GBAgba 指环王王第三张隐藏地图怎么一直掉血啊?

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来源:|人气:848 ℃|类别:|时间: 11:54:27
&pre&各个人物的详细攻略&/pre&这个就是公略不过估计不需要什么攻略吧?去查查绝技的功能就算了呵呵另外,如果英文好的同志,可以去国外搜攻略,国外什么攻略都有得下Arogorn (阿拉贡)被动技能:Fearless (Level 2) - You are especially resilient to damage (+1 Armor Toughness / level) and(+5% Resist Fear / level)无畏(要求等级2),你的攻击特别有力.(每升1级+1盔甲,每升1级+5%抵御畏惧)Death Strike (Level 2) - You Know how to hit the enemy hard. (+3% / level Critical Hit Chance)死亡打击(要求等级2),你知道如何去攻击敌人的头部.(每升1级+3%重击几率)Blademaster (Level 2) - You are a master with swords and Knives. (+1 damage / level)剑术大师(要求等级2),你成为剑和刀术的大师.(每升1级+1攻击威力)Herb Lore (Level 2) - You understand the secrets of herbs. (Herbs heal an additional 10 hp / level)药草知识(要求等级2),你了解了药草的秘密.(每升1级使用药草可多加10体力)Hardy (Level 4) - You are extraordinarily healthy and strong. (+15 hit points / level)坚毅(要求等级4),你变得格外健康和强壮.(每升1级+15打击点)Iron Will (Level 8) - When severely injured, you regenerate health. (+10% / level)似铁决心(要求等级8),当受到严重的伤害时,你可以再生体力.(每升1级+10%恢复力)Fighter`s Resolve (Level 8) - When severely injured your wrath strengthens you. (When at 25% or less Hit Points you do +3 damage / level)战士坚定(要求等级8),当受到严重的伤害时,你可以更有力的反击.(每升1级当你的体力等于或少于25%的时候+3攻击威力)Arrow Parry (Level 15) - You can parry arrows from the air. (6% / level chance of knocking arrows out of the air)挡开弓箭(要求等级15),你能够挡开射来的箭.(每升1级+6%的几率)Rage of the North (Level 20) - Arogorn has a 10% chance of instantly killing a foe. Foes Killed this way give double experience.北神之怒(要求等级20),阿拉贡有10%的几率直接杀死对手.同时可以得到双倍的被杀敌人的经验.主动技能:Sweep (Level 2) - Arogorn strikes all foes around him for +2 damage / level. 45 spirit.旋风攻击(要求等级2),阿拉贡可以打击周围一圈的敌人.每升1级+2攻击威力,使用45法力点.King`s Command (Level 2) - Arogorn stuns all foes around him for 3 seconds +0.5 seconds / level. 65 spirit.国王命令(要求等级2),阿拉贡可以使周围的敌人昏厥3秒,每升1级+0.5秒,使用65法力点.Sword Throw (Level 2) - Arogorn throws a sword for 10 damage +2 / level. Sword tracks at level 3 and up. 40 spirit.投出宝剑(要求等级2),阿拉贡扔出宝剑,造成10攻击威力,每升1级+2攻击威力.从3级开始投出路线可以控制.使用40法力点.Numenorean Will (Level 5) - Arogorn gains +1 Armor toughness / level and does +3 damage / level.Lasts 5 seconds / level. 80 spirit.神圣决心(要求等级5),阿拉贡使用后5秒内每升1级+1盔甲和3攻击威力.使用80法力点.Call of the Dead (Level 12) - Arogorn summons one Ghost Warrior / level .155 spirit.召唤死灵(要求等级12),阿拉贡可召唤一个死亡战士.每升1级多召唤1个.使用155法力点.Gandalf (刚多尔夫)被动技能:Blademaster (Level 2) - You are a master with swords and Knives. (+1 damage / level)剑术大师(要求等级2),你成为剑和刀术的大师.(每升1级+1攻击威力)Keen Eyes (Level 2) - Your vision is unmatched. (You find 5% more gems and better items / level)敏锐眼睛(要求等级2),你的视觉更加敏锐.(每升1级+5%几率得到更多的金钱和物品)Herb Lore (Level 2) - You understand the secrets of herbs. (Herbs heal an additional 10 hp / level)药草知识(要求等级2),你了解了药草的秘密.(每升1级使用药草可多加10体力)Luck (Level 2) - You are incredibly fortunate. (Adds +1 to all attributes / level)幸运(要求等级2),你获得了不可思议的运气.(每升1级+1所有属性能力)Spirit of Middle-earth (Level 6) - You can regenerate Spirit faster. (+20% Spirit regeneration / level)大地精神力(要求等级6),你可以更快的恢复精神力.(每升1级+20%精神再生能力)Wise (Level 15) - Your experience serves you well. (+3% experience from enemies Killed / level)聪明(要求等级15),你可以从战斗中获得更多知识.(每升1级+3%打死敌人得到的经验值)Last Stand (Level 15) - Even when you are at your end, you may return to strength. (+8% chance / level to return to life with 50% health)最后的战士(要求等级15),当你倒下时,你可以恢复部分体力重新站起.(死亡后恢复50%体力,每升1级+8%的几率)Wisdom of the Ages (Level 15) - You are a master of ancient magic (All offensive spells do +2 damage / level)智慧(要求等级15),你是一个古代魔法的大师.(每升1级使所有攻击魔法+2攻击威力)Servant of the Secret Fire (Level 20) - All of Gandalf`s spells are effectively one level higher.神圣火焰(要求等级20),刚多尔夫所有的魔法等级上升1.主动技能:Sword of Power (Level 2) - Gandalf`s sword is struck by lightning. +3 damage /level for 8 seconds / level .50 spirit.强力剑击(要求等级2),刚多尔夫的剑附着上闪电.8秒内每升1级+3攻击威力.使用50法力点.Lightstrike (Level 2) - Gandalf creates a beam that does 10 damage / level. Does splash damage at level 5 .60 spirit.光柱(要求等级2),刚多尔夫发出一个光柱攻击敌人.每升1级+10攻击威力.5级时产生飞溅效应.使用60法力点.Shield (Level 2) - Gandalf is surrounded by a protective shield. Starts at 30 hit points +20 hit points / level .80 spirit.护盾(要求等级2),刚多尔夫发出一个能量护盾保护自己.可以吸收30点的打击.每升1级+20点打击.使用80法力点.Blinding Aura (Level 5) - Nearby foes take 10 damage +2 / level and are blinded for 3 seconds +2 / level .75 spirit.眩目之光(要求等级5),每升1级对眩目中的敌人+10攻击威力,眩目中的敌人有3秒的瞎眼时间,每升1级+2秒.使用75法力点.Summon Gwaihir (Level 12) - Summons the giant eagle. Starts at 3 swoops, +1 swoop and +6 damage / level .150 spirit.召唤Gwaihir(要求等级12),召唤巨鹰攻击敌人.巨鹰攻击3次,每升1级攻击+1次,攻击威力+6.使用150法力点.Eowyn (埃尔文)被动技能:Nimble (Level 2) - You are agile and dodge your foes` attcaks easily. (Gives you a +4% chance of dodging blows per level)敏捷(要求等级2),你的速度很快而且可以轻易得躲开敌人的攻击.(每升1级+4%躲避几率)Herb Lore (Level 2) - You understand the secrets of herbs. (Herbs heal an additional 10 hp / level)药草知识(要求等级2),你了解了药草的秘密.(每升1级使用药草可多加10体力)Keen Eyes (Level 2) - Your vision is unmatched. (You find 5% more gems and better items / level)敏锐眼睛(要求等级2),你的视觉更加敏锐.(每升1级+5%几率得到更多的金钱和物品)Fighter`s Resolve (Level 8) - When severely injured your wrath strengthens you. (When at 25% or less Hit Points you do +3 damage / level)战士坚定(要求等级8),当受到严重的伤害时,你可以更有力的反击.(每升1级当你的体力等于或少于25%的时候+3攻击威力)Shield offense (Level 8) - You are adept at using a shield. (Shields give you +1 / level damage and +3% shield block / level)盾牌攻击(要求等级8),你可以熟练的使用盾.(盾给予你每升1级+1攻击威力,+3%盾防御)Fleet of Foot (Level 8) - You are fast and quick. (Footspeed is increased by 5% / level)疾行(要求等级8),你变得敏捷和快速.(移动速度每升1级+5%)Wraithslayer (Level 10) - Even Sauron`s mightiest minions fear your blade. (+4 damage / level to Ringwraiths and other minions of sauron)防备戒灵(要求等级10),(当你面对戒灵和其他来自Sauron的部队时,每升1级+4攻击威力)Wise (Level 15) - Your experience serves you well. (+3% experience from enemies Killed / level)聪明(要求等级15),你可以从战斗中获得更多知识.(每升1级+3%打死敌人得到的经验值)Defender`s Fury (Level 20) - You have a 10% chance when hit of becoming invulnerable for 3 seconds.守卫者的愤怒(要求等级20),你有10%的几率在3秒内无视任何攻击.主动技能:Double Strike (Level 2) - Two strikes,each with +2 damage / level .30 spirit.两次打击(要求等级2),两次打击,每升1级+2攻击威力,使用30法力点.Shieldmaiden of Rohan (Level 2) - 15% chance of blocking attacks for 10 seconds. +3% chance / level and +2 seconds / level .60 spirit."少女罗汉"(要求等级2),15%几率10秒内阻塞攻击,每升1级+3%几率,+2秒.使用60法力点.Rohan sprint (Level 5) - +50% movement speed for 10 seconds, +10% / level and +1 Defense / level .65 spirit."罗汉跑步"(要求等级5),10秒内+50%移动速度,每升1级+10%,+1防御力.使用65法力点.Shield Bash (Level 2) - Eowyn bashes enemies with her shield. Does 12 + 1 damage / level. Stuns for +1 second / level .50 spirit.盾攻击(要求等级2),用盾攻击敌人.每次造成12点伤害和1秒的眩晕.每升1级+1攻击威力,+1秒.使用50法力点.Forth Eorlingas! (Level 12) - Foes have a 30% chance of fleeing, +10% / level. Fleeing foes take double damage. 85 spirit.EORLINGAS冲刺吧! (要求等级12),敌人有30%的几率逃跑,逃跑中受到的攻击将是双倍威力.每升1级+10%几率.使用85法力点.Gimli (吉姆利)被动技能:Death Strike (Level 2) - You Know how to hit the enemy hard. (+3% / level Critical Hit Chance)死亡打击(要求等级2),你知道如何去攻击敌人的头部.(每升1级+3%重击几率)Axemaster (Level 2) - Your power wielding an axe is legendary amongst Dwarves. (+1 damage / level)斧术大师(要求等级2),你使用斧子将更强力.(每升1级+1攻击威力)Keen Eyes (Level 2) - Your vision is unmatched. (You find 5% more gems and better items / level)敏锐眼睛(要求等级2),你的视觉更加敏锐.(每升1级+5%几率得到更多的金钱和物品)Hardy (Level 4) - You are extraordinarily healthy and strong. (+15 hit points / level)坚毅(要求等级4),你变得格外健康和强壮.(每升1级+15打击点)Orcslayer (Level 8) - Years of fighting Orcs has benefited you. (+1 damage / level to Orcs)防备兽人(要求等级8),常年的战斗使你更容易击败兽人.(面对兽人时每升1级+1攻击威力)Dwarf sense (Level 8) - You are are more likely to find better items. (+10% / level chance of finding better items)矮人感应(要求等级8),你可以发现更有用的东西.(每升1级+10%几率发现优质的物品)Berserker (Level 15) - You gain fury with each enemy slain. (+4 / level hitpoints and +4 / level spirit for each foe killed)狂战士(要求等级15),(杀死一个敌人,每升1级+4命中率)Battle Scarred (Level 15) - You are nearly impervious to damage. (+1 armor toughness / level)严密防守(要求等级15),你做到了几乎不受影响的去攻击敌人.(每升1级+1盔甲)Gloin`s Double Axes (Level 20) - Gimli will throw two axes at once with his axe throwing skill. Both will track!野蛮双斧(要求等级20),吉姆利可以手持两把斧子进行攻击.如果是扔出斧子也可以同时投出.主动技能:Axe Throw (Level 2) - Gimli throws an axe for 12 damage +2 / level. Axes track at level 3.50 spirit.投掷斧子(要求等级2),吉姆利投出斧子并造成12点伤害.每升1级+2攻击威力.能力到达3级时可以有规律的投掷斧子.使用50法力点.Whirling Attack (Level 2) - Gimli spins his axe to hit all nearby foes. +2 damage / level. 75 spirit.旋转攻击(要求等级2),吉姆利利用自己的斧子攻击周围所有的敌人.每升1级+2攻击威力.使用75法力点.Dwarven Rage (Level 2) - All attacks are critical hits for 3 seconds. +2 seconds / level. 65 spirit.矮人的愤怒(要求等级2),3秒内所有的攻击都是强力一击.每升1级+2秒.使用65法力点.Stoicism (Level 5) - Gimli takes 15% less damage for 3 seconds. +2 seconds / level +10% less damage / level. 85 spirit.斯多亚哲学(要求等级5),吉姆利在有15%的几率在3秒内只受到最小威力攻击.每升1级+2秒,+10%几率.使用85法力点.Earth Shatter (Level 12) - Knocks and damages all enemies near Gimli. Radius expands 10% per level. 120 spirit.地球碎片(要求等级12),吉姆利发出强力震地一击.周围的敌人都将遭受伤害.每升1级+10%攻击半径.使用120法力点.Frodo (弗罗多)被动技能:Fearless (Level 2) - You are especially resilient to damage (+1 Armor Toughness / level) and(+5% Resist Fear / level)无畏(要求等级2),你的攻击特别有力.(每升1级+1盔甲,每升1级+5%抵御畏惧)Nimble (Level 2) - You are agile and dodge your foes` attcaks easily. (Gives you a +4% chance of dodging blows per level)敏捷(要求等级2),你的速度很快而且可以轻易得躲开敌人的攻击.(每升1级+4%躲避几率)Luck (Level 2) - You are incredibly fortunate. (Adds +1 to all attributes / level)幸运(要求等级2),你获得了不可思议的运气.(每升1级+1所有属性能力)Hardy (Level 4) - You are extraordinarily healthy and strong. (+15 hit points / level)坚毅(要求等级4),你变得格外健康和强壮.(每升1级+15打击点)Woodsman (Level 5) - Creatures of nature fear you. (+2 damage / level to spiders,wargs,and mumakil)森林之人(要求等级5),别人很自然的害怕面对你.(面对spiders,wargs,mumakil这些敌人时,每升1级+2攻击威力)Iron Will (Level 8) - When severely injured, you regenerate health. (+10% / level)似铁决心(要求等级8),当受到严重的伤害时,你可以再生体力.(每升1级+10%恢复力)Wise (Level 15) - Your experience serves you well. (+3% experience from enemies Killed / level)聪明(要求等级15),你可以从战斗中获得更多知识.(每升1级+3%打死敌人得到的经验值)Battle Scarred (Level 15) - You are nearly impervious to damage. (+1 armor toughness / level)严密防守(要求等级15),你做到了几乎不受影响的去攻击敌人.(每升1级+1盔甲)The Precious (Level 20) - When wounded, there is a 10% chance of entering a rage and doing triple damage for 10 seconds.魔戒神威(要求等级20),当你受伤时,有10%几率在10秒内进入一个疯狂状态,所有攻击都是3倍威力.主动技能:Knife Toss (Level 2) - Frodo throws a knife for 8 damage +1 / level. 25 spirit.投掷小刀(要求等级2),投掷小刀,攻击威力8,每升1级+1,使用25法力点.Snare (Level 2) - Each trap Frodo sets does 5 damage +3 / level. Frodo gains 1 extra trap per level. 35 spirit.陷阱(要求等级2),敌人掉入陷阱时,受到5攻击威力,每升1级+3攻击威力,并可以多放一个额外的陷阱.使用35法力点.Galadriel`s Clock (Level 2) - Enemies will not notice Frodo while under cloak. Lasts 2 seconds / level. 40 spirit.隐形(要求等级2)敌人在2秒内无法看到钻在斗篷下的弗罗多.每升1级+2秒.使用40法力点.The One Ring (Level 3) - Frodo wears the ring, turning him invisible for 5 seconds +2 / level. 75 spirit.圣戒显灵(要求等级3),弗罗多带上戒指,敌人在5秒内完全看不到他.每升1级+2秒.使用75法力点.Ring`s Persuasion (Level 12) - 10% chance /level of turning nearby foes into allies. Lasts 10 seconds +5 seconds /level. 150 spirit.魔戒感召(要求等级12),10%几率在10秒内使附近的敌人转变为友军.每升1级+5秒.使用150法力点.Legolas (莱格拉斯)被动技能:Accuracy (Level 2) - You are amazingly accurate with a bow. (+1 Accuracy, +3 Critical Damage / level)准确(要求等级2)你可以更准确的使用弓箭打击敌人.(每升1级+1准确度,+3重击威力)Herb Lore (Level 2) - You understand the secrets of herbs. (Herbs heal an additional 10 hp / level)药草知识(要求等级2),你了解了药草的秘密.(每升1级使用药草可多加10体力)Rangemaster (Level 2) - Your bow attacks are strong and powerful. (+1 damage / level with bows)弓箭大师(要求等级2)你的弓术更加有力和准确.(使用弓时每升1级+1攻击威力)Woodsman (Level 5) - Creatures of nature fear you. (+2 damage / level to spiders,wargs,and mumakil)森林之人(要求等级5),别人很自然的害怕面对你.(面对spiders,wargs,mumakil这些敌人时,每升1级+2攻击威力)Orcslayer (Level 8) - Years of fighting Orcs has benefited you. (+1 damage / level to Orcs)防备兽人(要求等级8),常年的战斗使你更容易击败兽人.(面对兽人时每升1级+1攻击威力)Fleet of Foot (Level 8) - You are fast and quick. (Footspeed is increased by 5% / level)疾行(要求等级8),你变得敏捷和快速.(移动速度每升1级+5%)Arrow Parry (Level 15) - You can parry arrows from the air. (6% / level chance of knocking arrows out of the air)挡开弓箭(要求等级15),你能够挡开射来的箭.(每升1级+6%的几率)Galadriel`s Blessing (Level 15) - Arrows shoot +10% faster / level and they have a +3% / level chance of critical hit.祝福(要求等级15),每升1级,弓箭射速+10%,并且+3%重击率.Archer of Mirkwood (Level 20) - Legolas shoots an additional arrow.精灵射手(要求等级20),每次射箭都可以得到附加的一支箭.主动技能:White Knives (Level 2) - Legolas attacks with any small blade in his first inventory slot for +1 damage / level. 25 spirit.白刀(要求等级2),莱格拉斯使用小刀攻击时第一击攻击威力+1,每升1级+1攻击威力,使用25法力点.Spread Fire (Level 4) - Legolas shoots extra arrows in an arc in front of him. +1 arrow / level. 90 spirit.连射箭(要求等级4),莱格拉斯射箭的同时附加一支箭.每升1级+1支箭.使用90法力点.Friend of Mirkwood (Level 2) - Summons a hawk to distract foes. Each hawk (1 / level) stuns a foe and does 3 damage / level. 80 spirit.森林朋友(要求等级2),召唤一只巨鹰攻击敌人并使之眩晕.每升1级增加1只鹰,并+3攻击威力.使用80法力点.Foraging (Level 4) - Use this skill by fallen enemies to find Elven herbs. Herbs heal up to 15 health and 10 spirit /level. 95 spirit.草药精华(要求等级4),使用该技能后打死敌人可以得到额外的药草.每升1级+15体力和+10精神力.使用95法力点.Silent stride (Level 12) - Legolas is unnoticed by foes for 2.5 seconds +0.5 seconds / level. 60 spirit.悄然移动(要求等级12),莱格拉斯可以在2.5秒内悄无声息的靠近敌人.每升1级+0.5秒.使用60法力点.Smeagol (古鲁姆)掌机王7里有介绍,这里就不介绍了.(估计打到可以用它了,这游戏也玩得烂掉了.)#一些心得:1.很多玩家打着打着,戒灵却突然出现,一定手忙脚乱吧?其实戒灵不会无故出现.游戏中有部分敌人会引来戒灵!主要有乌鸦(别怀疑)和一种不攻击但一边不停敲鼓一边不断逃跑的敌人.乌鸦如果飞走了右上角就会有提示,当提示变大并发白时,该场景就到处是戒灵了,赶快逃到下一个场景吧.所以看到乌鸦一定要干掉,一般稍微注意点就不会引来戒灵,而敲鼓的就比较麻烦,注意只要在屏幕中没有这种敌人就不会增长戒灵出现的提示,原地等待可以减小的.2.矮人工匠那卖的符石钱不是很多就别买,第一是花了几百上千的对战斗没明显的帮助,第二是剧情一般都可以得到几块,用买的不值.如果想收集多打几次最低难度的剧情就可以了.有钱时去买技能点,不要浪费在符石上了.3.树洞那有卖500一瓶的复活药,只能带1瓶,不要忘买了,这才是对战斗极有价值的物品.4.游戏没有象DIABLO那样明显的村庄,所以没有敌人,有树洞,矮人工匠等设施的场景就算村庄了.5.游戏的树洞很神奇,它不但可以存放物品,而且注意存档间也可以通用.因此想玩新人时可以先用高级别的记录打点装备存下,新人一进新游戏就可以用了.6.游戏只有4个存档!无法使用到全部人物!那些垃圾人物不要选了,练了还要占存档地方.7.很多人问哪里看杀敌数,因为关系到隐藏地图,其实在个人属性那里,有个鬼脸旁的红色小数字就是了.8.装备的好坏不是看标的LEVEL数的,那是对装备者的要求(不过一般情况下高LEVEL要求的装备也越好),更不是看卖价,有的装备标valueD的,就是属于卖的价高但能力并不一定加的高.装备的好坏关键还是看加的能力,初期多收集一些增加经验的和增加物品收集率的对练级有好处.9.Iron Will能力是指原地不动可以增加体力,非常实用的技能. 热心网友
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