo.”McFeely said characters were chosen for the
movie to have “maximum impact.” Because of this, Wasp also got cut from the
final film.
  “We certainly had a draft where both Ant-Man and Wasp were recruited, but
when they come in, that’s a lot of story there.But why Spider-Man’s similar?
Because these people have an investment, and these two new people don’t. It’s
not that Wasp wouldn’t also have that opinion maybe, but we have not seen her be
a hero at all” said McFeely.
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