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Instability analysis in a nonequilibrium MHD generator
Title:Instability analysis in a nonequilibrium MHD generator
Publication:Eindhoven, Technische Hogeschool, Doctor in de technische Wetenschappen Thesis, 1980. 99 p.
Publication Date:03/1980
Category:Plasma Physics
NASA/STI Keywords:Energy Conversion Efficiency, Magnetohydrodynamic Generators, Magnetohydrodynamic Stability, Nonequilibrium Plasmas, Nonuniform Plasmas, Plasma Diagnostics, Data Management, Energy Dissipation, Energy Technology, Hall Effect, High Speed Cameras, Radiative Recombination, Shock Tubes
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A study was made of fluctuations in a nonequilibrium MHD generator which
reduce its efficiency and power output. Fluctuations in plasma
parameters increase due to the ionization instability, so that generator
behavior will be determined by the nonlinear increase of energy losses.
A stability criterion is derived in terms of the critical Hall
parameter, and a survey of plasma structures instability is presented.
The fluctuation pattern shows the plasma to be strongly inhomogeneous in
the form of streamers which move through the MHD generator
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