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现在终于明白为什么那么多人想往上爬,那么多人为了权势和金钱不惜一切代价. 这样的世道,根本找不到 &道理& 两个字.什么都是被那些无恶不做,仗着权势的人占着.这些人不仅自己做尽不道德的事情,而且还仗着权势欺负他人.说白了,不给人活路.官官相护,狼狈为奸啊!什么一切从人民的利益出发.都是骗人的.那些披着羊皮的狼,伤天害理的事情做多了,我想会你们有报应的.那些吃着国家粮的某些人啊!你们说的那些话是人话么,什么只能那样,我们也没办法,什么意思啊!叫老百姓去忍受,你们却是一副高高在上的姿态,一副媚上欺下的鬼样,厉害啊!还有某领导啊,别仗着你现在的职位就觉得欺压他人是&合情合理&,你的官可以维持多久呢?我就不信没有你的死日.
Now finally understand why so many people, so many people to climb to power and money at all costs. This world, never find &truth& two words. What are those who do evil, without the power of the people who do not these things, and all the immoral bully others are the power. Anyway, don&t give way of living, worked hand in glove! GuanGuanXiangHu. What&s the interest of everything from are deceiving.. The Wolf in sheep&s clothing, whom god would ruin things done, I want to repay you are not those who eat the country. Some of the food! You say those words are words, what can we also have no way, what do you mean! That people to suffer, but a high-flying posture, a pair of demons under the seductive fraud, badly! And one leading, don&t fight with your present job that oppress others &reasonable&, you can maintain the long? I can&t believe you die.
Now we finally understand why so many people want to move up, so many people for money and power at all costs. Shidao such, it can not find the &truth&. What are all those who were not doing evil, Zhang Zhe The power of people occupied. Not only do these people do immoral things, and Zhang Zhao power to bully others. To put it plainly, do not give way out. Guanguanxianghu Collusion ah! What all the interests of the people. Are deceptive The. Those wolf in sheep&s clothing, murderous reasonable thing to do more, I think you will have the retribution. Those eating the national food of some people ah! You say those words, then what is, what can only, We have no means, what does this mean ah! Tell people to put up with, you are a high profile, on a pro bullying under the ghost-like, ah terrible! Also a leading ah, do not you Zhang Zhao on the job Others think bullying is &reasonable& and you Official How long will it? Jiu Buxin I did not die on you.
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